  * This method can be used by subclasses to iterate over data tables that might be
  * data table arrays. It calls back the template method self::doManipulate for each table.
  * This way, data table arrays can be handled in a transparent fashion.
  * @param Piwik_DataTable_Array|Piwik_DataTable  $dataTable
  * @throws Exception
  * @return Piwik_DataTable_Array|Piwik_DataTable
 protected function manipulate($dataTable)
     if ($dataTable instanceof Piwik_DataTable_Array) {
         $newTableArray = new Piwik_DataTable_Array();
         $newTableArray->metadata = $dataTable->metadata;
         foreach ($dataTable->getArray() as $date => $subTable) {
             // for period=week, the label is "2011-08-15 to 2011-08-21", which is
             // an invalid date parameter => only use the first date
             // in other languages the whole string does not start with the date so
             // we need to preg match it.
             if (!preg_match('/[0-9]{4}(-[0-9]{2})?(-[0-9]{2})?/', $date, $match)) {
                 throw new Exception("Could not recognize date: {$date}");
             $dateForApiRequest = $match[0];
             $subTable = $this->doManipulate($subTable, $dateForApiRequest);
             $newTableArray->addTable($subTable, $date);
         return $newTableArray;
     if ($dataTable instanceof Piwik_DataTable) {
         return $this->doManipulate($dataTable);
     return $dataTable;
Example #2
 /** Get row evolution for a multiple labels */
 private function getMultiRowEvolution($idSite, $period, $date, $apiModule, $apiAction, $labels, $segment, $column, $language = false)
     $actualLabels = array();
     $metadata = $this->getRowEvolutionMetaData($idSite, $period, $date, $apiModule, $apiAction, $segment, $language);
     if (!isset($metadata['metrics'][$column])) {
         // invalid column => use the first one that's available
         $column = reset(array_keys($metadata['metrics']));
     // load the tables for each label
     $dataTablesPerLabel = array();
     $dataTableMetadata = false;
     foreach ($labels as $labelIndex => $label) {
         $dataTable = $this->loadRowEvolutionData($idSite, $period, $date, $apiModule, $apiAction, $label, $segment);
         $dataTablesPerLabel[$labelIndex] = $dataTable->getArray();
         if (!$dataTableMetadata) {
             $dataTableMetadata = $dataTable->metadata;
         $urlFound = false;
         foreach ($dataTablesPerLabel[$labelIndex] as $table) {
             if ($table->getRowsCount() > 0) {
                 $firstRow = $table->getFirstRow();
                 // in case labels were replaced in the data table (e.g. for browsers report),
                 // display the label from the table, not the one passed as filter
                 $columnLabel = $firstRow->getColumn('label');
                 if (!empty($columnLabel)) {
                     $actualLabels[$labelIndex] = $columnLabel;
                     // TODO: confirm we need this
                     // special case: websites report
                     //if ($apiAction == 'getWebsites')
                     //	$actualLabels[$labelIndex] = html_entity_decode($actualLabels[$labelIndex]);
                 // if url is available as metadata, use it (only for actions reports)
                 if ($url = $firstRow->getMetadata('url')) {
                     $actualLabels[$labelIndex] = $url;
                     $urlFound = true;
         if (!$urlFound) {
             // if we have a recursive label and no url, use the path
             $actualLabels[$labelIndex] = str_replace(Piwik_API_DataTableLabelFilter::SEPARATOR_RECURSIVE_LABEL, ' - ', $label);
     // combine the tables
     $dataTable = new Piwik_DataTable_Array();
     $dataTable->metadata = $dataTableMetadata;
     foreach (array_keys(reset($dataTablesPerLabel)) as $dateLabel) {
         $newRow = new Piwik_DataTable_Row();
         foreach ($dataTablesPerLabel as $labelIndex => $tableArray) {
             $table = $tableArray[$dateLabel];
             if ($table->getRowsCount() == 0) {
                 $value = 0;
             } else {
                 $value = $table->getFirstRow()->getColumn($column);
                 $value = floatVal(str_replace(',', '.', $value));
                 if ($value == '') {
                     $value = 0;
             // keep metric in the label so that unit (%, s, ...) can be guessed correctly
             $label = $column . '_' . $labelIndex;
             $newRow->addColumn($label, $value);
         $newTable = new Piwik_DataTable();
         $dataTable->addTable($newTable, $dateLabel);
     // the available metrics for the report are returned as metadata / availableColumns
     $metadata['availableColumns'] = $metadata['metrics'];
     // metadata / metrics should document the rows that are compared
     // this way, UI code can be reused
     $metadata['metrics'] = array();
     foreach ($actualLabels as $labelIndex => $label) {
         $label .= ' (' . $metadata['availableColumns'][$column] . ')';
         $metadata['metrics'][$column . '_' . $labelIndex] = $label;
     $this->enhanceRowEvolutionMetaData($metadata, $dataTable);
     return array('column' => $column, 'data' => $dataTable, 'metadata' => $metadata);
Example #3
  * Computes the output of the given data table array
