public function paypal_c() { foreach ($_POST as $k => $post) { $_POST[$k] = str_replace($this->paypal_c_url, "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}", $_POST[$k]); if (false !== strpos($_POST[$k])) { $_POST[$k] = str_replace('Payment-Pin', 'Payment-Pin_c', $_POST[$k]); } } import('@.ORG.Payment.Paypal'); $p = new Paypal(); $p->add_field('business', $_POST['business']); //收款人账号'*****@*****.**' //$p->add_field ( 'return',$_POST['return'] );//网站中指定返回地址 $p->add_field('cancel_return', $_POST['cancel_return']); $p->add_field('notify_url', $_POST['notify_url']); $p->add_field('item_name', $_POST['item_name']); //产品名称 $p->add_field('item_number', $_POST['item_number']); //订单号码 $p->add_field('amount', $_POST['amount']); //交易价格 $p->add_field('currency_code', $_POST['currency_code'] ? $_POST['currency_code'] : 'USD'); //货币代码 $p->submit_paypal_post_c(); //简洁提交 }
function eme_paypal_form($event, $payment, $price, $lang, $multi_booking = 0) { global $post; $quantity = 1; $charge = eme_payment_provider_extra_charge($price, 'paypal'); $price += $charge; $events_page_link = eme_get_events_page(true, false); $payment_id = $payment['id']; if ($multi_booking) { $success_link = get_permalink($post->ID); $fail_link = $success_link; $name = __("Multiple booking request", "eme"); } else { $success_link = eme_payment_return_url($event, $payment, 1); $fail_link = eme_payment_return_url($event, $payment, 2); $name = eme_sanitize_html(sprintf(__("Booking for '%s'", "eme"), $event['event_name'])); } $notification_link = add_query_arg(array('eme_eventAction' => 'paypal_notification'), $events_page_link); $button_above = eme_replace_payment_provider_placeholders(get_option('eme_paypal_button_above'), $charge, $event['currency'], $lang); $button_label = eme_replace_payment_provider_placeholders(get_option('eme_paypal_button_label'), $charge, $event['currency'], $lang); $button_below = eme_replace_payment_provider_placeholders(get_option('eme_paypal_button_below'), $charge, $event['currency'], $lang); $button_img_url = get_option('eme_paypal_button_img_url'); require_once "payment_gateways/paypal/Paypal.php"; $p = new Paypal(); // the paypal or paypal sandbox url $p->paypal_url = get_option('eme_paypal_url'); // the timeout in seconds before the button form is submitted to paypal // this needs the included addevent javascript function // 0 = no delay // false = disable auto submission $p->timeout = false; // the button label // false to disable button (if you want to rely only on the javascript auto-submission) not recommended $button_label = htmlentities($button_label); $p->button = $button_label; if (!empty($button_img_url)) { $p->button_img_url = $button_img_url; } if (get_option('eme_paypal_s_encrypt')) { // use encryption (strongly recommended!) $p->encrypt = true; $p->private_key = get_option('eme_paypal_s_privkey'); $p->public_cert = get_option('eme_paypal_s_pubcert'); $p->paypal_cert = get_option('eme_paypal_s_paypalcert'); $p->cert_id = get_option('eme_paypal_s_certid'); } else { $p->encrypt = false; } // the actual button parameters // $p->add_field('charset', 'utf-8'); $p->add_field('business', get_option('eme_paypal_business')); $p->add_field('return', $success_link); $p->add_field('cancel_return', $fail_link); $p->add_field('notify_url', $notification_link); $p->add_field('item_name', $name); $p->add_field('item_number', $payment_id); $p->add_field('currency_code', $event['currency']); $p->add_field('amount', $price); $p->add_field('quantity', $quantity); $p->add_field('no_shipping', 1); if (get_option('eme_paypal_no_tax')) { $p->add_field('tax', 0); } $form_html = $button_above; $form_html .= $p->get_button(); $form_html .= $button_below; return $form_html; }
