function PieChart($w, $h, $title, $data, $dataL, $output)
    $graph = new PieGraph($w, $h, "auto");
    $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
    $p1 = new PiePlot3D($data);
Example #2
function graficarTorta()
    require 'jpgraph/src/jpgraph.php';
    require 'jpgraph/src/jpgraph_pie.php';
    require 'jpgraph/src/jpgraph_pie3d.php';
    // Some data
    $data = array($_GET['pos'], $_GET['neg']);
    // Create the Pie Graph.
    $graph = new PieGraph(350, 300);
    $theme_class = new VividTheme();
    // Set A title for the plot
    // $graph->title->Set("Grafico Estadistico");
    // Create
    $p1 = new PiePlot3D($data);
    $p1->SetLegends(array($_GET['lab1'], $_GET['lab2']));
    $p1->SetCenter(0.5, 0.4);
Example #3
  * chartService::renderPiePlot() - draw the Pie type plot
  * @param array $data plot data array reference
  * @param array $xmlArr xml array reference
  * @return object refernce Pie plot object reference
 public function renderPiePlot(&$data, &$xmlArr)
     $id = $xmlArr['ATTRIBUTES']['ID'];
     $field = $xmlArr['ATTRIBUTES']['FIELD'];
     $chartType = $xmlArr['ATTRIBUTES']['CHARTTYPE'];
     $size = $xmlArr['ATTRIBUTES']['SIZE'];
     $center = $xmlArr['ATTRIBUTES']['CENTER'];
     $height = $xmlArr['ATTRIBUTES']['HEIGHT'];
     $angle = $xmlArr['ATTRIBUTES']['ANGLE'];
     $labelPos = $xmlArr['ATTRIBUTES']['LABELPOS'];
     $legendField = $xmlArr['ATTRIBUTES']['LAGENDFIELD'];
     if ($chartType == "Pie") {
         $plot = new PiePlot($data);
     } else {
         if ($chartType == "Pie3D") {
             $plot = new PiePlot3D($data);
     list($c1, $c2) = explode(',', $center);
     $plot->SetCenter($c1, $c2);
     $this->_drawString($plot->value, $xmlArr['VALUE']['ATTRIBUTES']['FONT'], $xmlArr['VALUE']['ATTRIBUTES']['COLOR']);
     return $plot;
Example #4

// content="text/plain; charset=utf-8"
require_once '../../vendor/autoload.php';
// Some data
$data = array(20, 27, 45, 75, 90);
// Create the Pie Graph.
$graph = new \PieGraph(350, 200);
// Set A title for the plot
$graph->title->Set("Example 1 3D Pie plot");
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_BOLD, 18);
$graph->legend->Pos(0.1, 0.2);
// Create pie plot
$p1 = new \PiePlot3D($data);
$p1->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_NORMAL, 12);
$p1->SetLegends(array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct"));
Example #5
function dansguardian_buildGraph_week(){
$sql="SELECT COUNT( sitename ) AS tcount ,TYPE FROM `dansguardian_events` WHERE YEARWEEK( zDate ) = YEARWEEK( NOW( ) ) GROUP BY TYPE ORDER BY tcount DESC LIMIT 0 , 30";
if(isset($_GET["dansguardian-stats-query"])){return dansguardian_buildGraph_by_type();}


	$q=new mysql();
	$html="<table style='width:100%'>";
	while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_array($results)) { 
			$html=$html . "<tr " . CellRollOver().">
				<td width=1%><img src='img/fw_bold.gif'>
				<td><strong style='font-size:11px'>{$ligne["tcount"]}</td>
				<td><strong style='font-size:11px'><a href='#' OnClick=\"$jsa\">{$ligne["TYPE"]}</a></td>
   if (!is_array($data)){
   $tpl=new templates();


$p1 = new PiePlot3D($data);

$graph = new PieGraph(470,350,'auto');
//$graph->legend->SetLayout(LEGEND_HOR); //hori 
$mapName = 'MapName';
$imgMap = $graph->GetHTMLImageMap($mapName); 