  * @param Piwik_DataTable_Array  $table
  * @param array                  $allColumns
  * @return string
 protected function renderDataTableArray($table, &$allColumns = array())
     $str = '';
     foreach ($table->getArray() as $currentLinePrefix => $dataTable) {
         $returned = explode("\n", $this->renderTable($dataTable, $allColumns));
         // get rid of the columns names
         $returned = array_slice($returned, 1);
         // case empty datatable we dont print anything in the CSV export
         // when in xml we would output <result date="2008-01-15" />
         if (!empty($returned)) {
             foreach ($returned as &$row) {
                 $row = $currentLinePrefix . $this->separator . $row;
             $str .= "\n" . implode("\n", $returned);
     // prepend table key to column list
     $allColumns = array_merge(array($table->getKeyName() => true), $allColumns);
     // add header to output string
     $str = $this->getHeaderLine(array_keys($allColumns)) . $str;
     return $str;
Example #4
  * Computes the output for the given data table array
  * @param Piwik_DataTable_Array  $table
  * @param array                  $array
  * @param string                 $prefixLines
  * @return string
 protected function renderDataTableArray($table, $array, $prefixLines = "")
     // CASE 1
     //  'day1' => string '14' (length=2)
     //  'day2' => string '6' (length=1)
     $firstTable = current($array);
     if (!is_array($firstTable)) {
         $xml = '';
         $nameDescriptionAttribute = $table->getKeyName();
         foreach ($array as $valueAttribute => $value) {
             if (empty($value)) {
                 $xml .= $prefixLines . "\t<result {$nameDescriptionAttribute}=\"{$valueAttribute}\" />\n";
             } elseif ($value instanceof Piwik_DataTable_Array) {
                 $out = $this->renderTable($value, true);
                 //TODO somehow this code is not tested, cover this case
                 $xml .= "\t<result {$nameDescriptionAttribute}=\"{$valueAttribute}\">\n{$out}</result>\n";
             } else {
                 $xml .= $prefixLines . "\t<result {$nameDescriptionAttribute}=\"{$valueAttribute}\">" . self::formatValueXml($value) . "</result>\n";
         return $xml;
     $subTables = $table->getArray();
     $firstTable = current($subTables);
     // CASE 2
     //  'day1' =>
     //    array
     //      'nb_uniq_visitors' => string '18'
     //      'nb_visits' => string '101'
     //  'day2' =>
     //    array
     //      'nb_uniq_visitors' => string '28'
     //      'nb_visits' => string '11'
     if ($firstTable instanceof Piwik_DataTable_Simple) {
         $xml = '';
         $nameDescriptionAttribute = $table->getKeyName();
         foreach ($array as $valueAttribute => $dataTableSimple) {
             if (count($dataTableSimple) == 0) {
                 $xml .= $prefixLines . "\t<result {$nameDescriptionAttribute}=\"{$valueAttribute}\" />\n";
             } else {
                 if (is_array($dataTableSimple)) {
                     $dataTableSimple = "\n" . $this->renderDataTableSimple($dataTableSimple, $prefixLines . "\t") . $prefixLines . "\t";
                 $xml .= $prefixLines . "\t<result {$nameDescriptionAttribute}=\"{$valueAttribute}\">" . $dataTableSimple . "</result>\n";
         return $xml;
     // CASE 3
     //  'day1' =>
     //    array
     //      0 =>
     //        array
     //          'label' => string 'phpmyvisites'
     //          'nb_uniq_visitors' => int 11
     //          'nb_visits' => int 13
     //      1 =>
     //        array
     //          'label' => string 'phpmyvisits'
     //          'nb_uniq_visitors' => int 2
     //          'nb_visits' => int 2
     //  'day2' =>
     //    array
     //      0 =>
     //        array
     //          'label' => string 'piwik'
     //          'nb_uniq_visitors' => int 121
     //          'nb_visits' => int 130
     //      1 =>
     //        array
     //          'label' => string 'piwik bis'
     //          'nb_uniq_visitors' => int 20
     //          'nb_visits' => int 120
     if ($firstTable instanceof Piwik_DataTable) {
         $xml = '';
         $nameDescriptionAttribute = $table->getKeyName();
         foreach ($array as $keyName => $arrayForSingleDate) {
             $dataTableOut = $this->renderDataTable($arrayForSingleDate, $prefixLines . "\t");
             if (empty($dataTableOut)) {
                 $xml .= $prefixLines . "\t<result {$nameDescriptionAttribute}=\"{$keyName}\" />\n";
             } else {
                 $xml .= $prefixLines . "\t<result {$nameDescriptionAttribute}=\"{$keyName}\">\n";
                 $xml .= $dataTableOut;
                 $xml .= $prefixLines . "\t</result>\n";
         return $xml;
     if ($firstTable instanceof Piwik_DataTable_Array) {
         $xml = '';
         $tables = $table->getArray();
         $nameDescriptionAttribute = $table->getKeyName();
         foreach ($tables as $valueAttribute => $tableInArray) {
             $out = $this->renderTable($tableInArray, true, $prefixLines . "\t");
             $xml .= $prefixLines . "\t<result {$nameDescriptionAttribute}=\"{$valueAttribute}\">\n" . $out . $prefixLines . "\t</result>\n";
         return $xml;