Example #1
function makePhar(array $dt)
    //retornando com erro se o array estiver vazio
    if (count($dt) <= 0) {
        return false;
    //aumentando a memoria e o tempo de execução - pode ser muito significante em sistemas lentos e diretórios muito grandes
    ini_set('memory_limit', '30M');
    ini_set('max_execution_time', 180);
    //Array com os dados da execução
    $ok = array();
    //lendo e executando as conversões indicadas
    foreach ($dt as $k => $lote) {
        //checando se deve converter indice['r']
        if (!isset($lote['r'])) {
        $dir = trim($lote['o'], ' \\/');
        $stub = '<?php 
			Phar::mungServer(array(\'REQUEST_URI\', \'PHP_SELF\', \'SCRIPT_NAME\', \'SCRIPT_FILENAME\'));
			Phar::webPhar(\'\', \'\', \'404.php\');
        // include(\'phar://\' . __FILE__ . \'/' . $lote['i'] . '\');
        if (is_dir($dir)) {
            //criando arquivo PHAR
            $phar = new Phar(trim($lote['d'], ' \\/'));
            //pegando o diretório (e sub-diretórios) e arquivos contidos
            $phar->buildFromIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir)), $dir);
            //criando o cabeçalho Stub
            //carregando a assinatura
            if (file_exists(LIB . 'key.md5')) {
                $phar->setSignatureAlgorithm(Phar::MD5, file_get_contents(LIB . 'key.md5'));
            //comprimindo os dados (exceto o Stub)
            $compactar = false;
            if (isset($lote['z'])) {
                $compactar = true;
                if (Phar::canCompress(Phar::GZ)) {
                } elseif (Phar::canCompress(Phar::BZ2)) {
            //adicionando os dados de saída
            $ok[$k] = array('o' => $dir, 'd' => $lote['d'], 'z' => $compactar, 'i' => $lote['i']);
        } else {
            $ok[$k] = array('e' => 'O diretório "' . $dir . '" não existe!');
    if (count($ok) == 0) {
        return false;
    return $ok;
Example #2
  * Makes a .phar packaged PocketMine plugin from a source directory.
  * @param $sourcePath
  * @param $pharOutputLocation
  * @param $options
  * @return bool
  * @throws \Exception
 public static function makePlugin($sourcePath, $pharOutputLocation, $options)
     /* Removes Leading '/' */
     $sourcePath = rtrim(str_replace("\\", "/", realpath($sourcePath)), "/") . "/";
     $description = self::getPluginDescription($sourcePath . "/plugin.yml");
     if ($options & self::MAKEPLUGIN_REAL_OUTPUT_PATH) {
         $pharPath = $pharOutputLocation;
     } else {
         $pharPath = $pharOutputLocation . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $description->getName() . "_v" . $description->getVersion() . ".phar";
     if (file_exists($pharPath)) {
         throw new \Exception("Phar path already exists");
     $phar = new \Phar($pharPath);
     $phar->setMetadata(["name" => $description->getName(), "version" => $description->getVersion(), "main" => $description->getMain(), "api" => $description->getCompatibleApis(), "depend" => $description->getDepend(), "description" => $description->getDescription(), "authors" => $description->getAuthors(), "website" => $description->getWebsite(), "creationDate" => time()]);
     $phar->setStub('<?php echo "PocketMine-MP plugin ' . $description->getName() . ' v' . $description->getVersion() . '\\nThis file has been generated using DevTools v' . self::getVersion() . ' at ' . date("r") . '\\n----------------\\n";if(extension_loaded("phar")){$phar = new \\Phar(__FILE__);foreach($phar->getMetadata() as $key => $value){echo ucfirst($key).": ".(is_array($value) ? implode(", ", $value):$value)."\\n";}} __HALT_COMPILER();');
     foreach (new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($sourcePath)) as $file) {
         $path = ltrim(str_replace(["\\", $sourcePath], ["/", ""], $file), "/");
         if ($path[0] === "." or strpos($path, "/.") !== false) {
         $phar->addFile($file, $path);
     if ($options * self::MAKEPLUGIN_COMPRESS) {
     return true;
Example #3
 public function run()
     $this->printTaskInfo("Creating <info>{$this->filename}</info>");
     $this->printTaskInfo('Packing ' . count($this->files) . ' files into phar');
     $progress = new ProgressBar($this->getOutput());
     foreach ($this->files as $path => $content) {
         $this->phar->addFromString($path, $content);
     if ($this->compress and in_array('GZ', \Phar::getSupportedCompression())) {
         if (count($this->files) > 1000) {
             $this->printTaskInfo("Too many files. Compression DISABLED");
         } else {
             $this->printTaskInfo($this->filename . " compressed");
             $this->phar = $this->phar->compressFiles(\Phar::GZ);
     $this->printTaskSuccess("<info>{$this->filename}</info> produced");
     return Result::success($this, '', ['time' => $this->getExecutionTime()]);
Example #4
 public function run()
     $this->printTaskInfo('Creating {filename}', ['filename' => $this->filename]);
     $this->printTaskInfo('Packing {file-count} files into phar', ['file-count' => count($this->files)]);
     foreach ($this->files as $path => $content) {
         $this->phar->addFromString($path, $content);
     if ($this->compress and in_array('GZ', \Phar::getSupportedCompression())) {
         if (count($this->files) > 1000) {
             $this->printTaskInfo('Too many files. Compression DISABLED');
         } else {
             $this->printTaskInfo('{filename} compressed', ['filename' => $this->filename]);
             $this->phar = $this->phar->compressFiles(\Phar::GZ);
     $this->printTaskSuccess('{filename} produced', ['filename' => $this->filename]);
     return Result::success($this, '', ['time' => $this->getExecutionTime()]);
     * Test that the reading is successful.
