public function submit() { if ($this->evt) { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM requests WHERE type={?} AND data LIKE {?}', 'paiements', PayReq::same_event($this->evt, $this->asso_id)); } parent::submit(); }
function handler_edit($page, $eid = null) { global $globals; // get eid if the the given one is a short name if (!is_null($eid) && !is_numeric($eid)) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT eid\n FROM group_events\n WHERE asso_id = {?} AND short_name = {?}", $globals->asso('id'), $eid); if ($res->numRows()) { $eid = (int) $res->fetchOneCell(); } } // check the event is in our group if (!is_null($eid)) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT short_name\n FROM group_events\n WHERE eid = {?} AND asso_id = {?}", $eid, $globals->asso('id')); if ($res->numRows()) { $infos = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); } else { return PL_FORBIDDEN; } } $page->changeTpl('xnetevents/edit.tpl'); $moments = range(1, 4); $error = false; $page->assign('moments', $moments); if (Post::v('intitule')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $this->load(''); $short_name = event_change_shortname($page, $eid, $infos['short_name'], Env::v('short_name', '')); if ($short_name != Env::v('short_name')) { $error = true; } $evt = array('eid' => $eid, 'asso_id' => $globals->asso('id'), 'paiement_id' => Post::v('paiement_id') > 0 ? Post::v('paiement_id') : null, 'debut' => Post::v('deb_Year') . '-' . Post::v('deb_Month') . '-' . Post::v('deb_Day') . ' ' . Post::v('deb_Hour') . ':' . Post::v('deb_Minute') . ':00', 'fin' => Post::v('fin_Year') . '-' . Post::v('fin_Month') . '-' . Post::v('fin_Day') . ' ' . Post::v('fin_Hour') . ':' . Post::v('fin_Minute') . ':00', 'short_name' => $short_name); $trivial = array('intitule', 'descriptif', 'noinvite', 'subscription_notification', 'show_participants', 'accept_nonmembre', 'uid'); foreach ($trivial as $k) { $evt[$k] = Post::v($k); } if (!$eid) { $evt['uid'] = S::v('uid'); } if (Post::v('deadline')) { $evt['deadline_inscription'] = Post::v('inscr_Year') . '-' . Post::v('inscr_Month') . '-' . Post::v('inscr_Day'); } else { $evt['deadline_inscription'] = null; } // Store the modifications in the database XDB::execute('INSERT INTO group_events (eid, asso_id, uid, intitule, paiement_id, descriptif, debut, fin, show_participants, short_name, deadline_inscription, noinvite, accept_nonmembre, subscription_notification) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE asso_id = VALUES(asso_id), uid = VALUES(uid), intitule = VALUES(intitule), paiement_id = VALUES(paiement_id), descriptif = VALUES(descriptif), debut = VALUES(debut), fin = VALUES(fin), show_participants = VALUES(show_participants), short_name = VALUES(short_name), deadline_inscription = VALUES(deadline_inscription), noinvite = VALUES(noinvite), accept_nonmembre = VALUES(accept_nonmembre), subscription_notification = VALUES(subscription_notification)', $evt['eid'], $evt['asso_id'], $evt['uid'], $evt['intitule'], $evt['paiement_id'], $evt['descriptif'], $evt['debut'], $evt['fin'], $evt['show_participants'], $evt['short_name'], $evt['deadline_inscription'], $evt['noinvite'], $evt['accept_nonmembre'], $evt['subscription_notification']); // if new event, get its id if (!$eid) { $eid = XDB::insertId(); } foreach ($moments as $i) { if (Post::v('titre' . $i)) { $nb_moments++; $montant = strtr(Post::v('montant' . $i), ',', '.'); $money_defaut += (double) $montant; XDB::execute('INSERT INTO group_event_items (eid, item_id, titre, details, montant) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE titre = VALUES(titre), details = VALUES(details), montant = VALUES(montant)', $eid, $i, Post::v('titre' . $i), Post::v('details' . $i), $montant); } else { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM group_event_items WHERE eid = {?} AND item_id = {?}', $eid, $i); } } // request for a new payment if (Post::v('paiement_id') == -1 && $money_defaut >= 0) { $p = new PayReq(S::user(), $globals->asso('nom') . " - " . Post::v('intitule'), Post::v('site'), $money_defaut, Post::v('confirmation'), 0, 999, $globals->asso('id'), $eid, Post::v('payment_public') == 'yes'); if ($p->accept()) { $p->submit(); } else { $page->assign('payment_message', Post::v('confirmation')); $page->assign('payment_site', Post::v('site')); $page->assign('payment_public', Post::v('payment_public') == 'yes'); $page->assign('error', true); $error = true; } } // events with no sub-event: add a sub-event with default name if ($nb_moments == 0) { XDB::execute("INSERT INTO group_event_items\n VALUES ({?}, {?}, 'Événement', '', 0)", $eid, 1); } if (!$error) { pl_redirect('events'); } } // get a list of all the payment for this asso $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT id, text\n FROM payments\n WHERE asso_id = {?} AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('old', flags)", $globals->asso('id')); $paiements = array(); while ($a = $res->next()) { $paiements[$a['id']] = $a['text']; } $page->assign('paiements', $paiements); // when modifying an old event retreive the old datas if ($eid) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT eid, intitule, descriptif, debut, fin, uid,\n show_participants, paiement_id, short_name,\n deadline_inscription, noinvite, accept_nonmembre, subscription_notification\n FROM group_events\n WHERE eid = {?}", $eid); $evt = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); // find out if there is already a request for a payment for this event $res = XDB::query("SELECT stamp\n FROM requests\n WHERE type = 'paiements' AND data LIKE {?}", PayReq::same_event($eid, $globals->asso('id'))); $stamp = $res->fetchOneCell(); if ($stamp) { $evt['paiement_id'] = -2; $evt['paiement_req'] = $stamp; } $page->assign('evt', $evt); // get all the different moments infos $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT item_id, titre, details, montant\n FROM group_event_items AS ei\n INNER JOIN group_events AS e ON(e.eid = ei.eid)\n WHERE e.eid = {?}\n ORDER BY item_id", $eid); $items = array(); while ($item = $res->next()) { $items[$item['item_id']] = $item; } $page->assign('items', $items); } $page->assign('url_ref', $eid); }