/** * User::pay_new() * * New payment * * @access public * @param int $id User ID * @param int $gate_id Gateway ID * @return void */ public function pay_new($id = '', $gate_id = '') { if (intval($id) == 0 or intval($gate_id) == 0) { show_404(); } $user = $this->db->get_where('users', array('id' => $id))->row(); if (!$user or $user->status != 0) { show_404(); } $group = $this->db->get_where('groups', array('id' => $user->group))->row(); if (!$group) { show_404(); } $gate = $this->db->get_where('gateways', array('id' => $gate_id))->row(); if (!$gate) { show_404(); } // get payment gateway settings $gate_conf = unserialize($gate->settings); // load payment libs include_once APPPATH . 'libraries/payment/PaymentGateway.php'; // which payment system to use? if ($gate->name == 'paypal') { // Include the paypal library include_once APPPATH . 'libraries/payment/Paypal.php'; // Create an instance of the paypal library $my_paypal = new Paypal(); // Specify your paypal email $my_paypal->add_field('business', $gate_conf['email']); // Specify the currency $my_paypal->add_field('currency_code', $gate_conf['currency']); // Specify the url where paypal will send the user on success/failure $my_paypal->add_field('return', site_url('user/pay_complete')); $my_paypal->add_field('cancel_return', site_url('user/pay_cancel')); // Specify the url where paypal will send the IPN $my_paypal->add_field('notify_url', site_url('payment/ipn/paypal')); // Specify the product information $my_paypal->add_field('item_name', $this->startup->site_config->sitename . ' ' . lang('Account Registration')); $my_paypal->add_field('amount', $group->price); $my_paypal->add_field('item_number', rand(1, 1000) . '-' . $user->id); // Specify any custom value $my_paypal->add_field('custom', base64_encode(json_encode(array('user_id' => $user->id, 'type' => 'reg')))); // Enable test mode if needed if (defined('XUDEBUG') and XUDEBUG == true) { $my_paypal->enable_test_mode(); } // Let's start the train! $data['form'] = $my_paypal->submit_payment(lang('If you are not automatically redirected to payment website within 5 seconds,<br> click \'Make Payment\' below to begin the payment procedure.')); } else { if ($gate->name == 'authorize') { // Include the paypal library include_once APPPATH . 'libraries/payment/Authorize.php'; // Create an instance of the library $my_authorize = new Authorize(); // Specify your login and secret $my_authorize->set_user_info($gate_conf['login'], $gate_conf['secret']); // Specify the url where will send the user on success/failure $my_authorize->add_field('x_Receipt_Link_URL', site_url('user/pay_complete')); // Specify the url where will send the IPN $my_authorize->add_field('x_Relay_URL', site_url('payment/ipn/authorize')); // Specify the product information $my_authorize->add_field('x_Description', $this->startup->site_config->sitename . ' ' . lang('Account Registration')); $my_authorize->add_field('x_Amount', $group->price); $my_authorize->add_field('x_Invoice_num', rand(1, 1000) . '-' . $user->id); $my_authorize->add_field('x_Cust_ID', base64_encode(json_encode(array('user_id' => $user->id, 'type' => 'reg')))); // Enable test mode if needed if (defined('XUDEBUG') and XUDEBUG == true) { $my_authorize->enable_test_mode(); } // Let's start the train! $data['form'] = $my_authorize->submit_payment(lang('If you are not automatically redirected to payment website within 5 seconds,<br> click \'Make Payment\' below to begin the payment procedure.')); } else { if ($gate->name = '2co') { // Include the paypal library include_once APPPATH . 'libraries/payment/TwoCo.php'; // Create an instance of the library $my2_co = new TwoCo(); // Specify your 2CheckOut vendor id $my2_co->add_field('sid', $gate_conf['vendor_id']); // Specify the order information $my2_co->add_field('cart_order_id', rand(1, 1000) . '-' . $user->id); $my2_co->add_field('total', $group->price); // Specify the url where will send the IPN $my2_co->add_field('x_Receipt_Link_URL', site_url('payment/ipn/two_checkout')); $my2_co->add_field('tco_currency', $gate_conf['currency']); $my2_co->add_field('custom', base64_encode(json_encode(array('user_id' => $user->id, 'type' => 'reg')))); // Enable test mode if needed if (defined('XUDEBUG') and XUDEBUG == true) { $my2_co->enable_test_mode(); } // Let's start the train! $data['form'] = $my2_co->submit_payment(lang('If you are not automatically redirected to payment website within 5 seconds,<br> click \'Make Payment\' below to begin the payment procedure.')); } } } $this->load->view($this->startup->skin . '/header', array('header_title' => lang('Make Payment'))); $this->load->view($this->startup->skin . '/user/register/pay_new', array('ammount' => $group, 'user' => $id, 'form' => $data['form'])); $this->load->view($this->startup->skin . '/footer'); }