     * @return void
     * @dataProvider testReadingFlagsProvider
    public function testReading($compression, $signatureName, $signatureFlag)
        $pharfile = $this->getTempFile('temp.phar');
        $phar = new \Phar($pharfile, 0, 'temp.phar');
        $phar->addFromString('/bin/script', $fileData = <<<EOF
echo 'hello world';
        $phar->setDefaultStub('/bin/script', '/web/index');
        if ($compression !== \Phar::NONE) {
        $reader = new PharReader();
        $phar = $reader->load($pharfile);
        $this->assertEquals('temp.phar', $phar->getAlias());
        $this->assertEquals($signatureName, $phar->getSignatureAlgorithm());
        $files = $phar->getFiles();
        $this->assertEquals('bin/script', $files[0]->getFilename());
        $this->assertEquals($fileData, $files[0]->getContent());
Example #6
  * Finish saving the package
 function close()
     if ($this->phar->isFileFormat(Phar::ZIP) && $this->compression !== Phar::NONE) {
     $newphar = $this->phar;
     $ext = str_replace(array('.tar', '.zip', '.tgz', '.phar'), array('', '', '', ''), basename($this->path)) . '.';
     $ext = substr($ext, strpos($ext, '.'));
     if (count($this->others)) {
         foreach ($this->others as $pathinfo) {
             // remove the old file
             $newpath = str_replace(array('.tar', '.zip', '.tgz', '.phar'), array('', '', '', ''), $this->path);
             $newpath .= '.' . $pathinfo[0];
             if (file_exists($newpath)) {
             $extension = $ext . $pathinfo[0];
             $fileformat = $pathinfo[1];
             $compression = $pathinfo[2];
             if ($fileformat != Phar::PHAR) {
                 $newphar = $newphar->convertToData($fileformat, $compression, $extension);
             } else {
                 $newphar = $newphar->convertToExecutable($fileformat, $compression, $extension);
 public static function convertVendorsToPhar(Event $event)
     $phars = [];
     echo "Converting vendor package dirs to phar...\n";
     foreach (new \DirectoryIterator($vendorDir) as $dir) {
         if (in_array($dir->getFilename(), ['..', '.', 'composer']) || !$dir->isDir()) {
         foreach (new \DirectoryIterator($dir->getRealPath()) as $subDir) {
             if (in_array($subDir->getFilename(), ['..', '.']) || !$subDir->isDir()) {
             echo "... " . $dir->getFilename() . '/' . $subDir->getFilename() . "\n";
             $fName = $subDir->getRealPath() . '.phar';
             $fNameTmp = $fName . '.tmp';
             $phar = new \Phar($fNameTmp);
             $phar->buildFromDirectory($subDir->getRealPath(), '#\\.(?!git)#');
             if (\Phar::canCompress(\Phar::GZ)) {
             } else {
                 if (\Phar::canCompress(\Phar::BZ2)) {
             if (file_exists($fName)) {
             rename($fNameTmp, $fName);
             $phars[$dir->getFilename() . '/' . $subDir->getFilename()] = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', str_replace($vendorDir, '', $fName));
     echo "\nConverting autoload files: \n";
     $autoloadFiles = ['composer/autoload_classmap.php', 'composer/autoload_files.php', 'composer/autoload_namespaces.php', 'composer/autoload_psr4.php'];
     foreach ($autoloadFiles as $file) {
         echo $file . "\n";
         $filePath = $vendorDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
         $content = file_get_contents($filePath);
         $content = preg_replace('#(?<!\'phar://\' . )\\$vendorDir\\s+.\\s+\'(/[-\\w\\d_]+/[-\\w\\d_]+)#', '\'phar://\' . $vendorDir . \'$1.phar', $content);
         if ($content) {
