Author: Denis Slaveckij (
Author: Steffen Zeidler (
Example #1
 public function testWriteRtfCode()
     $section = $this->_rtf->addSection();
     $section->writeRtfCode('This is a Unit Test text!');
     $this->assertEquals(1, $section->countElements());
Example #2
  * tests render
 public function testRender()
     $header = new PHPRtfLite_Container_Header($this->_rtf);
     $header->writeText('hello world and see my rtf header!');
     $this->assertEquals('{\\header {hello world and see my rtf header!}' . "\r\n\\par}\r\n", $this->_rtf->getWriter()->getContent());
Example #3
  * Constructor
  * @param PHPRtfLite    $rtf
  * @param string        $type
 public function __construct(PHPRtfLite $rtf, $type = self::TYPE_ALL)
     $this->_rtf = $rtf;
     $this->_type = $type;
     if ($this->_type == self::TYPE_FIRST) {
Example #4
  * tests render().
 public function testRender()
     $hyperlink = new PHPRtfLite_Element_Hyperlink($this->_rtf, 'My link text!');
     $expected = '{\\field {\\*\\fldinst {HYPERLINK ""}}{\\fldrslt {My link text!}}}';
     $this->assertEquals($expected, trim($this->_rtf->getWriter()->getContent()));
Example #5
 public function testRenderImageUnresized()
     $source = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../samples/sources/rtf_thumb.jpg';
     if (!is_file($source)) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('Source image file could not be found!');
     $image = PHPRtfLite_Image::createFromFile($this->_rtf, $source);
     $expected = self::getRtfThumbHexCode(510, 510);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->_rtf->getWriter()->getContent());
Example #6
  * renders rtf code for cell
 public function render()
     $stream = $this->_rtf->getWriter();
     // renders container elements
     $containerElements = $this->getElements();
     $numOfContainerElements = count($containerElements);
     if ($this->_table->isNestedTable()) {
         // if last container element is not a nested table, close cell
         if ($numOfContainerElements == 0 || !$containerElements[$numOfContainerElements - 1] instanceof PHPRtfLite_Table_Nested) {
             $stream->write('{\\nestcell{\\nonesttables\\par}\\pard}' . "\r\n");
             // if last cell of row, close row
             if ($this->getColumnIndex() == $this->_table->getColumnsCount()) {
                 $stream->write('{\\*\\nesttableprops ');
                 $row = $this->_table->getRow($this->_rowIndex);
     } else {
         if ($numOfContainerElements > 0 && $containerElements[$numOfContainerElements - 1] instanceof PHPRtfLite_Table_Nested) {
         // closing tag for cell definition
Example #7
  * Gets type as rtf code
  * @return string rtf code
  * @throws PHPRtfLite_Exception, if type is not allowed,
  *   because of the rtf document specific settings.
 protected function getTypeAsRtfCode()
     switch ($this->_type) {
         case self::TYPE_ALL:
             if (!$this->_rtf->isOddEvenDifferent()) {
                 return 'footer';
             throw new PHPRtfLite_Exception('Footer type ' . $this->_type . ' is not allowed, when using odd even different!');
         case self::TYPE_LEFT:
             if ($this->_rtf->isOddEvenDifferent()) {
                 return 'footerl';
             throw new PHPRtfLite_Exception('Footer type ' . $this->_type . ' is not allowed, when using not odd even different!');
         case self::TYPE_RIGHT:
             if ($this->_rtf->isOddEvenDifferent()) {
                 return 'footerr';
             throw new PHPRtfLite_Exception('Footer type ' . $this->_type . ' is not allowed, when using not odd even different!');
         case self::TYPE_FIRST:
             if ($this->getFirstPageHasSpecialLayout()) {
                 return 'footerf';
             throw new PHPRtfLite_Exception('Footer type ' . $this->_type . ' is not allowed, when using not special layout for first page!');
             throw new PHPRtfLite_Exception('Footer type is not defined! You gave me: ', $this->_type);
Example #8
  * renders list
 public function render()
     $stream = $this->_rtf->getWriter();
     $number = 0;
     foreach ($this->_items as $item) {
         // item is a list
         if ($item instanceof PHPRtfLite_List_Numbering) {
             if ($this instanceof PHPRtfLite_List_Numbering) {
                 $item->setPrefix($this->_prefix . $this->getNumber($number) . $this->_separator);
         } else {
             $listCharFontIndex = $this->getListCharFontIndex();
             $listCharacter = $this->getListCharacter($number);
             $listCharDefinition = '{\\*\\pn\\pnlvlblt' . '\\pnf' . $listCharFontIndex;
             if ($this->_font) {
                 $listCharDefinition .= '\\pnfs' . $this->_font->getSize() * 2;
                 if ($color = $this->_font->getColor()) {
                     $listCharDefinition .= '\\pncf' . $this->_rtf->getColorTable()->getColorIndex($color);
             $listCharDefinition .= '\\pnindent0{\\pntxtb ' . $listCharacter . '}}';
             $textIndent = $this->_listIndent + $this->_textIndent;
             $stream->write('\\nowidctlpar\\fi-' . $this->_listIndent . '\\li' . $textIndent . "\r\n");
         // renders item
         if (false == $item instanceof PHPRtfLite_List) {
             $stream->write('\\par\\pard' . "\r\n");
Example #9
  * Constructor
  * @param   integer     $size   size of border
  * @param   string      $color  color of border (example '#ff0000' or '#f00')
  * @param   string      $type   represented by class constants PHPRtfLite_Border_Format::TYPE_*<br>
  *   Possible values:<br>
  *     TYPE_SINGLE  => 'single'<br>
  *     TYPE_DOT      = 'dot'<br>
  *     TYPE_DASH     = 'dash'<br>
  *     TYPE_DOTDASH  = 'dotdash'<br>
  * @param   float       $space  space between borders and the paragraph
 public function __construct($size = 0, $color = null, $type = null, $space = 0)
     $this->_size = $size * PHPRtfLite::SPACE_IN_POINTS;
     $this->_type = $type;
     if ($color) {
         $this->_color = PHPRtfLite::convertHexColorToRtf($color);
     $this->_space = round($space * PHPRtfLite::TWIPS_IN_CM);
Example #10
  * tests setBorder on cell 1x1
  * @param  PHPRtfLite_Table $table
  * @return PHPRtfLite_Table
 public function testSetBorderForCellWithRow1Column1()
     $rtf = new PHPRtfLite();
     $section = $rtf->addSection();
     $table = $section->addTable();
     // creating cells (2 rows x 2 columns)
     $table->addRowList(array(2, 2));
     $table->addColumnsList(array(7, 7));
     $border = new PHPRtfLite_Border($table->getRtf());
     $border->setBorders(new PHPRtfLite_Border_Format(1, '#000'));
     $cell1x1 = $table->getCell(1, 1);
     $cell1x2 = $table->getCell(1, 2);
     $cell2x1 = $table->getCell(2, 1);
     $this->assertEquals('#000', $cell1x1->getBorder()->getBorderRight()->getColor());
