private function getUF($admin = false, $extra_cond = null, $sort = null) { $cond = new PFC_And(new UFC_Group($this->id, $admin), new PFC_Not(new UFC_Dead())); if (!is_null($extra_cond)) { $cond->addChild($extra_cond); } if ($this->cat == self::CAT_PROMOTIONS) { $cond->addChild(new UFC_Registered()); } return new UserFilter($cond, $sort); }
function handler_index($page, $action = '', $subaction = '') { global $globals; if (!$this->isDeltaTenEnabled(S::user(), Profile::DELTATEN_YOUNG)) { $page->killError("Ta promotion ne participe pas à l'opération N N-10."); } if ($this->isDeltaTenEnabled(S::user(), Profile::DELTATEN_OLD)) { $profile = S::user()->profile(); if ($profile->getDeltatenMessage()) { $page->trigSuccess("Tu participes bien à l'opération N N-10 en tant qu'ancien."); } else { $page->trigWarning("Tu ne participes pas encore à l'opération N N-10 en tant qu'ancien."); } } $page->setTitle("Opération N N-10"); $page->assign('deltaten_promo_old', S::user()->profile()->yearpromo() - 10); $wp = new PlWikiPage('Docs.Deltaten'); $wp->buildCache(); require_once ''; $ufb = new UFB_DeltaTenSearch(); $page->addJsLink('search.js'); if (!$ufb->isEmpty()) { require_once ''; $ufc = $ufb->getUFC(); if (!$ufc instanceof PFC_And) { $ufc = new PFC_And($ufc); } $ufc->addChild(new UFC_DeltaTen()); $ufc->addChild(new UFC_Promo('=', UserFilter::GRADE_ING, S::user()->profile()->yearpromo() - 10)); $set = new ProfileSet($ufc); $set->addMod('minifiche', 'Opération N N-10'); $set->apply('deltaten/search', $page, $action, $subaction); $nb_tot = $set->count(); if ($nb_tot > $globals->search->private_max) { $page->assign('formulaire', 1); $page->trigError('Recherche trop générale.'); $page->assign('plset_count', 0); } else { if ($nb_tot == 0) { $page->assign('formulaire', 1); $page->trigError("Il n'existe personne correspondant à ces critères dans la base."); } } } $page->changeTpl('deltaten/index.tpl'); }
public function __construct(UserFilterBuilder $ufb, PlFilterCondition $cond = null) { if (is_null($cond)) { $conds = new PFC_And(); } else { if ($cond instanceof PFC_And) { $conds = $cond; } else { $conds = new PFC_And($cond); } } if (!$ufb->isValid()) { $this->valid = false; return; } $ufc = $ufb->getUFC(); $conds->addChild($ufc); $orders = $ufb->getOrders(); parent::__construct($conds, $orders); }
function handler_batch($page) { $page->changeTpl('carnet/batch.tpl'); $errors = false; $incomplete = array(); if (Post::has('add')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); require_once ''; require_once ''; require_once ''; $list = explode("\n", Post::v('list')); $origin = Post::v('origin'); foreach ($list as $item) { if ($item = trim($item)) { $elements = preg_split("/\\s/", $item); $email = array_pop($elements); if (!isvalid_email($email)) { $page->trigError('Email invalide : ' . $email); $incomplete[] = $item; $errors = true; continue; } $user = User::getSilent($email); if (is_null($user)) { $details = implode(' ', $elements); $promo = trim(array_pop($elements)); $cond = new PFC_And(); if (preg_match('/^[MDX]\\d{4}$/', $promo)) { $cond->addChild(new UFC_Promo('=', UserFilter::DISPLAY, $promo)); } else { $cond->addChild(new UFC_NameTokens($promo)); } foreach ($elements as $element) { $cond->addChild(new UFC_NameTokens($element)); } $uf = new UserFilter($cond); $count = $uf->getTotalCount(); if ($count == 0) { $page->trigError('Les informations : « ' . $item . ' » ne correspondent à aucun camarade.'); $incomplete[] = $item; $errors = true; continue; } elseif ($count > 1) { $page->trigError('Les informations : « ' . $item . ' » sont ambigues et correspondent à plusieurs camarades.'); $incomplete[] = $item; $errors = true; continue; } else { $user = $uf->getUser(); } } if ($user->state == 'active') { $this->addRegistered($page, $user->profile()); } else { if (!User::isForeignEmailAddress($email)) { $page->trigError('Email pas encore attribué : ' . $email); $incomplete[] = $item; $errors = true; } else { $this->addNonRegistered($page, $user); if (!Marketing::get($user->id(), $email, true)) { check_email($email, "Une adresse surveillée est proposée au marketing par " . S::user()->login()); $market = new Marketing($user->id(), $email, 'default', null, $origin, S::v('uid'), null); $market->add(); } } } } } } $page->assign('errors', $errors); $page->assign('incomplete', $incomplete); }