             file_put_contents($filePath, $content);
     echo "\nComplete!\n";
Example #8
function build_phar()
    $phar = new Phar('build/bugsnag.phar');
    $phar->buildFromDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/src', '/\\.php$/');
Example #9
 static function create($phar_file, $php_dir, $default_stub)
     $phar = new \Phar($phar_file);
     $phar->buildFromDirectory($php_dir, '/\\.php$/');
 public function execute(CommandSender $sender, $commandLabel, array $args)
     if (!$this->testPermission($sender)) {
         return false;
     if (count($args) === 0) {
         $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . "Usage: " . $this->usageMessage);
         return true;
     $pluginName = trim(implode(" ", $args));
     if ($pluginName === "" or !($plugin = Server::getInstance()->getPluginManager()->getPlugin($pluginName)) instanceof Plugin) {
         $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . "プラグインが存在しません");
         return true;
     $description = $plugin->getDescription();
     if (!$plugin->getPluginLoader() instanceof FolderPluginLoader) {
         $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . "プラグイン " . $description->getName() . "はフォルダではありません");
         return true;
     $pharPath = Server::getInstance()->getPluginPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "PocketMine-MO" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $description->getName() . "_v" . $description->getVersion() . ".phar";
     if (file_exists($pharPath)) {
     $phar = new \Phar($pharPath);
     $phar->setMetadata(["name" => $description->getName(), "version" => $description->getVersion(), "main" => $description->getMain(), "api" => $description->getCompatibleApis(), "geniapi" => $description->getCompatibleGeniApis(), "depend" => $description->getDepend(), "description" => $description->getDescription(), "authors" => $description->getAuthors(), "website" => $description->getWebsite(), "creator" => "PocketMine-MO MakePluginCommand", "creationDate" => time()]);
     if ($description->getName() === "DevTools") {
         $phar->setStub('<?php require("phar://". __FILE__ ."/src/DevTools/ConsoleScript.php"); __HALT_COMPILER();');
     } else {
         $phar->setStub('<?php echo "PocketMine-MP/ plugin ' . $description->getName() . ' v' . $description->getVersion() . '\\nThis file has been generated using PocketMine-MO by Meshida at ' . date("r") . '\\n----------------\\n";if(extension_loaded("phar")){$phar = new \\Phar(__FILE__);foreach($phar->getMetadata() as $key => $value){echo ucfirst($key).": ".(is_array($value) ? implode(", ", $value):$value)."\\n";}} __HALT_COMPILER();');
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass("pocketmine\\plugin\\PluginBase");
     $file = $reflection->getProperty("file");
     $filePath = rtrim(str_replace("\\", "/", $file->getValue($plugin)), "/") . "/";
     foreach (new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($filePath)) as $file) {
         $path = ltrim(str_replace(["\\", $filePath], ["/", ""], $file), "/");
         if ($path[0] === "." or strpos($path, "/.") !== false) {
         $phar->addFile($file, $path);
         $sender->sendMessage($path . "を追加しています...");
     foreach ($phar as $file => $finfo) {
         /** @var \PharFileInfo $finfo */
         if ($finfo->getSize() > 1024 * 512) {
     if (!isset($args[1]) or isset($args[1]) and $args[1] != "nogz") {
     $sender->sendMessage("pharプラグイン " . $description->getName() . " v" . $description->getVersion() . " は" . $pharPath . "上に生成されました");
     return true;
Example #11
  * Finalize the project.
