Example #1
/* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License		   */
/* as published by the Free Software Foundation.					   */
// $Id$
$_user_location = 'public';
define('AT_INCLUDE_PATH', '../../../include/');
require AT_INCLUDE_PATH . 'vitals.inc.php';
include AT_PA_INCLUDE . 'classes/PhotoAlbum.class.php';
//check what comment this is for. Album or Photo.
$pid = intval($_POST['pid']);
$aid = intval($_POST['aid']);
$cid = $_POST['cid'];
$comment = $_POST['comment'];
if (isset($_POST['pid']) && $pid > 0) {
    $isPhoto = true;
} else {
    $isPhoto = false;
$cid = intval(str_replace('cid_', '', $cid));
$pa = new PhotoAlbum($aid);
if ($pa->checkAlbumPriv($_SESSION['member_id']) || $pa->checkCommentPriv($cid, $_SESSION['member_id'], $isPhoto)) {
    $result = $pa->editComment($cid, $comment, $isPhoto);
if ($result === true) {
    //TODO: AJAX
    header('HTTP/1.0 200 OK');
} else {
    header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');