Example #1
 function testSet()
     if ($this->paypal_username) {
         $pp = new PaypalSeed($this->cash_user_id, $this->paypal_connection_id);
         $redirect_url = $pp->setExpressCheckout('13.26', 'order_sku', 'this is the best order ever', 'http://localhost', 'http://localhost');
         //$redirect = CASHSystem::redirectToUrl($redirect_url);
         //echo $redirect;
Example #2
 protected function cancelOrder($id, $user_id = false)
     $order_details = $this->getOrder($id, true);
     // if we send a user id, make sure that user matches the order
     if ($user_id) {
         if ($user_id != $order_details['user_id']) {
             return false;
     switch ($order_details['connection_type']) {
         case 'com.paypal':
             $pp = new PaypalSeed($order_details['user_id'], $order_details['connection_id']);
             $refund_details = $pp->doRefund($order_details['service_transaction_id'], 'This order was cancelled by the seller.');
             // check initial refund success
             if (!$refund_details) {
                 return false;
             } else {
                 // make sure the refund went through fully, return false if not
                 if (isset($refund_details['REFUNDINFO'])) {
                     if ($refund_details['REFUNDINFO']['REFUNDSTATUS'] == 'none') {
                         return false;
                 $this->editOrder($id, false, 1, "Cancelled " . date("F j, Y, g:i a T") . "\n\n" . $order_details['notes']);
                 $this->editTransaction($order_details['transaction_id'], false, false, false, false, false, false, false, 'refunded');
                 return true;
                 // NOTE:
                 // we aren't restocking physical goods for a few reasons:
                 // 1. cancellations should be less common than sales
                 // 2. lack of inventory is a common reason to cancel, restocking makes it worse
                 // 3. manually re-adding stock isn't hard
                 // 4. if an order is a return of damaged goods, you won't restocking
                 // 5. f**k it
             return false;
Example #3
				} else {
		} else {
			$_SESSION['seed_error'] = 'No matching product was found.';
			$_SESSION['seed_state_payment'] = 'error';
	} else {
		$_SESSION['seed_error'] = 'No product was specified.';
		$_SESSION['seed_state_payment'] = 'error';
} else if (isset($_GET['token']) && isset($_GET['PayerID'])) {
	// data returned from Paypal
	$pp = new PaypalSeed($paypal_address,$paypal_key,$paypal_secret);
	$_SESSION['cash_primary_request'] = $pp->getExpressCheckout();
	$_SESSION['seed_response'] = $pp->doExpressCheckout();
	$_SESSION['seed_details'] = $pp->getExpressCheckout();
	// handle all processing then redirect to self, cleaning the URL
	switch ($_SESSION['seed_details']['CHECKOUTSTATUS']) {
	    case 'PaymentActionCompleted':
			if ($_SESSION['seed_response']['PAYMENTINFO_0_PAYMENTSTATUS'] == 'Completed' || 
				$_SESSION['seed_response']['PAYMENTINFO_0_PAYMENTSTATUS'] == 'In-Progress' || 
				$_SESSION['seed_response']['PAYMENTINFO_0_PAYMENTSTATUS'] == 'Processed' || 
				$_SESSION['seed_response']['PAYMENTINFO_0_PAYMENTSTATUS'] == 'Pending') {
					$transaction = new TransactionSeed($db);
Example #4
 protected function finalizeRedirectedPayment($order_id, $creation_date, $direct_post_details = false, $session_id = false)
     $order_details = $this->getOrder($order_id);
     $transaction_details = $this->getTransaction($order_details['transaction_id']);
     $connection_type = $this->getConnectionType($transaction_details['connection_id']);
     $r = new CASHRequest();
     $r->startSession(false, $session_id);
     $finalize_url = $r->sessionGet('payment_finalize_url');
     if ($finalize_url) {
     switch ($connection_type) {
         case 'com.paypal':
             if (isset($_GET['token'])) {
                 if (isset($_GET['PayerID'])) {
                     $pp = new PaypalSeed($order_details['user_id'], $transaction_details['connection_id'], $_GET['token']);
                     $initial_details = $pp->getExpressCheckout();
                     if ($initial_details['ACK'] == 'Success') {
                         $order_totals = $this->getOrderTotals($order_details['order_contents']);
                         if ($initial_details['AMT'] >= $order_totals['price']) {
                             $final_details = $pp->doExpressCheckout();
                             if ($final_details) {
                                 // look for a user to match the email. if not present, make one
                                 $user_request = new CASHRequest(array('cash_request_type' => 'people', 'cash_action' => 'getuseridforaddress', 'address' => $initial_details['EMAIL']));
                                 $user_id = $user_request->response['payload'];
                                 if (!$user_id) {
                                     $user_request = new CASHRequest(array('cash_request_type' => 'system', 'cash_action' => 'addlogin', 'address' => $initial_details['EMAIL'], 'password' => time(), 'is_admin' => 0, 'display_name' => $initial_details['FIRSTNAME'] . ' ' . $initial_details['LASTNAME'], 'first_name' => $initial_details['FIRSTNAME'], 'last_name' => $initial_details['LASTNAME'], 'address_country' => $initial_details['COUNTRYCODE']));
