function beritaterkaitAction()
     $catalogGuid = $this->_getParam('guid') ? $this->_getParam('guid') : '';
     $tblRelatedItem = new Pandamp_Modules_Dms_Catalog_Model_RelatedItem();
     $where = "relatedGuid='{$catalogGuid}' AND relateAs='RELATED_Clinic'";
     $rowsetRelatedItem = $tblRelatedItem->fetchAll($where);
     $num_rows = count($rowsetRelatedItem);
     $this->view->numberOfRows = $num_rows;
     $this->view->rowsetRelatedItem = $rowsetRelatedItem;
 function downloadFileAction()
     $catalogGuid = $this->_getParam('guid');
     $parentGuid = $this->_getParam('parent');
     $tblCatalog = new Pandamp_Modules_Dms_Catalog_Model_Catalog();
     $rowsetCatalog = $tblCatalog->find($catalogGuid);
     if (count($rowsetCatalog)) {
         $rowCatalog = $rowsetCatalog->current();
         $rowsetCatAtt = $rowCatalog->findDependentRowsetCatalogAttribute();
         $contentType = $rowsetCatAtt->findByAttributeGuid('docMimeType')->value;
         $filename = $systemname = $rowsetCatAtt->findByAttributeGuid('docSystemName')->value;
         $oriName = $rowsetCatAtt->findByAttributeGuid('docOriginalName')->value;
         $tblRelatedItem = new Pandamp_Modules_Dms_Catalog_Model_RelatedItem();
         $rowsetRelatedItem = $tblRelatedItem->fetchAll("itemGuid='{$catalogGuid}' AND relateAs='RELATED_FILE'");
         $flagFileFound = false;
         foreach ($rowsetRelatedItem as $rowRelatedItem) {
             if (!$flagFileFound) {
                 $parentGuid = $rowRelatedItem->relatedGuid;
                 $sDir1 = ROOT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'uploads' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'files' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $systemname;
                 $sDir2 = ROOT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'uploads' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'files' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $parentGuid . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $systemname;
                 if (file_exists($sDir1)) {
                     $flagFileFound = true;
                     header("Content-type: {$contentType}");
                     header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$filename}");
                 } else {
                     if (file_exists($sDir2)) {
                         $flagFileFound = true;
                         header("Content-type: {$contentType}");
                         header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$oriName}");
                     } else {
                         $flagFileFound = false;
     } else {
         echo 'NO FILE';
 function downloadFile_OldAction()
     $catalogGuid = $this->_getParam('guid');
     $parentGuid = $this->_getParam('parent');
     $tblCatalog = new Pandamp_Modules_Dms_Catalog_Model_Catalog();
     $rowsetCatalog = $tblCatalog->find($catalogGuid);
     if (count($rowsetCatalog)) {
         $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
         if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
             $guidUser = $auth->getIdentity()->kopel;
         $tblAsetSetting = new Pandamp_Modules_Dms_Catalog_Model_AssetSetting();
         $rowAset = $tblAsetSetting->find($catalogGuid)->current();
         if ($rowAset) {
             $rowAset->valueInt = $rowAset->valueInt + 1;
         } else {
             $rowAset = $tblAsetSetting->fetchNew();
             $rowAset->guid = $catalogGuid;
             $rowAset->application = "kutu_doc";
             $rowAset->part = isset($guidUser) ? $guidUser : '';
             $rowAset->valueType = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
             $rowAset->valueInt = 1;
         $rowCatalog = $rowsetCatalog->current();
         $rowsetCatAtt = $rowCatalog->findDependentRowsetCatalogAttribute();
         $contentType = $rowsetCatAtt->findByAttributeGuid('docMimeType')->value;
         $filename = $systemname = $rowsetCatAtt->findByAttributeGuid('docSystemName')->value;
         $oriName = $oname = $rowsetCatAtt->findByAttributeGuid('docOriginalName')->value;
         $tblRelatedItem = new Pandamp_Modules_Dms_Catalog_Model_RelatedItem();
         $rowsetRelatedItem = $tblRelatedItem->fetchAll("itemGuid='{$catalogGuid}' AND relateAs='RELATED_FILE'");
         $flagFileFound = false;
         foreach ($rowsetRelatedItem as $rowRelatedItem) {
             if (!$flagFileFound) {
                 $parentGuid = $rowRelatedItem->relatedGuid;
                 $sDir1 = ROOT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'uploads' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'files' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $systemname;
