  * Get all page
  * @return array
 public function getAllPage($iPage)
     Phpfox::getLib('request')->set('page', $iPage);
     $this->search()->set(array('type' => 'pages', 'field' => 'pages.page_id', 'search_tool' => array('table_alias' => 'pages', 'search' => array('action' => '', 'default_value' => Phpfox::getPhrase('pages.search_pages'), 'name' => 'search', 'field' => 'pages.title'), 'sort' => array('latest' => array('pages.time_stamp', Phpfox::getPhrase('pages.latest')), 'most-liked' => array('pages.total_like', Phpfox::getPhrase('pages.most_liked'))), 'show' => array(6))));
     $aBrowseParams = array('module_id' => 'pages', 'alias' => 'pages', 'field' => 'page_id', 'table' => Phpfox::getT('pages'));
     $this->search()->setCondition('AND pages.app_id = 0 AND pages.view_id = 0 AND pages.privacy IN(%PRIVACY%)');
     $aAllPages = $this->search()->browse()->getRows();
     $iCnt = $this->search()->browse()->getCount();
     Phpfox::getLib('pager')->set(array('page' => $this->search()->getPage(), 'size' => $this->search()->getDisplay(), 'count' => $this->search()->browse()->getCount()));
     $aPages = array();
     foreach ($aAllPages as $iKey => $aPage) {
         //             $aPage['picture'] = Phpfox::getParam('core.url_user') . $aPage['profile_user_image'];
         if (version_compare(Phpfox::getVersion(), '3.6.0', '>=')) {
             $sUrlImage = 'core.url_user';
         } else {
             $sUrlImage = 'pages.url_image';
         $aPage['picture'] = Phpfox::getLib('image.helper')->display(array('file' => $aPage['profile_user_image'], 'server_id' => $aPage['image_server_id'], 'path' => $sUrlImage, 'suffix' => '_120_square', 'return_url' => true));
         $aPages[$iKey] = array('page_id' => $aPage['page_id'], 'title' => $aPage['title'], 'category_name' => Phpfox::getLib('locale')->convert($aPage['category_name']), 'image' => $aPage['picture']);
     return array($iCnt, $aPages);
Example #2
  * Performs sql query with error reporting and logging.
  * @see mysql_query()
  * @param  string $sSql MySQL query to perform
  * @param resource $hLink MySQL resource. If nothing is passed we load the default master server.
  * @return resource Returns the MYSQL resource from the function mysql_query()
 public function query($sSql, &$hLink = '')
     if (!$hLink) {
         $hLink =& $this->_hMaster;
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::start('sql') : '';
     $hRes = @($this->_aCmd['mysql_query'] == 'mysqli_query' ? $this->_aCmd['mysql_query']($hLink, $sSql) : $this->_aCmd['mysql_query']($sSql, $hLink));
     if (defined('PHPFOX_LOG_SQL') && Phpfox::getLib('file')->isWritable(PHPFOX_DIR_FILE . 'log' . PHPFOX_DS)) {
         $hFile = fopen(PHPFOX_DIR_FILE . 'log' . PHPFOX_DS . 'phpfox_query_' . date('d.m.y', PHPFOX_TIME) . '_' . md5(Phpfox::getVersion()) . '.php', 'a');
         fwrite($hFile, '<?php defined(\'PHPFOX\') or exit(\'NO DICE!\');  ?>' . "##\n{$sSql}##\n");
     if (!$hRes) {
         Phpfox_Error::trigger('Query Error:' . $this->_sqlError(), PHPFOX_DEBUG ? E_USER_ERROR : E_USER_WARNING);
     PHPFOX_DEBUG ? Phpfox_Debug::end('sql', array('sql' => $sSql, 'slave' => $this->_bIsSlave, 'rows' => is_bool($hRes) ? '-' : @$this->_aCmd['mysql_num_rows']($hRes))) : '';
     $this->_bIsSlave = false;
     return $hRes;
Example #3
 public function get($id)
     $app = [];
     if (substr($id, 0, 9) == '__module_') {
         $id = substr_replace($id, '', 0, 9);
         $db = new \Core\Db();
         $module = $db->select('m.*, p.*')->from(':module', 'm')->join(':product', 'p', 'p.product_id = m.product_id')->where(['m.module_id' => $id])->get();
         if ($module['product_id'] == 'phpfox') {
             $module['version'] = \Phpfox::getVersion();
         $app = ['id' => '__module_' . $id, 'name' => \Phpfox_Locale::instance()->translate($id, 'module'), 'path' => null, 'is_module' => true, 'version' => $module['version']];
     } else {
         if (!isset($this->_apps[$id])) {
             throw new \Exception('App not found "' . $id . '".');
         $app = $this->_apps[$id];
     return new App\Object($app);
Example #4
  * Error messages can also be logged into a flat file on the server. The reason
  * for this certain AJAX request or API callbacks may be hard to find error reports
  * and by adding all error reports to a flat file it will help with debugging. This
  * is automatically used with our error handler.