  * @return void
 public function finalize()
     // disabled for interoperability with systems without gzip ext
     $filename = $this->configuration->get('phar');
     $writer = new PharWriter();
     $writer->save($this->phar->getPharchive(), $filename);
     chmod($filename, 0755);
Example #12
function createPharFile($pharFilePath, $originalFile)
    $originalFile = realpath($originalFile);
    try {
        $phar = new Phar($pharFilePath);
        $phar->setStub("<?php Phar::mapPhar();\ninclude 'phar://{$pharFilePath}/{$originalFile}'; __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>");
    } catch (Exception $e) {
Example #13
 private function makeServerCommand(CommandSender $sender, Command $command, $label, array $args)
     $server = Server::getInstance();
     $pharPath = \pocketmine\DATA . $server->getName() . "_translate.phar";
     if (file_exists($pharPath)) {
         $sender->sendMessage($server->getName() . "_translate.phar" . $this->get("phar-already-exist"));
     $phar = new \Phar($pharPath);
     $phar->setMetadata(["name" => $server->getName(), "version" => $server->getPocketMineVersion(), "api" => $server->getApiVersion(), "minecraft" => $server->getVersion(), "protocol" => Info::CURRENT_PROTOCOL, "creationDate" => time()]);
     $phar->setStub('<?php define("pocketmine\\\\PATH", "phar://". __FILE__ ."/"); require_once("phar://". __FILE__ ."/src/pocketmine/PocketMine.php");  __HALT_COMPILER();');
     $filePath = substr(\pocketmine\PATH, 0, 7) === "phar://" ? \pocketmine\PATH : realpath(\pocketmine\PATH) . "/";
     $filePath = rtrim(str_replace("\\", "/", $filePath), "/") . "/";
     foreach (new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($filePath . "src")) as $file) {
         $path = ltrim(str_replace(array("\\", $filePath), array("/", ""), $file), "/");
         if ($path[0] === "." or strpos($path, "/.") !== false or substr($path, 0, 4) !== "src/") {
         echo "추가 중... " . $file->getFilename() . "\n";
         foreach ($this->messages["translation"][$args[0]] as $index => $phpfile) {
             if ($file->getFilename() == $index) {
                 $translate = file_get_contents($file);
                 // TODO
                 foreach ($this->messages["translation"][$args[0]][$file->getFilename()] as $index => $text) {
                     $translate = str_replace($index, $text, $translate);
                     echo "변경완료 [{$index}] [{$text}]\n";
                 if (!file_exists(\pocketmine\DATA . "extract/" . explode($file->getFilename(), $path)[0])) {
                     mkdir(\pocketmine\DATA . "extract/" . explode($file->getFilename(), $path)[0], 0777, true);
                 echo "폴더생성 " . \pocketmine\DATA . "extract/" . explode($file->getFilename(), $path)[0] . "\n";
                 file_put_contents(\pocketmine\DATA . "extract/" . $path, $translate);
         if (file_exists(\pocketmine\DATA . "extract/" . $path)) {
             $phar->addFile(\pocketmine\DATA . "extract/" . $path, $path);
         } else {
             $phar->addFile($file, $path);
     @unlink(\pocketmine\DATA . "extract/");
     $sender->sendMessage($server->getName() . "_translate.phar" . $this->get("phar-translate-complete") . $pharPath);
     return true;
Example #14
  * Finish saving the package
 function close()
     if ($this->phar->isFileFormat(\Phar::ZIP) && $this->compression !== \Phar::NONE) {
     if (null !== $this->pkcs12) {
         $certpath = str_replace(array('.tar', '.zip', '.tgz', '.phar'), array('', '', '', ''), $this->path);
         $this->phar->setSignatureAlgorithm(\Phar::OPENSSL, $this->privatekey);
         file_put_contents($certpath . '.pem', $this->x509cert);
         file_put_contents($this->path . '.pubkey', $this->publickey);
     } elseif (!$this->phar->isFileFormat(\Phar::ZIP)) {
     $ext = str_replace(array('.tar', '.zip', '.tgz', '.phar'), array('', '', '', ''), basename($this->path)) . '.';
     $ext = substr($ext, strpos($ext, '.'));
     $newphar = $this->phar;
     if (count($this->others)) {
         foreach ($this->others as $pathinfo) {
             // remove the old file
             $pubkeypath = $newpath = str_replace(array('.tar', '.zip', '.tgz', '.phar'), array('', '', '', ''), $this->path);
             $newpath .= '.' . $pathinfo[0];
             if (file_exists($newpath)) {
             $extension = $ext . $pathinfo[0];
             $fileformat = $pathinfo[1];
             $compression = $pathinfo[2];
             if ($fileformat != \Phar::PHAR) {
                 $newphar = $newphar->convertToData($fileformat, $compression, $extension);
             } else {
                 $newphar = $newphar->convertToExecutable($fileformat, $compression, $extension);
             if (isset($pkey)) {
                 $newphar->setSignatureAlgorithm(\Phar::OPENSSL, $this->privatekey);
                 file_put_contents($pubkeypath . '.' . $pathinfo[0] . '.pubkey', $this->publickey);
             } else {
Example #15
 public function run()
     $this->printTaskInfo("creating <info>{$this->filename}</info>");
     $this->printTaskInfo('packing ' . count($this->files) . ' files into phar');
     $progress = new ProgressHelper();
     $progress->start($this->getOutput(), count($this->files));
     foreach ($this->files as $path => $content) {
         $this->phar->addFromString($path, $content);
