Example #1
 function fetchRaid()
     // Call DB Connector
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     $raidShort = $_GET['raid'];
     $raidPrep = $callDB->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM raid_archive WHERE short = :raid");
     $raidPrep->execute(array('raid' => $raidShort));
     $raid = $raidPrep->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     //Split raid Modes apart
     $raidModeseperator = '/,\\s*/';
     $raidModes = preg_split($raidModeseperator, $raid['modes']);
     $this->raidModes = array();
     foreach ($raidModes as $rSize) {
         $this->raidModes[] = $rSize;
     //Split boss names apart
     $bossSeperator = '/,\\s*/';
     $bossNames = preg_split($bossSeperator, $raid['bossNames']);
     $this->bosses = array();
     foreach ($bossNames as $boss) {
         $this->bosses[] = $boss;
     header('Content-Type: application/json');
     echo json_encode(array("success" => 'true', "short" => $raid['short'], "fullname" => $raid['fullname'], "modes" => $this->raidModes, "xpac" => $raid['xpac'], "xpacNum" => $raid['xpacNum'], "tier" => $raid['tier'], "reqLevel" => $raid['reqLevel'], "bossCountN" => $raid['bossCountN'], "bossCountH" => $raid['bossCountH'], "bossNames" => $this->bosses), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
Example #2
 private function check_queue()
     Logger::log('Mailer', 0, 'Mailer queue >> Checking from ;mailqueue; table..');
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     $fetchQueuedMail = $callDB->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM mailqueue WHERE status = 0 LIMIT 10");
     $this->queue['items'] = $fetchQueuedMail->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $this->queue['queued'] = $fetchQueuedMail->rowCount();
     Logger::log('Mailer', 0, 'Items in fetched queue (max:10): ' . $this->queue['queued']);
     if ($this->queue['queued'] >= 1) {
         foreach ($this->queue['items'] as $email) {
             // Run email validate
             $verifiedEmail = $this->validateEmail($email['addr']);
             if ($verifiedEmail) {
                 Logger::log('Mailer', 0, 'Valid email ( ' . $verifiedEmail . ' ) >> True !');
                 // Prep data arr
                 $emailArr = array('to' => $verifiedEmail, 'subject' => $email['subject'], 'body' => $email['body'], 'headers' => 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n" . 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n" . 'From: noreply <*****@*****.**>' . "\r\n");
                 // Send email
                 Logger::log('Mailer', 0, 'Mail queue item (' . $email['id'] . ') >> sent >> To: ' . $email['addr'] . '; Subject: ' . $email['subject']);
                 // Set email status
                 $this->set_emailStatus($email['id'], 1);
                 Logger::log('Mailer', 0, 'Setting status of item (' . $email['id'] . ') >> 1');
             } else {
                 // Invalid email == Status 2
                 $this->set_emailStatus($email['id'], 2);
                 Logger::log('Mailer', 0, 'Mail queue item (' . $email['id'] . ') >> Invalid email address');
     } else {
         Logger::log('Mailer', 0, 'Mailer queue >> No items in queue.. Sleeping');
Example #3
 public static function get_day($day)
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     $getAttendanceDay = $callDB->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM attendance WHERE dayHuman = :dayHuman");
     $getAttendanceDay->execute(array('dayHuman' => $day));
     return $getAttendanceDay->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
Example #4
 protected static function update($updateData)
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     $fetchThreadPrep = $callDB->db->prepare("UPDATE forum_categories SET name = :name, rankRead = :read, rankPost = :write WHERE id = :id");
     return $fetchThreadPrep->execute(array('name' => $updateData['name'], 'read' => $updateData['read'], 'write' => $updateData['write'], 'id' => $updateData['cat']));
Example #5
 public static function update_post($a)
     // Call DB Connector
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     $return = new news_db();
     $updateNewsPost = $callDB->db->prepare("UPDATE news SET postTitle = :postTitle, article = :article, postImg = :postImg, tags = :tags WHERE id = :id");
     return $updateNewsPost->execute(array('postTitle' => $a['title'], 'article' => $a['content'], 'postImg' => $a['img'], 'tags' => $a['tags'], 'id' => $a['postID']));
Example #6
 private function eventLog($eventID, $details, $eventAuthor)
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     //Build event details to log
     $logEventTime = Time();
     //Write to admin log.
