Example #1
  * Replaces tags in content text with their corresponding values from the provided array.<br />
  * Does some limited checks to make sure everything went fine during replacing.
  * This method does NOT take a reference to $mContent and as such does not change the original
  * text, unlike doParseRef. Therefore, you must store the returning content into a new variable
  * in order to use it. Also note that this method does not allow chaining of the parser object.
  * @param array $aTagValues An associative array of tags and their values
  * @param mixed $mContent   The content containing tags to be parsed
  * @return mixed
  * @throws ParserException Invalid Content triggers a Parser Exception
  * @throws ParserException Invalid Tag value triggers a Parser Exception
  * @throws ParserException Detecting unparsed tags in the final content triggers a Parser Exception
 public function doParse($aTagValues, $mContent)
     if (!$this->verifyContentArray($mContent)) {
         $e = new ParserException('The provided content is invalid. It needs to be a string, an array of strings, or an assoc. array of strings.');
         throw $e->setContent($mContent)->setTagValues($aTagValues);
     $aTags = $this->extractTags($mContent);
     foreach ($aTagValues as $sTag => $sValue) {
         if (in_array($sTag, $aTags)) {
             $sValue = trim($sValue);
             if (empty($sValue) || !is_string($sTag) || !is_numeric($sValue) && !is_string($sValue)) {
                 $e = new ParserException('Tag ' . $sTag . ' is invalid.');
                 throw $e->setExtraInfo(array('content' => $mContent, 'unparsed_tags' => $aTags, 'given_values' => $aTagValues));
             if (is_string($mContent)) {
                 $mContent = preg_replace('/\\{' . $sTag . '\\}/s', $sValue, $mContent);
             } else {
                 foreach ($mContent as &$mText) {
                     $mText = preg_replace('/\\{' . $sTag . '\\}/s', $sValue, $mText);
     // Check if there's any unparsed tags left
     $aTags = $this->extractTags($mContent);
     if (!empty($aTags)) {
         $e = new ParserException('Some unparsed tags were detected in the content after parsing.');
         throw $e->setExtraInfo(array('content' => $mContent, 'unparsed_tags' => $aTags, 'given_values' => $aTagValues));
     return $mContent;