Example #1
  * Process the function parameter comments.
  * @param int $commentStart The position in the stack where
  *                          the comment started.
  * @return void
 protected function processParams($commentStart, $commentEnd, $tagElements)
     $realParams = $this->currentFile->getMethodParameters($this->_functionToken);
     $params = $this->commentParser->getParams();
     $foundParams = array();
     if (empty($params) === false) {
         $lastParm = count($params) - 1;
         if (substr_count($params[$lastParm]->getWhitespaceAfter(), $this->currentFile->eolChar) !== 2) {
             $error = 'Last parameter comment requires a blank newline after it';
             $errorPos = $params[$lastParm]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.20') . $error, $errorPos);
         // Parameters must appear immediately after the comment.
         if ($params[0]->getOrder() !== 2) {
             $error = 'Parameters must appear immediately after the comment';
             $errorPos = $params[0]->getLine() + $commentStart;
             $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.21') . $error, $errorPos);
         $previousParam = null;
         $spaceBeforeVar = 10000;
         $spaceBeforeComment = 10000;
         $longestType = 0;
         $longestVar = 0;
         foreach ($params as $param) {
             $paramComment = trim($param->getComment());
             $errorPos = $param->getLine() + $commentStart;
             // Check type
             $r = $this->checkType($param->getType(), $this->allowedParamTypes, 'param');
             if (true !== $r) {
                 $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.3.5.15') . $r, $errorPos);
             // Make sure that there is only one space before the var type.
             if ($param->getWhitespaceBeforeType() !== ' ') {
                 $error = 'Expected 1 space before variable type';
                 $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.22') . $error, $errorPos);
             $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeVarName(), ' ');
             if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeVar) {
                 $spaceBeforeVar = $spaceCount;
                 $longestType = $errorPos;
             $spaceCount = substr_count($param->getWhitespaceBeforeComment(), ' ');
             if ($spaceCount < $spaceBeforeComment && $paramComment !== '') {
                 $spaceBeforeComment = $spaceCount;
                 $longestVar = $errorPos;
             // Make sure they are in the correct order,
             // and have the correct name.
             $pos = $param->getPosition();
             $paramName = $param->getVarName() !== '' ? $param->getVarName() : '[ UNKNOWN ]';
             if ($previousParam !== null) {
                 $previousName = $previousParam->getVarName() !== '' ? $previousParam->getVarName() : 'UNKNOWN';
                 // Check to see if the parameters align properly.
                 if ($param->alignsVariableWith($previousParam) === false) {
                     $error = 'The variable names for parameters ' . $previousName . ' (' . ($pos - 1) . ') and ' . $paramName . ' (' . $pos . ') do not align';
                     $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.23') . $error, $errorPos);
                 if ($param->alignsCommentWith($previousParam) === false) {
                     $error = 'The comments for parameters ' . $previousName . ' (' . ($pos - 1) . ') and ' . $paramName . ' (' . $pos . ') do not align';
                     $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.24') . $error, $errorPos);
             //end if
             // Make sure the names of the parameter comment matches the
             // actual parameter.
             if (isset($realParams[$pos - 1]) === true) {
                 $realName = $realParams[$pos - 1]['name'];
                 $foundParams[] = $realName;
                 // Append ampersand to name if passing by reference.
                 if ($realParams[$pos - 1]['pass_by_reference'] === true) {
                     $realName = '&' . $realName;
                 if ($realName !== $param->getVarName()) {
                     $error = 'Doc comment var "' . $paramName;
                     $error .= '" does not match actual variable name "' . $realName;
                     $error .= '" at position ' . $pos;
                     $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.25') . $error, $errorPos);
                 if (isset($realParams[$pos - 1]['default']) && !preg_match('/ OPTIONAL$/Ss', $paramComment)) {
                     $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.3.5.18') . 'Переменная "' . $paramName . '" опциональная, но служебного тэга OPTIONAL ее комментарий не имеет', $errorPos);
             } else {
                 // We must have an extra parameter comment.
                 $error = 'Superfluous doc comment at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.27') . $error, $errorPos);
             if ($param->getVarName() === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing parameter name at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.26') . $error, $errorPos);
             if ($param->getType() === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing type at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.26') . $error, $errorPos);
             if ($paramComment === '') {
                 $error = 'Missing comment for param "' . $paramName . '" at position ' . $pos;
                 $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.26') . $error, $errorPos);
             } elseif (preg_match('/^[a-z]/Ss', trim($paramComment))) {
                 $error = 'Комментарий параметра "' . $paramName . '" начинается с маленькой буквы';
                 $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.5.8') . $error, $errorPos);
             $this->checkForDefaultValue($paramName, 'param', $errorPos);
             $this->checkForDefaultValue($paramComment, 'param', $errorPos);
             $previousParam = $param;
         //end foreach
         if ($spaceBeforeVar !== 1 && $spaceBeforeVar !== 10000 && $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) {
             $error = 'Expected 1 space after the longest type';
             $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('?') . $error, $longestType);
         if ($spaceBeforeComment !== 1 && $spaceBeforeComment !== 10000) {
             $error = 'Expected 1 space after the longest variable name';
             $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('?') . $error, $longestVar);
     //end if
     $realNames = array();
     foreach ($realParams as $realParam) {
         $realNames[] = $realParam['name'];
     // Report and missing comments.
     $diff = array_diff($realNames, $foundParams);
     foreach ($diff as $neededParam) {
         if (count($params) !== 0) {
             $errorPos = $params[count($params) - 1]->getLine() + $commentStart;
         } else {
             $errorPos = $commentStart;
         $error = 'Doc comment for "' . $neededParam . '" missing';
         $this->currentFile->addError($this->getReqPrefix('REQ.PHP.4.1.27') . $error, $errorPos);