                 $sDir2 = ROOT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'uploads' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'files' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $parentGuid . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $systemname;
                 $sDir3 = ROOT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'uploads' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'files' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $oname;
                 $sDir4 = ROOT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'uploads' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'files' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $parentGuid . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $oname;
                 if (file_exists($sDir1)) {
                     $flagFileFound = true;
                     header("Content-type: {$contentType}");
                     header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$oriName}");
                 } else {
                     if (file_exists($sDir2)) {
                         $flagFileFound = true;
                         header("Content-type: {$contentType}");
                         header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$oriName}");
                 if (file_exists($sDir3)) {
                     $flagFileFound = true;
                     header("Content-type: {$contentType}");
                     header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$oriName}");
                 if (file_exists($sDir4)) {
                     $flagFileFound = true;
                     header("Content-type: {$contentType}");
                     header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$oriName}");
                 } else {
                     $flagFileFound = false;
                     $this->_forward('forbidden', 'browser', 'hold');
     } else {
         $flagFileFound = false;
         $this->_forward('forbidden', 'browser', 'hold');
 function listcommentAction()
     $catalogGuid = $this->_getParam('guid') ? $this->_getParam('guid') : '';
     $page = $this->_getParam('page') ? $this->_getParam('page') : 1;
     $limit = 25;
     $start = $limit * ($page - 1);
     $tblRelatedItem = new Pandamp_Modules_Dms_Catalog_Model_RelatedItem();
     $rowset = $tblRelatedItem->fetchAll("relatedGuid='{$catalogGuid}' AND relateAs='RELATED_COMMENT'");
     $relatedGuid = array();
     foreach ($rowset as $related) {
         $relatedGuid[] = $related->itemGuid;
     if ($relatedGuid) {
         $data = Pandamp_Lib_Formater::implode_with_keys(", ", $relatedGuid, "'");
         $tblCatalog = new Pandamp_Modules_Dms_Catalog_Model_Catalog();
         $rowset = $tblCatalog->fetchAll("guid in({$data}) AND status=99", '', $limit, $start);
         $rowset1 = $tblCatalog->fetchAll("guid in({$data}) AND status=99");
         $modelCatalog = new Pandamp_Modules_Dms_Catalog_Model_Catalog();
         $decorator = new Pandamp_BeanContext_Decorator($modelCatalog);
         $row = $decorator->getCatalogByGuidAsEntity($catalogGuid);
         $st = $row->getShortTitle();
         $num_rows = count($rowset1);
         $numPage = ceil($num_rows / $limit);
         $pagination = '';
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $numPage; $i++) {
             $pagination .= "<li><a href='/berita/baca/{$catalogGuid}/{$st}/p/{$i}' title='Halaman {$i}' rev='{$i}'>{$i}</a></li>";
         // check is AJAX request or not
         if (!$this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
             $this->view->pagination = $pagination;
         $this->view->catalogGuid = $catalogGuid;
         $this->view->numberOfRows = $num_rows;
         $this->view->rows = $rowset;
         $this->view->limit = $limit;
 function _getNodes($node)
     $a = array();
     $tblRelatedItem = new Pandamp_Modules_Dms_Catalog_Model_RelatedItem();
     $tblCatalogAttribute = new Pandamp_Modules_Dms_Catalog_Model_CatalogAttribute();
     $where = "relatedGuid='{$node}' AND relateAs='RELATED_HISTORY'";
     $rowsetRelatedItem = $tblRelatedItem->fetchAll($where);
     foreach ($rowsetRelatedItem as $row) {
         $aTmp2['node'] = $row->itemGuid;
         $aTmp2['nodeLeft'] = $row->itemGuid;
         $aTmp2['nodeRight'] = $node;
         $aTmp2['description'] = $row->description;
         $aTmp2['relationType'] = $row->relationType;
         $where2 = "catalogGuid='{$row->itemGuid}' AND attributeGuid='fixedTitle'";