                                     $user_id = $user_request->response['payload'];
                                 // deal with physical quantities
                                 if ($order_details['physical'] == 1) {
                                     $order_items = json_decode($order_details['order_contents'], true);
                                     if (is_array($order_items)) {
                                         foreach ($order_items as $i) {
                                             if ($i['available_units'] > 0 && $i['physical_fulfillment'] == 1) {
                                                 $item = $this->getItem($i['id']);
                                                 if ($i['variant']) {
                                                     $variant_id = 0;
                                                     $variant_qty = 0;
                                                     if ($item['variants']) {
                                                         foreach ($item['variants']['quantities'] as $q) {
                                                             if ($q['key'] == $i['variant']) {
                                                                 $variant_id = $q['id'];
                                                                 $variant_qty = $q['value'];
                                                         if ($variant_id) {
                                                             $this->editItemVariant($variant_id, max($variant_qty - $i['qty'], 0), $i['id']);
                                                 } else {
                                                     $available_units = $this->editItem($i['id'], false, false, false, false, false, max($item['available_units'] - $i['qty'], 0));
                                 // record all the details
                                 if ($order_details['digital'] == 1 && $order_details['physical'] == 0) {
                                     // if the order is 100% digital just mark it as fulfilled
                                     $is_fulfilled = 1;
                                 } else {
                                     // there's something physical. sorry dude. gotta deal with it still.
                                     $is_fulfilled = 0;
                                 $this->editOrder($order_id, $is_fulfilled, 0, false, $initial_details['COUNTRYCODE'], $user_id);
                                 $this->editTransaction($order_details['transaction_id'], strtotime($final_details['TIMESTAMP']), $final_details['CORRELATIONID'], json_encode($initial_details), json_encode($final_details), 1, $final_details['PAYMENTINFO_0_AMT'], $final_details['PAYMENTINFO_0_FEEAMT'], 'complete');
                                 // empty the cart at this point
                                 // TODO: add code to order metadata
                                 // bit of a hack, hard-wiring the email bits:
                                 try {
                                     $personalized_message = '';
                                     if ($order_details['element_id']) {
                                         $element_request = new CASHRequest(array('cash_request_type' => 'element', 'cash_action' => 'getelement', 'id' => $order_details['element_id']));
                                         if ($element_request->response['payload']) {
                                             if (isset($element_request->response['payload']['options']['message_email'])) {
                                                 if ($element_request->response['payload']['options']['message_email']) {
                                                     $personalized_message = $element_request->response['payload']['options']['message_email'] . "\n\n";
                                     if ($order_details['digital']) {
                                         $addcode_request = new CASHRequest(array('cash_request_type' => 'element', 'cash_action' => 'addlockcode', 'element_id' => $order_details['element_id']));
                                         if (!$finalize_url) {
                                             $finalize_url = CASHSystem::getCurrentURL();
                                         CASHSystem::sendEmail('Thank you for your order', $order_details['user_id'], $initial_details['EMAIL'], $personalized_message . "Your order is complete. Here are some details:\n\n**Order #" . $order_details['id'] . "**  \n" . $initial_details['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC'] . "  \n Total: " . CASHSystem::getCurrencySymbol($order_details['currency']) . number_format($final_details['PAYMENTINFO_0_AMT'], 2) . "\n\n" . "\n\n" . '[View your receipt and any downloads](' . $finalize_url . '?cash_request_type=element&cash_action=redeemcode&code=' . $addcode_request->response['payload'] . '&element_id=' . $order_details['element_id'] . '&email=' . urlencode($initial_details['EMAIL']) . '&order_id=' . $order_details['id'] . ')', 'Thank you.');