     $this->assertEquals('#000', $cell1x2->getBorder()->getBorderLeft()->getColor());
     $this->assertEquals('#000', $cell2x1->getBorder()->getBorderTop()->getColor());
     return $table;
Example #11
  * renders rtf code for that container
  * @return string rtf code
 public function render()
     $stream = $this->_rtf->getWriter();
     if ($this instanceof PHPRtfLite_Table_Cell && $this->countElements() == 0) {
         $font = $this->getCellFont($this);
         if ($font) {
         if (!$this->isVerticalMerged() && !$this->isHorizontalMerged() || $this->isVerticalMergedFirstInRange()) {
     $lastKey = $this->countElements() - 1;
     foreach ($this->_elements as $key => $element) {
         if ($this instanceof PHPRtfLite_Table_Cell && !$element instanceof PHPRtfLite_Table) {
             // table cell initialization
             $stream->write('\\intbl\\itap' . $this->getTable()->getNestDepth() . "\r\n");
         if ($element instanceof PHPRtfLite_Element_Plain) {
         $parFormat = null;
         if (!$element instanceof PHPRtfLite_Table) {
             $parFormat = $element->getParFormat();
         if ($parFormat) {
             if ($this instanceof PHPRtfLite_Table_Cell && $lastKey != $key) {
         $font = $this->getCellFont($element);
         if ($font) {
         if ($this->needToAddParagraphEnd($key)) {
             $stream->write('\\par ');
         if ($font) {
         if ($parFormat && $this instanceof PHPRtfLite_Table_Cell && $lastKey != $key) {
Example #12
  * renders form field
 public function render()
     $stream = $this->_rtf->getWriter();
     $stream->write(' ');
     if ($this->_font) {
         $stream->write('{' . $this->_font->getContent());
     $defaultValue = PHPRtfLite_Utf8::getUnicodeEntities($this->_defaultValue, $this->_rtf->getCharset());
     $content = '{\\field' . '{\\*\\fldinst ' . $this->getType() . '  {\\*\\formfield' . $this->getRtfCode() . '}' . '}{\\fldrslt ' . $defaultValue . '}}';
     if ($this->_font) {
         $stream->write($this->_font->getClosingContent() . '}');
     $stream->write(' ');
Example #13
 function Generate_Content()
     $largerFont = new PHPRtfLite_Font(16, 'Courier New');
     $smallerFont = new PHPRtfLite_Font(12, 'Times New Roman');
     $tableFont = new PHPRtfLite_Font(10, 'Courier New');
     //Izveido pašu dokumentu
     $rtf = new PHPRtfLite();
     $parHead = new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat();
     $parBody = new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat();
     //Izveido pirmo sekciju
     $sect =& $rtf->addSection();
     $sect->writeText("Atzīmju izraksts", $largerFont, $parHead);
     $sect->writeText("Skolnieks: " . $this->studentName, $smallerFont, $parHead);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->grades); $i++) {
         $grade = $this->grades[$i];
         $sect->writeText(sprintf("%s  %s  %s", $grade["date"], $grade["lesson"], $grade["grade"]), $tableFont, $parBody);
     $this->fileContents = $rtf;
    public function onGenerate()
        try {
            $object = $this->form->getData();
            $desenvolvimento = new RequisitoDesenvolvimento(1);
            $cliente_id = $desenvolvimento->ticket->solicitante_id;
            $responsavel_id = $desenvolvimento->ticket->responsavel_id;
            $pessoa = new Pessoa($cliente_id);
            $cliente = $pessoa->pessoa_nome;
            $pessoa = new Pessoa($responsavel_id);
            $responsavel = $pessoa->pessoa_nome;
            if (!class_exists('PHPRtfLite_Autoloader')) {
            $tr = new TTableWriterRTF(array(500));
            $tr->addStyle('title', 'Arial', '10', 'BI', '#000000', '#ffffff');
            $tr->addStyle('datap', 'Arial', '10', '', '#000000', '#ffffff');
            $string = new StringsUtil();
            $data = $desenvolvimento->data_cadastro;
            $data = explode('-', $data);
            $desenvolvimento->ticket->data_prevista ? $data_prevista = $string->formatDateBR($desenvolvimento->ticket->data_prevista) : '___/___/___';
            $cabecalho = 'DTR010 - Solicitação de Desenvolvimento
Número: ' . $desenvolvimento->id . '/' . $data[0] . ' Data: ' . $string->formatDateBR($desenvolvimento->data_cadastro) . ' Prazo de entrega: ' . $data_prevista . ' Qtde de Horas: ' . strstr($desenvolvimento->ticket->orcamento_horas, ':', true) . ' Ticket: ' . $desenvolvimento->ticket_id . '
Benefício: ( )+Receita ( )-Despesa ( )+Eficiência ( )-NDA
Título: ' . $desenvolvimento->titulo . '
Sistema: ' . $desenvolvimento->ticket->sistema->nome . '      Módulo:                                   Rotina: ' . $desenvolvimento->rotina . '
Cliente: ' . $cliente . ' Solicitante/Dpto: ' . $responsavel;
            $tr->addCell($cabecalho, 'left', 'title');
            $tr->addCell('<br /><b>Objetivo:</b> <br />' . $desenvolvimento->objetivo, 'left', 'datap');
            $tr->addCell('<br /><b>Entrada: </b><br />' . $desenvolvimento->entrada, 'left', 'datap');
            $tr->addCell('<br /><b>Processamento: </b><br />' . $desenvolvimento->processamento, 'left', 'datap');
            $tr->addCell('<br /><b>Saida: </b><br />' . $desenvolvimento->saida, 'left', 'datap');
            $nome = 'DTR010 ' . $desenvolvimento->id . ' - ' . $data[0] . ' - ' . $desenvolvimento->titulo;
            new TMessage('info', 'DTR gerado com sucesso!');
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            new TMessage('error', $e->getMessage);
Example #15
 public function __construct()
     if (!class_exists('PHPRtfLite_Autoloader')) {
     $this->rtf = new PHPRtfLite();
     // A4
     $this->rtf->setMargins(2, 2, 2, 2);
     $this->JUSTIFY = new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat(PHPRtfLite_ParFormat::TEXT_ALIGN_JUSTIFY);
     $this->LEFT = new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat(PHPRtfLite_ParFormat::TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT);
     $this->CENTER = new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat(PHPRtfLite_ParFormat::TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER);
     $this->RIGHT = new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat(PHPRtfLite_ParFormat::TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
     $this->paragraphFormat = $this->JUSTIFY;
     $this->section = $this->rtf->addSection();
Example #16
  * writes image into rtf stream
  * @param integer $startFrom
 protected function writeIntoRtfStream($startFrom = 0)
     fseek($this->_stream, $startFrom);
     $rtfImageType = $this->getImageTypeAsRtf();
     $rtfStream = $this->_rtf->getWriter();
     $rtfStream->write('{\\*\\shppict {\\pict');
     if ($this->_border) {
     $rtfStream->write($rtfImageType . '\\picscalex100\\picscaley100');
     $rtfStream->write('\\picwgoal' . $this->getImageRtfWidth());