     $eventLogSQL = $callDB->db->prepare("INSERT INTO admin_logs(eventid, user, details, time) VALUES(:eventID, :user, :detail, :time)");
     $eventLogSQL->execute(array('eventID' => $eventID, 'user' => $eventAuthor, 'detail' => $details, 'time' => $logEventTime));
Example #7
 function get_raids()
     // Call DB Connector
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     // Prep get
     $getRaidsFromDB = $callDB->db->prepare("SELECT short, fullname, modes, xpac, xpacNum, tier, reqLevel FROM raid_archive ORDER BY tier DESC");
     // Execute
     return $getRaidsFromDB->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
Example #8
 protected static function delete($postID)
     // Call DB Connector
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     $deleteAllPrep = $callDB->db->prepare("DELETE FROM forum_posts WHERE id = :postID");
     $deleteAllPrep->execute(array('postID' => $postID));
     return $deleteAllPrep->rowCount();
Example #9
 private function fetch_progress($raid)
     // Call DB Connector
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     // Prep Lookup
     $lookupPrep = $callDB->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM progress WHERE raid = :raid");
     // Execute
     $lookupPrep->execute(array('raid' => $raid));
     $progressData = $lookupPrep->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     return array('N' => $progressData['reg'], 'H' => $progressData['heroic'], 'M' => $progressData['mythic']);
Example #10
 function ajaxEventInfo()
     global $usrInfo;
     // Call DB Connector
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     $idOfEvent = $_GET['305'];
     // $event = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($callDB->db->query("SELECT * FROM events WHERE id = '$idOfEvent'"));
     $eventPrep = $callDB->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM events WHERE id = :id");
     $eventPrep->execute(array('id' => $idOfEvent));
     $event = $eventPrep->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     header('Content-Type: application/json');
     echo json_encode(array("success" => 'true', "id" => $event['id'], "eventTitle" => $event['eventTitle'], "eventLoc" => $event['eventLocation'], "eventDesc" => $event['eventDesc'], "eventDateUnix" => $event['eventDate'], "eventDateDD" => date('d-m-Y', $event['eventDate']), "eventDateHH" => date('h', $event['eventDate']), "eventDateMM" => date('i', $event['eventDate']), "eventBy" => $event['eventBy']));
Example #11
 function updateRaidPro()
     global $usrInfo;
     // Call DB Connector
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     if (user::rank() >= 4) {
         $raidProUpdate = $_POST['raidProUpdate'];
         $nraidProUpdate = $_POST['nraidProUpdate'];
         $hraidProUpdate = $_POST['hraidProUpdate'];
         $mraidProUpdate = $_POST['mraidProUpdate'];
         $proUpdate = $callDB->db->prepare("UPDATE progress SET reg = :regPro, heroic = :heroicPro, mythic = :mythicPro WHERE raid = :raid");
         $result = $proUpdate->execute(array('regPro' => $nraidProUpdate, 'heroicPro' => $hraidProUpdate, 'mythicPro' => $mraidProUpdate, 'raid' => $raidProUpdate));
         if ($result) {
             json::resp(array('success' => true, 'msg' => $raidProUpdate . ' Progress updated!'));
         } else {
             json::resp(array('success' => false, 'error' => $raidProUpdate . ' Progress update failed..'));
Example #12
 private function dbFileInfoRecord()
     // Call DB Connector
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     //Data for DB
     $filename = $this->genFileName;
     $orig_filename = $this->fileName;
     $uploader = $this->user['Username'];
     $fileMime = $this->fileType;
     $fileExt = $this->fileExt;
     $newFileSize = $this->n_file_Size;
     $fileSize = $this->file_Size;
     $uploadTime = time();