     if ($this->compress and in_array('GZ', \Phar::getSupportedCompression())) {
         $this->printTaskInfo($this->filename . " compressed");
         $this->phar = $this->phar->compressFiles(\Phar::GZ);
     $this->printTaskInfo($this->filename . " produced");
     return Result::success($this);
 public function execute(CommandSender $sender, $commandLabel, array $args)
     if (!$this->testPermission($sender)) {
         return false;
     $server = $sender->getServer();
     $pharPath = Server::getInstance()->getPluginPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "PocketMine-MO" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $server->getName() . "_" . $server->getPocketMineVersion() . ".phar";
     if (file_exists($pharPath)) {
     $phar = new \Phar($pharPath);
     $phar->setMetadata(["name" => $server->getName(), "version" => $server->getPocketMineVersion(), "api" => $server->getApiVersion(), "geniapi" => $server->getGeniApiVersion(), "minecraft" => $server->getVersion(), "protocol" => Info::CURRENT_PROTOCOL, "creator" => "PocketMine-MO MakeServerCommand", "creationDate" => time()]);
     $phar->setStub('<?php define("pocketmine\\\\PATH", "phar://". __FILE__ ."/"); require_once("phar://". __FILE__ ."/src/pocketmine/PocketMine.php");  __HALT_COMPILER();');
     $filePath = substr(\pocketmine\PATH, 0, 7) === "phar://" ? \pocketmine\PATH : realpath(\pocketmine\PATH) . "/";
     $filePath = rtrim(str_replace("\\", "/", $filePath), "/") . "/";
     foreach (new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($filePath . "src")) as $file) {
         $path = ltrim(str_replace(["\\", $filePath], ["/", ""], $file), "/");
         if ($path[0] === "." or strpos($path, "/.") !== false or substr($path, 0, 4) !== "src/") {
         $phar->addFile($file, $path);
         $sender->sendMessage($path . "を追加しています...");
     foreach ($phar as $file => $finfo) {
         /** @var \PharFileInfo $finfo */
         if ($finfo->getSize() > 1024 * 512) {
     if (!isset($args[0]) or isset($args[0]) and $args[0] != "nogz") {
     $sender->sendMessage($server->getName() . " " . $server->getPocketMineVersion() . "のpharファイルが" . $pharPath . "に生成されました");
     return true;
 public function build($name)
     try {
         $this->randomName = generateRandomChars(16);
         $this->pharObj = new \Phar($this->pharPath = PUBLIC_DATA_PATH . $name . "." . $this->randomName . ".phar");
     } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) {
         $err = true;
     if (isset($err)) {
         goto retry;
     $this->pharObj->setStub('<?php __HALT_COMPILER();');
     $this->pharObj->addFile($this->extractionPluginPath . "plugin.yml", "plugin.yml");
     $this->addRecr($this->extractionPluginPath . "src", "src");
     if (is_dir($this->extractionPluginPath . "resources")) {
         $this->addRecr($this->extractionPluginPath . "resources", "resources");
Example #18
 public function build($stub, $filename)
     if (file_exists($filename)) {
     $phar = new \Phar($filename, 0, basename($filename));
     if ($this->key !== NULL) {
         $privateKey = '';
         openssl_pkey_export($this->key, $privateKey);
         $phar->setSignatureAlgorithm(\Phar::OPENSSL, $privateKey);
         $keyDetails = openssl_pkey_get_details($this->key);
         file_put_contents($filename . '.pubkey', $keyDetails['key']);
     $basedir = $this->basedir ? $this->basedir : $this->directories[0];
     foreach ($this->directories as $directory) {
         $phar->buildFromIterator($this->scanner->__invoke($directory), $basedir);
     if ($this->compression !== \Phar::NONE) {
Example #19
  * Creates a PHAR (PHP Archive) file from an entire directory.
  * @param string       $dir The directory we want to create a PHAR file for.
  * @param string       $to The new PHAR file location; with a `.phar` extension.
  * @param string       $stub_file Stub file path. The contents of this stub file will be used as
  *    the stub for the resulting PHAR file. Required for all PHARs created by this routine.
  *    A final call to `__HALT_COMPILER();` is automatically appended by this routine.
  * @param boolean      $strip_ws Optional. Defaults to a TRUE value (highly recommended).
  *    If this is TRUE; any PHP files in the archive will be further reduced in filesize by this routine.
  *    This is made possible by the `php_strip_whitespace()` function.
  * @param boolean      $compress Optional. Defaults to a TRUE value (highly recommended).
  *    If this is TRUE; any compressable files in the archive will be further reduced in filesize.
  * @param string|array $compressable_extensions Optional. An array of GZIP-compressable extensions.
  *    This will default to only those which are 100% webPhar-compatible: `array('php', 'phps')`.
  *    Or, you can provide your own array of compressable extensions.
  * @param string       $is_phar_var_suffix Optional. Defaults to `stub`.
  *    A global variable at the top of your PHAR stub file will be declared as follows.
  *    `$GLOBALS['is_phar_'.$is_phar_var_suffix] = 'phar://'.__FILE__;` (just a helpful identifier).
  * @return string The new PHAR file path; else an exception is thrown on any type of failure.
  * @throws exception If invalid types are passed through arguments list.
  * @throws exception If `$dir` is empty, does NOT exist; or is NOT readable for any reason.
