  * @param Petition $petition
  * @param string $ts_1
  * @param string $ts_2
  * @param PetitionSigning $existing_signing
  * @return Doctrine_Query
 public function queryByTargetSelector(Petition $petition, $ts_1, $ts_2, $existing_signing = null)
     $ts = $petition->getTargetSelectors();
     $query = $this->createQuery('c')->where('c.mailing_list_id = ?', $petition->getMailingListId());
     if ($existing_signing) {
         $query->andWhere('c.id NOT IN (SELECT psc.contact_id FROM PetitionSigningContact psc WHERE psc.petition_signing_id = ?)', $existing_signing->getId());
     if ($ts_1 && count($ts) > 0) {
         $sel = $ts[0]['id'];
         if (is_numeric($sel)) {
             $is_mapping = array_key_exists('kind', $ts[0]) && $ts[0]['kind'] == MailingListMeta::KIND_MAPPING;
             $is_choice = array_key_exists('kind', $ts[0]) && $ts[0]['kind'] == MailingListMeta::KIND_CHOICE;
             $query->leftJoin('c.ContactMeta cm1');
             if ($is_mapping) {
                 $mapped_ts1 = MappingPairTable::getInstance()->getMapByIdAndA($ts[0]['mapping_id'], $ts_1);
                 $query->andWhere('cm1.mailing_list_meta_id = ?', $ts[0]['meta_id'])->leftJoin('cm1.MailingListMetaChoice mlmc1')->andWhereIn('mlmc1.choice', $mapped_ts1);
             } elseif ($is_choice && is_numeric($ts_1)) {
                 $query->andWhere('cm1.mailing_list_meta_id = ?', $sel)->andWhere('cm1.mailing_list_meta_choice_id = ?', $ts_1);
             } else {
                 // should not happen
                 $query->andWhere('cm1.mailing_list_meta_id = ?', $sel)->andWhere('cm1.value = ?', $ts_1);
         } else {
             if ($sel === 'contact') {
                 if (is_numeric($ts_1)) {
                     $query->andWhere("c.id = ?", $ts_1);
             } else {
                 if (is_string($ts_1) && $ts_1 != 'all') {
                     $query->andWhere("c.{$sel} = ?", $ts_1);
         if ($ts_2 && count($ts) > 1) {
             $sel = $ts[1]['id'];
             if (is_numeric($sel)) {
                 if (is_numeric($ts_2)) {
                     $query->leftJoin('c.ContactMeta cm2')->andWhere('cm2.mailing_list_meta_id = ?', $sel)->andWhere('cm2.mailing_list_meta_choice_id = ?', $ts_2);
             } else {
                 if (is_string($ts_2) && $ts_2 != 'all') {
                     $query->andWhere("c.{$sel} = ?", $ts_2);
         } else {
             if (is_numeric($ts_2)) {
                 $query->andWhere("c.id = ?", $ts_2);
     return $query;
 public function getChoices(Petition $petition, $first, $active_pledge_item_ids = false)
     $ts = $petition->getTargetSelectors();
     $choices = array();
     $query = $this->createQuery('ml')->where('ml.id = ?', $petition->getMailingListId());
     $fix_field = false;
     $direct_contact = false;
     if (count($ts) > 1) {
         $second = $ts[1]['id'];
         if (is_numeric($second)) {
             $query->leftJoin('ml.MailingListMeta mlm2')->andWhere('mlm2.id = ?', $second)->leftJoin('mlm2.MailingListMetaChoice mlmc2')->leftJoin('mlmc2.ContactMeta cm2')->leftJoin('cm2.Contact c')->select('DISTINCT ml.id, mlm2.id, mlmc2.*');
         } else {
             $fix_field = true;
             $col = $ts[1]['id'];
             $query->leftJoin('ml.Contact c')->groupBy("c.{$col}")->select("DISTINCT ml.id, c.id, c.{$col}");
     } else {
         $direct_contact = true;
         $query->leftJoin('ml.Contact c')->select('DISTINCT ml.id, c.firstname, c.lastname, c.country');
     if (is_numeric($ts[0]['id'])) {
         $query->leftJoin('c.ContactMeta cm1');
         if (array_key_exists('kind', $ts[0]) && $ts[0]['kind'] == MailingListMeta::KIND_MAPPING) {
             $query->andWhere('cm1.mailing_list_meta_choice_id IN (SELECT mlmc1.id FROM MailingListMetaChoice mlmc1 WHERE mlmc1.mailing_list_meta_id = ? AND mlmc1.choice = ?)', array($ts[0]['meta_id'], $first));
         } else {
             $query->andWhere('cm1.mailing_list_meta_choice_id = ?', $first);
     } else {
         $col = $ts[0]['id'];
         $query->andWhere("c.{$col} = ?", $first);
         // should be secure
     $list = $query->execute();
     $pledges = array();
     $infos = array();
     $pledge_table = PledgeTable::getInstance();
     $pledge_info_columns = $petition->getPledgeInfoColumnsArray();
     if ($list) {
         if ($direct_contact) {
             foreach ($list[0]['Contact'] as $choice) {
                 /* @var $choice Contact */
                 $choices[$choice['id']] = $choice['firstname'] . ' ' . $choice['lastname'];
             $pledges = $pledge_table->getPledgesForContacts($list[0]['Contact'], $active_pledge_item_ids);
             $infos = ContactTable::getInstance()->getPledgeInfoColumns($list[0]['Contact'], $pledge_info_columns);
         } else {
             if ($fix_field) {
                 $col = $ts[1]['id'];
                 foreach ($list[0]['Contact'] as $choice) {
                     $choices[$choice[$col]] = $choice[$col];
             } else {
                 foreach ($list[0]['MailingListMeta'][0]['MailingListMetaChoice'] as $choice) {
                     $choices[$choice['id']] = $choice['choice'];
     return array('choices' => $choices, 'pledges' => $direct_contact && $active_pledge_item_ids !== false ? $pledges : false, 'infos' => $infos);