     $this->uploadTime = $uploadTime;
     $sha1 = $this->fileHash;
     $dirLoc = $this->dirLoc;
     $filenameFull = $filename . $fileExt;
     $newFileRecord = $callDB->db->prepare("INSERT INTO file_uploads(filename,filenameFull,originalFilename,uploader,fileMime,fileExt,fileSize,origFileSize,uploadTime,sha1,folder) VALUES(:filename, :fullFilename , :origFilename, :uploader, :fileMime, :fileExt, :newFileSize, :fileSize, :uploadTime, :sha1, :dirLoc)");
     $newFileRecord->execute(array('filename' => $filename, 'fullFilename' => $filenameFull, 'origFilename' => $orig_filename, 'uploader' => $uploader, 'fileMime' => $fileMime, 'fileExt' => $fileExt, 'newFileSize' => $newFileSize, 'fileSize' => $fileSize, 'uploadTime' => $uploadTime, 'sha1' => $sha1, 'dirLoc' => $dirLoc));
     $this->replyJSON('uploadSuccess', 'everything went fine');
Example #13
 protected static function update_last_reply($threadID, $username)
     // Call DB Connector
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     $threadUpdatePrep = $callDB->db->prepare("UPDATE forum_threads SET lastposter = :user WHERE id = :id");
     return $threadUpdatePrep->execute(array('user' => $username, 'id' => $threadID));
Example #14
 public static function update_user_ban($data)
     // Call DB Connector
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     $userTOupdate = $data['userTOupdate'];
     $banStatus = $data['banStatus'];
     // $updateBy = $usrInfo['Username'];
     $updateUserRank = $callDB->db->prepare("UPDATE users SET BanStatus = :banStatus WHERE Username = :user");
     return $updateUserRank->execute(array('banStatus' => $banStatus, 'user' => $userTOupdate));
     // //Build event details to log
     // $logEventID = '602';
     // $logDetails = 'The user '.$userTOupdate.'\'s BanStatus has been set to '. $banStatus .' by . '.$userTOupdate.'.';
     // $logEventTime = Time();
     // 	//Prepare
     // 	$eventLogSQL = $callDB->db->prepare("INSERT INTO admin_logs(eventid, user, details, time) VALUES(:eventID, :user, :detail, :time)");
     // 	//Execute
     // 	$eventLogSQL->execute(array(
     // 		'eventID' => $logEventID,
     // 		'user' => $updateBy,
     // 		'detail' => $logDetails,
     // 		'time' => $logEventTime
     // 	));
Example #15
function allEvents()
    // Call DB Connector
    $callDB = new PGSdb();
    $userRank = user::rank();
    echo '
				<div id="content-header-wrapper">
					<div id="content-header-content"><div id="content-header-content-expand">&#9660;</div>
					<div class="navLocBar-noWrap">Events &#62;</div>
					<div id="content-header-btns-right">';
    if ($userRank >= 1) {
        echo '<button type="button" class="btn btn-green" onclick="wbox.show(\'newEvent\');"><span class="ion-plus"></span> New Event</button>';
    echo '
				<div id="content-content">
					<div id="eventList">';
    echo 'hello';
    $currentDate = time();
    $eventsPrep = $callDB->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM events WHERE eventDate > :evntDate ORDER BY eventDate ASC LIMIT 10");
    $eventsPrep->execute(array('evntDate' => $currentDate));
    while ($row = $eventsPrep->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        $eventDateInUNIX = $row['eventDate'];
        $dateDifference = $eventDateInUNIX - $currentDate;
        $unixTOhuman = date('D, d M Y h:i a', $eventDateInUNIX);
        //Convert unixEventTime to human readable
        //Break time down in countdown
        $daysTill = floor($dateDifference / 3600 / 24);
        $hoursTill = floor($dateDifference / 3600 - $daysTill * 24);
        //strtotime to convert real to unix
        echo '
					<div id="' . $row["id"] . '" class="eventList ' . $row["eventLocation"] . '" rel="' . $row["eventLocation"] . '">
						<div class="eventBannerTitle">' . $row["eventTitle"] . '</div>