end */ $_input_charset = 'utf-8'; //$service = 'create_direct_pay_by_user'; // what does it mean?? $partner = $INI['paypal']['mid']; $security_code = $INI['paypal']['sec']; $seller_acc = $INI['paypal']['acc']; $sign_type = 'MD5'; $out_trade_no = "paypal-{$order['id']}-{$randno}"; $return_url = $INI['system']['wwwprefix'] . '/order/paypal/return.php'; $notify_url = $INI['system']['wwwprefix'] . '/order/paypal/giftnotify.php'; $show_url = $INI['system']['wwwprefix'] . "/gift_cards/index.php"; $subject = preg_replace('/[\\r\\n\\s]+/', '', strip_tags('Gift_Card')); $body = $show_url; $quantity = 1; $paypal = new Paypal(); $paypal->add_field('business', $seller_acc); $paypal->add_field('notify_url', $notify_url); $paypal->add_field('return', $return_url); //$paypal->add_field('cancel_return', $show_url); //$paypal->add_field('transaction_subject', 'Paypal Transaction - test'); $paypal->add_field('item_name', $subject); $paypal->add_field('item_number', $out_trade_no); $paypal->add_field('currency_code', $currency); $paypal->add_field('amount', $total_money); $paypal->add_field('txn_id', $out_trade_no); $sign = $paypal->submit_verify(); include template('gift_pay'); } else { if ($order['paytype'] == 'cash') { include template('gift_pay'); } else {
function paymentPaypal($order_id, $amount = 0) { global $_ARRAYLANG; if (isset($_GET['result'])) { $result = $_GET['result']; switch ($result) { case -1: // Go validate PayPal IPN $this->paymentPaypalIpn($order_id, $amount); die; case 0: // Payment failed break; case 1: // The payment has been completed. // The notification with result == -1 will update the order. // This case only redirects the customer to the list page with // an appropriate message according to the status of the order. $order_state = self::GetOrderValue('order_state', $order_id); if ($order_state == 1) { $product_id = self::GetOrderValue('order_product', $order_id); return self::getSuccessMessage($product_id); } elseif ($order_state == 0) { if (self::GetSettings('set_paypal_ipn') == 1) { return 'alert("' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_EGOV_PAYPAL_IPN_PENDING'] . "\");\n"; } } break; case 2: // Payment was cancelled return 'alert("' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_EGOV_PAYPAL_CANCEL'] . "\");\n"; } return 'alert("' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_EGOV_PAYPAL_NOT_VALID'] . "\");\n"; } $product_id = self::getOrderValue('order_product', $order_id); if (empty($product_id)) { return 'alert("' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_EGOV_ERROR_UPDATING_ORDER'] . '");' . "\n"; } // Prepare payment $paypalUriIpn = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?section=Egov&handler=paypal&result=-1"; $paypalUriNok = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?section=Egov&handler=paypal&result=0"; $paypalUriOk = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?section=Egov&handler=paypal&result=1"; $objPaypal = new Paypal(); $product_id = self::GetOrderValue('order_product', $order_id); if (empty($product_id)) { return 'alert("' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_EGOV_ERROR_PROCESSING_ORDER'] . "\");\n"; } $product_name = self::GetProduktValue('product_name', $product_id); $product_amount = self::GetProduktValue('product_price', $product_id); $quantity = self::GetProduktValue('product_per_day', $product_id) == 'yes' ? intval($_REQUEST['contactFormField_Quantity']) : 1; if ($product_amount <= 0) { return ''; } $objPaypal->add_field('business', self::GetProduktValue('product_paypal_sandbox', $product_id)); $objPaypal->add_field('return', $paypalUriOk); $objPaypal->add_field('cancel_return', $paypalUriNok); $objPaypal->add_field('notify_url', $paypalUriIpn); $objPaypal->add_field('item_name', $product_name); $objPaypal->add_field('amount', $product_amount); $objPaypal->add_field('quantity', $quantity); $objPaypal->add_field('currency_code', self::GetProduktValue('product_paypal_currency', $product_id)); $objPaypal->add_field('custom', $order_id); //die(); $objPaypal->submit_paypal_post(); die; }