Example #1
 public static function Create($name, $stakeID, $rawPwd)
     if (!strlen(trim($name)) || !$stakeID || !strlen(trim($rawPwd))) {
         fail("Cannot create a ward without a name, stake ID, and password (and residences are strongly recommended, if possible).");
     if (!Stake::Load($stakeID)) {
         fail("Could not create ward because stake ID was found to be invalid.");
     $ward = new Ward();
     $ward->Name = strip_tags($name);
     $ward->StakeID = $stakeID;
     $ward->Salt = salt();
     $ward->Password = hashPwd($rawPwd, $ward->Salt);
     $ward->Balance = 2.5;
     $ward->Deleted = false;
     if (!$ward->Save()) {
         return null;
     // Set up pre-defined callings, privileges, permissions, and a sample survey question or two.
     $callings = array();
     $callings[1] = new Calling("Bishop", $ward->ID, true);
     $callings[2] = new Calling("Bishopric 1st Counselor", $ward->ID, true);
     $callings[3] = new Calling("Bishopric 2nd Counselor", $ward->ID, true);
     $callings[4] = new Calling("Executive Secretary", $ward->ID, true);
     $callings[5] = new Calling("Elders Quorum President", $ward->ID, true);
     $callings[6] = new Calling("Elders Quorum 1st Counselor", $ward->ID, true);
     $callings[7] = new Calling("Elders Quorum 2nd Counselor", $ward->ID, true);
     $callings[8] = new Calling("Elders Quorum Secretary", $ward->ID, true);
     $callings[9] = new Calling("Relief Society President", $ward->ID, true);
     $callings[10] = new Calling("Relief Society 1st Counselor", $ward->ID, true);
     $callings[11] = new Calling("Relief Society 2nd Counselor", $ward->ID, true);
     $callings[12] = new Calling("Relief Society Secretary", $ward->ID, true);
     $callings[13] = new Calling("Ward Clerk", $ward->ID, true);
     $callings[14] = new Calling("Membership Clerk", $ward->ID, true);
     foreach ($callings as $c) {
     // Save each calling
     // Compile an array of each privilege in the database; currently, we have IDs 1 through 13
     $privileges = array();
     $priv_count = mysql_fetch_row(DB::Run("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Privileges"))[0];
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $priv_count; $i++) {
         $privileges[$i] = Privilege::Load($i);
     // Bishopric (excluding executive secretary) can mass email all ward members,
     // see everything in the export file, and manage privileges, and send texts
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
     // Executive secretary gets all privileges (except redundant ones 2 and 3 - mass email brothers/sisters)
     for ($i = PRIV_EMAIL_ALL; $i <= PRIV_TEXT_ALL; $i++) {
         if ($i != PRIV_EMAIL_BRO && $i != PRIV_EMAIL_SIS) {
     // EQ presidency gets to mass-email all brothers
     for ($i = 5; $i <= 8; $i++) {
     // The EQ president needs to see more in the export file
     // RS presidency gets to mass-email all sisters
     for ($i = 9; $i <= 12; $i++) {
     // RS president can see more in the export file, too
     // Ward clerks can see all info in export file and manage site privileges
     // Membership clerks needs to see all info in export file, and can
     // manage callings, profile pictures, and delete accounts
     // --------------------------------------------------- //
     // Create a sample/starter question.
     $qu = new SurveyQuestion();
     $qu->Question = "Welcome to the singles ward! Do you prefer blue, brown, or green eyes?";
     $qu->QuestionType = QuestionType::MultipleChoice;
     $qu->Required = false;
     $qu->Visible = true;
     $qu->WardID = $ward->ID();
     $qu->AddAnswerOption("Brown eyes");
     $qu->AddAnswerOption("Blue eyes");
     $qu->AddAnswerOption("Green eyes");
     // Let a few people see it: Bishop, Exec. Sec, EQP, and RSP
     $p = new Permission();
     $p->Allow($callings[1]->ID(), "Calling", true);
     $p->Allow($callings[4]->ID(), "Calling", true);
     $p->Allow($callings[5]->ID(), "Calling", true);
     $p->Allow($callings[9]->ID(), "Calling", true);
     // I think we're all done here!
     return $ward;
Example #2
 public function Permissions($removeOverlap = true)
     $permissions = array();
     $wardID = DB::Safe($_SESSION['wardID']);
     $questionQuery = DB::Run("SELECT ID FROM SurveyQuestions WHERE WardID='{$wardID}'");
     while ($questionRow = mysql_fetch_array($questionQuery)) {
         $per = new Permission();
         // Ad-hoc part. We're not looking up permissions by calling or name.
         $permissions[] = $per;
     return $permissions;
Example #3
if ($allCallings && $callingID) {
    fail("You selected to set this permission for ALL callings but chose a specific calling. Which one? Please go back and try again.");
if ($allMembers && $callingID || $allCallings && $memberID) {
    fail("You chose a wildcard permission across all callings or members but also chose a specific member or calling. Please select only one or the other.");
// Make sure the selected member or calling is in this ward
if ($callingID) {
    $c = Calling::Load($callingID);
    if ($c->WardID() != $MEMBER->WardID) {
        fail("The calling you chose is not in your ward.");
} else {
    if ($memberID) {
        $m = Member::Load($memberID);
        if ($m->WardID != $MEMBER->WardID) {
            fail("The member you chose is not in your ward.");
$objID = $callingID ? $callingID : $memberID;
$objType = $callingID ? "Calling" : "Member";
$n = count($questionID);
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
    $p = new Permission();
    $p->Allow($objID, $objType, true);
// Must do a redirect because this form isn't ajax-ified...
header("Location: ../permissions.php");