Example #1
function pmwi_admin_notices()
    // notify user if history folder is not writable
    if (!class_exists('Woocommerce')) {
		<div class="error"><p>
        printf(__('<b>%s Plugin</b>: WooCommerce must be installed.', 'pmwi_plugin'), PMWI_Plugin::getInstance()->getName());
        deactivate_plugins(PMWI_FREE_ROOT_DIR . '/plugin.php');
    if (!class_exists('PMXI_Plugin')) {
		<div class="error"><p>
        printf(__('<b>%s Plugin</b>: WP All Import must be installed. Free edition of WP All Import at <a href="http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-all-import/" target="_blank">http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-all-import/</a> and the paid edition at <a href="http://www.wpallimport.com/">http://www.wpallimport.com/</a>', 'pmwi_plugin'), PMWI_Plugin::getInstance()->getName());
        deactivate_plugins(PMWI_FREE_ROOT_DIR . '/plugin.php');
    if (class_exists('PMXI_Plugin') and ((version_compare(PMXI_VERSION, '3.3.6') <= 0 or version_compare(PMXI_VERSION, '4.0.0') >= 0) and PMXI_EDITION == 'paid' or version_compare(PMXI_VERSION, '3.1.1') <= 0 and PMXI_EDITION == 'free')) {
		<div class="error"><p>
        printf(__('<b>%s Plugin</b>: Please update your WP All Import to the latest version', 'pmwi_plugin'), PMWI_Plugin::getInstance()->getName());
        deactivate_plugins(PMWI_FREE_ROOT_DIR . '/plugin.php');
    $input = new PMWI_Input();
    $messages = $input->get('PMWI_nt', array());
    if ($messages) {
        is_array($messages) or $messages = array($messages);
        foreach ($messages as $type => $m) {
            in_array((string) $type, array('updated', 'error')) or $type = 'updated';
			<div class="<?php 
            echo $type;
            echo $m;