  * @throws exception If `$to` is empty, or is NOT specified with a `.phar` extension.
  * @throws exception If `$to` parent directory does NOT exist; or is not writable.
  * @throws exception If `$stub_file` is empty, does NOT exist; or is NOT readable for any reason.
  * @throws exception If `$compressable_extensions` or `$is_phar_var_suffix` is empty.
  * @throws \exception If any Phar class failures occur. The Phar class may throw exceptions.
  * @throws exception On any type of failure (e.g. NOT successful).
  * @WARNING This routine can become resource intensive on large directories.
  *    Mostly because of the compression routines applied here intuitively. It takes some time.
  *    See: {@link env::maximize_time_memory_limits()}
 public function phar_to($dir, $to, $stub_file, $strip_ws = TRUE, $compress = TRUE, $compressable_extensions = array('php', 'phps'), $is_phar_var_suffix = 'stub')
     $this->check_arg_types('string:!empty', 'string:!empty', 'string:!empty', 'boolean', 'boolean', 'array:!empty', 'string:!empty', func_get_args());
     $dir = $this->n_seps($dir);
     $to = $this->n_seps($to);
     $to_dir = $this->n_seps_up($to);
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         throw $this->©exception($this->method(__FUNCTION__) . '#source_dir_missing', get_defined_vars(), $this->__('Unable to PHAR a directory (source `dir` missing).') . sprintf($this->__('Non-existent source directory: `%1$s`.'), $dir));
     if (!is_readable($dir)) {
         throw $this->©exception($this->method(__FUNCTION__) . '#read_write_issues', get_defined_vars(), $this->__('Unable to PHAR a directory; not readable, due to permission issues.') . ' ' . sprintf($this->__('Need this directory to be readable please: `%1$s`.'), $dir));
     if (file_exists($to)) {
         throw $this->©exception($this->method(__FUNCTION__) . '#existing_phar', get_defined_vars(), $this->__('Unable to PHAR a directory; destination PHAR file already exists.') . ' ' . sprintf($this->__('Please delete this file first: `%1$s`.'), $to));
     if ($this->extension($to) !== 'phar') {
         throw $this->©exception($this->method(__FUNCTION__) . '#invalid_phar_file', get_defined_vars(), $this->__('Unable to PHAR a directory; invalid destination PHAR file.') . ' ' . sprintf($this->__('Please use a `.phar` extension instead of: `%1$s`.'), $to));
     if (!is_dir($to_dir)) {
         throw $this->©exception($this->method(__FUNCTION__) . '#phar_to_dir_missing', get_defined_vars(), $this->__('Destination PHAR directory does NOT exist yet.') . ' ' . sprintf($this->__('Please check this directory: `%1$s`.'), $to_dir));
     if (!is_writable($to_dir)) {
         throw $this->©exception($this->method(__FUNCTION__) . '#read_write_issues', get_defined_vars(), $this->__('Unable to PHAR a directory; destination not writable due to permission issues.') . ' ' . sprintf($this->__('Need this directory to be writable please: `%1$s`.'), $to_dir));
     if (!\Phar::canWrite()) {
         throw $this->©exception($this->method(__FUNCTION__) . '#read_write_issues', get_defined_vars(), $this->__('Unable to PHAR a directory; PHP configuration does NOT allow write access.') . ' ' . $this->__('Need this INI setting please: `phar.readonly = 0`.'));
     if (!is_file($stub_file)) {
         throw $this->©exception($this->method(__FUNCTION__) . '#missing_stub_file', get_defined_vars(), $this->__('Unable to PHAR a directory; missing stub file.') . ' ' . sprintf($this->__('File does NOT exist: `%1$s`.'), $stub_file));
     if (!is_readable($stub_file)) {
         throw $this->©exception($this->method(__FUNCTION__) . '#stub_file_issues', get_defined_vars(), $this->__('Unable to PHAR a directory; permission issues with stub file.') . ' ' . sprintf($this->__('Need this file to be writable please: `%1$s`.'), $stub_file));
     // Phar class throws exceptions on failure.
     $_stub_file_is_phar_var = '$GLOBALS[\'is_phar_' . $this->©string->esc_sq($is_phar_var_suffix) . '\'] = \'phar://\'.__FILE__;';
     $_stub_file_contents = $strip_ws ? $this->©php->strip_whitespace($stub_file) : file_get_contents($stub_file);
     $_stub_file_contents = trim(preg_replace('/\\W\\?\\>\\s*$/', '', $_stub_file_contents, 1));
     // No close tag & trim.