$html=  "
<table style='width:100%'>

	<td valign='top'>
<img src='ressources/logs/$md5.png' alt='graph' ismap usemap='#$mapName' border='0'>")."
<td valign='top'>".RoundedLightWhite($html)."</td>


return $html;

 function parse($input, $parser)
     global $jpgraphLabelType;
     foreach (split("\n", $input) as $line) {
         // skip empty line or comments
         if (preg_match("/^(\\s*)#.*\$|^(\\s*)\$/", $line)) {
         // Storing data
         $raw_data = split($this->fieldsep, $line);
         if (count($raw_data) == 2) {
             $this->labels[] = $raw_data[0];
             $this->datay[] = $raw_data[1];
         } else {
             $this->datay[] = $raw_data[0];
     if ($this->is3d) {
         $pie = new PiePlot3D($this->datay);
     } else {
         $pie = new PiePlot($this->datay);
     if ($this->center) {
         $tmp = split(",", $this->center);
         if (is_array($tmp) && count($tmp) == 2) {
             $pie->SetCenter($tmp[0], $tmp[1]);
         } else {
             if (is_array($tmp) && count($tmp) == 1) {
     if ($this->labeltype) {
         $label_type = $jpgraphLabelType[$this->labeltype];
         if (!$label_type) {
             throw new JpgraphMWException("Unknown label type(" . $this->labeltype . "). Possible values are: " . implode(", ", array_keys($jpgraphLabelType)));
     if ($this->labelformat) {
     if ($this->usettf) {
     $explode_pie_list = split(",", $this->explode);
     if (count($explode_pie_list) == 1) {
     } else {
     if (count($this->labels) == count($this->datay)) {
     } else {
     // Set label properties
     $p1->SetSliceColors(array('#FFF584', '#CBFF84', '#FF6B9E', '#FF9584', '#EAFF84', '#7BFF51', '#51FFA6', '#51FF52', '#6BCFFF', '#5170FF', '#519CFF', '#EAE3AD', '#FFF184', '#8584FF', '#E698FF', '#C384FF', '#FF84EC', '#FF98A3', '#E5C285', '#FFDA98'));
     $p1->value->SetFont(FF_VERA, FS_NORMAL, 8);
     // Adjust other Pie Properties
     $p1->SetCenter(0.4, 0.65);
 } else {
     if ($content['chart_type'] == CHART_BARS_VERTICAL) {
         // Include additional code filers for this chart!
         include_once $gl_root_path . "classes/jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php";
         include_once $gl_root_path . "classes/jpgraph/jpgraph_line.php";
         // Create Basic Image, and set basic properties!
         $graph = new Graph($content['chart_width'], $content['chart_width'], 'auto');
         $graph->SetMargin(60, 20, 30, 50);
         // Adjust margin area
         // Box around plotarea
         // Setup X-AXIS
Example #8

// content="text/plain; charset=utf-8"
require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph.php';
require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph_pie.php';
require_once 'jpgraph/jpgraph_pie3d.php';
$data = array(40, 60, 21, 33);
$graph = new PieGraph(300, 200);
$graph->title->Set("A simple Pie plot");
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
$p1 = new PiePlot3D($data);

