Example #1
 function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $finesIndexEngine;
     global $configArray;
     $ils = $configArray['Catalog']['ils'];
     $interface->assign('showDate', $ils == 'Koha' || $ils == 'Horizon');
     $interface->assign('showReason', $ils != 'Koha');
     $interface->assign('showOutstanding', $ils == 'Koha');
     // Get My Fines
     if ($patron = $this->catalogLogin()) {
         if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($patron)) {
         if ($this->catalog->checkFunction('getMyFines')) {
             $result = $this->catalog->getMyFines($patron, true);
             if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
                 $interface->assign('fines', $result);
             } else {
         } else {
             $interface->assign('finesData', translate('This catalog does not support listing fines.'));
     $interface->assign('sidebar', 'MyAccount/account-sidebar.tpl');
     $interface->setPageTitle('My Fines');
  * Connect to the database.
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public static function connectToDatabase()
     global $configArray;
     if (!defined('DB_DATAOBJECT_NO_OVERLOAD')) {
         define('DB_DATAOBJECT_NO_OVERLOAD', 0);
     $options =& PEAR_Singleton::getStaticProperty('DB_DataObject', 'options');
     // If we're using PostgreSQL, we need to set up some extra configuration
     // settings so that unique ID sequences are properly registered:
     if (substr($configArray['Database']['database'], 0, 5) == 'pgsql') {
         $tables = array('comments', 'oai_resumption', 'resource', 'resource_tags', 'search', 'session', 'tags', 'user', 'user_list', 'user_resource');
         foreach ($tables as $table) {
             $configArray['Database']['sequence_' . $table] = $table . '_id_seq';
     $options = $configArray['Database'];
     if (substr($configArray['Database']['database'], 0, 5) == 'mysql') {
         // If we're using MySQL, we need to make certain adjustments (ANSI
         // quotes, pipes as concatenation operator) for proper compatibility
         // with code built for other database systems like PostgreSQL or Oracle.
         $obj = new DB_DataObject();
         $conn = $obj->getDatabaseConnection();
         $conn->query("SET @@SESSION.sql_mode='ANSI_QUOTES,PIPES_AS_CONCAT'");
     } else {
         if (substr($configArray['Database']['database'], 0, 4) == 'oci8') {
             // If we are using Oracle, set some portability values:
             $temp_db = new DB_DataObject();
             $db =& $temp_db->getDatabaseConnection();
             $db->setOption('portability', DB_PORTABILITY_NUMROWS | DB_PORTABILITY_NULL_TO_EMPTY);
             // Update the date format to fix issues with Oracle being evil
             $db->query("ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'");
Example #3
  * Load information from the review provider and update the interface with the data.
  * @param  string   $isbn The ISBN to load data for
  * @return array       Returns array with review data, otherwise a
  *                      PEAR_Error.
 static function loadEnrichment($isbn)
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     $enrichment = array();
     // Fetch from provider
     if (isset($configArray['Content']['enrichment'])) {
         $providers = explode(',', $configArray['Content']['enrichment']);
         foreach ($providers as $provider) {
             $provider = explode(':', trim($provider));
             $func = strtolower($provider[0]);
             if (method_exists(new Record_Enrichment(), $func)) {
                 $enrichment[$func] = Record_Enrichment::$func($isbn);
                 // If the current provider had no valid reviews, store nothing:
                 if (empty($enrichment[$func]) || PEAR_Singleton::isError($enrichment[$func])) {
     if ($enrichment) {
         $interface->assign('enrichment', $enrichment);
     return $enrichment;
Example #4
 function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     global $library;
     global $locationSingleton;
     global $timer;
     global $user;
     if ($user) {
         $catalog = new CatalogConnection($configArray['Catalog']['driver']);
         $patron = $catalog->patronLogin($user->cat_username, $user->cat_password);
         $profile = $catalog->getMyProfile($patron);
         if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($profile)) {
             $interface->assign('profile', $profile);
         if (!isset($_REQUEST['overDriveId']) || !isset($_REQUEST['formatId'])) {
             header('Location: /');
         } else {
             $interface->assign('overDriveId', $_REQUEST['overDriveId']);
             $interface->assign('overDriveFormatId', $_REQUEST['formatId']);
             $interface->setPageTitle('OverDrive Loan Period');
         //Var for the IDCLREADER TEMPLATE
         $interface->assign('ButtonBack', false);
         $interface->assign('ButtonHome', true);
         $interface->assign('MobileTitle', 'OverDrive Loan Period');
     } else {
Example #5
 function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     // Sanitize the topic name to include only alphanumeric characters
     // or underscores.