     $_stub_file_contents = preg_replace('/\\<\\?php|\\<\\?/i', '<?php ' . $_stub_file_is_phar_var, $_stub_file_contents, 1);
     $_stub_file_contents = preg_replace('/\\W__HALT_COMPILER\\s*\\(\\s*\\)\\s*;/i', '', $_stub_file_contents, 1) . ' __HALT_COMPILER();';
     $_phar = new \Phar($to, $this->iteration_flags());
     // Don't create file yet (wait until we're done here).
     // Defines the stub for this PHAR file.
     if (!$strip_ws && !$compress) {
     } else {
         $_strippable_extensions = array('php');
         $_regex_compressable_extensions = $this->©string->preg_quote_deep($compressable_extensions, '/');
         $_regex_compressable_extensions = '/\\.(?:' . implode('|', $_regex_compressable_extensions) . ')$/i';
         $_temp_dir = $this->temp() . '/' . $this->©string->unique_id() . '-' . basename($dir);
         $this->copy_to($dir, $_temp_dir);
         $_temp_dir_iteration = $this->iteration($_temp_dir);
         if ($strip_ws) {
             foreach ($_temp_dir_iteration as $_dir_file) {
                 if (!$_dir_file->isFile()) {
                 $_path = $_dir_file->getPathname();
                 $_phar_path = $_dir_file->getSubPathName();
                 $_extension = $this->©file->extension($_path);
                 if (in_array($_extension, $_strippable_extensions, TRUE)) {
                     file_put_contents($_path, $this->©php->strip_whitespace($_path, TRUE));
         $_phar->buildFromDirectory($_temp_dir, $_regex_compressable_extensions);
         if ($compress && $_phar->count()) {
             // Compressing files?
         foreach ($_temp_dir_iteration as $_dir_file) {
             if (!$_dir_file->isFile()) {
             $_path = $_dir_file->getPathname();
             $_phar_path = $_dir_file->getSubPathName();
             $_extension = $this->©file->extension($_path);
             if (!in_array($_extension, $compressable_extensions, TRUE)) {
                 $_phar->addFile($_path, $_phar_path);
     // Write to disk now.
     unset($_phar, $_stub_file_is_phar_var, $_stub_file_contents, $_strippable_extensions, $_regex_compressable_extensions);
     unset($_temp_dir_iteration, $_dir_file, $_path, $_phar_path, $_extension);
     if (isset($_temp_dir)) {
         // A little more housekeeping now.
     return $to;
     // It's a good day in Eureka!
Example #20
  * Generates a new phar archive.
  * @param array $args The command line arguments.
  * @return void
 public function run(array $args)
     $tempName = $this->copySource();
     $phar = new Phar($this->getTargetPathname(), 0, $this->getAlias());
     chmod($this->getTargetPathname(), 0775);
Example #21
  * Build and configure Phar object.
  * @return Phar
 private function buildPhar()
     $phar = new Phar($this->destinationFile);
      * File compression, if needed.
     if (Phar::NONE != $this->compression) {
     $phar->setDefaultStub($this->cliStubFile, $this->webStubFile);
     if ($metadata = $this->metadata->toArray()) {
     return $phar;
Example #22
File: yze.php Project: ydhl/yangzie
function phar_module($module, $key_path)
    @mkdir(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/tmp/");
    $phar = new \Phar(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/tmp/" . $module . '.phar', 0, $module . '.phar');
    $phar->buildFromDirectory(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/app/modules/" . $module);
    if ($key_path) {
        $private = openssl_get_privatekey(file_get_contents($key_path));
        $pkey = '';
        openssl_pkey_export($private, $pkey);
        $phar->setSignatureAlgorithm(\Phar::OPENSSL, $pkey);
Example #23

if (!class_exists('Phar')) {
    die('Class Phar not found.');
if (is_file('wasp.phar')) {
$arj = new Phar('wasp.phar');
$arj->setStub('<?php define( \'CORE_PATH\', \'phar://\' . __FILE__ ); require( CORE_PATH . \'/bootstrap.php\' ); __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>');
if (Phar::canCompress(Phar::GZ)) {
} else {
    if (Phar::canCompress(Phar::BZ2)) {
echo 'wasp.phar created!';
Example #24
$pname = 'phar://' . $fname;
$file = '<?php __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>';
$files = array();
$files['a'] = 'a';
$files['b'] = 'b';
$files['c'] = 'c';
include 'files/phar_test.inc';
$phar = new Phar($fname);
var_dump(file_get_contents($pname . '/a'));
var_dump(file_get_contents($pname . '/b'));
var_dump(file_get_contents($pname . '/c'));
$phar = new Phar($fname);
var_dump(file_get_contents($pname . '/a'));
var_dump(file_get_contents($pname . '/b'));
var_dump(file_get_contents($pname . '/c'));
unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '.phar');
unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '.phar.php');
Example #25
 public function makePharPlugin($pluginName)
     if ($pluginName === "" or !($plugin = $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->getPlugin($pluginName)) instanceof Plugin) {
