Example #1
  * Test a email document with base64 encoding
 public function testEmailBase64()
     $content = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../../data/email_base64.txt');
     $part = new Part($content);
     $this->setExpectedException('\\LogicException', "MultiPart content, there aren't body");
     self::assertEquals('This is thé subject', $part->getHeader('Subject'));
     /** @var Part[] $parts */
     $parts = $part->getParts();
     self::assertEquals('This is the content', $parts[0]->getBody());
     self::assertEquals('This is the côntént', $parts[1]->getBody());
Example #2
  * Decodes the content of a Mime part.
  * @param \BeSimple\SoapCommon\Mime\Part $part    Part to add content
  * @param string                         $content Content to decode
  * @return null
 private static function decodeContent(Part $part, $content)
     $encoding = strtolower($part->getHeader('Content-Transfer-Encoding'));
     $charset = strtolower($part->getHeader('Content-Type', 'charset'));
     if ($encoding == Part::ENCODING_BASE64) {
         $content = base64_decode($content);
     } elseif ($encoding == Part::ENCODING_QUOTED_PRINTABLE) {
         $content = quoted_printable_decode($content);
     if ($charset != 'utf-8') {
         $content = iconv($charset, 'utf-8', $content);