  * @see self::errorHandler()
  * @static 
  * @param string $sMessage Error message to display
  * @param string $sFile Full path to the file
  * @param int $iLine Line number of where the error occured
 public static function log($sMessage, $sFile, $iLine)
     $aCallbacks = debug_backtrace();
     $aBacktrace = array();
     foreach ($aCallbacks as $aCallback) {
         if (isset($aCallback['class']) && $aCallback['class'] == 'Phpfox_Error') {
         if (!isset($aCallback['file']) || !isset($aCallback['line'])) {
         $aBacktrace[] = array('file' => $aCallback['file'], 'line' => $aCallback['line']);
     $sErrorLog = serialize(array('message' => self::_escapeCdata($sMessage), 'backtrace' => var_export($aBacktrace, true), 'request' => var_export($_REQUEST, true), 'ip' => Phpfox::getLib('request')->getServer('REMOTE_ADDR')));
     $hFile = fopen(PHPFOX_DIR . 'file' . PHPFOX_DS . 'log' . PHPFOX_DS . 'phpfox_error_log_' . date('d_m_y', time()) . '_' . md5(Phpfox::getVersion()) . '.php', 'a');
     fwrite($hFile, '<?php defined(\'PHPFOX\') or exit(\'NO DICE!\');  ?>' . "##\n{$sErrorLog}##\n");
Example #5
 private function _completed()
     if (Phpfox_File::instance()->isWritable(PHPFOX_DIR_SETTINGS . 'server.sett.php')) {
         $sContent = file_get_contents(PHPFOX_DIR_SETTINGS . 'server.sett.php');
         $sContent = preg_replace("/\\\$_CONF\\['core.is_installed'\\] = (.*?);/i", "\\\$_CONF['core.is_installed'] = true;", $sContent);
         if ($hServerConf = @fopen(PHPFOX_DIR_SETTINGS . 'server.sett.php', 'w')) {
             fwrite($hServerConf, $sContent);
     $license = file_get_contents(PHPFOX_DIR_SETTINGS . 'license.php');
     file_put_contents(PHPFOX_DIR_SETTINGS . 'license.sett.php', $license);
     unlink(PHPFOX_DIR_SETTINGS . 'license.php');
     if (!defined('PHPFOX_SKIP_INSTALL_KEY'))
     	$oApi = Phpfox::getLib('phpfox.api');
     	if ($oApi->send('brandingRemoval'))
     		Phpfox_Database::instance()->update(Phpfox::getT('setting'), array('value_actual' => '1'), "var_name = 'branding'");
     $this->_db()->update(Phpfox::getT('setting'), array('value_actual' => Phpfox::getVersion()), 'var_name = \'phpfox_version\'');
     $this->_db()->update(Phpfox::getT('setting'), array('value_actual' => date('j/n/Y', PHPFOX_TIME)), 'var_name = \'official_launch_of_site\'');
     $this->_db()->update(Phpfox::getT('module'), array('is_active' => '0'), 'module_id = \'microblog\'');
     $this->_db()->update(Phpfox::getT('user_group_setting'), array('is_hidden' => '1'), 'name = \'custom_table_name\'');
     if ($this->_bUpgrade) {
         $iCurrentVersion = $this->_getCurrentVersion();
         if (!$this->_db()->select('COUNT(*)')->from(Phpfox::getT('install_log'))->where('is_upgrade = 1 AND version_id = \'' . $iCurrentVersion . '\' AND upgrade_version_id = \'' . Phpfox::getVersion() . '\'')->execute('getField')) {
             $this->_db()->insert(Phpfox::getT('install_log'), array('is_upgrade' => '1', 'version_id' => $this->_getCurrentVersion(), 'upgrade_version_id' => Phpfox::getVersion(), 'time_stamp' => PHPFOX_TIME, 'ip_address' => Phpfox::getIp()));
     } else {
         // $this->_db()->update(Phpfox::getT('theme_style'), array('is_default' => '0'), 'style_id > 0');
         // $this->_db()->update(Phpfox::getT('theme_style'), array('is_default' => '1'), 'folder = \'nebula\'');
         if (!$this->_db()->select('COUNT(*)')->from(Phpfox::getT('install_log'))->where('is_upgrade = 0 AND version_id = \'' . Phpfox::getVersion() . '\' AND ' . $this->_db()->isNull('upgrade_version_id') . '')->execute('getField')) {