function handler_add_secondary_edu($page) { $page->changeTpl('admin/add_secondary_edu.tpl'); if (!(Post::has('verify') || Post::has('add'))) { return; } elseif (!Post::has('people')) { $page->trigWarning("Aucune information n'a été fournie."); return; } require_once ''; $lines = explode("\n", Post::t('people')); $separator = Post::t('separator'); $degree = Post::v('degree'); $promotion = Post::i('promotion'); $schoolsList = array_flip(DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::EDUSCHOOLS)); $degreesList = array_flip(DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::EDUDEGREES)); $edu_id = $schoolsList[Profile::EDU_X]; $degree_id = $degreesList[$degree]; $res = array('incomplete' => array(), 'empty' => array(), 'multiple' => array(), 'already' => array(), 'new' => array()); $old_pids = array(); $new_pids = array(); foreach ($lines as $line) { $line = trim($line); $line_array = explode($separator, $line); array_walk($line_array, 'trim'); if (count($line_array) != 3) { $page->trigError("La ligne « {$line} » est incomplète."); $res['incomplete'][] = $line; continue; } $cond = new PFC_And(new UFC_NameTokens(split_name_for_search($line_array[0]), array(), false, false, Profile::LASTNAME)); $cond->addChild(new UFC_NameTokens(split_name_for_search($line_array[1]), array(), false, false, Profile::FIRSTNAME)); $cond->addChild(new UFC_Promo('=', UserFilter::DISPLAY, $line_array[2])); $uf = new UserFilter($cond); $pid = $uf->getPIDs(); $count = count($pid); if ($count == 0) { $page->trigError("La ligne « {$line} » ne correspond à aucun profil existant."); $res['empty'][] = $line; continue; } elseif ($count > 1) { $page->trigError("La ligne « {$line} » correspond à plusieurs profils existant."); $res['multiple'][] = $line; continue; } else { $count = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM profile_education WHERE pid = {?} AND eduid = {?} AND degreeid = {?}', $pid, $edu_id, $degree_id); if ($count == 1) { $res['already'][] = $line; $old_pids[] = $pid[0]; } else { $res['new'][] = $line; $new_pids[] = $pid[0]; } } } $display = array(); foreach ($res as $type => $res_type) { if (count($res_type) > 0) { $display = array_merge($display, array('--------------------' . $type . ':'), $res_type); } } $page->assign('people', implode("\n", $display)); $page->assign('promotion', $promotion); $page->assign('degree', $degree); if (Post::has('add')) { $entry_year = $promotion - Profile::educationDuration($degree); if (Post::b('force_addition')) { $pids = array_unique(array_merge($old_pids, $new_pids)); } else { $pids = array_unique($new_pids); // Updates years. if (count($old_pids)) { XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_education SET entry_year = {?}, grad_year = {?}, promo_year = {?} WHERE pid IN {?} AND eduid = {?} AND degreeid = {?}', $entry_year, $promotion, $promotion, $old_pids, $edu_id, $degree_id); } } // Precomputes values common to all users. $select = XDB::format('MAX(id) + 1, pid, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, \'secondary\'', $edu_id, $degree_id, $entry_year, $promotion, $promotion); XDB::startTransaction(); foreach ($pids as $pid) { XDB::execute('INSERT INTO profile_education (id, pid, eduid, degreeid, entry_year, grad_year, promo_year, flags) SELECT ' . $select . ' FROM profile_education WHERE pid = {?} GROUP BY pid', $pid); } XDB::commit(); } }
/** Get the count of subscribers to the NL. * @return Number of subscribers. */ public function subscriberCount($lost = null, $sex = null, $grade = null, $first_promo = null, $last_promo = null) { $cond = new PFC_And(new UFC_NLSubscribed($this->id)); if (!is_null($sex)) { $cond->addChild(new UFC_Sex($sex)); } if (!is_null($grade)) { $cond->addChild(new UFC_Promo('>=', $grade, $first_promo)); $cond->addChild(new UFC_Promo('<=', $grade, $last_promo)); } if (!($lost === null)) { if ($lost === true) { $cond->addChild(new PFC_Not(new UFC_HasEmailRedirect())); } else { $cond->addChild(new UFC_HasEmailRedirect()); } } $uf = new UserFilter($cond); return $uf->getTotalCount(); }