     $rtfStream->write('\\pichgoal' . $this->getImageRtfHeight());
     $rtfStream->write(' ');
     while (!feof($this->_stream)) {
         $stringBuffer = fread($this->_stream, 1024);
         $stringHex = bin2hex($stringBuffer);
Example #17

$dir = dirname(__FILE__);
require_once $dir . '/../lib/PHPRtfLite.php';
// register PHPRtfLite class loader
// rtf document
$rtf = new PHPRtfLite();
//paragraph formats
$parFormat = new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat();
$parGreyLeft = new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat();
$parGreyCenter = new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat(PHPRtfLite_ParFormat::TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER);
// header
$header = $rtf->addHeader('first');
$header->addImage($dir . '/sources/rtf_thumb.jpg', $parFormat);
$header->writeText('Image in header.', new PHPRtfLite_Font(), new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat());
$sect = $rtf->addSection();
$sect->writeText('Images with PHPRtfLite.', new PHPRtfLite_Font(14), new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat('center'));
$sect->writeText('<br>Here is .jpg image. <tab>', new PHPRtfLite_Font(), new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat());
$sect->addImage($dir . '/sources/rtf_thumb.jpg', null);
$sect->writeText('<br>Here is .png image. <tab>', new PHPRtfLite_Font(), new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat());
$sect->addImage($dir . '/sources/html.png', null);
$sect->writeText('<br><br><b>Formating sizes of images:</b>', new PHPRtfLite_Font(), new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat());
$table = $sect->addTable();
$table->addRows(3, 4.5);
$table->addColumnsList(array(7.5, 6.5));
$table->writeToCell(1, 1, '<br> Original size.', new PHPRtfLite_Font(), new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat());
//getting cell object, writing text and adding image

$dir = dirname(__FILE__);
require_once $dir . '/../lib/PHPRtfLite.php';
// register PHPRtfLite class loader
//Font formats
$font1 = new PHPRtfLite_Font(11, 'Times new Roman', '#000055');
//Paragraph formats
$parFC = new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat('center');
$parFL = new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat('left');
//Rtf document
$rtf = new PHPRtfLite();
$sect = $rtf->addSection();
$sect->writeText('Chess tournamet information (write your data)' . "\n", new PHPRtfLite_Font(14, 'Arial'), new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat());
$chessPlayers = array('Mike Smith', 'Jim Morgan', 'Jochgan Berg', 'Bill Scott', 'Bill Martines', 'John Po', 'Aleck Harrison', 'Ann Scott', 'Johnatan Fredericson', 'Eva Carter');
/*$chessResults = (array(
				array(0  , 1  , 0.5, 1  , 0  , 1  , 0  , 0.5  , 1  , 1  ),
				array(0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
				array(0.5, 1, 0, 1, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 0, 0, 1),
				array(0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 1),				

				array(1, 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 1),			

$count = count($chessPlayers);
$countCols = $count + 2;
$countRows = $count + 1;
$colWidth = ($sect->getLayoutWidth() - 5) / $count;
Example #19
  * tests render
 public function testRender()
     $footnote = new PHPRtfLite_Footnote($this->_rtf, 'hello rtf world!');
     $this->assertEquals('\\chftn {\\footnote\\pard\\plain \\lin283\\fi-283 \\fs20 {\\up6\\chftn}' . "\r\n" . 'hello rtf world!} ', $this->_rtf->getWriter()->getContent());
Example #20

require_once 'src/PHPRtfLite.php';
require_once 'includes/cars_pdo.php';
if (isset($_POST['download'])) {
    try {
        $rtf = new PHPRtfLite();
        // Установить свойства страницы
        $rtf->setMargins(2.54, 2.54, 2.54, 2.54);
        // Добавить футер
        $footer = $rtf->addFooter();
        $fontFooter = new PHPRtfLite_Font(8, 'Arial', '#000000');
        $alignFooter = new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat(PHPRtfLite_ParFormat::TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER);
        $footer->writeText('Used cars for sale - <pagenum>', $fontFooter, $alignFooter);
        // Определить шрифты
        $fontH1 = new PHPRtfLite_Font(16, 'Arial', '#4E9C93');
        $fontH2 = new PHPRtfLite_Font(14, 'Arial', '#4E9C93');
        $fontP = new PHPRtfLite_Font(12, 'Helvetica', '#000000');
        // Вертикальное форматирование текста
        $formatH1 = new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat();
        $formatH2 = new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat();
        $formatP = new PHPRtfLite_ParFormat();
        // Содержание страницы
        $section = $rtf->addSection();
        $section->writeText('Used Cars for Sale', $fontH1, $formatH1);
        while ($row = getRow($result)) {
Example #21
  * renders footnote/endnote
  * @return string
 public function getContent()
     $content = '\\chftn ' . '{\\footnote' . ($this->isFootnote() ? '' : '\\ftnalt') . '\\pard\\plain \\lin283\\fi-283 ';
     if ($this->_parFormat) {
         $content .= $this->_parFormat->getContent($this->_rtf);
     $content .= $this->_font->getContent($this->_rtf);
     $content .= '{\\up6\\chftn}' . "\r\n" . PHPRtfLite::quoteRtfCode($this->_text) . '} ';
     return $content;
Example #22
  * renders footnote/endnote
 public function render()
     $stream = $this->_rtf->getWriter();
     $typeSetting = $this->_typeSettingType != self::TYPE_NORMAL ? '\\' . $this->_typeSettingType : '';
     $stream->write('{' . $typeSetting . '\\chftn}' . '{' . $this->getTypeAsRtfCode() . '\\pard\\plain\\lin283\\fi-283 ');
     if ($this->_parFormat) {
     if ($this->_font) {
     $stream->write('{\\up6\\chftn}' . "\r\n" . PHPRtfLite::quoteRtfCode($this->_text) . '} ');
Example #23

require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/PHPRtfLite.php';
// register PHPRtfLite class loader
Example #24
  * gets opening token
  * @return string
 protected function getOpeningToken()
     $hyperlink = PHPRtfLite::quoteRtfCode($this->_hyperlink);
     return '{\\field {\\*\\fldinst {HYPERLINK "' . $hyperlink . '"}}{\\fldrslt {';
Example #25

$dir = dirname(__FILE__);
require_once $dir . '/../lib/PHPRtfLite.php';
// register PHPRtfLite class loader
$rtf = new PHPRtfLite();
$sect = $rtf->addSection();
$sect->writeText('Text before the list');
$enum = new PHPRtfLite_List_Enumeration($rtf);
$enum->addItem('hello world');
$subEnum = new PHPRtfLite_List_Enumeration($rtf);
$subEnum->addItem('hello world');
$subSubNumList = new PHPRtfLite_List_Numbering($rtf);
$subSubNumList->addItem('hello world');
$subNumList = new PHPRtfLite_List_Numbering($rtf);
$subNumList->addItem('hello world');
$font = new PHPRtfLite_Font('26', 'Tahoma', '#f00');
$numList = new PHPRtfLite_List_Numbering($rtf, null, $font);
