public function results() { $id = $this->getParam(0, 0); $type_label = $this->getParam(1, 0); $page = !empty($this->getParam(2, 0)) ? (int) $this->getParam(2, 0) : 1; //$search_query = $this->request->get('q', ''); $labels = Info::$type_labels; $type_label = ucfirst(str_replace('-', ' ', $type_label)); $type = array_search($type_label, $labels); //$infos = Info::getElements($id, $type); /* $vars = array ( 'id' => $id, 'type_label' => $type_label, 'infos' => $infos, 'labels' => $labels ); */ $sql = 'SELECT id, quarter_id, name, type, description, url, rating, theme FROM info WHERE quarter_id = :quarter_id AND type = :type ORDER BY id ASC'; $bindings = array('quarter_id' => $id, 'type' => $type); $pagination = new Pagination($sql, $bindings, 16, $page - 1); $results = $pagination->getResults(); foreach ($results as $result) { $infos[] = new Info($result); } //foreach ($infos as $key => $info) { // $info->description=substr($info->description,0, 50); //} $vars = array('id' => $id, 'type_label' => $type_label, 'infos' => $infos, 'labels' => $labels, 'page' => $page, 'count_pages' => $pagination->getPagesCount(), 'count_total' => $pagination->getTotalCount()); $this->render('elements', $vars); }
public function results() { $params = $this->getParams(); $search_query = $this->request->get('q', ''); $page = !empty($params[0]) ? (int) $params[0] : 1; $vars = array('title' => 'Search', 'description' => 'Description', 'page' => $page, 'count_pages' => 0, 'posts' => array(), 'count_total' => 0, 'search_query' => $search_query); if (!empty($search_query)) { $pagination = new Pagination('SELECT * FROM post WHERE title LIKE :search OR content LIKE :search ORDER BY date DESC', array(':search' => '%' . $search_query . '%'), 5, $page - 1); $vars = array_merge($vars, array('page' => $page, 'count_pages' => $pagination->getPagesCount(), 'posts' => $pagination->getResults(), 'count_total' => $pagination->getTotalCount())); } $this->render('search', $vars); }
public function results() { $page = !empty($this->getParam(0, 0)) ? (int) $this->getParam(0, 0) : 1; //$pictures = Picture::getList('SELECT id, quarter_id, src, info_id, user_id FROM photo WHERE user_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY id DESC'); $sql = 'SELECT id, quarter_id, src, info_id, user_id FROM photo WHERE user_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY id DESC'; $bindings = array(); $pagination = new Pagination($sql, $bindings, 20, $page - 1); $results = $pagination->getResults(); foreach ($results as $result) { $pictures[] = new Picture($result); } $vars = array('pictures' => $pictures, 'page' => $page, 'count_pages' => $pagination->getPagesCount(), 'count_total' => $pagination->getTotalCount()); $this->render('wall', $vars); }
public function archives() { $params = $this->getParams(); $date = !empty($params[0]) ? $params[0] : date('Y-m'); $page = !empty($params[1]) ? (int) $params[1] : 1; $time = strtotime($date); $date_label = ucfirst(Lang::_(strtolower(date('F', $time)))) . ' ' . date('Y', $time); $pagination = new Pagination('SELECT * FROM post WHERE DATE_FORMAT(date, "%Y-%m") = :date ORDER BY date DESC', array(':date' => $date), 4, $page - 1); /* // Same with date split without mysql function DATE_FORMAT() $date_parts = explode('-', $date); $year = $date_parts[0]; $month = $date_parts[1]; $pagination = new Pagination('SELECT * FROM post WHERE YEAR(date) = :year AND MONTH(date) = :month ORDER BY date DESC', array(':year' => $year, ':month' => $month), 4, $page - 1); */ $vars = array('title' => 'Title', 'description' => 'Description', 'date' => $date, 'date_label' => $date_label, 'page' => $page, 'count_pages' => $pagination->getPagesCount(), 'count_total' => $pagination->getTotalCount(), 'posts' => $pagination->getResults()); $this->render('archives', $vars); }
