  * Test whether splitting an recurring event saves the new event under a new UID.
  * See http://jira.opensource.mayflower.de/jira/browse/PHPROJEKT-298 for the ratio behind this.
 public function testSplittingRecurrenceGivesNewUidAndUri()
     $this->request->setParam('comments', '');
     $this->request->setParam('confirmationStatus', '2');
     $this->request->setParam('description', '');
     $this->request->setParam('end', '2011-12-01 09:00');
     $this->request->setParam('location', '');
     $this->request->setParam('ownerId', '2');
     $this->request->setParam('participants', '2');
     $this->request->setParam('rrule', 'FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=');
     $this->request->setParam('sendNotification', '0');
     $this->request->setParam('start', '2011-12-01 08:00');
     $this->request->setParam('summary', 'test');
     $this->request->setParam('visibility', '1');
     $response = $this->getResponse();
     $this->assertContains(IndexController::ADD_TRUE_TEXT, $response);
     $response = Zend_Json::decode(substr($response, 5, -1));
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('id', $response);
     $firstId = $response['id'];
     $tzOffset = (int) Phprojekt_Auth_Proxy::getEffectiveUser()->getSetting('timeZone', '0');
     $hour = 8 - $tzOffset;
     $hour = sprintf('%02d', $hour);
     $this->request->setParam('comments', '');
     $this->request->setParam('confirmationStatus', '2');
     $this->request->setParam('description', '');
     $this->request->setParam('end', '2011-12-03 09:00:00');
     $this->request->setParam('location', '');
     $this->request->setParam('multipleEvents', 'true');
     $this->request->setParam('occurrence', '2011-12-03 08:00:00');
     $this->request->setParam('ownerId', '2');
     $this->request->setParam('participants', '2');
     $this->request->setParam('rrule', 'FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=');
     $this->request->setParam('sendNotification', '0');
     $this->request->setParam('start', '2011-12-03 08:00:00');
     $this->request->setParam('summary', 'something else');
     $this->request->setParam('visibility', '1');
     $response = $this->getResponse();
     $this->assertContains(IndexController::EDIT_TRUE_TEXT, $response);
     $response = Zend_Json::decode(substr($response, 5, -1));
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('id', $response);
     $secondId = $response['id'];
     $first = new Calendar2_Models_Calendar2();
     $second = new Calendar2_Models_Calendar2();
     $this->assertNotEquals($first->uid, $second->uid);
     $this->assertNotEquals($first->uri, $second->uri);
Example #2
  * Convert a UTC time to user or user to UTC and return the timestamp.
  * @param string  $value Date value to convert.
  * @param integer $side  1 for utc to user, -1 for user to utc.
  * @return integer Unix timestamp value.
 public static function convert($value, $side)
     $timeZone = Phprojekt_Auth_Proxy::getEffectiveUser()->getSetting("timeZone", 'UTC');
     if (strstr($timeZone, "_")) {
         list($hours, $minutes) = explode("_", $timeZone);
     } else {
         $hours = (int) $timeZone;
         $minutes = 0;
     $hoursComplement = $hours * $side;
     $minutesComplement = $minutes * $side;
     $u = strtotime($value);
     return mktime(date("H", $u) + $hoursComplement, date("i", $u) + $minutesComplement, date("s", $u), date("m", $u), date("d", $u), date("Y", $u));
Example #3
  * This function wraps around the phprojekt setting for the user timezone
  * to return a DateTimeZone object.
  * @return DateTimeZone The timezone of the user.
 public static function getUserDateTimeZone()
     $tz = Phprojekt_Auth_Proxy::getEffectiveUser()->getSetting('timezone', '0');
     $tz = explode('_', $tz);
     $hours = (int) $tz[0];
     if ($hours >= 0) {
         $hours = '+' . $hours;
     $minutes = '00';
     if (array_key_exists(1, $tz)) {
         // We don't need the minus sign
         $minutes = abs($tz[1]);
     $datetime = new Datetime($hours . ':' . $minutes);
     return $datetime->getTimezone();
  * Sets the tutorialDisplayed setting of the current user.
  * Sets the tutorialDisplayed setting of the current user, indicating that the tutorial has been displayed.
  * The request parameter "displayed" should either be true or false.
  * @return void
 public function jsonSetTutorialDisplayedAction()
     $displayed = $this->getRequest()->getParam('displayed', "");
     if ($displayed == "true") {
         $displayed = "true";
     } else {
         $displayed = "false";
     $user = Phprojekt_Auth_Proxy::getEffectiveUser();
     $settings = $user->settings->fetchAll();
     $found = false;
     foreach ($settings as $setting) {
         // Update
         if ($setting->keyValue == "tutorialDisplayed") {
             $setting->value = $displayed;
             $found = true;
     if (!$found) {
         // Create
         $record = $user->settings->create();
         $record->moduleId = 0;
         $record->keyValue = "tutorialDisplayed";
         $record->value = $displayed;
         $record->identifier = 'Core';