$numList->addItem('hello world');
Example #26
  * Gets rtf code for border
  * @param PHPRtfLite_Border_Format  $borderFormat
  * @param PHPRtfLite                $rtf
  * @return string rtf code
 private function getBorderRtf(PHPRtfLite_Border_Format $borderFormat, PHPRtfLite $rtf)
     $borderRtf = $borderFormat->getNotColoredPartOfContent();
     $color = $borderFormat->getColor();
     if ($color) {
         $borderRtf .= '\\brdrcf' . $rtf->getColor($color);
     return $borderRtf . ' ';
  * method onGenerate()
  * Executed whenever the user clicks at the generate button
 function onGenerate()
     try {
         // open a transaction with database 'atividade'
         // get the form data into an active record
         $formdata = $this->form->getData();
         $validador = new TDuasDatasValidator();
         $validador->validate('Datas', '', array($formdata->ano_atividade_inicial . '-' . str_pad($formdata->mes_atividade_inicial, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-01', $formdata->ano_atividade_final . '-' . str_pad($formdata->mes_atividade_final, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-01'));
         $meses = $this->colecaoMeses($formdata);
         $tickets = null;
         $arrayTickets = null;
         if ($formdata->cliente_id > 0) {
             $cliente = Pessoa::getPessoasEntidade($formdata->cliente_id);
             $retorno = Ticket::getTicketsCliente($cliente);
             $arrayTickets = $retorno;
             $tickets = implode(",", $retorno);
         $criteria = new TCriteria();
         $criteria->add(new TFilter("origem", "=", 1));
         $criteria->add(new TFilter("codigo_cadastro_origem", "=", 100));
         $criteria->add(new TFilter("ativo", "=", 1));
         $criteria->add(new TFilter("usuario", "is not "));
         $repo = new TRepository('Pessoa');
         $pessoas = $repo->load($criteria);
         $criteria = new TCriteria();
         $criteria->add(new TFilter('data_atividade', '<', $formdata->ano_atividade_inicial . '-' . str_pad($formdata->mes_atividade_inicial, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-01'), TExpression::OR_OPERATOR);
         $criteria->add(new TFilter('data_atividade', '>', $formdata->ano_atividade_final . '-' . str_pad($formdata->mes_atividade_final, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-' . cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, str_pad($formdata->mes_atividade_final, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), $formdata->ano_atividade_final)), TExpression::OR_OPERATOR);
         $repository = new TRepository('Atividade');
         $count = $repository->count($criteria);
         $format = $formdata->output_type;
         if ($count > 0) {
             $widths = array();
             switch ($format) {
                 case 'html':
                     $tr = new TTableWriterHTML($widths);
                     $break = '<br />';
                 case 'pdf':
                     $tr = new TTableWriterPDF($widths);
                     $break = '<br />';
                 case 'rtf':
                     if (!class_exists('PHPRtfLite_Autoloader')) {
                     $tr = new TTableWriterRTF($widths);
                     $break = '<br />';
             // create the document styles
             $tr->addStyle('title', 'Arial', '10', 'B', '#ffffff', '#6B6B6B');
             $tr->addStyle('datap', 'Arial', '10', '', '#000000', '#E5E5E5');
             $tr->addStyle('datai', 'Arial', '10', '', '#000000', '#ffffff');
             $tr->addStyle('header', 'Times', '16', 'B', '#4A5590', '#C0D3E9');
             $tr->addStyle('footer', 'Times', '12', 'BI', '#4A5590', '#C0D3E9');
             $colunas = count($meses) * 4 + 2;
             $arrayMeses = $this->string->array_meses();
             // add a header row
             $tr->addCell('RELATORIO XPTO', 'center', 'header', $colunas);
             // add a header row
             $tr->addCell('Indicadores', 'center', 'header', $colunas);
             // add a header row
             $i = 0;
             $tr->addCell('', 'center', 'header');
             foreach ($meses as $mes) {
                 $tr->addCell(substr(strtoupper($arrayMeses[intval(substr($mes, 3, 2))]), 0, 3), 'center', 'header');
                 $tr->addCell('%', 'center', 'header');
                 $tr->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'center', 'datai');
             $tr->addCell('TOTAL', 'center', 'header');
             $tr->addCell('%', 'center', 'header');
             // add a carga horaria row
             $i = 0;
             $totalHorario = null;
             $arrayHorario = array();
             $tr->addCell(utf8_decode('Carga horária mensal:'), 'left', 'datap');
             foreach ($meses as $mes) {
                 $criteria = new TCriteria();
                 $criteria->add(new TFilter("mes", "=", substr($mes, 3, 2)));
                 $criteria->add(new TFilter("ano", "=", substr($mes, 6, 4)));
                 if ($formdata->colaborador_id > 0) {
                     $criteria->add(new TFilter("colaborador_id", "=", $formdata->colaborador_id));
                 $repo = new TRepository('CargaHoraria');
                 $cargaHoraria = $repo->load($criteria);
                 $horario = null;
                 foreach ($cargaHoraria as $carga) {
                     $horario += $this->string->time_to_sec($carga->horario);
                 $totalHorario += $horario;
                 $arrayHorario[$i] = $horario;
                 $horario = $this->string->sec_to_time($horario);
                 $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($horario), 'center', 'datap');
                 $tr->addCell('100%', 'center', 'datap');
                 $tr->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'center', 'datai');
             $totalHorario = $this->string->sec_to_time($totalHorario);
             $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($totalHorario), 'center', 'datap');
             $tr->addCell('100%', 'center', 'datap');
             //add horas ponto total row
             $i = 0;
             $totalPontoTotal = null;
             $arrayPontoTotal = array();
             $tr->addCell(utf8_decode('Horas ponto total:'), 'left', 'datap');
             foreach ($meses as $mes) {
                 if ($formdata->colaborador_id > 0) {
                     $totalPonto = $this->retornaPonto($formdata->colaborador_id, substr($mes, 3, 2), substr($mes, 6, 4));
                     $totalPontoTotal += $this->string->time_to_sec($totalPonto);
                     $arrayPontoTotal[$i] = $this->string->time_to_sec($totalPonto);
                 } else {
                     foreach ($pessoas as $pessoa) {
                         $totalPonto += $this->string->time_to_sec($this->retornaPonto($pessoa->pessoa_codigo, substr($mes, 3, 2), substr($mes, 6, 4)));