Example #9
$rutaJpGraph = "../jpgraph/src";
include "{$rutaJpGraph}/jpgraph_pie.php";
include "{$rutaJpGraph}/jpgraph_pie3d.php";
$data = array(1);
$graph = new PieGraph(490, 300, "auto");
$graph->legend->Pos(0.75, 0.2);
// Setup margin and titles
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT2, FS_NORMAL1, 5);
$graph->title->Set("INFORME PQR ");
$p1 = new PiePlot3D($data1y);
$p1->SetCenter(0.52, 0.6);
// Setup slice labels and move them into the plot
$p1->value->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD, 5);
$p1->SetLabels($nombPqrLbl, 0.2);
Example #10
// content="text/plain; charset=utf-8"
require_once '../../vendor/autoload.php';
// Some data
$data = array(20, 27, 45, 75, 90);
// Create the Pie Graph.
$graph = new \PieGraph(350, 200);
// Set A title for the plot
$graph->title->Set("Example 3 3D Pie plot");
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_VERDANA, FS_BOLD, 18);
$graph->legend->Pos(0.1, 0.2);
// Create 3D pie plot
$p1 = new \PiePlot3D($data);
// Adjust projection angle
// As a shortcut you can easily explode one numbered slice with
// Setup the slice values
$p1->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL, FS_BOLD, 11);
$p1->SetLegends(array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct"));
Example #11
     $graph->legend->SetShadow('#fafafa', 0);
 } else {
     if (intval($w) == 2) {
         $graph->legend->SetShadow('#FFFFFF', 0);
 $p1 = new PiePlot3D($data);
 $graph->SetFrame(false, '#ffffff');
 //$colors=array("#C835ED", "red", "orange", "green", "#eeeeee");
 //$colors=array("#C835ED", "red", "orange", "#FFD700", "#F0E68C");
Example #12
 function generatePie3D($data, $legend_index = 0, $chartData_index = 1, $image = false, $length = 500, $width = 300, $hasShadow = true, $fontFamily = FF_FONT1, $fontStyle = FS_BOLD, $fontSize = '', $fontColor = 'black')
     include_once XHELP_JPGRAPH_PATH . '/jpgraph_pie.php';
     include_once XHELP_JPGRAPH_PATH . '/jpgraph_pie3d.php';
     $graph = new PieGraph($length, $width);
     if ($hasShadow) {
         // Add a shadow to the image
     $p1 = new PiePlot3D($data[$chartData_index]);
     $p1->value->SetFont($fontFamily, $fontStyle, $fontSize);
     $a = array_search(max($data[$chartData_index]), $data[$chartData_index]);
     //Find the position of maximum value.
     // Set graph background image
     if ($image != false) {
         $graph->SetBackgroundImage($image, BGIMG_FILLFRAME);
Example #13
function pie_single_mailbox_user()
    $tpl = new Templates();
    $users = new usersMenus();
    $uid = $_SESSION["uid"];
    if ($users->cyrus_imapd_installed == 0) {
        return null;
    $ldap = new clladp();
    $hash = $ldap->UserDatas($_SESSION["uid"]);
    if ($hash["MailboxActive"] != 'TRUE') {
        return null;
    $cyrus = new cyrus();
    $res = $cyrus->get_quota_array($uid);
    $size = $cyrus->MailboxInfosSize($uid);
    $free = $cyrus->USER_STORAGE_LIMIT - $cyrus->USER_STORAGE_USAGE;
    if (!$cyrus->MailBoxExists($uid)) {
        return null;
    $FREE = $free;
    if ($USER_STORAGE_LIMIT == null) {
        $USER_STORAGE_LIMIT = 1000000;
        $USER_STORAGE_USAGE = 0;
    if ($USER_STORAGE_RESTANT > 1) {
        $reste = round($USER_STORAGE_RESTANT / 1024);
    } else {
        $data = array($USER_STORAGE_USAGE);
    $title = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{your mailbox usage} ({$reste} mb free)");
    $date = date('Y-m-d');
    $textes = array();
    $donnees = array();
    $zlabel = array();
    $date = date('Y-m-d');
    $donnees[] = $FREE;
    $textes[] = "{$FREE} Free";
    $donnees[] = $USER_STORAGE_USAGE;
    $textes[] = "{$USER_STORAGE_USAGE} used";
    $data = $donnees;
    $graph = new PieGraph(370, 350, 'auto');
    $graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1, FS_BOLD);
    $p1 = new PiePlot3D($data);
    $p1->SetLabels($textes, 1);
    $p1->SetEdge('black', 0);
    $p1->SetCenter(0.4, 0.5);