						<div class="timesCountdown"><span class="jsEventCountdown" data-timestamp="' . $eventDateInUNIX . '"></span></div>
							<div class="eventLoc">' . $row["eventLocation"] . '</div>
							<div class="eventFunctions">';
        if ($userRank >= 4) {
            echo '<div class="editMedia btn-red" onclick="events.evnt.del(\'' . $row["id"] . '\');"><span class="ion-trash-b"></span></div>';
            echo '<div class="editMedia btn-blue" onclick="wbox.show(\'editEvent\');events.info(\'' . $row['id'] . '\');events.setEditEventID(\'' . $row['id'] . '\');"><span class="ion-edit"></span></div>';
    if ($userRank >= 4) {
						<div id="editEvent" class="wbox" data-height="400px" data-width="100%" data-max-width="265px">
							<div class="wbox-title">Edit Event</div>
							<div class="wbox-content">
								<input type="text" id="editEventTitle" class="lot lot-N aniObj" placeholder="Event title" maxlength="25" disabled="disabled">
								<select id="editEventLoc" id="newEventLoc" class="lot lot-N aniObj" disabled="disabled">
									<option value="blank">-- Set location --</option>
        foreach (event::raid_event_list() as $raid) {
            echo '<option value="' . $raid['short'] . '">' . $raid['fullname'] . '</option>';
								<textarea rows="4" cols="40" id="editEventDesc" class="lot lot-N aniObj" maxlength="150" disabled="disabled"></textarea>
								<select id="editEventSetDate" class="lot lot-N aniObj" disabled="disabled">';
        for ($i = 0; $i < 14; $i++) {
            $a = date('d-m-Y', strtotime("+" . $i . "days"));
            if ($i == 0) {
                echo '<option value="' . $a . '">' . $a . ' (Today)</option>';
            } else {
                echo '<option value="' . $a . '">' . $a . '</option>';
								echo '
									<select id="editEventHour" class="lot lot-N aniObj" disabled="disabled">
										<option value="00">00hr / 12am</option>
										<option value="01">01hr / 1am</option>
										<option value="02">02hr / 2am</option>
										<option value="03">03hr / 3am</option>
										<option value="04">04hr / 4am</option>
										<option value="05">05hr / 5am</option>
										<option value="06">06hr / 6am</option>
										<option value="07">07hr / 7am</option>
										<option value="08">08hr / 8am</option>
										<option value="09">09hr / 9am</option>
										<option value="10">10hr / 10am</option>
										<option value="11">11hr / 11am</option>
										<option value="12">12hr / 12pm</option>
										<option value="13">13hr / 1pm</option>
										<option value="14">14hr / 2pm</option>
										<option value="15">15hr / 3pm</option>
										<option value="16">16hr / 4pm</option>
										<option value="17">17hr / 5pm</option>
										<option value="18">18hr / 6pm</option>
										<option value="19">19hr / 7pm</option>
										<option value="20">20hr / 8pm</option>
										<option value="21">21hr / 9pm</option>
										<option value="22">22hr / 10pm</option>
										<option value="23">23hr / 11pm</option>
								<select id="editEventMin" class="lot lot-N aniObj" disabled="disabled">
										<option value="00">00 Mins past the hr</option>
										<option value="15">15 Mins past the hr</option>
										<option value="30">30 Mins past the hr</option>
										<option value="45">45 Mins past the hr</option>
							<div class="WBoxBtns">
								<input type="button" id="editExistingEvent" class="WBox-btn btn-green" value="Update Event" onclick="events.evnt.update();">
						<div id="delEvent" class="wbox" data-height="190px" data-width="335px" data-max-width="100%">

    echo '
				}, 500);
Example #16
 function fetchMediaInfo()
     global $usrInfo;
     // Call DB Connector
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     $raid = $_GET['raid'];
     $mediaID = $_GET['mediaID'];
     $encounter = $_GET['encounter'];
     $type = $_GET['type'];