                     $totalPontoTotal += $totalPonto;
                     $arrayPontoTotal[$i] = $totalPonto;
                     $totalPonto = $this->string->sec_to_time($totalPonto);
                 $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($totalPonto), 'center', 'datap');
                 $tr->addCell(round($arrayPontoTotal[$i] * 100 / $arrayHorario[$i]) . '%', 'center', 'datap');
                 $tr->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'center', 'datai');
             $totalPontoTotal = $this->string->sec_to_time($totalPontoTotal);
             $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($totalPontoTotal), 'center', 'datap');
             $tr->addCell(round($this->string->time_to_sec($totalPontoTotal) * 100 / $this->string->time_to_sec($totalHorario)) . '%', 'center', 'datap');
             //add horas ponto util row
             $i = 0;
             $totalPontoUtil = null;
             $arrayPontoUtil = array();
             $tr->addCell(utf8_decode('Horas ponto util:'), 'left', 'datap');
             foreach ($meses as $mes) {
                 $cri = new TCriteria();
                 if ($formdata->colaborador_id > 0) {
                     $cri->add(new TFilter("colaborador_id", "=", $formdata->colaborador_id));
                 $cri->add(new TFilter("ticket_id", "IN", array(328, 514)));
                 $cri->add(new TFilter("extract('month' from data_atividade)", "=", substr($mes, 3, 2)));
                 $cri->add(new TFilter("extract('year' from data_atividade)", "=", substr($mes, 6, 4)));
                 $repo = new TRepository('Atividade');
                 $ausencias = $repo->count($cri);
                 $tempo = 0;
                 if ($ausencias) {
                     $horas = $repo->load($cri);
                     foreach ($horas as $h) {
                         $tempo += $this->string->time_to_sec($h->hora_fim) - $this->string->time_to_sec($h->hora_inicio);
                 $pontoUtil = $arrayPontoTotal[$i] - $tempo;
                 $arrayPontoUtil[$i] = $pontoUtil;
                 $totalPontoUtil += $pontoUtil;
                 $pontoUtil = $this->string->sec_to_time($pontoUtil);
                 $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($pontoUtil), 'center', 'datap');
                 $tr->addCell(round($arrayPontoUtil[$i] * 100 / $arrayHorario[$i]) . '%', 'center', 'datap');
                 $tr->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'center', 'datai');
             $totalPontoUtil = $this->string->sec_to_time($totalPontoUtil);
             $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($totalPontoUtil), 'center', 'datap');
             $tr->addCell(round($this->string->time_to_sec($totalPontoUtil) * 100 / $this->string->time_to_sec($totalHorario)) . '%', 'center', 'datap');
             //add atividades indicador total
             $i = 0;
             $totalAtividadeTotal = null;
             $arrayAtividadeTotal = array();
             $tr->addCell(utf8_decode('Horas atividade (indicador total):'), 'left', 'datap');
             foreach ($meses as $mes) {
                 $total = Atividade::retornaTotalAtividadesColaborador($formdata->colaborador_id, substr($mes, 3, 2), substr($mes, 6, 4), $tickets);
                 $arrayAtividadeTotal[$i] = $this->string->time_to_sec($total);
                 $totalAtividadeTotal += $this->string->time_to_sec($total);
                 $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($total), 'center', 'datap');
                 $tr->addCell(round($arrayAtividadeTotal[$i] * 100 / $arrayPontoTotal[$i]) . '%', 'center', 'datap');
                 $tr->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'center', 'datai');
             $totalAtividadeTotal = $this->string->sec_to_time($totalAtividadeTotal);
             $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($totalAtividadeTotal), 'center', 'datap');
             $tr->addCell(round($this->string->time_to_sec($totalAtividadeTotal) * 100 / $this->string->time_to_sec($totalPontoTotal)) . '%', 'center', 'datap');
             //add atividades indicador util
             $i = 0;
             $tr->addCell(utf8_decode('Horas atividade (indicador util):'), 'left', 'datap');
             foreach ($meses as $mes) {
                 $total = $this->string->sec_to_time($arrayAtividadeTotal[$i]);
                 $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($total), 'center', 'datap');
                 $tr->addCell(round($arrayAtividadeTotal[$i] * 100 / $arrayPontoUtil[$i]) . '%', 'center', 'datap');
                 $tr->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'center', 'datai');
             //$totalAtividadeTotal = $this->string->sec_to_time($totalAtividadeTotal);
             $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($totalAtividadeTotal), 'center', 'datap');
             $tr->addCell(round($this->string->time_to_sec($totalAtividadeTotal) * 100 / $this->string->time_to_sec($totalPontoUtil)) . '%', 'center', 'datap');
             // division row
             $tr->addCell($break, 'center', 'datai', $colunas);
             // add a header row
             $tr->addCell(utf8_decode('Ausências'), 'center', 'header', $colunas);
             // add a header row
             $i = 0;
             $tr->addCell('', 'center', 'header');
             foreach ($meses as $mes) {
                 $tr->addCell(substr(strtoupper($arrayMeses[intval(substr($mes, 3, 2))]), 0, 3), 'center', 'header');
                 $tr->addCell('%', 'center', 'header');
                 $tr->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'center', 'datai');
             $tr->addCell('TOTAL', 'center', 'header');
             $tr->addCell('%', 'center', 'header');
             // add atestado medico row
             $i = 0;
             $totalAtestados = null;
             $arrayAtestados = array();
             $tr->addCell(utf8_decode('Atestado médico:'), 'left', 'datap');
             foreach ($meses as $mes) {
                 $atestados = Atividade::retornaAtestados($formdata->colaborador_id, substr($mes, 3, 2), substr($mes, 6, 4));
                 $arrayAtestados[$i] = $this->string->time_to_sec($atestados);
                 $totalAtestados += $this->string->time_to_sec($atestados);
                 $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($atestados), 'center', 'datap');
                 $tr->addCell(round($arrayAtestados[$i] * 100 / $arrayPontoTotal[$i]) . '%', 'center', 'datap');
                 $tr->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'center', 'datai');
             $totalAtestados = $this->string->sec_to_time($totalAtestados);