             $this->_db()->insert(Phpfox::getT('install_log'), array('version_id' => Phpfox::getVersion(), 'time_stamp' => PHPFOX_TIME, 'ip_address' => Phpfox::getIp()));
     $this->_oTpl->assign(array('bIsUpgrade' => $this->_bUpgrade, 'sUpgradeVersion' => Phpfox::getVersion()));
Example #6
if (Phpfox::isModule('bettermobile')) {
    if (Phpfox::isMobile()) {
        define('PHPFOX_SKIP_IM', true);
    //if (Phpfox::getLib('setting')->isParam('profile_menus')) {
    if (Phpfox::getLib('setting')->isParam('profile_menus')) {
        $aProfileMenus = Phpfox::getParam('profile_menus');
        if (!empty($aProfileMenus)) {
            Phpfox::getLib('template')->buildSectionMenu('profile', $aProfileMenus);
    $sControllerName = Phpfox::getLib('module')->getFullControllerName();
    if (Phpfox::isMobile() || $sControllerName == 'forum.forum') {
        //check version
        $sVersion = Phpfox::getVersion();
        $aVersion = preg_split('[\\.]', $sVersion);
        if ($aVersion[0] >= 3 && $aVersion[1] >= 5) {
            $bNewVersion = true;
        Phpfox::getLib('template')->assign(array('bNewVersion' => $bNewVersion, 'iTotalActivityPoints' => (int) Phpfox::getUserBy('activity_points')));
        // check language
        $aLang = Phpfox::getLib('locale')->getLang();
        if ($aLang['direction'] == 'rtl') {
                    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
                    var bRtl = true;
            Phpfox::getLib('template')->setHeader('cache', array('rtl.css' => 'module_bettermobile'));
        } else {
Example #7
 private function _completed()
     if (Phpfox_File::instance()->isWritable(PHPFOX_DIR_SETTINGS . 'server.sett.php')) {
         $sContent = file_get_contents(PHPFOX_DIR_SETTINGS . 'server.sett.php');
         $sContent = preg_replace("/\\\$_CONF\\['core.is_installed'\\] = (.*?);/i", "\\\$_CONF['core.is_installed'] = true;", $sContent);
         if ($hServerConf = @fopen(PHPFOX_DIR_SETTINGS . 'server.sett.php', 'w')) {
             fwrite($hServerConf, $sContent);
     $license = file_get_contents(PHPFOX_DIR_SETTINGS . 'license.php');
     file_put_contents(PHPFOX_DIR_SETTINGS . 'license.sett.php', $license);
     unlink(PHPFOX_DIR_SETTINGS . 'license.php');
     $old = PHPFOX_DIR . '../include/setting/server.sett.php';
     if (file_exists($old)) {
     file_put_contents(PHPFOX_DIR_SETTINGS . 'version.sett.php', "<?php\nreturn " . var_export(['version' => Phpfox::getVersion(), 'timestamp' => PHPFOX_TIME], true) . ";\n");
     $this->_db()->update(Phpfox::getT('module'), array('is_active' => '0'), 'module_id = \'microblog\'');
     $this->_db()->update(Phpfox::getT('user_group_setting'), array('is_hidden' => '1'), 'name = \'custom_table_name\'');
     if (!$this->_bUpgrade) {
         $this->_db()->update(Phpfox::getT('setting'), array('value_actual' => date('j/n/Y', PHPFOX_TIME)), 'var_name = \'official_launch_of_site\'');
     $this->_oTpl->assign(array('bIsUpgrade' => $this->_bUpgrade, 'sUpgradeVersion' => Phpfox::getVersion()));
Example #8
 public function import($sProductFile, $bOverwrite = false)
     $aCache = array();
     $aModuleInstall = array();
     if (!file_exists(PHPFOX_DIR_XML . $sProductFile . '.xml')) {
         return Phpfox_Error::set(Phpfox::getPhrase('admincp.unable_to_find_xml_file_to_import_for_this_product'));
     $aParams = Phpfox::getLib('xml.parser')->parse(file_get_contents(PHPFOX_DIR_XML . $sProductFile . '.xml'));
