Example #1
  * Create a new model
  * @param string $name
  * @param string $module
 public function create($name, $commaSeparatedFields = '', $module = null)
     if (!is_dir('spec')) {
         throw new ProviderException('Please run zf generate phpspec, to create the environment');
     $originalName = $name;
     $name = UCFirst::apply($name);
     $tableName = Pluralize::apply($name);
     $dbTableName = strtolower($tableName);
     // determine if testing is enabled in the project
     // Zend_Tool_Project_Provider_Test::isTestingEnabled(
     //    $this->_loadedProfile
     // );
     $testingEnabled = false;
     $testModelResource = null;
     // Check that there is not a dash or underscore,
     // return if doesnt match regex
     if (preg_match('#[_-]#', $name)) {
         throw new ProviderException('Model names should be camel cased.');
     if (self::hasResource($this->_loadedProfile, $name, $module)) {
         throw new ProviderException('This project already has a model named ' . $name);
     // get request/response object
     $request = $this->_registry->getRequest();
     $response = $this->_registry->getResponse();
     // alert the user about inline converted names
     $tense = $request->isPretend() ? 'would be' : 'is';
     if ($name !== $originalName) {
         $response->appendContent('Note: The canonical model name that ' . $tense . ' used with other providers is "' . $name . '";' . ' not "' . $originalName . '" as supplied', array('color' => array('yellow')));
     $commaSeparatedFields = trim($commaSeparatedFields);
     $fields = empty($commaSeparatedFields) ? array() : explode(',', $commaSeparatedFields);
     try {
         $modelResource = self::createResource($this->_loadedProfile, $name, $fields, $module);
         $mapperResource = parent::createResource($this->_loadedProfile, $name . "Mapper", $module);
         $dbTableResource = DbTableProvider::createResource($this->_loadedProfile, $tableName, strtolower($tableName), $module);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     //model spec
     $modelPath = str_replace(basename($modelResource->getContext()->getPath()), '', $modelResource->getContext()->getPath());
     $basePath = realpath($modelPath . '/../..');
     $modelSpecPath = realpath($basePath . '/spec/models') . '/' . $name . 'Spec.php';
     $specContent = $this->_getSpecContent($name, $fields);
     // migrations
     if (!is_dir($basePath . "/db")) {
         mkdir($basePath . "/db");
     if (!is_dir($basePath . "/db/migrate")) {
         mkdir($basePath . "/db/migrate");
     $files = glob($basePath . "/db/migrate/*.php");
     $nextVersion = empty($files) ? 1 : 1 + (int) substr(basename(array_pop($files)), 0, 3);
     $migrationClass = "Create{$tableName}Table";
     $fileName = sprintf("%1\$03d", $nextVersion, $migrationClass) . "-{$migrationClass}";
     $migrationPath = $basePath . "/db/migrate/" . $fileName . ".php";
     $migrationContent = $this->_getMigrationContent($migrationClass, $dbTableName, $fields);
     // do the creation
     if ($request->isPretend()) {
         $response->appendContent('Would create a model at ' . $modelResource->getContext()->getPath());
         $response->appendContent('Would create a db table at ' . $dbTableResource->getContext()->getPath());
         $response->appendContent('Would create a mapper at ' . $mapperResource->getContext()->getPath());
         $response->appendContent('Would create a spec at ' . $modelSpecPath);
         $response->appendContent('Would create migration scripts at ' . $migrationPath);
     } else {
         $response->appendContent('Creating a model at ' . $modelResource->getContext()->getPath());
         $response->appendContent('Creating a db table at ' . $dbTableResource->getContext()->getPath());
         $response->appendContent('Creating a mapper at ' . $mapperResource->getContext()->getPath());
         $mapperContent = $this->_getMapperContent($name);
         file_put_contents($mapperResource->getContext()->getPath(), $mapperContent);
         $response->appendContent('Creating a spec at ' . $modelSpecPath);
         file_put_contents($modelSpecPath, $specContent);
         $response->appendContent('Creating migration scripts at ' . $migrationPath);
         file_put_contents($migrationPath, $migrationContent);
Example #2
     * Creates the content for the spec file
     * @param string $name 
     * @param string $controllerName 
     * @return string 
    protected function _getSpecContent($name, $controllerName)
        $dashToCamelCase = new DashToCamelCase();
        $camelCaseToDash = new CamelCaseToDash();
        return '

    function itShouldBeSuccessfulToGet' . UCFirst::apply($dashToCamelCase->filter($name)) . '()
        $this->get(\'' . strtolower($camelCaseToDash->filter($controllerName)) . '/' . $name . '\');
Example #3
     * Creates the content of the view spec file
     * @param string $name 
     * @param string $controllerName 
     * @param string $module 
     * @return string
    protected function _getSpecContent($name, $controllerName, $module)
        $namespace = $controllerName;
        $helperDir = "/../../";
        if ($module !== null) {
            $namespace = UCFirst::apply($module) . "\\{$controllerName}";
            $helperDir = "/../../../";
        $specNameFilter = new DashToCamelCase();
        $inflectedView = $specNameFilter->filter($name);
        return <<<CONTENT

namespace {$namespace};

require_once __DIR__ . '{$helperDir}SpecHelper.php';

use \\PHPSpec\\Context\\Zend\\View as ViewContext;

class Describe{$inflectedView} extends ViewContext
    function itRendersTheDefaultContent()
Example #4
     * Gets the content of the controller spec file
     * @param string $name 
     * @param string $actions 
     * @return string
    protected function _getSpecContent($name, $actions)
        $dashToCamelCase = new DashToCamelCase();
        $camelCaseTDash = new CamelCaseToDash();
        $examples = array();
        foreach ($actions as $action) {
            $examples[] = 'function itShouldBeSuccessfulToGet' . UCFirst::apply($dashToCamelCase->filter($action)) . '()
        $this->get(\'' . strtolower($camelCaseTDash->filter($name)) . '/' . $action . '\');
        $examples = implode(PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '    ', $examples);
        return <<<CONTENT

require_once __DIR__ . '/../SpecHelper.php';

class Describe{$name}Controller extends \\PHPSpec\\Context\\Zend\\Controller
Example #5
  * Creates a getter generator
  * @param string $varname 
  * @param string $type 
  * @return Zend_CodeGenerator_Php_Method
 protected function _generateGetter($varname, $type)
     return new Zend_CodeGenerator_Php_Method(array('name' => "get" . UCFirst::apply($varname), 'body' => 'return $this->_' . $varname . ';', 'docblock' => "Gets the {$varname}" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . "@return {$type}"));