assertInternalType() public static method

Asserts that a variable is of a given type.
public static assertInternalType ( string $expected, mixed $actual, string $message = '' )
$expected string
$actual mixed
$message string
 public static function get($url, $options = [], $caller = __METHOD__)
     PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertInternalType('string', $url);
     PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertInternalType('array', $options);
     PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertInternalType('string', $caller);
     return self::$response;
  * @test
 public function it_can_return_its_id()
     $conn = $this->factory->createConnection('localhost');
     $channel = $this->factory->createChannel($conn);
     Assert::assertInternalType('integer', $channel->getChannelId());
     Assert::assertGreaterThan(0, $channel->getChannelId());
Example #3
  * @param string $property
  * @param string $format
  * @return mixed[]
 private function decodeByProperty($property, $format)
     return array_map(function ($entry) use($property) {
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertInternalType('array', $entry);
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertArrayHasKey($property, $entry);
         return $entry[$property];
     }, $this->decode($format));
Example #4
  * Expect that a variable is of a given type.
  * @param string $expected
  * @param string $message
  * @return Expect
 public function toBeOfType($expected, $message = '')
     Assert::assertInternalType($expected, $this->value, $message);
     return $this;
  * Assert that the data member is a collection, and return it as a resource collection tester.
  * @param string|null $message
  * @return ResourcesTester
 public function assertResourceCollection($message = null)
     $message = $message ?: 'Document does not have a resource collection in its data member.';
     $collection = $this->getData();
     PHPUnit::assertInternalType('array', $collection, $message);
     return new ResourcesTester($collection);
  * @Then the :name property is a(n) :type
 public function thePropertyIsA($name, $type)
     $data = $this->getScopedResponse();
     PHPUnit::assertInternalType($type, $data->{$name});
  * Asserts if the value retrieved with the expression equals the expected value.
  * Example:
  *     static::assertJsonValueEquals(33, '[0]', $json);
  * @param mixed        $expected   Expected value
  * @param string       $expression Expression to retrieve the result
  *                                 (e.g. locations[?state == 'WA'].name | sort(@))
  * @param array|object $json       JSON Content
 public static function assertJsonValueEquals($expected, $expression, $json)
     $result = \JmesPath\Env::search($expression, $json);
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($expected, $result);
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertInternalType(gettype($expected), $result);
Example #8
  * Checks that the property is a passed type.
  * Either 'int', 'bool', 'string', 'array', 'float', 'null', 'resource', 'scalar' can be passed for simple types.
  * Otherwise the parameter must be a class and the property must be an instance of that class.
  * Bear in mind that testing non-public properties is not a good practice.
  * Use it only if you have no other way to test it.
  * @param $object
  * @param $property
  * @param $type
  * @deprecated
 public function seePropertyIs($object, $property, $type)
     $current = $this->retrieveProperty($object, $property);
     if (in_array($type, array('int', 'bool', 'string', 'array', 'float', 'null', 'resource', 'scalar'))) {
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertInternalType($type, $current);
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertInstanceOf($type, $current);
Example #9
  * @param $type
  * @param $actual
  * @param $description
 protected function assertInternalType($type, $actual, $description)
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertInternalType($type, $actual, $description);
 public function testGetAllChannels()
     // Creating response with specific url
     $this->_clientMockAdapter->addResponseBy(Response::STATUS_OK, 'api/channel', json_encode($this->channelsData));
     $repo = new ChannelRepository($this->_client);
     $metadata = array();
     $channels = $repo->getAllRecords(null, $metadata);
     // Checking response (validating specific url was matched)
     // Check return type
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertInternalType(\PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsType::TYPE_ARRAY, $channels);
     // Check return count
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals(count($this->channelsData['objects']), count($channels));
     if ($channels) {
         // Check return item type
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertInstanceOf(self::MODEL_NAMESPACE . 'Channel', $channels[0]);
     // Validating fields data
     $this->validatesObjectsData($this->channelsData['objects'], $channels);
  * @return \stdClass[]
 public function fetchExpenseListsForMyAccount()
     $this->client->request('GET', '/expense_list/');
     $response = $this->client->getResponse();
     PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals(Response::HTTP_OK, $response->getStatusCode());
     $responseData = json_decode($response->getContent());
     PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertInternalType('array', $responseData);
     return $responseData;
Example #12
 public function isInternalType($type)
     Assert::assertInternalType($type, $this->actual, $this->description);
     return $this;
 public function testJsonDataResponse()
     $path = '/test/path';
     $headers = array('h1' => 'a', 'h2' => 'b');
     $parameters = array('p1' => 'c', 'p2' => 'd');
     $method = AbstractClient::METHOD_GET;
     $responseData = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => 123, 'message' => 'This is a test');
     $responseContent = json_encode($responseData);
     $mockAdapter = new MockAdapter();
     // Adds mock basic OK response
     $mockAdapter->addResponseBy(Response::STATUS_OK, '', $responseContent);
     // Add mock adapter
     // Send request
     $data = $this->_client->get($path, $parameters, $headers);
     // Gets response object
     $response = $this->_client->getResponse();
     // Content is being returned correctly
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertJsonStringEqualsJsonString($responseContent, $response->getRawContent());
     // Content is being parsed correctly (json)
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertInternalType(\PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsType::TYPE_OBJECT, $data);
     // Check data parsed
     foreach ($responseData as $key => $value) {
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertObjectHasAttribute($key, $data);
         \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($value, $data->{$key});
Example #14
 public function internalType($type)
     a::assertInternalType($type, $this->actual, $this->description);
  * @Given that I create a new product number
 public function thatICreateANewProductNumber()
     $this->new_product_number = substr(str_shuffle('0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), 0, 16);
     PHPUnit::assertInternalType('string', $this->new_product_number);
Example #16
 public function toBeType($type)
     if ($this->negate) {
         a::assertNotInternalType($type, $this->actual);
     } else {
         a::assertInternalType($type, $this->actual);
Example #17
  * @Then The response should contain a :key
 public function theResponseShouldContainA($key)
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertInternalType('array', $this->result);
     \PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertArrayHasKey($key, $this->result);
Example #18
 * Asserts that a variable is of a given type.
 * @param string $expected
 * @param mixed  $actual
 * @param string $message
 * @since Method available since Release 3.5.0
function assertInternalType($expected, $actual, $message = '')
    return PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertInternalType($expected, $actual, $message);
  * @Then the :field property is a boolean
  * Checks if the specified field is a boolean
  * -
  * Example:
  * And the "is_released" property is a boolean
 public function thePropertyIsABoolean($property)
     $payload = $this->getScopePayload();
     PHPUnit::assertInternalType('boolean', $this->arrayGet($payload, $property), sprintf("Asserting the [%s] property in current scope [%s] is a boolean", $property, $this->scope));