     if (isset($aParams['modules'])) {
         $aModules = is_array($aParams['modules']['module_id']) ? $aParams['modules']['module_id'] : array($aParams['modules']['module_id']);
         foreach ($aModules as $sModule) {
             $aModuleInstall[$sModule] = array('table' => 'true', 'installed' => 'false');
     $iFailed = 0;
     foreach ($aCache as $sModuleCheck => $mTrue) {
         if (!Phpfox::isModule($sModuleCheck)) {
             Phpfox_Error::set(Phpfox::getPhrase('admincp.the_module_name_is_required', array('name' => $sModuleCheck)));
     if ($iFailed > 0) {
         return false;
     if (!isset($aParams['data']['product_id'])) {
         return Phpfox_Error::set(Phpfox::getPhrase('admincp.not_a_valid_xml_file'));
     if ($bOverwrite) {
     $bIsProduct = $this->database()->select('COUNT(*)')->from($this->_sTable)->where("product_id = '" . $this->database()->escape($aParams['data']['product_id']) . "'")->execute('getField');
     if ($bIsProduct) {
         return Phpfox_Error::set(Phpfox::getPhrase('admincp.product_already_exists'));
     if (isset($aParams['dependencies'])) {
         $aDependencies = isset($aParams['dependencies']['dependency'][1]) ? $aParams['dependencies']['dependency'] : array($aParams['dependencies']['dependency']);
         foreach ($aDependencies as $aDependancy) {
             if (!isset($aDependancy['type_id']) || !isset($aDependancy['dependency_start'])) {
             switch ($aDependancy['type_id']) {
                 case 'php':
                     if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, $aDependancy['dependency_start'], '<')) {
                         return Phpfox_Error::set(Phpfox::getPhrase('admincp.product_requires_php_version', array('dependency_start' => $aDependancy['dependency_start'])));
                     if (isset($aDependancy['dependency_end']) && $aDependancy['dependency_end'] != '') {
                         if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, $aDependancy['dependency_end'], '>')) {
                             return Phpfox_Error::set(Phpfox::getPhrase('admincp.product_requires_php_version_up_until', array('dependency_start' => $aDependancy['dependency_start'], 'dependency_end' => $aDependancy['dependency_end'])));
                 case 'phpfox':
                     if (version_compare(Phpfox::getVersion(), $aDependancy['dependency_start'], '<')) {
                         return Phpfox_Error::set(Phpfox::getPhrase('admincp.product_requires_phpfox_version', array('dependency_start', $aDependancy['dependency_start'])));
                     if (isset($aDependancy['dependency_end']) && $aDependancy['dependency_end'] != '') {
                         if (version_compare(Phpfox::getVersion(), $aDependancy['dependency_end'], '>')) {
                             return Phpfox_Error::set(Phpfox::getPhrase('admincp.product_requires_phpfox_version_up_until', array('dependency_start' => $aDependancy['dependency_start'], 'dependency_end' => $aDependancy['dependency_end'])));
                 case 'product':
                     if (!isset($aDependancy['check_id'])) {
                     $aProductVersion = $this->database()->select('product_id, version, title')->from($this->_sTable)->where("product_id = '" . $this->database()->escape($aDependancy['check_id']) . "'")->execute('getRow');
                     if (isset($aProductVersion['product_id'])) {
                         if (version_compare($aProductVersion['version'], $aDependancy['dependency_start'], '<')) {