         $rowCatalogAttribute = $tblCatalogAttribute->fetchRow($where2);
         if (isset($rowCatalogAttribute->value)) {
             $aTmp2['title'] = $rowCatalogAttribute->value;
         } else {
             $aTmp2['title'] = 'No-Title';
         $where2 = "catalogGuid='{$row->itemGuid}' AND attributeGuid='fixedSubTitle'";
         $rowCatalogAttribute = $tblCatalogAttribute->fetchRow($where2);
         if (isset($rowCatalogAttribute->value)) {
             $aTmp2['subTitle'] = $rowCatalogAttribute->value;
         } else {
             $aTmp2['subTitle'] = 'No-Title';
         $where2 = "catalogGuid='{$row->itemGuid}' AND attributeGuid='fixedDate'";
         $rowCatalogAttribute = $tblCatalogAttribute->fetchRow($where2);
         if (isset($rowCatalogAttribute->value)) {
             $aTmp2['fixedDate'] = $rowCatalogAttribute->value;
         } else {
             $aTmp2['fixedDate'] = '';
         array_push($a, $aTmp2);
     $where = "itemGuid='{$node}' AND relateAs='RELATED_HISTORY' AND relatedItemType >= 1";
     $rowsetRelatedItem = $tblRelatedItem->fetchAll($where);
     foreach ($rowsetRelatedItem as $row) {
         $aTmp2['node'] = $row->relatedGuid;
         $aTmp2['nodeLeft'] = $node;
         $aTmp2['nodeRight'] = $row->relatedGuid;
         $aTmp2['description'] = $row->description;
         $aTmp2['relationType'] = $row->relationType;
         $where2 = "catalogGuid='{$row->relatedGuid}' AND attributeGuid='fixedTitle'";
         $rowCatalogAttribute = $tblCatalogAttribute->fetchRow($where2);
         if (isset($rowCatalogAttribute->value)) {
             $aTmp2['title'] = $rowCatalogAttribute->value;
         } else {
             $aTmp2['title'] = 'No-Title';
         $where2 = "catalogGuid='{$row->relatedGuid}' AND attributeGuid='fixedSubTitle'";
         $rowCatalogAttribute = $tblCatalogAttribute->fetchRow($where2);
         if (isset($rowCatalogAttribute->value)) {
             $aTmp2['subTitle'] = $rowCatalogAttribute->value;
         } else {
             $aTmp2['subTitle'] = 'No-Title';
         $where2 = "catalogGuid='{$row->relatedGuid}' AND attributeGuid='fixedDate'";
         $rowCatalogAttribute = $tblCatalogAttribute->fetchRow($where2);
         if (isset($rowCatalogAttribute->value)) {
             $aTmp2['fixedDate'] = $rowCatalogAttribute->value;
         } else {
             $aTmp2['fixedDate'] = '';
         array_push($a, $aTmp2);
     return $a;
Example #6
 protected function _postDelete()
     $registry = Zend_Registry::getInstance();
     $config = $registry->get(Pandamp_Keys::REGISTRY_APP_OBJECT);
     $cdn = $config->getOption('cdn');
     //find related docs and delete them
     $tblRelatedItem = new Pandamp_Modules_Dms_Catalog_Model_RelatedItem();
     $rowsetRelatedDocs = $tblRelatedItem->fetchAll("relatedGuid='{$this->guid}' AND relateAs IN ('RELATED_FILE','RELATED_IMAGE')");
     if (count($rowsetRelatedDocs)) {
         foreach ($rowsetRelatedDocs as $rowRelatedDoc) {
             $tblCatalog = new Pandamp_Modules_Dms_Catalog_Model_Catalog();
             $rowCatalog = $tblCatalog->find($rowRelatedDoc->itemGuid)->current();
     if ($this->profileGuid == 'kutu_doc') {
         //get parentGuid
         $tblRelatedItem = new Pandamp_Modules_Dms_Catalog_Model_RelatedItem();
         $rowsetRelatedItem = $tblRelatedItem->fetchAll("itemGuid='{$this->guid}' AND relateAs IN ('RELATED_FILE','RELATED_IMAGE')");
         if (count($rowsetRelatedItem)) {
             foreach ($rowsetRelatedItem as $rowRelatedItem) {
                 //must delete the physical files
                 $rowsetCatAtt = $this->findDependentRowsetCatalogAttribute();
                 $systemname = $rowsetCatAtt->findByAttributeGuid('docSystemName')->value;
                 $parentGuid = $rowRelatedItem->relatedGuid;
                 //$sDir1 = ROOT_DIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'uploads'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'files'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$systemname;
                 $sDir1 = $cdn['static']['dir']['files'] . "/" . $systemname;
                 $sDir2 = $cdn['static']['dir']['files'] . "/" . $parentGuid . "/" . $systemname;
                 $sDir1_Remote = $cdn['remote']['dir']['files'] . "/" . $systemname;
                 $sDir2_Remote = $cdn['remote']['dir']['files'] . "/" . $parentGuid . "/" . $systemname;
                 if (file_exists($sDir1)) {
                     // delete file
                     // check remote file
                     if (file_exists($sDir1_Remote)) {
                 } else {
                     if (file_exists($sDir2)) {