             $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($totalAtestados), 'center', 'datap');
             $tr->addCell(round($this->string->time_to_sec($totalAtestados) * 100 / $this->string->time_to_sec($totalPontoTotal)) . '%', 'center', 'datap');
             // add ausencias row
             $i = 0;
             $totalAusencias = null;
             $arrayAusencias = array();
             $tr->addCell(utf8_decode('Ausências:'), 'left', 'datap');
             foreach ($meses as $mes) {
                 $ausencias = Atividade::retornaAusencias($formdata->colaborador_id, substr($mes, 3, 2), substr($mes, 6, 4));
                 $arrayAusencias[$i] = $this->string->time_to_sec($ausencias);
                 $totalAusencias += $this->string->time_to_sec($ausencias);
                 $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($ausencias), 'center', 'datap');
                 $tr->addCell(round($arrayAusencias[$i] * 100 / $arrayPontoTotal[$i]) . '%', 'center', 'datap');
                 $tr->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'center', 'datai');
             $totalAusencias = $this->string->sec_to_time($totalAusencias);
             $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($totalAusencias), 'center', 'datap');
             $tr->addCell(round($this->string->time_to_sec($totalAusencias) * 100 / $this->string->time_to_sec($totalPontoTotal)) . '%', 'center', 'datap');
             // division row
             $tr->addCell($break, 'center', 'datai', $colunas);
             // add a header row
             $tr->addCell(utf8_decode('Tipo Atividades'), 'center', 'header', $colunas);
             // add Tipo Atividades row
             $i = 0;
             $tr->addCell('', 'center', 'header');
             foreach ($meses as $mes) {
                 $tr->addCell(substr(strtoupper($arrayMeses[intval(substr($mes, 3, 2))]), 0, 3), 'center', 'header');
                 $tr->addCell('%', 'center', 'header');
                 $tr->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'center', 'datai');
             $tr->addCell('TOTAL', 'center', 'header');
             $tr->addCell('%', 'center', 'header');
             // verifica tipos de atividades do periodo
             $colour = FALSE;
             $tipoAtividades = array();
             $objects = Atividade::retornaTiposAtividadesPeriodo($formdata->colaborador_id, $formdata->ano_atividade_inicial . '-' . str_pad($formdata->mes_atividade_inicial, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-01', $formdata->ano_atividade_final . '-' . str_pad($formdata->mes_atividade_final, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-' . cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, str_pad($formdata->mes_atividade_final, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), $formdata->ano_atividade_final), $tickets);
             $i = 1;
             foreach ($objects as $row) {
                 $tipoAtividades[$i] = $row['tipo_atividade_id'];
             foreach ($tipoAtividades as $ati) {
                 // adiciona as linhas por tipo de atividade
                 $style = $colour ? 'datap' : 'datai';
                 $i = 0;
                 $totalAtividade = null;
                 $arrayAtividade = array();
                 $tipoAtv = new TipoAtividade($ati);
                 $tr->addCell(utf8_decode($tipoAtv->nome . ':'), 'left', $style);
                 foreach ($meses as $mes) {
                     $cri = new TCriteria();
                     if ($formdata->colaborador_id > 0) {
                         $cri->add(new TFilter("colaborador_id", "=", $formdata->colaborador_id));
                     if ($tickets) {
                         $cri->add(new TFilter("ticket_id", "IN", $arrayTickets));
                     $cri->add(new TFilter("extract('month' from data_atividade)", "=", substr($mes, 3, 2)));
                     $cri->add(new TFilter("extract('year' from data_atividade)", "=", substr($mes, 6, 4)));
                     $cri->add(new TFilter("tipo_atividade_id", "=", $ati));
                     $repo = new TRepository('Atividade');
                     $count = $repo->count($cri);
                     $tempo = 0;
                     if ($count) {
                         $horas = $repo->load($cri);
                         foreach ($horas as $h) {
                             $tempo += $this->string->time_to_sec($h->hora_fim) - $this->string->time_to_sec($h->hora_inicio);
                     $arrayAtividade[$i] = $tempo;
                     $totalAtividade += $tempo;
                     $tempo = $this->string->sec_to_time($tempo);
                     $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($tempo), 'center', $style);
                     $tr->addCell(round($arrayAtividade[$i] * 100 / $arrayAtividadeTotal[$i]) . '%', 'center', $style);
                     $tr->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'center', 'datai');
                     $colour = !$colour;
                 $totalAtividade = $this->string->sec_to_time($totalAtividade);
                 $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($totalAtividade), 'center', $style);
                 $tr->addCell(round($this->string->time_to_sec($totalAtividade) * 100 / $this->string->time_to_sec($totalAtividadeTotal)) . '%', 'center', $style);
             //row total
             $i = 0;
             $tr->addCell(utf8_decode('<b>Total:</b>'), 'left', 'footer');
             foreach ($meses as $mes) {
                 $total = $this->string->sec_to_time($arrayAtividadeTotal[$i]);
                 $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($total), 'center', 'footer');
                 $tr->addCell('100%', 'center', 'footer');
                 $tr->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'center', 'datai');
             $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($totalAtividadeTotal), 'center', 'footer');
             $tr->addCell('100%', 'center', 'footer');
             // division row
             $tr->addCell($break, 'center', 'datai', $colunas);
             // add Por Sistema row
             $tr->addCell(utf8_decode('Por sistema'), 'center', 'header', $colunas);
             $i = 0;
             $tr->addCell('', 'center', 'header');
             foreach ($meses as $mes) {
                 $tr->addCell(substr(strtoupper($arrayMeses[intval(substr($mes, 3, 2))]), 0, 3), 'center', 'header');
                 $tr->addCell('%', 'center', 'header');
                 $tr->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'center', 'datai');
             $tr->addCell('TOTAL', 'center', 'header');
             $tr->addCell('%', 'center', 'header');
             // verifica tipos de atividades do periodo
             $colour = FALSE;
             $tipoSistemas = array();