     if (!empty($raid)) {
         //$raidMedia = @mysqli_fetch_assoc($callDB->db->query("SELECT * FROM raid_archive WHERE short='$raid'"));
         $raidMediaPrep = $callDB->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM raid_archive WHERE short = :raid");
         $raidMediaPrep->execute(array('raid' => $raid));
         $raidMedia = $raidMediaPrep->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
         //Turn JSON data to php friendly data
         @($jsonToData = json_decode($raidMedia['media'], true));
         //Findout item in array
         @($mediaItem = $jsonToData[$encounter][$type][$mediaID]);
         header('Content-Type: application/json');
         echo json_encode(array("id" => @$mediaID, "mediaRaid" => @$raid, "mediaRaidBoss" => @$encounter, "mediaType" => @$type, "mediaTitle" => @$mediaItem['title'], "mediaLink" => @$mediaItem['url'], "author" => @$mediaItem['author'], "date" => @$mediaItem['date']));
Example #17
 private static function delete_item($folder_name, $file_name)
     // Call DB Connector
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     $fileDetailsPrep = $callDB->db->prepare("DELETE FROM file_uploads WHERE folder = :folder AND filename = :filename");
     return $fileDetailsPrep->execute(array('folder' => $folder_name, 'filename' => $file_name));
Example #18
function raidOverview()
    $userRank = user::rank();
    // Call DB Connector
    $callDB = new PGSdb();
    $raidFetch = $_GET['raid'];
    $validRaids = array("Firelands" => "FL", "Dragon Soul" => "DS", "Mogu&#39;shan Vaults" => "MSV", "Heart of Fear" => "HoF", "Terrace of Endless Spring" => "ToES", "Throne of Thunder" => "ToT", "Siege of Orgrimmar" => "SoO", "Highmaul" => "HM", "Blackrock Foundry" => "BRF");
    if (array_search($raidFetch, $validRaids, true)) {
        $raidFullName = array_search($raidFetch, $validRaids, true);
        //For ease of use
        $progress = new progress();
        $data = $progress->fetch_raid($raidFetch);
        //Fetch media for the specific raid
        $raidMediaPrep = $callDB->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM guildmedia WHERE mediaRaid = :raidShort AND Status='1'");
        $raidMediaPrep->execute(array('raidShort' => $raidFetch));
        $raidMedia = $raidMediaPrep->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $raidSpecificsPrep = $callDB->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM raid_archive WHERE short = :raidShort");
        $raidSpecificsPrep->execute(array('raidShort' => $raidFetch));
        $raidSpecifics = $raidSpecificsPrep->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
        $raidMediaArr = json_decode($raidSpecifics['media'], true);
        //Split boss names apart
        $bossSeperator = '/,\\s*/';
        $bossNames = preg_split($bossSeperator, $raidSpecifics['bossNames']);
        echo '
		<div id="content-header-wrapper">
			<div id="content-header-content"><div id="content-header-content-expand">&#9660;</div>
				<div class="navLocBar-noWrap"><a href="' . site_url . 'progress">Raid</a> &#62;&nbsp;' . $raidFullName . '</div>
					<div id="content-header-btns-right">';
        if ($userRank >= 1) {
            echo '<button type="button" class="btn btn-green" onclick="wbox.show(\'addMediaDiv\');"><span class="ion-plus"></span> Add Media</button>';
        echo '
			<div id="content-content">
				<div class="progressionBarFull ' . $raidFetch . '">';
        if ($userRank >= "4") {
            echo '
							<div id="raidProgressionSettingsBtn" class="aniObj" onclick="wbox.show(\'editProgression\');editProgression();">
								<span class="ion-gear-b"></span>
        if (@$data->info['bossCount']['M'] != null) {