                                     } else {
                                         CASHSystem::sendEmail('Thank you for your order', $order_details['user_id'], $initial_details['EMAIL'], $personalized_message . "Your order is complete. Here are some details:\n\n**Order #" . $order_details['id'] . "**  \n" . $initial_details['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC'] . "  \n Total: " . CASHSystem::getCurrencySymbol($order_details['currency']) . number_format($final_details['PAYMENTINFO_0_AMT'], 2) . "\n\n", 'Thank you.');
                                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                                     // TODO: handle the case where an email can't be sent. maybe display the download
                                     //       code on-screen? that plus storing it with the order is probably enough
                                 return $order_details['id'];
                             } else {
                                 // make sure this isn't an accidentally refreshed page
                                 if ($initial_details['CHECKOUTSTATUS'] != 'PaymentActionCompleted') {
                                     $initial_details['ERROR_MESSAGE'] = $pp->getErrorMessage();
                                     // there was an error processing the transaction
                                     $this->editOrder($order_id, 0, 1);
                                     $this->editTransaction($order_details['transaction_id'], strtotime($initial_details['TIMESTAMP']), $initial_details['CORRELATIONID'], false, json_encode($initial_details), 0, false, false, 'error processing payment');
                                     return false;
                                 } else {
                                     // this is a successful transaction with the user hitting refresh
                                     // as long as it's within 30 minutes of the original return true, otherwise
                                     // call it false and allow the page to expire
                                     if (time() - strtotime($initial_details['TIMESTAMP']) < 180) {
                                         return true;
                                     } else {
                                         return false;
                         } else {
                             // insufficient funds — user changed amount?
                             $this->editOrder($order_id, 0, 1);
                             $this->editTransaction($order_details['transaction_id'], strtotime($initial_details['TIMESTAMP']), $initial_details['CORRELATIONID'], false, json_encode($initial_details), 0, false, false, 'incorrect amount');
                             return false;
                     } else {
                         // order reporting failure
                         $this->editOrder($order_id, 0, 1);
                         $this->editTransaction($order_details['transaction_id'], strtotime($initial_details['TIMESTAMP']), $initial_details['CORRELATIONID'], false, json_encode($initial_details), 0, false, false, 'payment failed');
                         return false;
                 } else {
                     // user canceled transaction
                     $this->editOrder($order_id, 0, 1);
                     $this->editTransaction($order_details['transaction_id'], time(), false, false, false, 0, false, false, 'canceled');
                     return false;
             return false;
Example #5
 protected function finalizeRedirectedPayment($order_id, $creation_date, $direct_post_details = false)
     $order_details = $this->getOrder($order_id);
     $transaction_details = $this->getTransaction($order_details['transaction_id']);
     $connection_type = $this->getConnectionType($transaction_details['connection_id']);
     switch ($connection_type) {
         case 'com.paypal':
             if (isset($_GET['token'])) {
                 if (isset($_GET['PayerID'])) {
                     $pp = new PaypalSeed($order_details['user_id'], $transaction_details['connection_id'], $_GET['token']);
                     $initial_details = $pp->getExpressCheckout();
                     if ($initial_details['ACK'] == 'Success') {
                         $order_totals = $this->getOrderTotals($order_details['order_contents']);
                         if ($initial_details['AMT'] >= $order_totals['price']) {
                             $final_details = $pp->doExpressCheckout();
                             if ($final_details) {
                                 // look for a user to match the email. if not present, make one
                                 $user_request = new CASHRequest(array('cash_request_type' => 'people', 'cash_action' => 'getuseridforaddress', 'address' => $initial_details['EMAIL']));
                                 $user_id = $user_request->response['payload'];
                                 if (!$user_id) {