             $objects = Atividade::retornaSistemasPeriodo($formdata->colaborador_id, $formdata->ano_atividade_inicial . '-' . str_pad($formdata->mes_atividade_inicial, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-01', $formdata->ano_atividade_final . '-' . str_pad($formdata->mes_atividade_final, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-' . cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, str_pad($formdata->mes_atividade_final, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), $formdata->ano_atividade_final), $tickets);
             $i = 1;
             foreach ($objects as $row) {
                 $tipoSistemas[$i] = $row['sistema_id'];
             foreach ($tipoSistemas as $sis) {
                 // adiciona as linhas por tipo de atividade
                 $style = $colour ? 'datap' : 'datai';
                 $i = 0;
                 $totalSistema = null;
                 $arraySistema = array();
                 $sistema = new Sistema($sis);
                 $tr->addCell(utf8_decode($sistema->nome . ':'), 'left', $style);
                 foreach ($meses as $mes) {
                     $cri = new TCriteria();
                     if ($formdata->colaborador_id > 0) {
                         $cri->add(new TFilter("colaborador_id", "=", $formdata->colaborador_id));
                     if ($tickets) {
                         $cri->add(new TFilter("ticket_id", "IN", $arrayTickets));
                     $cri->add(new TFilter("extract('month' from data_atividade)", "=", substr($mes, 3, 2)));
                     $cri->add(new TFilter("extract('year' from data_atividade)", "=", substr($mes, 6, 4)));
                     $cri->add(new TFilter("sistema_id", "=", $sis));
                     $cri->add(new TFilter("ticket_id", "not in", array(328, 514)));
                     $repo = new TRepository('Atividade');
                     $count = $repo->count($cri);
                     $tempo = 0;
                     if ($count) {
                         $horas = $repo->load($cri);
                         foreach ($horas as $h) {
                             $tempo += $this->string->time_to_sec($h->hora_fim) - $this->string->time_to_sec($h->hora_inicio);
                     $arraySistema[$i] = $tempo;
                     $totalSistema += $tempo;
                     $tempo = $this->string->sec_to_time($tempo);
                     $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($tempo), 'center', $style);
                     $tr->addCell(round($arraySistema[$i] * 100 / $arrayAtividadeTotal[$i]) . '%', 'center', $style);
                     $tr->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'center', 'datai');
                     $colour = !$colour;
                 $totalSistema = $this->string->sec_to_time($totalSistema);
                 $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($totalSistema), 'center', $style);
                 $tr->addCell(round($this->string->time_to_sec($totalSistema) * 100 / $this->string->time_to_sec($totalAtividadeTotal)) . '%', 'center', $style);
             //row total
             $i = 0;
             $tr->addCell(utf8_decode('<b>Total:</b>'), 'left', 'footer');
             foreach ($meses as $mes) {
                 $total = $this->string->sec_to_time($arrayAtividadeTotal[$i]);
                 $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($total), 'center', 'footer');
                 $tr->addCell('100%', 'center', 'footer');
                 $tr->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'center', 'datai');
             $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($totalAtividadeTotal), 'center', 'footer');
             $tr->addCell('100%', 'center', 'footer');
             // division row
             $tr->addCell($break, 'center', 'datai', $colunas);
             // add Por Cliente row
             $tr->addCell(utf8_decode('Por Cliente'), 'center', 'header', $colunas);
             $i = 0;
             $tr->addCell('', 'center', 'header');
             foreach ($meses as $mes) {
                 $tr->addCell(substr(strtoupper($arrayMeses[intval(substr($mes, 3, 2))]), 0, 3), 'center', 'header');
                 $tr->addCell('%', 'center', 'header');
                 $tr->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'center', 'datai');
             $tr->addCell('TOTAL', 'center', 'header');
             $tr->addCell('%', 'center', 'header');
             // monta array de clientes
             $tipoClientes = array();
             $objects = Atividade::retornaClientesPeriodo($formdata->colaborador_id, $formdata->ano_atividade_inicial . '-' . str_pad($formdata->mes_atividade_inicial, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-01', $formdata->ano_atividade_final . '-' . str_pad($formdata->mes_atividade_final, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-' . cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, str_pad($formdata->mes_atividade_final, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), $formdata->ano_atividade_final), $tickets);
             foreach ($objects as $row) {
                 $cliente = new Pessoa($row['solicitante_id']);
                 if ($cliente->origem == 1) {
                     $ind = $cliente->codigo_cadastro_origem;
                 } else {
                     $ind = 999;
                 $tipoClientes[$ind] += $this->string->time_to_sec($row['sum']);
             $colour = FALSE;
             foreach ($tipoClientes as $key => $value) {
                 $style = $colour ? 'datap' : 'datai';
                 $i = 0;
                 $totalClientes = null;
                 $arrayClientes = array();
                 $labelCliente = '';
                 if ($key == '999') {
                     $labelCliente = '999 - ECS';
                 } else {
                     $entidade = new Entidade($key);
                     $labelCliente = str_pad($key, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' - ' . $entidade->entnomfan;
                 $tr->addCell(utf8_decode($labelCliente), 'left', $style);
                 foreach ($meses as $mes) {
                     $cri = new TCriteria();
                     if ($formdata->colaborador_id > 0) {
                         $cri->add(new TFilter("colaborador_id", "=", $formdata->colaborador_id));
                     if (!$tickets) {
                         $cliente = Pessoa::getPessoasEntidade($key);
                         $retorno = Ticket::getTicketsCliente($cliente);
                         $arrayTickets = $retorno;
                     $cri->add(new TFilter("ticket_id", "IN", $arrayTickets));
                     $cri->add(new TFilter("extract('month' from data_atividade)", "=", substr($mes, 3, 2)));
                     $cri->add(new TFilter("extract('year' from data_atividade)", "=", substr($mes, 6, 4)));
