Example #1
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     $rules = array('private' => 'numeric|required', 'title' => 'max:46|required', 'paste' => 'required', 'expire' => 'required|numeric', 'private' => 'required|numeric', 'tags' => 'max:6|alpha');
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         $messages = $validator->messages();
         return View::make('paste.form')->withErrors($messages);
     $new_paste = new Paste();
     $new_paste->title = Input::get('title');
     $new_paste->token = Str::random(40);
     $new_paste->delete_token = Str::random(40);
     $new_paste->paste = Input::get('paste');
     $new_paste->private = Input::get('private');
     $expire_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(sprintf('now + %s minutes', Input::get('expire'))));
     $new_paste->expire = $expire_time;
     if (!$new_paste->save()) {
         Debugbar::error('Saving failed!');
     // Check if tags are set
     if (Input::has('hidden-tags')) {
         $tags = explode(' ', Input::get('hidden-tags'));
         foreach ($tags as $key => $tag) {
             $tag_model = new Tag();
             $tag_model->tag = $tag;
             $tag_model->paste_id = $new_paste->id;
     if ($new_paste->id) {
         return Redirect::route('paste.show', $new_paste->token)->withCookie(Cookie::make('edittoken', $new_paste->token, 30));
     return view::make('paste.form', array('page_title' => 'Create a paste'));
Example #2
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $faker = Faker\Factory::create();
     $paste_count = 10;
     $tags = array('php', 'javascript', 'ruby', 'js', 'cpp', 'c++', 'c#', 'go', 'html', 'css');
     for ($i = 0; $i < $paste_count; $i++) {
         $tags_per_paste = rand(1, 3);
         // Generate the paste
         $examplePaste = new Paste();
         $examplePaste->paste = $faker->paragraph;
         $examplePaste->title = $faker->realText(46);
         $examplePaste->expire = $faker->dateTime($max = 'now');
         $examplePaste->token = Str::random(40);
         $examplePaste->private = rand(0, 1);
         $examplePaste->delete_token = Str::random(40);
         // Attach some tags to the new paste
         for ($i = 0; $i < $tags_per_paste; ++$i) {
             $exampleTag = new Tag();
             $exampleTag->tag = $tags[rand(0, sizeof($tags) - 1)];
             $exampleTag->paste_id = $examplePaste->id;
         print "Seeded paste with ID of " . $examplePaste->id . "\n";
Example #3
 public function indexAction()
     // No view needed since this is all backend stuff.
     // Generate random ids until we find one not in use.
     // This will cause one additional SQL query at minimum when creating a paste.
     do {
         $id = Text::random(Text::RANDOM_ALNUM, rand(5, 13));
     } while (Paste::findFirstByid($id));
     $paste = new Paste();
     $paste->id = $id;
     $paste->content = rtrim($this->request->getPost("content"));
     $paste->lang = $this->request->getPost("lang") == null ? "auto" : $this->request->getPost("lang");
     // No sanitisation needed if we accept anything at all to mean true and nothing to mean false.
     // Also addresses http://stackoverflow.com/a/14067312
     $paste->private = $this->request->getPost("private") == null ? 0 : 1;
     $paste->owner_addr = $this->request->getClientAddress();
     $paste->size_bytes = strlen($paste->content);
     if (!$paste->save()) {
         foreach ($paste->getMessages() as $message) {
         return $this->response->redirect();
     return $this->response->redirect($this->url->get("v/{$id}"));
Example #4
                $boundary = $out[1];
            } else {
                if (empty($ffrom) && preg_match("#^From: (.+)#", $line, $out)) {
                    $ffrom = $out[1];
                } else {
                    if (empty($subject) && preg_match("#^Subject: (.+)#", $line, $out)) {
                        $subject = $out[1];
// Extract username instead of email adress if it exists
if (preg_match("#([^<]+) <#ui", $ffrom, $out)) {
    $from = $out[1];
} else {
    $from = $ffrom;
// Create the paste
$paste = new Paste();
$paste->title = $subject;
$paste->author = $from;
$paste->date = time();
$paste->content = utf8_encode(trim($cnt[max(0, $i - 1)]));
// Save the paste and give read right to all users (if mail user is different from php one)
$link = $paste->save();
chmod(Paste::get_path($paste->filename), 0644);
// Send confirmation email
$headers = 'From: paste@p0m.fr' . "\r\n" . 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"' . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: ' . ucfirst(HTTP_URL);
mail($ffrom, "Re: " . $subject, "Bonjour,\n\nVotre paste a bien été publié à l'adresse suivante :\nhttp://" . HTTP_URL . "/?" . $link . "\n\n-- \n" . HTTP_URL, $headers);
Example #5
  * Save the current paste
 function save($filename = NULL)
     $this->hash = base64_encode(sha1($this->content, true));
     if (empty($filename)) {
         $i = 0;
         do {
             $filename = substr(str_replace("+", "", str_replace("/", "", $this->hash)), $i++, NB_CHAR);
         } while (is_file(Paste::get_path($filename)) && Paste::speed_cmp(Paste::get_path($filename), $this->hash));
     $this->filename = $filename;
     $xml = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     $xml->formatOutput = true;
     $xml_paste = $xml->createElement("paste");
     $xml_paste->appendChild($xml->createElement("title", $this->title));
     $xml_paste->appendChild($xml->createElement("author", $this->author));
     $xml_paste->appendChild($xml->createElement("language", $this->language));
     $xml_paste->appendChild($xml->createElement("date", $this->date));
     $xml_paste->appendChild($xml->createElement("ip", $this->ip));
     $cnt = $xml->createElement("content");
     if (!empty($this->crypt)) {
         $xml_paste->appendChild($xml->createElement("crypt", base64_encode($this->crypt)));
     if (!empty($this->ref)) {
         //Also indicate in the parent file
         $parent = new Paste($this->ref);
         //Does the parent exist?