                             return Phpfox_Error::set(Phpfox::getPhrase('admincp.product_requires_check_id_version_dependency_start', array('check_id' => $aProductVersion['title'], 'dependency_start' => $aDependancy['dependency_start'])));
                         if (!empty($aDependancy['dependency_end'])) {
                             if (version_compare($aProductVersion['version'], $aDependancy['dependency_end'], '>')) {
                                 return Phpfox_Error::set(Phpfox::getPhrase('admincp.product_requires_check_id_version_dependency_start_up_until_dependency_end', array('check_id' => $aProductVersion['title'], 'dependency_start' => $aDependancy['dependency_start'], 'dependency_end' => $aDependancy['dependency_end'])));
                     } else {
                         return Phpfox::getPhrase('admincp.product_requires_check_id_version_dependency_start', array('check_id' => $aDependancy['check_id'], 'dependency_start' => $aDependancy['dependency_start']));
     $this->database()->insert($this->_sTable, array('product_id' => $aParams['data']['product_id'], 'title' => $aParams['data']['title'], 'description' => empty($aParams['data']['description']) ? null : $aParams['data']['description'], 'version' => empty($aParams['data']['version']) ? null : $aParams['data']['version'], 'is_active' => 1, 'url' => empty($aParams['data']['url']) ? null : $aParams['data']['url'], 'url_version_check' => empty($aParams['data']['url_version_check']) ? null : $aParams['data']['url_version_check']));
     if (isset($aParams['dependencies'])) {
         $aDependencies = isset($aParams['dependencies']['dependency'][1]) ? $aParams['dependencies']['dependency'] : array($aParams['dependencies']['dependency']);
         foreach ($aDependencies as $aDependancy) {
             $aDependancy['product_id'] = $aParams['data']['product_id'];
     if (isset($aParams['installs'])) {
         $aInstalls = isset($aParams['installs']['install'][1]) ? $aParams['installs']['install'] : array($aParams['installs']['install']);
         $aInstallOrder = array();
         foreach ($aInstalls as $aInstall) {
             $aInstallOrder[$aInstall['version']] = $aInstall;
             $aInstall['product_id'] = $aParams['data']['product_id'];
         foreach ($aInstallOrder as $aInstall) {
             if (isset($aInstall['install_code'])) {
     return array('product_id' => $aParams['data']['product_id'], 'files' => $aModuleInstall);
    public function run()
        $oRequest = Phpfox::getLib('request');
        $db = PhpFox::getLib('database');
        // Limit per page, start offset at zero
        $iOffset = (int) $oRequest->get('offset', 0);
        $sAction = $oRequest->get('Confirm', 'Start');
        $iLimit = 500;
        $aPrivacySettings = array();
        //Set form token for version 3xx
        if ((int) substr(Phpfox::getVersion(), 0, 1) < 3) {
            $s1 = 'v2_no_token';
            $s2 = 'v2_no_token';
        } else {
            $s1 = Phpfox::getTokenName();
            $s2 = Phpfox::getService('log.session')->getToken();
        // Run only if Userpresets Module is present
        if (!phpFox::isModule('Userpresets')) {
            die('User Preset addon must be present.');
        // Set profile privacy based upon admincp setting
        switch (Phpfox::getParam('user.on_register_privacy_setting')) {
            case 'network':
                $aPrivacySettings['profile.view_profile'] = '1';
            case 'friends_only':