            echo '<div id="raidProgressionNumbers"><span id="regRaidProgression">' . $data->progress['N'] . '</span>/' . $data->info['bossCount']['N'] . 'R | <span id="hRaidProgression">' . $data->progress['H'] . '</span>/' . $data->info['bossCount']['H'] . 'H | <span id="mRaidProgression">' . $data->progress['M'] . '</span>/' . $data->info['bossCount']['M'] . 'M</div>';
        } else {
            echo '<div id="raidProgressionNumbers"><span id="regRaidProgression">' . $data->progress['N'] . '</span>/' . $data->info['bossCount']['N'] . 'R | <span id="hRaidProgression">' . $data->progress['H'] . '</span>/' . $data->info['bossCount']['H'] . 'H</div>';
        foreach ($data->modes as $mode) {
            echo '<div class="progressBarFrame"><div id="' . $mode . 'Progressbar"><div class="raidDifcProgressBarText"></div></div></div>';
        echo '
        foreach ($data->modes as $mode) {
            echo 'window.setTimeout(function(){progress.raidBar(\'' . $mode . 'Progressbar\',\'' . $data->progress[$mode] / $data->info['bossCount'][$mode] * 100 . '\');}, 500);';
        echo '
				<div class="progressTopicContents">
					<div id="mediaGallery">';
        $curBoss = 0;
        foreach ($bossNames as $boss) {
            $mediaIDItem = 0;
            echo '<div class="media-boss">
									<div class="media-boss-name"><strong>' . $boss . '</strong></div>';
            //	echo var_dump($raidMediaArr[$curBoss]['screenshots'][0]);
            if (@$raidMediaArr[$curBoss] != null) {
                foreach ($raidMediaArr[$curBoss]['screenshots'] as $mediaItems) {
                    echo '<div class="progressMediaFullItem b-lazy-loading"><img class="b-lazy" src="/img/1080placeholder.png" data-src="' . $mediaItems['url'] . '" />';
                    if ($userRank >= "4") {
                        echo '<div class="editMediaWrapper"><div class="editMedia" onclick="wbox.show(\'editMedia\');progress.media.info(\'' . $raidFetch . '\', ' . $curBoss . ', \'screenshots\',' . $mediaIDItem . ');"><span class="ion-edit"></span></div></div>';
                    echo '</div>';
                    $mediaIDItem = $mediaIDItem + 1;
            echo '</div>';
            $curBoss = $curBoss + 1;
        echo '</div>';
        // Closing for #content-content
        // foreach (($raidMedia) as $row){
        // 	if ($row['mediaType'] === 'screenshot'){
        // 		echo '
        // 			<div class="progressMedia">
        // 				<div class="mediaPreview">
        // 					<div class="progressMediaImg">';
        // 						if ($userRank >= "4")
        // 							{
        // 								echo'<div class="editMediaWrapper"><div class="editMedia" onclick="wbox.show(\'editMedia\');fetchMediaInfo('.$row['id'].');"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-pencil"></span></div></div>';
        // 							}
        // 						echo '
        // 						<img src="'.$row['mediaLink'].'" onclick="WBoxmedia(\'img\',\''.$row['mediaLink'].'\');">
        // 					</div>
        // 				</div>
        // 				<div class="progressmediaLink">
        // 					[Img] '.$row['mediaTitle'].'</a><br/>
        // 				</div>
        // 			</div>';
        // 	}
        // 	elseif ($row['mediaType'] === 'video'){
        // 		echo '
        // 			<div class="progressMedia">
        // 				<div class="mediaPreview">
        // 					<div class="progressMediaImg">';
        // 						if ($userRank >= "4"){
        // 							echo'<div class="editMediaWrapper"><div class="editMedia" onclick="wbox.show(\'editMedia\');fetchMediaInfo('.$row['id'].');"><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-pencil"></span></div></div>';
        // 						}
        // 						echo '
        // 						<img src="http://img.youtube.com/vi/'.$row['mediaLink'].'/1.jpg" onclick="WBoxmedia(\'vid\',\''.$row['mediaLink'].'\');" />
        // 					</div>
        // 				</div>
        // 				<div class="progressmediaLink">
        // 					[Vid] '.$row['mediaTitle'].'</a><br/>
        // 				</div>
        // 			</div>
        // 			';
