private function handleAssign(NodeTraversal $t, \PHPParser_Node_Expr_Assign $node)
     if (!$node->var instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Expr_Variable || !is_string($node->var->name)) {
     $scope = $t->getScope();
     if (null === ($var = $scope->getVar($node->var->name))) {
     if ($var->isReference()) {
     $nameNode = $var->getNameNode();
     if ($nameNode instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Param && $this->getSetting('overriding_parameter')) {
         $this->phpFile->addComment($node->getLine(), Comment::warning('suspicious_code.assignment_to_parameter', 'Consider using a different name than the parameter ``$%param_name%``. This often makes code more readable.', array('param_name' => $node->var->name)));
     } else {
         if ($nameNode instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Expr_ClosureUse && $this->getSetting('overriding_closure_use')) {
             $this->phpFile->addComment($node->getLine(), Comment::warning('suspicious_code.assignment_to_closure_import', 'Consider using a different name than the imported variable ``$%variable_name%``, or did you forget to import by reference?', array('variable_name' => $node->var->name)));
 private function tryRemoveAssignment(NodeTraversal $t, \PHPParser_Node $n, \PHPParser_Node $exprRoot = null, $inState, $outState)
     $parent = $n->getAttribute('parent');
     if (NodeUtil::isAssignmentOp($n)) {
         $lhs = $n->var;
         $rhs = $n->expr;
         if ($n instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Expr_AssignList) {
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($n->vars as $var) {
                 if (null === $var) {
                     $i += 1;
                 $newNode = new \PHPParser_Node_Expr_Assign($var, new \PHPParser_Node_Expr_ArrayDimFetch($rhs, new \PHPParser_Node_Scalar_LNumber($i)), $n->getLine());
                 $newNode->setAttribute('is_list_assign', true);
                 $this->tryRemoveAssignment($t, $newNode, $exprRoot, $inState, $outState);
                 $i += 1;
         // Recurse first. Example: dead_x = dead_y = 1; We try to clean up dead_y first.
         if (null !== $rhs) {
             $this->tryRemoveAssignment($t, $rhs, $exprRoot, $inState, $outState);
             $rhs = $lhs->getAttribute('next');
         $scope = $t->getScope();
         if (!$lhs instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Expr_Variable || !is_string($lhs->name)) {
         if (!$scope->isDeclared($lhs->name)) {
         if (in_array($lhs->name, NodeUtil::$superGlobalNames, true)) {
         $var = $scope->getVar($lhs->name);
         $escaped = $this->liveness->getEscapedLocals();
         if (isset($escaped[$var])) {
             // Local variable that might be escaped due to closures.
         // If we have an identity assignment such as a=a, always remove it
         // regardless of what the liveness results because it does not
         // change the result afterward.
         if (null !== $rhs && $rhs instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Expr_Variable && $var->getName() === $rhs->name && $n instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Expr_Assign) {
             $this->phpFile->addComment($n->getLine(), Comment::warning('dead_assignment.assignment_to_itself', 'Why assign ``%variable%`` to itself?', array('variable' => '$' . $rhs->name)));
         // At the moment we miss some dead assignments if a variable is killed,
         // and defined in the same node of the control flow graph.
         // Example: $a = 'foo'; return $a = 'bar';
         if ($outState->isLive($var)) {
             // Variable is not dead.
         // Assignments to references do not need to be used in the
         // current scope.
         if ($var->isReference()) {
         //             if ($inState->isLive($var)
         //                    /*&& $this->isVariableStillLiveWithinExpression($n, $exprRoot, $var->getName()) */) {
         // The variable is killed here but it is also live before it.
         // This is possible if we have say:
         //    if ($X = $a && $a = $C) {..} ; .......; $a = $S;
         // In this case we are safe to remove "$a = $C" because it is dead.
         // However if we have:
         //    if ($a = $C && $X = $a) {..} ; .......; $a = $S;
         // removing "a = C" is NOT correct, although the live set at the node
         // is exactly the same.
         // TODO: We need more fine grain CFA or we need to keep track
         // of GEN sets when we recurse here. Maybe add the comment anyway, and let the user decide?
         //                 return;
         //             }
         if ($n instanceof \PHPParser_Node_Expr_Assign) {
             if ($n->getAttribute('is_list_assign', false)) {
                 $this->phpFile->addComment($n->getLine(), Comment::warning('dead_assignment.unnecessary_list_assign', 'The assignment to ``$%variable%`` is dead. Consider omitting it like so ``list($first,,$third)``.', array('variable' => $var->getName())));
             $this->phpFile->addComment($n->getLine(), Comment::warning('dead_assignment.unnecessary_var_assign', 'The assignment to ``$%variable%`` is dead and can be removed.', array('variable' => $var->getName())));