if ($key !== 'num') { $PDFdata['table'][0]['cols'][$key] = translateFN($key); } } // this time returned data contains html tags, let's strip'em down foreach ($PDFdata['table'][0]['data'] as $num => $rowElement) { foreach ($rowElement as $key => $cellValue) { $PDFdata['table'][0]['data'][$num][$key] = strip_tags($cellValue, $allowableTags); } } } } else { unset($PDFdata['table'][0]); } require_once ROOT_DIR . '/include/PdfClass.inc.php'; $pdf = new PdfClass('', $PDFdata['title']); $pdf->addHeader($PDFdata['title'], ROOT_DIR . '/layout/' . $userObj->template_family . '/img/header-logo.png')->addFooter(translateFN("Report") . " " . translateFN("generato") . " " . translateFN("il") . " " . date("d/m/Y") . " " . translateFN("alle") . " " . date("H:i:s")); /** * begin PDF body generation */ $pdf->ezText($PDFdata['block1'], $pdf->docFontSize); $pdf->ezText($PDFdata['block2'], $pdf->docFontSize, array('justification' => 'center')); $pdf->ezSetDy(-20); $pdf->ezImage(HTTP_ROOT_DIR . "/browsing/include/graph_pies.inc.php?nodes_percent=" . urlencode($nodes_percent), 5, 200, 'width'); $pdf->ezText($PDFdata['block3'], $pdf->docFontSize, array('justification' => 'center')); $pdf->ezSetDy(-20); if (is_array($PDFdata['table'])) { // tables output foreach ($PDFdata['table'] as $count => $PDFTable) { $pdf->ezTable($PDFTable['data'], $PDFTable['cols'], $PDFTable['title'], array('width' => $pdf->ez['pageWidth'] - $pdf->ez['leftMargin'] - $pdf->ez['rightMargin'])); if ($count < count($PDFdata['table']) - 1) {
} // 1. Get the instance courses data $instance_course_ha = $dh->course_instance_get($id_instance); if (AMA_DB::isError($instance_course_ha)) { $start_date = ''; $instance_title = ''; } else { $start_date = AMA_DataHandler::ts_to_date($instance_course_ha['data_inizio'], ADA_DATE_FORMAT); $instance_title = $instance_course_ha['title']; } $caption = translateFN("Studenti del corso") . " <strong>{$course_title}</strong> - " . translateFN("Classe") . " " . $instance_title . " (" . $id_instance . ") - " . translateFN("Iniziato il ") . " <strong>{$start_date}</strong>"; // build up filename to be streamed out $filename = 'course_' . $id_course . '_class_' . $id_instance . '.' . $type; if ($type === 'pdf') { require_once ROOT_DIR . '/include/PdfClass.inc.php'; $pdf = new PdfClass('landscape', strip_tags(html_entity_decode($courses_student['caption']))); $pdf->addHeader(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($caption)), ROOT_DIR . '/layout/' . $userObj->template_family . '/img/header-logo.png', 14)->addFooter(translateFN("Report") . " " . translateFN("generato") . " " . translateFN("il") . " " . date("d/m/Y") . " " . translateFN("alle") . " " . date("H:i:s")); // prepare header row foreach ($courses_student[0] as $key => $val) { // skip level up and down images, cannot be done in config file // because it would remove cols from html too, and this is not good if (preg_match('/img/', $val) !== 0) { continue; } $cols[$key] = strip_tags($val); } array_shift($courses_student); // prepare data rows $data = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($courses_student as $num => $elem) {