                $aPrivacySettings['profile.view_profile'] = '2';
            case 'no_one':
                $aPrivacySettings['profile.view_profile'] = '4';
        // Get Userpreset parameters and build the privacy array
        $aSettings = Phpfox::getService('admincp.setting')->search("product_id = 'Preset_New_User'");
        foreach ($aSettings as $aSetting) {
            $aParts = explode('__', $aSetting['var_name']);
            if (phpFox::isModule($aParts[0])) {
                $sUserPrivacy = str_replace('__', '.', $aSetting['var_name']);
                $sGetParam = $aSetting['module_id'] . '.' . $aSetting['var_name'];
                if ($aSetting['type_id'] == 'drop') {
                    $iPrivacySetting = NULL;
                    $iPrivacySetting = Phpfox::getParam($sGetParam);
                    if (isset($iPrivacySetting) && (int) $iPrivacySetting > 0) {
                        $aPrivacySettings[$sUserPrivacy] = $iPrivacySetting;
        if ($sAction == 'Start') {
            //add confirm form
            $iTotUsers = $db->select('COUNT(*)')->from(Phpfox::getT('user'))->where('view_id = 0')->execute('getField');
            $iTotPrivacy = $db->select('COUNT(*)')->from(Phpfox::getT('user_privacy'))->execute('getField');
            $iTotNewPrivacy = count($aPrivacySettings);
            $sWarn = 'This action will remove approximately ' . $iTotPrivacy . ' Records from ' . $iTotUsers . ' users from the user privacy table and 
				replace them with approximately ' . $iTotUsers * $iTotNewPrivacy . ' records.  The new settings will be taken from the parameters that 
				you have set in the New User Privacy Setting Module.  <br /><br />
				This will not affect the operation of PhpFox but it will nullify any privacy
				settings that your users have set in favor of the ones that you will be setting.
				<br /><br />Do you want to continue?';
            echo '
			<div style="width:500px;margin:0px auto;text-align:left;padding:15px;border:1px solid #333;background-color:#eee;">
			<div> ' . $sWarn . ' </div>
			<form method="POST" name="form" id="form" action="http://' . Phpfox::getParam('core.host') . '/tools/dbfixPRIVACY.php">
			<div><input type="hidden" name="' . $s1 . '[security_token]" value="' . $s2 . '" /></div>
			<div style="width:400px;margin:0px auto;text-align:right;padding:15px;background-color:#eee;">
			<input type=hidden name="offset" value="0">
			<input type="submit" name="Confirm" value="Continue" />
			<input type="submit" name="Confirm" value="Cancel" />
        if ($sAction == 'Cancel') {
            die("No Records Changed");
        // Empty privacy table at start of batch
        if ($sAction == 'Continue' && $iOffset == 0) {
            $db->query('TRUNCATE ' . Phpfox::getT('user_privacy'));
            echo 'Processing records from ' . $iOffset . ' to ' . ($iOffset + $iLimit) . '<br />';
        if ($sAction == 'Continue') {
            // For each user
            $aRows = $this->database()->select('user_id')->from(Phpfox::getT('user'))->order('user_id')->where('view_id = 0')->limit($iOffset, $iLimit)->execute('getSlaveRows');
            $iCount = 0;
            foreach ($aRows as $row) {
                $userid = $row['user_id'];
                $s = '';
                foreach ($aPrivacySettings as $k => $v) {
                    $s .= "({$userid}, '{$k}',{$v}),";
                $s = 'INSERT INTO ' . Phpfox::getT('user_privacy') . " (`user_id`, `user_privacy`, `user_value`) VALUES" . substr($s, 0, -1);
            // Did do a full batch?