public function results() { $params = $this->getParams(); $quick_search = $this->request->get('qs'); $advanced_search = $this->request->get('as'); $search_query = $this->request->get('q', ''); $quarter = $this->request->get('quarter', ''); $type = $this->request->get('type', ''); $theme = $this->request->get('theme', ''); $page = !empty($params[0]) ? (int) $params[0] : 1; $infos = array(); $quarters = Quarter::getList('SELECT id, name FROM quarter ORDER BY name ASC'); $types = Info::$type_labels; $themes_query = Db::select('SELECT DISTINCT(theme) FROM info WHERE theme IS NOT NULL AND theme != "" ORDER BY theme'); $themes = array(); foreach ($themes_query as $row) { $_theme = $row['theme']; if (strpos($_theme, '|') !== false) { $theme_parts = explode('|', $_theme); foreach ($theme_parts as $_theme) { if (!in_array($_theme, $themes)) { $themes[] = $_theme; } } continue; } $themes[] = $_theme; } $vars = array('title' => 'Search', 'description' => 'Description', 'quarters' => $quarters, 'types' => $types, 'themes' => $themes, 'page' => $page, 'count_pages' => 0, 'infos' => $infos, 'count_total' => 0, 'search_query' => $search_query, 'quarter' => $quarter, 'type' => $type, 'theme' => $theme, 'qs' => $quick_search, 'as' => $advanced_search); $sql = 'SELECT i.* FROM quarter q LEFT JOIN info i ON i.quarter_id = WHERE 1 '; if (!empty($search_query)) { $sql .= 'AND ( LIKE :search OR q.description LIKE :search OR LIKE :search OR i.description LIKE :search) '; $bindings = array('search' => '%' . $search_query . '%'); } if (!empty($advanced_search)) { if (!empty($quarter)) { $sql .= 'AND = :quarter '; $bindings['quarter'] = $quarter; } if (!empty($type)) { $sql .= 'AND i.type = :type '; $bindings['type'] = $type; } if (!empty($theme)) { $sql .= 'AND i.theme LIKE :theme '; $bindings['theme'] = '%' . $theme . '%'; } } if (!empty($bindings)) { $pagination = new Pagination($sql, $bindings, 10, $page - 1); $results = $pagination->getResults(); foreach ($results as $result) { $infos[] = new Info($result); } foreach ($infos as $key => $info) { $info->description = substr($info->description, 0, 200); } $vars = array_merge($vars, array('page' => $page, 'count_pages' => $pagination->getPagesCount(), 'infos' => $infos, 'count_total' => $pagination->getTotalCount())); } $this->render('search', $vars); }
function list_users($page = 1, $keyword = '') { //Return users list, for admin use $output = ''; $count = 10; $users = $keyword != '' ? array_filter(load_all_array('nsh_users'), array(new filter($keyword), 'filter_keyword')) : load_all_array('nsh_users'); usort($users, 'sort_name_ascend'); $users_count = count($users); $pagination = new Pagination($users, $page, $count, 20); $pagination->setShowFirstAndLast(true); $pagination->setMainSeperator(''); $users = $pagination->getResults(); $output .= '<a class="button right" href="/user/create/">Create user</a>'; $output .= '<span class="count">' . $users_count . ' user' . ($users_count > 1 ? 's' : '') . '.</span>'; $output .= '<div class="paging">' . $pagination->getLinks() . '</div>'; $output .= '<table class="admin">'; $output .= '<tr><th>ID</th><th>User ID</th><th>Username</th><th>DOB</th><th colspan="2">Operations</th></tr>'; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { if (isset($users[$i])) { $class = 'class="' . table_row_class($i) . '"'; $output .= '<tr ' . $class . '>'; $output .= '<td>' . (($page - 1) * $count + ($i + 1)) . '</td>'; $output .= '<td>' . $users[$i]['uid'] . '</td>'; $output .= '<td><a style="color: black" target="_blank" href="/?fullname=' . str_replace(' ', '+', $users[$i]['name']) . '&dob=' . $users[$i]['dob'] . '">' . $users[$i]['name'] . '</a></td>'; $output .= '<td>' . $users[$i]['dob'] . '</td>'; $output .= '<td><form method="POST" action="/user/edit/"><input type="hidden" name="uid" value="' . $users[$i]['uid'] . '" /><input type="hidden" name="old_name" value="' . $users[$i]['name'] . '" /><input type="hidden" name="old_dob" value="' . $users[$i]['dob'] . '" /><input name="user_edit" type="submit" value="Edit"/></form></td>'; $output .= '<td><form method="POST" action="/user/delete/"><input type="hidden" name="uid" value="' . $users[$i]['uid'] . '" /><input name="user_delete" type="submit" value="Delete"/></form></td>'; $output .= '</tr>'; } } $output .= '</table>'; $output .= '<div class="paging">' . $pagination->getLinks() . '</div>'; $output .= '<script> function turnPage(page) { $("#admin_user").load("/triggers/admin_user.php",{page:page,keyword:"' . $keyword . '"}); } </script>'; return $output; }