        // 	}
        // 	else
        // 		{}
        // }
        if ($userRank >= "4") {
					function editProgression(){
            foreach ($data->modes as $mode) {
								$(function(){ // Progress Sliders
                echo $mode;
', '#WBox').slider({
                echo $data->progress[$mode];
                echo $data->info['bossCount'][$mode];
                echo $mode;
ProgressionEditor', '#WBox').val(ui.value);							
                echo $mode;
ProgressionEditor', '#WBox').val($('#slider<?php 
                echo $mode;
', '#WBox').slider('value'));
				<div id="editMedia" class="wbox" data-height="215px" data-width="335px" data-max-width="100%">
					<div class="wbox-title">Edit media</div>
					<div class="wbox-content">
						<input type="text" id="mediaTitleEdit" class="lot" placeholder="Media Title" disabled="disabled">
						<input type="text" id="mediaLinkEdit" class="lot" placeholder="Media Link" disabled="disabled"><br/><br/>
						<select id="mediaTypeEdit" class="TmpstLoT" placeholder="Media Type" disabled="disabled">
							<option value="screenshot">Screenshot (Image)</option>
							<option value="video">Video (YouTube)</option>
						<select id="raidBossSelUpdate" class="lot aniObject">
							<option value="Blank">-- Select instance encounter --</option>
					<div class="WBoxBtns">
						<input type="button" id="mediaUpdateBtn" class="WBox-btn btn-green aniObject" value="Save" onclick="progress.media.update('<?php 
            echo $raidFetch;
');" disabled="disabled" />
				<div id="editProgression" class="wbox" data-height="300px" data-width="345px" data-max-width="100%">
					<div class="wbox-title">Edit media</div>
					<div class="wbox-content">
						<div id="<?php 
            echo $raidFetch;
" class="progressionEditorTop <?php 
            echo $raidFetch;
							<div class="progressionEditorRaid"><?php 
            echo $raidFullName;
							<div class="progressionEditorVals"><input id="NProgressionEditor" maxlength="2" readonly="readonly" style="width:20px; font-size:18px; color:white; background:transparent; border:0px; text-align:right;" value="<?php 
            echo $data->progress['N'];
" />/<?php 
            echo $data->info['bossCount']['N'];
R | <input id="HProgressionEditor" maxlength="2" readonly="readonly" style="width:20px; font-size:18px; color:white; background:transparent; border:0px; text-align:right;" value="<?php 
            echo $data->progress['H'];
" />/<?php 
            echo $data->info['bossCount']['H'];
H | <input id="MProgressionEditor" maxlength="2" readonly="readonly" style="width:20px; font-size:18px; color:white; background:transparent; border:0px; text-align:right;" value="<?php 
            echo $data->progress['M'];
" />/<?php 
            echo @$data->info['bossCount']['M'];
            foreach ($data->modes as $mode) {
                echo '
								<div class="progressionMiniSliderDIV">
									<span class="progressionEditorDiff">' . $mode . ' ' . $raidFetch . ' Progression:</span>
									<div id="slider' . $mode . '"></div>
					<div class="WBoxBtns">
						<input type="button" onclick="progress.update('<?php 
            echo $raidFetch;
');" class="WBox-btn btn-green aniObj" value="Save" />
        if ($userRank >= 1) {
				<div id="addMediaDiv" class="wbox" data-height="195px" data-width="335px" data-max-width="100%">
					<div class="wbox-title">Add guild media</div>
					<div class="wbox-content">
						<select id="mediaType" class="lot aniObject">
							<option value="Blank">-- Select media type --</option>
							<option value="screenshot">Screenshot (Image)</option>
							<option value="video">Video (YouTube)</option>
						<select id="raidBossSel" class="lot aniObject">
							<option value="Blank">-- Select instance encounter --</option>
						<input type="text" id="mediaTitle" class="lot aniObject" name="mediaTitle" placeholder="Media Title">