                                     $user_request = new CASHRequest(array('cash_request_type' => 'system', 'cash_action' => 'addlogin', 'address' => $initial_details['EMAIL'], 'password' => time(), 'is_admin' => 0, 'display_name' => $initial_details['FIRSTNAME'] . ' ' . $initial_details['LASTNAME'], 'first_name' => $initial_details['FIRSTNAME'], 'last_name' => $initial_details['LASTNAME'], 'address_country' => $initial_details['COUNTRYCODE']));
                                     $user_id = $user_request->response['payload'];
                                 // record the details to the order/transaction where appropriate
                                 $this->editOrder($order_id, 1, 0, false, $initial_details['COUNTRYCODE'], $user_id);
                                 $this->editTransaction($order_details['transaction_id'], $service_timestamp = strtotime($final_details['TIMESTAMP']), $service_transaction_id = $final_details['CORRELATIONID'], $data_sent = json_encode($initial_details), $data_returned = json_encode($final_details), $successful = 1, $gross_price = $final_details['PAYMENTINFO_0_AMT'], $service_fee = $final_details['PAYMENTINFO_0_FEEAMT'], $status = 'complete');
                                 $addcode_request = new CASHRequest(array('cash_request_type' => 'element', 'cash_action' => 'addlockcode', 'element_id' => $order_details['element_id']));
                                 // bit of a hack, hard-wiring the email bits:
                                 CASHSystem::sendEmail('Your download is ready', CASHSystem::getDefaultEmail(), $initial_details['EMAIL'], 'Your download of "' . $initial_details['L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0'] . '" is ready and can be found at: ' . CASHSystem::getCurrentURL() . '?cash_request_type=element&cash_action=redeemcode&code=' . $addcode_request->response['payload'] . '&element_id=' . $order_details['element_id'] . '&email=' . urlencode($initial_details['EMAIL']), 'Thank you');
                                 return true;
                             } else {
                                 // make sure this isn't an accidentally refreshed page
                                 if ($initial_details['CHECKOUTSTATUS'] != 'PaymentActionCompleted') {
                                     $initial_details['ERROR_MESSAGE'] = $pp->getErrorMessage();
                                     // there was an error processing the transaction
                                     $this->editOrder($order_id, 0, 1);
                                     $this->editTransaction($order_details['transaction_id'], $service_timestamp = strtotime($initial_details['TIMESTAMP']), $service_transaction_id = $initial_details['CORRELATIONID'], $data_sent = false, $data_returned = json_encode($initial_details), $successful = 0, $gross_price = false, $service_fee = false, $status = 'error processing payment');
                                     return false;
                                 } else {
                                     // this is a successful transaction with the user hitting refresh
                                     // as long as it's within 30 minutes of the original return true, otherwise
                                     // call it false and allow the page to expire
                                     if (time() - strtotime($initial_details['TIMESTAMP']) < 180) {
                                         return true;
                                     } else {
                                         return false;
                         } else {
                             // insufficient funds — user changed amount?
                             $this->editOrder($order_id, 0, 1);
                             $this->editTransaction($order_details['transaction_id'], $service_timestamp = strtotime($initial_details['TIMESTAMP']), $service_transaction_id = $initial_details['CORRELATIONID'], $data_sent = false, $data_returned = json_encode($initial_details), $successful = 0, $gross_price = false, $service_fee = false, $status = 'incorrect amount');
                             return false;
                     } else {
                         // order reporting failure
                         $this->editOrder($order_id, 0, 1);
                         $this->editTransaction($order_details['transaction_id'], $service_timestamp = strtotime($initial_details['TIMESTAMP']), $service_transaction_id = $initial_details['CORRELATIONID'], $data_sent = false, $data_returned = json_encode($initial_details), $successful = 0, $gross_price = false, $service_fee = false, $status = 'payment failed');
                         return false;
                 } else {
                     // user canceled transaction
                     $this->editOrder($order_id, 0, 1);
                     $this->editTransaction($order_details['transaction_id'], $service_timestamp = time(), $service_transaction_id = false, $data_sent = false, $data_returned = false, $successful = 0, $gross_price = false, $service_fee = false, $status = 'canceled');
                     return false;
             return false;