<?php /** * File for displaying php examples for teaching * purposes. To display six examples (or however many) * put in a directory, create examples named * prefix01.suffix to prefix06.suffix, then * edit the call to getMaximumExampleNumber() and * getExampleName() below to match your prefix * and suffix. * * Author: Peter Nore * Created: July 20, 2011 **/ require 'handy.php'; $state = new PageState(); // get the number of examples in the current directory $maxFnumber = getMaximumExampleNumber('.', 'map'); /** * Searches the given directory for files with names like * 'examplePrefix01.exampleSuffix, examplePrefix02.exampleSuffix' * etc. Default is "example01.php", "example02.php". Returns * the maximum example number for the given prefix and suffix * in the directory, and false if there is a problem reading the dir. */ function getMaximumExampleNumber($directory = '.', $examplePrefix = 'example', $exampleSuffix = 'php') { $maxFnumber = 0; if ($handle = opendir($directory)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (preg_match("/.*" . $examplePrefix . "\\d\\d\\.{$exampleSuffix}/", $file)) {
<?php /** * File for displaying php examples for teaching * purposes. To display six examples (or however many) * put in a directory, create examples named * prefix01.suffix to prefix06.suffix, then * edit the call to getMaximumExampleNumber() and * getExampleName() below to match your prefix * and suffix. * * Author: Peter Nore * Created: July 20, 2011 **/ require 'handy.php'; $state = new PageState(); // get the number of examples in the current directory $maxFnumber = getMaximumExampleNumber(); /** * Searches the given directory for files with names like * 'examplePrefix01.exampleSuffix, examplePrefix02.exampleSuffix' * etc. Default is "example01.php", "example02.php". Returns * the maximum example number for the given prefix and suffix * in the directory, and false if there is a problem reading the dir. */ function getMaximumExampleNumber($directory = '.', $examplePrefix = 'example', $exampleSuffix = 'php') { $maxFnumber = 0; if ($handle = opendir($directory)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (preg_match("/.*" . $examplePrefix . "\\d\\d\\.{$exampleSuffix}/", $file)) {