						<input type="text" id="mediaLink" class="lot aniObject" name="mediaLink" placeholder="Img ID or Video ID">
					<div class="WBoxBtns">
						<input type="button" id="addMediaBtn" class="WBox-btn btn-green aniObject" onclick="progress.media.submit('<?php 
            echo $raidFetch;
');" value="Submit">
            echo $raidFetch;
					}, 500);
        echo '</div></div>
			<div class="progressClearSpace"></div>
					var bLazy = new Blazy({ 
						success: function(element){
								var parent = element.parentNode;
								parent.className = parent.className.replace(/\\bloading\\b/,"");
							}, 200);
    } else {
        echo 'Invalid Raid';
Example #19
 public static function setting()
     // Call DB Connector
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     $fetchQuery = $callDB->db->prepare("SELECT fullRoster, rosterRanks, topIMG, footerHTML FROM sitesettings WHERE guildName = :guild");
     $fetchQuery->execute(array('guild' => 'Tempest'));
     return $fetchQuery->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
Example #20
 private function all()
     // Call DB Connector
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     $data = array();
     $getMainRaidRosterPrep = $callDB->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM wowchardata WHERE GuildStatus='Raider' OR GuildStatus='Sub' OR GuildStatus='Trial' ORDER BY GMRole ASC");
     $getMainRaidRoster = $getMainRaidRosterPrep->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     // echo var_dump($getMainRaidRoster);
     foreach ($getMainRaidRoster as $character) {
         $data['character'][] = $character;
     build::page($data, 'roster/all');
Example #21
 public static function role_status($char, $serv)
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     $fetchToArrayPrep = $callDB->db->prepare("SELECT id, GuildStatus, GMrole, GOrole FROM wowchardata WHERE Name = :charName AND Serv = :charServ");
     $fetchToArrayPrep->execute(array('charName' => $char, 'charServ' => $serv));
     return $fetchToArrayPrep->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
Example #22
 private function panel()
     $callDB = new PGSdb();
     // Set empty array variable
     $dbData = array();
     // Lookup news data
     $newsArticles = $this->get_newsArticles();
     // Get DB data for site
     $adminPanelDBfetch = $callDB->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM sitesettings WHERE guildName = :guild");
     $adminPanelDBfetch->execute(array('guild' => guild_name));
     $dbData['site'] = $adminPanelDBfetch->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     // Get featured article title and build array for news posts to select as featured article
     foreach ($newsArticles as $newsPost) {
         $dbData['news'][] = $newsPost;
         // Get title for article thats featured
         if ($newsPost['id'] == $dbData['site']['featuredArticle']) {
             $dbData['site']['featuredArticleTitle'] = $newsPost['postTitle'];
     // Data Reloads
     //	Last Update to human time
     $dbData['site']['fullRosterDate'] = date('h:ia, M d Y', $dbData['site']['fullRosterDate']);
     $dbData['site']['wcLogsZonesDate'] = date('h:ia, M d Y', $dbData['site']['wcLogsZonesDate']);
     // 	For each user in roster array
     $dbData['site']['rosterSize'] = 0;
     $decodedForCount = json_decode($dbData['site']['fullRoster'], true);
     try {
         foreach ($decodedForCount['members'] as $key => $character) {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     // Roster settings
     $dbData['site']['rosterRanksData'] = json_decode($dbData['site']['rosterRanks'], true);
     // foreach ($decodedForRanks as $key => $value) {
     // 	$dbData['site']['rosterRanksData'][$key] = $value;
     // }
     build::page($dbData, 'admin/admin');