Example #1
  * Reformat the photo's id into a fixed width string that can be sorted.
  * @param   object Phlickr_Photo $photo
  * @return  string
 function stringFromPhoto(Phlickr_Photo $photo)
     return sprintf('%012d', $photo->getId());
Example #2
  * Return a sortable string of the photos average color.
  * Steps:
  * -  Resample the image to single pixel.
  * -  Convert the pixel's RGB value to an HSV value,
  * -  Convert the HSV to a string.
  * @param   object Phlickr_Photo $photo
  * @return  string or false in case of error.
 public function stringFromPhoto(Phlickr_Photo $photo)
     // cache the RGB value so that multiple color sort strategies can
     // share the average color.
     $key = 'avg_color:' . $photo->getId();
     if ($this->_cache->has($key)) {
         $rgb = $this->_cache->get($key);
     } else {
         $url = $photo->buildImgUrl(Phlickr_Photo::SIZE_100PX);
         if ($rgb = self::getAverageRgbColor($url)) {
             // add the average color to the cache and mark it as
             // non-expiring because the photo can't be changed.
             $this->_cache->set($key, $rgb, -1);
         } else {
             // if there's an error getting the average value don't add it
             // to the cache, just bail.
             return false;
     $hsv = self::HsvFromRgb($rgb);
     return sprintf("%02d,%02d,%02d", round($hsv[0] / 30), round($hsv[1] * 10), round($hsv[2] * 10));