/** Compute the conditions to use for the current request. * @return A PlFilterCondition instance (actually a PFC_And) */ protected function getCond() { $cond = new PFC_And(); foreach ($this->criteria as $criterion => $value) { switch ($criterion) { // ENUM fields case WSRequestCriteria::SCHOOL: // Useless criterion: we don't need to check on origin school if (WSRequestCriteria::$choices_enum[$criterion][$value]) { $cond->addChild(new PFC_True()); } else { $cond->addChild(new PFC_False()); } break; case WSRequestCriteria::DIPLOMA: $diploma = WSRequestCriteria::$choices_enum[$criterion][$value]; $id_X = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT id FROM profile_education_enum WHERE abbreviation = {?}', 'X'); $cond->addChildren(array(new UFC_EducationSchool($id_X), new UFC_EducationDegree($diploma))); break; // TEXT fields // TEXT fields case WSRequestCriteria::FIRSTNAME: case WSRequestCriteria::LASTNAME: $cond->addChild(new UFC_NameTokens($value, UFC_NameTokens::FLAG_PUBLIC, false, false, $criterion)); break; case WSRequestCriteria::PROMOTION: $cond->addChild(new PFC_Or(new UFC_Promo(UserFilter::OP_EQUALS, UserFilter::GRADE_ING, $value), new UFC_Promo(UserFilter::OP_EQUALS, UserFilter::GRADE_MST, $value), new UFC_Promo(UserFilter::OP_EQUALS, UserFilter::GRADE_PHD, $value))); break; case WSRequestCriteria::ALT_DIPLOMA: $cond->addChild(new UFC_EducationDegree(DirEnum::getIds(DirEnum::EDUDEGREES, $value))); break; case WSRequestCriteria::DIPLOMA_FIELD: $cond->addChild(new UFC_EducationField(DirEnum::getIds(DirEnum::EDUFIELDS, $value))); break; case WSRequestCriteria::CITY: $cond->addChild(new UFC_AddressField($value, UFC_AddressField::FIELD_LOCALITY, UFC_Address::TYPE_HOME, UFC_Address::FLAG_CURRENT)); break; case WSRequestCriteria::COUNTRY: $cond->addChild(new UFC_AddressField($value, UFC_AddressField::FIELD_COUNTRY, UFC_Address::TYPE_HOME, UFC_Address::FLAG_CURRENT)); break; case WSRequestCriteria::ZIPCODE: $cond->addChild(new UFC_AddressField($value, UFC_AddressField::FIELD_ZIPCODE, UFC_Address::TYPE_HOME, UFC_Address::FLAG_CURRENT)); break; case WSRequestCriteria::JOB_ANY_COUNTRY: $cond->addChild(new UFC_AddressField($value, UFC_AddressField::FIELD_COUNTRY, UFC_Address::TYPE_PRO, UFC_Address::FLAG_ANY)); break; case WSRequestCriteria::JOB_CURRENT_CITY: $cond->addChild(new UFC_AddressField($value, UFC_AddressField::FIELD_LOCALITY, UFC_Address::TYPE_PRO, UFC_Address::FLAG_ANY)); break; case WSRequestCriteria::JOB_ANY_COMPANY: case WSRequestCriteria::JOB_CURRENT_COMPANY: $cond->addChild(new UFC_Job_Company(UFC_Job_Company::JOBNAME, $value)); break; case WSRequestCriteria::JOB_ANY_SECTOR: case WSRequestCriteria::JOB_CURRENT_SECTOR: case WSRequestCriteria::JOB_CURRENT_TITLE: $cond->addChild(new UFC_Job_Terms(DirEnum::getIds(DirEnum::JOBTERMS, $value))); break; // LIST fields // LIST fields case WSRequestCriteria::HOBBIES: $subcond = new PFC_Or(); foreach ($value as $val) { $subcond->addChild(new UFC_Comment($value)); } $cond->addChild($subcond); break; case WSRequestCriteria::JOB_COMPETENCIES: case WSRequestCriteria::JOB_RESUME: case WSRequestCriteria::PROFESSIONAL_PROJECT: $subcond = new PFC_Or(); foreach ($value as $val) { $subcond->addChild(new UFC_Job_Description($value, UserFilter::JOB_USERDEFINED)); } $cond->addChild($subcond); break; case WSRequestCriteria::NOT_UID: $cond->addChild(new PFC_Not(new UFC_PartnerSharingID($this->partner->id, $value))); break; default: break; } } return $cond; }