         if ($parent->load()) {
             $xml_paste->appendChild($xml->createElement("ref", $this->ref));
             if ($parent->add_answer($this->filename)) {
     foreach ($this->answers as $a) {
         $xml_paste->appendChild($xml->createElement("answer", $a));
     $xml_paste->appendChild($xml->createElement("hash", $this->hash));
     if ($this->is_private()) {
     if ($xml->save(Paste::get_path($this->filename))) {
         return $this->filename;
     } else {
         die("Sorry, an error occured while saving the file. Please try again later.");
         return FALSE;
Example #6

require_once "../common.php";
if (!empty($_POST["content"])) {
    if (!isset($_POST["title"])) {
        $_POST["title"] = "";
    if (!isset($_POST["author"])) {
        $_POST["author"] = "";
    if (!isset($_POST["lang"])) {
        $_POST["lang"] = "";
    if (!isset($_POST["hide"])) {
        $_POST["hide"] = 0;
    $paste = new Paste();
    header("Location: /?" . $paste->save());
header("Location: /");
Example #7
  * Creates a new paste with the data supplied
  * @static
  * @param  string  $source
  * @param  array   $data
  * @return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
 public static function createNew($source, $data)
     // Get the site's configuration
     $site = Site::config('general');
     // Set the paste protected flag
     $protected = !empty($data['password']);
     // Set the private paste flag
     $private = !empty($data['private']);
     // We use an alphanumeric URL key to identify pastes
     // This is done so that users do not have access to the
     // actual primary key in the database and therefore, cannot
     // mass download all data
     $urlkey = static::makeUrlKey();
     // This hash is used for identifying private pastes
     // Unless being opened by the paste author, sticky notes
     // makes passing this hass as a part of the URL mandatory
     // for private pastes
     $hash = static::getHash();
     // Encrypt the password with a salt
     $password = '';
     $salt = str_random(5);
     if (!empty($data['password'])) {
         $password = PHPass::make()->create($data['password'], $salt);
     // Set the paste visibility based on the site's config
     switch ($site->pasteVisibility) {
         case 'public':
             $protected = $private = FALSE;
             $password = '';
         case 'private':
             $private = TRUE;
     // Set the paste author
     if (Auth::check()) {
         $user = Auth::user();
         $authorId = $user->id;
         $author = $user->username;
     } else {
         $authorId = 0;
         $author = NULL;
     // Set the paste expiration time default
     if (!isset($data['expire']) or $data['expire'] < 0) {
         $data['expire'] = $site->pasteAge;
     // Check if we have an attachment
     if ($site->allowAttachment and isset($data['attachment']) and is_array($data['attachment'])) {
         $attachment = empty($data['attachment'][0]) ? 0 : 1;
     } else {
         $attachment = 0;
     // Set up the new paste
     $paste = new Paste();
     $paste->project = empty($data['project']) ? NULL : $data['project'];
     $paste->title = empty($data['title']) ? NULL : $data['title'];
     $paste->data = $data['data'];
     $paste->language = $data['language'];
     $paste->private = ($protected or $private) ? 1 : 0;
     $paste->password = $password;
     $paste->salt = $salt;
     $paste->hash = $hash;
     $paste->urlkey = $urlkey;
     $paste->author = $author;
     $paste->author_id = $authorId;
     $paste->timestamp = time();
     $paste->expire = $data['expire'] > 0 ? time() + $data['expire'] : 0;
     $paste->ip = Request::getClientIp();
     $paste->attachment = $attachment;
     $paste->hits = 0;
     $paste->flagged = 0;
     // Insert paste count to the statistics table
     $stat = Statistics::firstOrNew(array('date' => date('Y-m-d')));
     // Return the created paste
     return $paste;