Example #1
<h1>Example for searching of the shortest path between 2 words</h1>

//$LINK_DB -> close();
//$LINK_DB = new DB($config['hostname'], $config['admin_login'], $config['admin_password'], $config['dbname']);
$word_arr = file("related_words_in.txt", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
$fh = fopen("related_words_out.txt", 'w');
foreach ($word_arr as $words) {
    list($word1, $word2) = preg_split("/\\s+/", $words);
    //        list($word1,$word2) = preg_split("/\s+/",$word_arr[0]);
    //print "<P>$word1,$word2";
    $start = PWLemma::getIDByLemma($word1);
    $finish = PWLemma::getIDByLemma($word2);
    $word1_url = TPage::getURL($word1);
    $word2_url = TPage::getURL($word2);
    if ($start && $finish) {
        list($dist_len, $path) = PWSemanticDistance::DijkstraAlgorithmByArray($start, $finish);
        if ($path == NULL) {
            print "<p>The words '{$word1_url}' and '{$word2_url}' are not related</p>";
        } else {
            print "<p>" . (int) (sizeof($path) - 1) . " step(s), the length of distance is {$dist_len}</p>";
            print TPage::getURL(PWLemma::getLemmaByID($path[0]));
            for ($i = 1; $i < sizeof($path); $i++) {
                print " -> " . TPage::getURL(PWLemma::getLemmaByID($path[$i]));
    } else {
        $dist_len = 0;