function handler_admin_member_new_ajax($page) { pl_content_headers("text/html"); $page->changeTpl('xnetgrp/membres-new-search.tpl', NO_SKIN); $users = array(); $same_email = false; if (Env::has('login')) { $user = User::getSilent(Env::t('login')); if ($user && $user->state != 'pending') { $users = array($user->id() => $user); $same_email = true; } } if (empty($users)) { list($lastname, $firstname) = str_replace(array('-', ' ', "'"), '%', array(Env::t('nom'), Env::t('prenom'))); $cond = new PFC_And(); if (!empty($lastname)) { $cond->addChild(new UFC_NameTokens($lastname, array(), false, false, Profile::LASTNAME)); } if (!empty($firstname)) { $cond->addChild(new UFC_NameTokens($firstname, array(), false, false, Profile::FIRSTNAME)); } if (Env::t('promo')) { $cond->addChild(new UFC_Promo('=', UserFilter::DISPLAY, Env::t('promo'))); } $uf = new UserFilter($cond); $users = $uf->getUsers(new PlLimit(30)); if ($uf->getTotalCount() > 30) { $page->assign('too_many', true); $users = array(); } } $page->assign('users', $users); $page->assign('same_email', $same_email); }
// Do not store backtraces $opts = getopt('f:p:'); if (empty($opts['f']) || empty($opts['p'])) { print "File name missing (-f=file_name) or promotion missing (-p=file_name).\n"; exit; } $file = $opts['f']; $handle = fopen($file, 'r'); $promo_year = $opts['p']; $already = array(); $new = array(); $ambiguous = array(); while ($line = trim(fgets($handle))) { $data = explode(';', $line); $cond = new PFC_And(new UFC_NameTokens(split_name_for_search($data[0]), array(), false, false, Profile::LASTNAME)); $cond->addChild(new UFC_NameTokens(split_name_for_search($data[1]), array(), false, false, Profile::FIRSTNAME)); $uf = new UserFilter($cond); $profiles = $uf->getProfiles(); switch (count($profiles)) { case 0: $new[] = $line; break; case 1: foreach ($profiles as $profile) { $already[] = $profile->hrid(); } break; default: $hrids = array(); foreach ($profiles as $profile) { $hrids[] = $profile->hrid();
protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { $r = $s = $this->val; /** Admin: Email, IP */ if (S::admin() && strpos($s, '@') !== false) { return new UFC_Email($s); } else { if (S::admin() && preg_match('/[0-9]+\\.([0-9]+|%)\\.([0-9]+|%)\\.([0-9]+|%)/', $s)) { return new UFC_Ip($s); } } $conds = new PFC_And(); /** Name */ $s = preg_replace('!\\d+!', ' ', $s); $strings = preg_split("![^a-z%]+!i", $s, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ($strings as $key => $string) { if (strlen($string) < 2) { unset($strings[$key]); } } if (count($strings) > 5) { Platal::page()->trigWarning("Tu as indiqué trop d'éléments dans ta recherche, seuls les 5 premiers seront pris en compte"); $strings = array_slice($strings, 0, 5); } if (count($strings)) { if (S::user() != null && S::user()->checkPerms('directory_private')) { $flags = array(); } else { $flags = array('public'); } $exact = $ufb->b('exact'); $conds->addChild(new UFC_NameTokens($strings, $flags, $ufb->b('with_soundex'), $exact)); $ufb->addOrder(new UFO_Score()); } /** Promo ranges */ $s = preg_replace('! *- *!', '-', $r); $s = preg_replace('!([<>]) *!', ' \\1', $s); $s = preg_replace('![^0-9xmd\\-><]!i', ' ', $s); $s = preg_replace('![<>\\-] !', '', $s); $ranges = preg_split('! +!', strtolower($s), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $grades = array('' => UserFilter::GRADE_ING, 'x' => UserFilter::GRADE_ING, 'm' => UserFilter::GRADE_MST, 'd' => UserFilter::GRADE_PHD); foreach ($ranges as $r) { if (preg_match('!^([xmd]?)(\\d{4})$!', $r, $matches)) { $conds->addChild(new UFC_Promo('=', $grades[$matches[1]], $matches[2])); } elseif (preg_match('!^([xmd]?)(\\d{4})-\\1(\\d{4})$!', $r, $matches)) { $p1 = min(intval($matches[2]), intval($matches[3])); $p2 = max(intval($matches[2]), intval($matches[3])); $conds->addChild(new PFC_And(new UFC_Promo('>=', $grades[$matches[1]], $p1), new UFC_Promo('<=', $grades[$matches[1]], $p2))); } elseif (preg_match('!^<([xmd]?)(\\d{4})!', $r, $matches)) { $conds->addChild(new UFC_Promo('<=', $grades[$matches[1]], $matches[2])); } elseif (preg_match('!^>([xmd]?)(\\d{4})!', $r, $matches)) { $conds->addChild(new UFC_Promo('>=', $grades[$matches[1]], $matches[2])); } } /** Phone number */ $t = preg_replace('!([xmd]?\\d{4}-|>|<|)[xmd]?\\d{4}!i', '', $s); $t = preg_replace('![<>\\- ]!', '', $t); if (strlen($t) > 4) { $conds->addChild(new UFC_Phone($t)); } return $conds; }