            if ($iCount == $iLimit) {
                // Get another batch
                $iOffset += $iLimit;
                echo 'Processing records from ' . $iOffset . ' to ' . ($iOffset + $iLimit) . '<br />';
                echo '
				<form method="POST" name="form2" id="form2" action="http://' . Phpfox::getParam('core.host') . '/tools/dbfixPRIVACY.php?offset=' . $iOffset . '">
				<div><input type="hidden" name="' . $s1 . '[security_token]" value="' . $s2 . '" /></div>
				<input type=hidden name="offset" value="' . $iOffset . '">
				<input type=hidden name="Confirm" value="Continue">
				<script language=javascript>document.form2.submit();</script>
            // count < limit we are done
            echo '<hr><h1>' . ($iCount + $iOffset) . ' Records Processed</h1>';
Example #10
define('PHPFOX_IS_GZIP', true);
define('PHPFOX_NO_SESSION', true);
define('PHPFOX_NO_USER_SESSION', true);
define('PHPFOX_NO_PLUGINS', true);
// Require phpFox Init
require PHPFOX_DIR . 'include' . PHPFOX_DS . 'init.inc.php';
$sCmd = isset($_GET['cmd']) ? $_GET['cmd'] : '';
switch ($sCmd) {
    case 'phpinfo':
    case 'version':
        header('Content-Type: text/xml');
        echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
        echo '<phpfox>';
        echo '<version>' . Phpfox::getVersion() . '</version>';
        echo '<build>' . Phpfox::getBuild() . '</build>';
        echo '<package>' . Phpfox::PHPFOX_PACKAGE . '</package>';
        echo '</phpfox>';
    case 'modules':
        header('Content-Type: text/xml');
        echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
        echo "<phpfox>\n";
        $hDir = opendir(PHPFOX_DIR_MODULE);
        while ($sFolder = readdir($hDir)) {
            if ($sFolder == '.' || $sFolder == '..') {
            echo "\t<module>" . $sFolder . "</module>\n";
Example #11
 public function version()
     $this->_out = ['version' => \Phpfox::getVersion()];
 private function _getCurrentVersion()
     static $sVersion = null;
     if ($sVersion !== null) {
         return $sVersion;
     if ($this->_sUrl == 'install' && !defined('PHPFOX_IS_HOSTED_SCRIPT')) {
         return Phpfox::getVersion();
     $bIsLegacy = true;
     if (file_exists(PHPFOX_DIR . 'include' . PHPFOX_DS . 'setting' . PHPFOX_DS . 'server.sett.php')) {
         require PHPFOX_DIR . 'include' . PHPFOX_DS . 'setting' . PHPFOX_DS . 'server.sett.php';
         if ($_CONF['core.is_installed'] === true) {
             $aRow = Phpfox::getLib('database')->select('value_actual')->from(Phpfox::getT('setting'))->where('var_name = \'phpfox_version\'')->execute('getRow');
             if (isset($aRow['value_actual'])) {
                 $sVersion = $aRow['value_actual'];
                 return $aRow['value_actual'];
     if (file_exists(PHPFOX_DIR . 'include' . PHPFOX_DS . 'settings' . PHPFOX_DS . 'version.php')) {
         require_once PHPFOX_DIR . 'include' . PHPFOX_DS . 'settings' . PHPFOX_DS . 'version.php';
         $sVersion = $_CONF['info.version'];
         return $_CONF['info.version'];
     } else {
         $aRow = Phpfox::getLib('database')->select('value_actual')->from(Phpfox::getT('setting'))->where('var_name = \'phpfox_version\'')->execute('getRow');
         if (isset($aRow['value_actual'])) {
             $sVersion = $aRow['value_actual'];
             return $aRow['value_actual'];
     return Phpfox_Error::set('Unknown version.', E_USER_ERROR);