         $this->getLogger()->alert("잘못된 플러그인 이름, 이름을 다시 확인해주세요");
     $description = $plugin->getDescription();
     if (!$plugin->getPluginLoader() instanceof FolderPluginLoader) {
         $this->getLogger()->alert("플러그인 " . $description->getName() . " 은 이미 PHAR 상태입니다.");
     $pharPath = $this->getServer()->getDataPath() . "localhost" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pluginName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $description->getName() . "-release" . ".phar";
     if (file_exists($pharPath)) {
         $this->getLogger()->info("Phar 파일 덮어쓰기중...");
     $phar = new \Phar($pharPath);
     $phar->setMetadata(["name" => $description->getName(), "version" => $description->getVersion(), "main" => $description->getMain(), "api" => $description->getCompatibleApis(), "depend" => $description->getDepend(), "description" => $description->getDescription(), "authors" => $description->getAuthors(), "website" => $description->getWebsite(), "creationDate" => time()]);
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass("pocketmine\\plugin\\PluginBase");
     $file = $reflection->getProperty("file");
     $filePath = rtrim(str_replace("\\", "/", $file->getValue($plugin)), "/") . "/";
     foreach (new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($filePath)) as $file) {
         $path = ltrim(str_replace(array("\\", $filePath), array("/", ""), $file), "/");
         if ($path[0] === "." or strpos($path, "/.") !== false) {
         $phar->addFile($file, $path);
     $this->getLogger()->info("PHAR이 해당 플러그인 소스폴더 안에 생성되었습니다. ");
     $this->getLogger()->info("( " . $pharPath . " )");
  * @param Phar   $phar
  * @param string $baseDirectory
 private function compressAllFiles(Phar $phar, $baseDirectory)
     $total = 0;
     foreach ($this->filesets as $fileset) {
         $dir = $fileset->getDir($this->project);
         $msg = sprintf("Fileset %s ...", $dir);
         $this->log($msg, Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
         $added = $phar->buildFromIterator($fileset, $baseDirectory);
         $total += count($added);
     if (Phar::NONE === $this->compression) {
     $msg = sprintf("Compressing %d files (compression: %s) ... ", $total, $this->getCompressionLabel());
     $this->log($msg, Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
     // safeguard open files soft limit
     if (function_exists('posix_getrlimit')) {
         $rlimit = posix_getrlimit();
         if ($rlimit['soft openfiles'] < $total + 5) {
             $msg = sprintf("Limit of openfiles (%d) is too low.", $rlimit['soft openfiles']);
             $this->log($msg, Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
     // safeguard compression
     try {
     } catch (BadMethodCallException $e) {
         if ($e->getMessage() === 'unable to create temporary file') {
             $msg = sprintf("Info: Check openfiles limit it must be %d or higher", $total + 5);
             throw new BadMethodCallException($msg, 0, $e);
         throw $e;
$fname = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '.phar.zip';
$fname2 = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '2.phar.zip';
$fname3 = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '3.phar.zip';
$phar = new Phar($fname);
$phar->setStub('<?php echo "first stub\\n"; __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>');
$files = array();
$files['a'] = 'a';
$files['b'] = 'b';
$files['c'] = 'c';
foreach ($files as $n => $file) {
    $phar[$n] = $file;
echo $phar->getAlias() . "\n";
echo $phar->getAlias() . "\n";
// test compression
copy($fname, $fname2);
$p2 = new Phar($fname2);
echo $p2->getAlias(), "\n";
copy($fname2, $fname3);
$p3 = new Phar($fname3);
echo $p3->getAlias(), "\n";
Example #28
  * Build and configure Phar object.
  * @return Phar
 private function buildPhar()
     $phar = new Phar($this->destinationFile, 0, $this->alias);
      * File compression, if needed.
     if (Phar::NONE != $this->compression) {
     if (isset($this->customStubPath)) {
     } else {
         $phar->setDefaultStub($this->cliStubFile, $this->webStubFile);
     if ($metadata = $this->metadata->toArray()) {
     if (!empty($this->alias)) {
     return $phar;

$fname = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . basename(__FILE__, '.php') . '.phar.zip.php';
$pname = 'phar://' . $fname;
$phar = new Phar($fname);
$phar['a'] = 'a';
$phar['b'] = 'b';
$phar['c'] = 'c';
var_dump(file_get_contents($pname . '/a'));
var_dump(file_get_contents($pname . '/b'));
var_dump(file_get_contents($pname . '/c'));
var_dump(file_get_contents($pname . '/a'));
var_dump(file_get_contents($pname . '/b'));
var_dump(file_get_contents($pname . '/c'));
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
try {
    $a->copy('a', 'b');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
ini_set('phar.readonly', 0);