Example #1
 } else {
     // On affiche les trades à approuver...
     $query = "select * from trade\n\t                    where id_pool = {$id_pool}\n\t                          and saison_id = {$id_saison}\n\t                          and approuve = 'N'\n\t                    order by id asc";
     $resultID = mysql_query($query, $pool->handle);
     while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($resultID, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
         $id_trade = $data["id"];
         $id_gerant1 = $data["id_gerant1"];
         $liste_joueurs_gerant1 = $data["liste_joueurs_gerant1"];
         $id_gerant2 = $data["id_gerant2"];
         $liste_joueurs_gerant2 = $data["liste_joueurs_gerant2"];
         $gerant1Profil = $pool->getGerantProfil($id_pool, $id_gerant1, $id_saison);
         $gerant2Profil = $pool->getGerantProfil($id_pool, $id_gerant2, $id_saison);
         echo "<div id=\"ajax\">\n";
         $pmb = new PhpMyBorder(true);
         echo "<FORM NAME=\"trade_{$id_trade}\" ID=\"trade_{$id_trade}\" METHOD=\"POST\" ACTION=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "\">\n";
         echo $pmb->begin_round("500", "", "000000");
         //  (width, fillcolor, edgecolor)
         echo "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 align=\"center\">\n";
         echo "<tr>\n";
         echo "<th class=\"tableHeaderRoundCorner\" colspan=6 align='center'>{$gerant1Profil['nickname']}";
         echo " a proposé l’échange suivante";
         echo "</th>\n";
         echo "</tr>\n";
         echo "<tr>\n";
         echo "<TH class=\"tableHeader1\">Joueur</TH>\n";
         echo "<TH class=\"tableHeader1\">Pos</TH>\n";
         echo "<TH class=\"tableHeader1\">Équipe</TH>\n";
         echo "<TH class=\"tableHeader2\">Points</TH>\n";
         echo "</tr>\n";
         $liste_joueurs_gerant1A = explode(":", $liste_joueurs_gerant1);
         foreach ($liste_joueurs_gerant1A as $key => $value) {
Example #2
$first_item = $dataA[0];
$trophy_image = $first_item["image"];
$trophy_def = $first_item["def"];
$query = "select image from trophy_definitions\n\t          where trophee_key = 'conn_smythe'";
$resultID = mysql_query($query, $pool->handle);
$data = mysql_fetch_array($resultID);
$trophy_image = $data["image"];
$pmb = new PhpMyBorder(true);
echo "<table align=\"center\" cellspacing=10 cellpadding=10>\n";
switch ($ronde) {
    case 1:
        echo "<tr>\n";
        echo "<td align=\"center\">\n";
        echo $pmb->begin_round("475", "", "000000");
        //  (width, fillcolor, edgecolor)
        $pool->playoffs_affichage_ronde($id_pool, $id_saison, $ronde, 1);
        echo $pmb->end_round();
        echo "</td>\n";
        echo "<td align=\"center\" rowspan=2>\n";
        if ($trophy_image != "") {
            echo "<img src=\"{$trophy_image}\" border=0>\n";
        } else {
            echo $trophy_def;
        echo "</td>\n";
        echo "<td align=\"center\">\n";
        echo $pmb->begin_round("475", "", "000000");
        //  (width, fillcolor, edgecolor)
        $pool->playoffs_affichage_ronde($id_pool, $id_saison, $ronde, 2);
$pmb_width = 525;
$query = "select id,real_name_abrege from accounts\n\t          where id_pool = {$id_pool}\n\t          and saison_id = {$id_saison}\n\t          order by id asc";
$resultID = mysql_query($query, $pool->handle);
while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($resultID)) {
    $gerantsA[$data["id"]] = $data["real_name_abrege"];
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbre_rondes; $i++) {
    echo "<div style=\"float:left;margin-left:10px;margin-top:5px;\">\n";
    $pmb = new PhpMyBorder(true);
    echo $pmb->begin_round("{$pmb_width}", "", "000000");
    //  (width, fillcolor, edgecolor)
    echo "<table align='center' cellspacing=5 cellpadding=5>\n";
    echo "<tr><th colspan=3><u>Ronde {$i}</u></th></tr>\n";
    $query = "select * from draft_repechage\n\t               where id_pool = {$id_pool}\n\t               and saison_id = {$id_saison}\n\t               and ronde = {$i}\n\t               order by ordre_repechage asc";
    $resultID = mysql_query($query, $pool->handle);
    while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($resultID)) {
        $ordre_repechage = $data["ordre_repechage"];
        $id_gerant = $data["id_gerant"];
        echo "<tr>\n";
        echo "<td nowrap style=\"align:right;padding-top:12px;padding-bottom:12px;\">{$ordre_repechage}) {$gerantsA[$id_gerant]}</td>\n";
        //echo "<td nowrap style=\"align:left;\">$gerantsA[$id_gerant]</td>";
        echo "<td nowrap style=\"align:left\">_______________________________________________</td>";
        echo "</td>\n";
        echo "</tr>\n";
Example #4
 $id_ballotage = $itemA[0];
 $id_gerant_soumetteur = $itemA[1];
 $nickname = $itemA[2];
 $id_player = $itemA[3];
 $player = $itemA[4];
 $team_abbr = $itemA[5];
 $pos = $itemA[6];
 $reponse = $itemA[7];
 $nbre_reponse = $itemA[8];
 $nbre_oui = $itemA[9];
 $nbre_non = $itemA[10];
 $id_periode = $itemA[11];
 $points = $itemA[12];
 echo "<div id=\"ajax\">\n";
 $pmb = new PhpMyBorder(true);
 echo $pmb->begin_round("375", "", "000000");
 //  (width, fillcolor, edgecolor)
 echo "<TABLE CLASS=\"ballotage\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>\n";
 echo "<TR>\n";
 echo "<TD COLSPAN=3 style=\"padding-left:3px;\"><b><u>Pיriode {$id_periode}</u></b></TD>\n";
 echo "</TR>\n";
 echo "<TR>\n";
 echo "<TD COLSPAN=3 style=\"padding-left:3px;padding-top:10px;height:40px;\"><b>{$nickname}</b> soumet <b>{$player}, {$pos} ({$team_abbr}) - {$points} pts</b> au ballotage.</TD>\n";
 echo "</TR>\n";
 echo "<TR>\n";
 echo "<TD COLSPAN=3><hr width=\"98%\"></hr></TD>\n";
 echo "</TR>\n";
 echo "<TR>\n";
 echo "<TD width=50px style=\"padding-left:10px;\"><li>oui&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>";
 echo "<td width=70px>( " . number_format($nbre_oui / $nbre_reponse * 100, 1, ",", " ") . " % )</td>";
 echo "</li></TD>\n";
Example #5
          <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="id_team_selected"/>
          <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="id_player_selected"/>
          <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="id_hockeydb_selected"/>
          <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" ID="id_pool" VALUE="<?php 
        echo $id_pool;
" />
          <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" ID="saison_id" VALUE="<?php 
        echo $id_saison;
" />
        $pmb = new PhpMyBorder(true);
        echo $pmb->begin_round("1000", "", "000000");
        //  (width, fillcolor, edgecolor)
          <TABLE ALIGN="CENTER" cellpadding=10 cellspacing=10>
        $nhl_conferences = $pool->getNHLConferences();
        foreach ($nhl_conferences as $data_conference) {
            echo "<TD>\n";
            // initialisation de certaines array (et remise à 0).
            $id_teamA = array();
            $cityA = array();