                     $cri->add(new TFilter("ticket_id", "not in", array(328, 514)));
                     $repo = new TRepository('Atividade');
                     $count = $repo->count($cri);
                     $tempo = 0;
                     if ($count) {
                         $horas = $repo->load($cri);
                         foreach ($horas as $h) {
                             $tempo += $this->string->time_to_sec($h->hora_fim) - $this->string->time_to_sec($h->hora_inicio);
                     $arrayClientes[$i] = $tempo;
                     $totalClientes += $tempo;
                     $tempo = $this->string->sec_to_time($tempo);
                     $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($tempo), 'center', $style);
                     $tr->addCell(round($arrayClientes[$i] * 100 / $arrayAtividadeTotal[$i]) . '%', 'center', $style);
                     $tr->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'center', 'datai');
                     $colour = !$colour;
                 $totalClientes = $this->string->sec_to_time($totalClientes);
                 $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($totalClientes), 'center', $style);
                 $tr->addCell(round($this->string->time_to_sec($totalClientes) * 100 / $this->string->time_to_sec($totalAtividadeTotal)) . '%', 'center', $style);
             //row total
             $i = 0;
             $tr->addCell(utf8_decode('<b>Total:</b>'), 'left', 'footer');
             foreach ($meses as $mes) {
                 $total = $this->string->sec_to_time($arrayAtividadeTotal[$i]);
                 $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($total), 'center', 'footer');
                 $tr->addCell('100%', 'center', 'footer');
                 $tr->addCell('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', 'center', 'datai');
             $tr->addCell($this->string->retira_segundos($totalAtividadeTotal), 'center', 'footer');
             $tr->addCell('100%', 'center', 'footer');
             // stores the file
             if (!file_exists("app/output/Atividade.{$format}") or is_writable("app/output/Atividade.{$format}")) {
             } else {
                 throw new Exception(_t('Permission denied') . ': ' . "app/output/Atividade.{$format}");
             // open the report file
             // shows the success message
             new TMessage('info', 'Report generated. Please, enable popups in the browser (just in the web).');
         } else {
             new TMessage('error', 'No records found');
         // fill the form with the active record data
         // close the transaction
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // shows the exception error message
         new TMessage('error', '<b>Error</b> ' . $e->getMessage());
         // undo all pending operations
  * method onGenerate()
  * Executed whenever the user clicks at the generate button
 function onGenerate()
     try {
         // open a transaction with database 'samples'
         // get the form data into an active record Customer
         $object = $this->form->getData();
         $repository = new TRepository('Customer');
         $criteria = new TCriteria();
         if ($object->name) {
             $criteria->add(new TFilter('name', 'like', "%{$object->name}%"));
         if ($object->city_id) {
             $criteria->add(new TFilter('city_id', '=', "{$object->city_id}"));
         if ($object->category_id) {
             $criteria->add(new TFilter('category_id', '=', "{$object->category_id}"));
         $customers = $repository->load($criteria);
         $format = $object->output_type;
         if ($customers) {
             $widths = array(40, 150, 80, 120, 80);
             switch ($format) {
                 case 'html':
                     $tr = new TTableWriterHTML($widths);
                 case 'pdf':
                     $tr = new TTableWriterPDF($widths);
                 case 'rtf':
                     if (!class_exists('PHPRtfLite_Autoloader')) {
                     $tr = new TTableWriterRTF($widths);
             // create the document styles
             $tr->addStyle('title', 'Arial', '10', 'BI', '#ffffff', '#407B49');
             $tr->addStyle('datap', 'Arial', '10', '', '#000000', '#869FBB');
             $tr->addStyle('datai', 'Arial', '10', '', '#000000', '#ffffff');
             $tr->addStyle('header', 'Times', '16', 'BI', '#ff0000', '#FFF1B2');
             $tr->addStyle('footer', 'Times', '12', 'BI', '#2B2B2B', '#B5FFB4');
             // add a header row
             $tr->addCell('Customers', 'center', 'header', 5);
             // add titles row
             $tr->addCell('Code', 'left', 'title');
             $tr->addCell('Name', 'left', 'title');
             $tr->addCell('Category', 'left', 'title');
             $tr->addCell('Email', 'left', 'title');
             $tr->addCell('Birthdate', 'left', 'title');
             // controls the background filling
             $colour = FALSE;
             // data rows
             foreach ($customers as $customer) {
                 $style = $colour ? 'datap' : 'datai';
                 $tr->addCell($customer->id, 'left', $style);
                 $tr->addCell($customer->name, 'left', $style);
                 $tr->addCell($customer->category_name, 'left', $style);
                 $tr->addCell($customer->email, 'left', $style);
                 $tr->addCell($customer->birthdate, 'left', $style);
                 $colour = !$colour;
             // footer row
             $tr->addCell(date('Y-m-d h:i:s'), 'center', 'footer', 5);
             // stores the file
             if (!file_exists("app/output/tabular.{$format}") or is_writable("app/output/tabular.{$format}")) {
             } else {
                 throw new Exception(_t('Permission denied') . ': ' . "app/output/tabular.{$format}");
             // shows the success message
             new TMessage('info', 'Report generated. Please, enable popups in the browser (just in the web).');
         } else {
             new TMessage('error', 'No records found');
         // fill the form with the active record data
         // close the transaction
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // shows the exception error message
         new TMessage('error', '<b>Error</b> ' . $e->getMessage());
         // undo all pending operations
Example #29
  * @dataProvider provideQuoteRtfCode()
 public function testQuoteRtfCode($testString, $resultString)
     $this->assertEquals($resultString, PHPRtfLite::quoteRtfCode($testString));
Example #30
  * Sets background color
  * @param string $color background color
 public function setBackgroundColor($color)
     $color = PHPRtfLite::convertHexColorToRtf($color);
     $this->_backgroundColor = $color;