                         //delete file
                         // check remote file
                         if (file_exists($sDir2_Remote)) {
                 $img1 = $cdn['static']['dir']['images'] . "/" . $systemname;
                 $img2 = $cdn['static']['dir']['images'] . "/" . $parentGuid . "/" . $systemname;
                 $img1_Remote = $cdn['remote']['dir']['images'] . "/" . $systemname;
                 $img2_Remote = $cdn['remote']['dir']['images'] . "/" . $parentGuid . "/" . $systemname;
                 if (file_exists($img1)) {
                     // delete file
                     // check remote file
                     if (file_exists($img1_Remote)) {
                 } else {
                     if (file_exists($img2)) {
                         //delete file
                         // check remote file
                         if (file_exists($img2_Remote)) {
     //delete from table CatalogAttribute
     $tblCatalogAttribute = new Pandamp_Modules_Dms_Catalog_Model_CatalogAttribute();
     //delete catalogGuid from table CatalogFolder
     $tblCatalogFolder = new Pandamp_Modules_Dms_Catalog_Model_CatalogFolder();
     //delete guid from table AssetSetting
     $tblAssetSetting = new Pandamp_Modules_Dms_Catalog_Model_AssetSetting();
     //delete from table relatedItem
     $tblRelatedItem = new Pandamp_Modules_Dms_Catalog_Model_RelatedItem();
     $indexingEngine = Pandamp_Search::manager();
     try {
         $hits = $indexingEngine->deleteCatalogFromIndex($this->guid);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     //delete physical catalog folder from uploads/files/[catalogGuid]
     $sDir = $cdn['static']['dir']['files'] . "/" . $this->guid;
     $sDir_Remote = $cdn['remote']['dir']['files'] . "/" . $this->guid;
     try {
         if (is_dir($sDir)) {
             // check remote is_dir
             if (is_dir($sDir_Remote)) {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $sDir = $cdn['static']['dir']['images'];
     try {
         if (file_exists($sDir . "/" . $this->guid . ".gif")) {
             unlink($sDir . "/" . $this->guid . ".gif");
         if (file_exists($sDir . "/tn_" . $this->guid . ".gif")) {
             unlink($sDir . "/tn_" . $this->guid . ".gif");
         if (file_exists($sDir . "/" . $this->guid . ".jpg")) {
             unlink($sDir . "/" . $this->guid . ".jpg");
         if (file_exists($sDir . "/tn_" . $this->guid . ".jpg")) {
             unlink($sDir . "/tn_" . $this->guid . ".jpg");
         if (file_exists($sDir . "/" . $this->guid . ".jpeg")) {
             unlink($sDir . "/" . $this->guid . ".jpeg");
         if (file_exists($sDir . "/tn_" . $this->guid . ".jpeg")) {
             unlink($sDir . "/tn_" . $this->guid . ".jpeg");
         if (file_exists($sDir . "/" . $this->guid . ".png")) {
             unlink($sDir . "/" . $this->guid . ".png");
         if (file_exists($sDir . "/tn_" . $this->guid . ".png")) {
             unlink($sDir . "/tn_" . $this->guid . ".png");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $sDir = $cdn['remote']['dir']['images'];
     try {
         if (file_exists($sDir . "/" . $this->guid . ".gif")) {
             $this->remoteDeleteFile($sDir . "/" . $this->guid . ".gif");
         if (file_exists($sDir . "/tn_" . $this->guid . ".gif")) {
             $this->remoteDeleteFile($sDir . "/tn_" . $this->guid . ".gif");
         if (file_exists($sDir . "/" . $this->guid . ".jpg")) {
             $this->remoteDeleteFile($sDir . "/" . $this->guid . ".jpg");
         if (file_exists($sDir . "/tn_" . $this->guid . ".jpg")) {
             $this->remoteDeleteFile($sDir . "/tn_" . $this->guid . ".jpg");
         if (file_exists($sDir . "/" . $this->guid . ".jpeg")) {
             $this->remoteDeleteFile($sDir . "/" . $this->guid . ".jpeg");
         if (file_exists($sDir . "/tn_" . $this->guid . ".jpeg")) {
             $this->remoteDeleteFile($sDir . "/tn_" . $this->guid . ".jpeg");
         if (file_exists($sDir . "/" . $this->guid . ".png")) {
             $this->remoteDeleteFile($sDir . "/" . $this->guid . ".png");
         if (file_exists($sDir . "/tn_" . $this->guid . ".png")) {
             $this->remoteDeleteFile($sDir . "/tn_" . $this->guid . ".png");
     } catch (Exception $e) {
 public function otherAction()
     $catalogGuid = $this->_getParam('guid') ? $this->_getParam('guid') : '';
     $tblRelatedItem = new Pandamp_Modules_Dms_Catalog_Model_RelatedItem();
     $where = "relatedGuid='{$catalogGuid}' AND relateAs='RELATED_OTHER'";
     $rowsetRelatedItem = $tblRelatedItem->fetchAll($where);
     $this->view->rowsetRelatedItem = $rowsetRelatedItem;