if ((isset($_REQUEST["setvote"]) || isset($_REQUEST["setrank"])) && $Me->is_reviewer() && check_post()) {
$pastDeadline = !$Conf->time_review(null, $Me->isPC, true);
if (!$Conf->time_review_open() && !$Me->privChair) {
    Conf::msg_error("The site is not open for review.");
$Conf->header("Offline reviewing", "offline", actionBar());
if ($Me->is_reviewer()) {
    if (!$Conf->time_review_open()) {
        $Conf->infoMsg("The site is not open for review.");
    $Conf->infoMsg("Use this page to download a blank review form, or to upload review forms you’ve already filled out.");
    if (!$Me->can_clickthrough("review")) {
} else {
    $Conf->infoMsg("You aren’t registered as a reviewer or PC member for this conference, but for your information, you may download the review form anyway.");
echo "<table id='offlineform'>";
// Review forms
echo "<tr><td><h3>Download forms</h3>\n<div>";
if ($Me->is_reviewer()) {
    echo "<a href='", hoturl("search", "get=revform&amp;q=&amp;t=r&amp;p=all"), "'>Your reviews</a><br />\n";
    if ($Me->has_outstanding_review()) {
        echo "<a href='", hoturl("search", "get=revform&amp;q=&amp;t=rout&amp;p=all"), "'>Your incomplete reviews</a><br />\n";
    echo "<a href='", hoturl("offline", "downloadForm=1"), "'>Blank form</a></div>\n<div class='g'></div>\n<span class='hint'><strong>Tip:</strong> Use <a href='", hoturl("search", "q="), "'>Search</a> &gt; Download to choose individual papers.\n";
} else {
    echo "<a href='", hoturl("offline", "downloadForm=1"), "'>Blank form</a></div>\n";