function clearForumsCache($tableName, $fields) { $fids = isset($fields['fid']) ? is_array($fields['fid']) ? $fields['fid'] : array($fields['fid']) : null; $_cacheService = Perf::getCacheService(); switch ($tableName) { case 'pw_forums': $_cacheService->delete('all_forums_info'); break; case 'pw_forumdata': $_cacheService->delete('all_forums_info'); if ($fids) { foreach ($fids as $fourmId) { $_cacheService->delete('forumdata_announce_' . $fourmId); } break; } case 'pw_announce': $query = $GLOBALS['db']->query('SELECT fid FROM pw_forumdata'); while ($rt = $GLOBALS['db']->fetch_array($query)) { $_cacheService->delete('forumdata_announce_' . $rt['fid']); } break; default: break; } }
//info deploy if (isset($deployfids['info'])) { $cate_img = 'open'; $cate_info = 'none'; } else { $cate_img = 'fold'; $cate_info = ''; } // update birth day if ($db_indexshowbirth) { $brithcache = ''; require_once R_P . 'require/birth.php'; } // get bbsinfo if (Perf::checkMemcache()) { $_cacheService = Perf::getCacheService(); $_bbsInfoResult = $_cacheService->get('bbsinfo_id_1'); if (!$_bbsInfoResult) { $_bbsInfoService = L::loadClass('BbsInfoService', 'forum'); $_bbsInfoResult = $_bbsInfoService->getBbsInfoById(1); } extract($_bbsInfoResult); } else { extract($db->get_one("SELECT * FROM pw_bbsinfo WHERE id=1")); } $newmember = '<a href="u.php?username='******'" target="_blank" class=" _cardshow" data-card-url="pw_ajax.php?action=smallcard&type=showcard&username='******'" data-card-key=' . $newmember . '>' . $newmember . '</a>'; $article += $o_post; $topics += $o_post; $tposts += $o_tpost; // online users Update_ol();
/** * 获取用户信息 * * @global DB $db * @param int $uid * @return array */ function getUserByUid($uid) { $uid = S::int($uid); if ($uid < 1) { return false; } if (perf::checkMemcache()) { $_cacheService = Perf::getCacheService(); $detail = $_cacheService->get('member_all_uid_' . $uid); if ($detail && in_array(SCR, array('index', 'read', 'thread', 'post'))) { $_singleRight = $_cacheService->get('member_singleright_uid_' . $uid); $detail = $_singleRight === false ? false : (array) $detail + (array) $_singleRight; } if ($detail) { return $detail && $detail['groupid'] != 0 && isset($detail['md.uid']) ? $detail : false; } $cache = perf::gatherCache('pw_members'); if (in_array(SCR, array('index', 'read', 'thread', 'post'))) { $detail = $cache->getMembersAndMemberDataAndSingleRightByUserId($uid); } else { $detail = $cache->getAllByUserId($uid, true, true); } return $detail && $detail['groupid'] != 0 && isset($detail['md.uid']) ? $detail : false; } else { global $db; $sqladd = $sqltab = ''; if (in_array(SCR, array('index', 'read', 'thread', 'post'))) { $sqladd = SCR == 'post' ? ',md.postcheck,sr.visit,,sr.reply' : (SCR == 'read' ? ',sr.visit,sr.reply' : ',sr.visit'); $sqltab = "LEFT JOIN pw_singleright sr ON m.uid=sr.uid"; } $detail = $db->get_one("SELECT m.uid,m.username,m.password,m.safecv,,m.bday,m.oicq,m.groupid,m.memberid,m.groups,m.icon,m.regdate,m.honor,m.timedf,,m.datefm,m.t_num,m.p_num,m.yz,m.newpm,m.userstatus,m.shortcut,m.medals,m.gender,md.lastmsg,md.postnum,md.rvrc,,,md.currency,md.lastvisit,md.thisvisit,md.onlinetime,md.lastpost,md.todaypost,md.monthpost,md.onlineip,md.uploadtime,md.uploadnum,md.starttime,md.pwdctime,md.monoltime,md.digests,md.f_num,md.creditpop,md.jobnum,md.lastgrab,md.follows,,md.newfans,md.newreferto,md.newcomment,md.punch,md.bubble,md.newnotice,md.newrequest,md.shafa {$sqladd} FROM pw_members m LEFT JOIN pw_memberdata md ON m.uid=md.uid {$sqltab} WHERE m.uid=" . S::sqlEscape($uid) . " AND m.groupid<>'0' AND md.uid IS NOT NULL"); return $detail; } }
/** * 当发帖和发回复时,从memcache读取缓存数据然后更新它,而不是直接删除缓存 * * @param array $information * @return boolean */ function changeForumDataWithForumId($information = null) { if (!Perf::checkMemcache()) { return true; } if (!S::isArray($information) || !($information = current($information)) || !isset($information['fid'])) { return false; } $fid = intval($information['fid']); $_cacheService = Perf::getCacheService(); $_cacheInfo = $_cacheService->get(array('all_forums_info', 'forumdata_announce_' . $fid)); $_unique = $GLOBALS['db_memcache']['hash']; // 更新index页面里版块缓存 if (isset($_cacheInfo[$_unique . 'all_forums_info'])) { $allForums = $_cacheInfo[$_unique . 'all_forums_info']; foreach ($information as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, array('article', 'topic', 'tpost', 'subtopic'))) { $allForums[$fid][$key] = $allForums[$fid][$key] + $value; } else { $allForums[$fid][$key] = $value; } } $_cacheService->set('all_forums_info', $allForums, 300); } // 更新thread页面里版块和通告缓存 if (isset($_cacheInfo[$_unique . 'forumdata_announce_' . $fid])) { $forums = $_cacheInfo[$_unique . 'forumdata_announce_' . $fid]; foreach ($information as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, array('article', 'topic', 'tpost', 'subtopic'))) { $forums[$key] = $forums[$key] + $value; } else { $forums[$key] = $value; } } $_cacheService->set('forumdata_announce_' . $fid, $forums, 300); } return true; }