     $safe_topic = preg_replace('/[^\\w]/', '', $_GET['topic']);
     // Construct three possible template names -- the help screen in the current
     // selected language, help in the site's default language, and help in English
     // (most likely to exist).  The code will attempt to display most appropriate
     // help screen that actually exists.
     $tpl_user = '******' . $interface->getLanguage() . "/{$safe_topic}.tpl";
     $tpl_site = "Help/{$configArray['Site']['language']}/{$safe_topic}.tpl";
     $tpl_en = 'Help/en/' . $safe_topic . '.tpl';
     // Best case -- help is available in the user's chosen language
     if ($interface->template_exists($tpl_user)) {
         // Compromise -- help is available in the site's default language
     } else {
         if ($interface->template_exists($tpl_site)) {
             $interface->assign('warning', true);
             // Last resort -- help is available in English
         } else {
             if ($interface->template_exists($tpl_en)) {
                 $interface->assign('warning', true);
                 // Error -- help isn't available at all!
             } else {
                 PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Unknown Help Page'));
Example #6
 function Login()
     global $configArray;
     // Fetch Salt
     $salt = $this->generateSalt();
     // HexDecode Password
     $password = pack('H*', $_GET['password']);
     // Decrypt Password
     require_once 'Crypt/Blowfish.php';
     $cipher = new Crypt_Blowfish($salt);
     $password = $cipher->decrypt($_GET['password']);
     require_once 'Crypt/XXTEA.php';
     $cipher = new Crypt_XXTEA();
     $password = $cipher->decrypt($password);
     require_once 'Crypt/rc4.php';
     $password = rc4Encrypt($salt, $password);
     // Put the username/password in POST fields where the authentication module
     // expects to find them:
     $_POST['username'] = $_GET['username'];
     $_POST['password'] = $password;
     // Authenticate the user:
     $user = UserAccount::login();
     if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($user)) {
         return 'Error';
     } else {
         return 'True';
Example #7
 function sendSMS()
     global $configArray;
     global $interface;
     // Get Holdings
     try {
         $catalog = new CatalogConnection($configArray['Catalog']['driver']);
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         return new PEAR_Error('Cannot connect to ILS');
     $holdingsSummary = $catalog->getStatusSummary($_GET['id']);
     if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($holdingsSummary)) {
         return $holdingsSummary;
     if (isset($holdingsSummary['callnumber'])) {
         $interface->assign('callnumber', $holdingsSummary['callnumber']);
     if (isset($holdingsSummary['availableAt'])) {
         $interface->assign('availableAt', strip_tags($holdingsSummary['availableAt']));
     if (isset($holdingsSummary['downloadLink'])) {
         $interface->assign('downloadLink', $holdingsSummary['downloadLink']);
     $interface->assign('title', $this->recordDriver->getBreadcrumb());
     $interface->assign('recordID', $_GET['id']);
     $message = $interface->fetch('Emails/catalog-sms.tpl');
     return $this->sms->text($_REQUEST['provider'], $_REQUEST['to'], $configArray['Site']['email'], $message);
Example #8
 function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     $id = strip_tags($_REQUEST['id']);
     $interface->assign('id', $id);
     if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
         $result = $this->sendEmail($_POST['to'], $_POST['from'], $_POST['message']);
         if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
             require_once 'Home.php';
         } else {
             $interface->assign('message', $result->getMessage());
     // Display Page
     if (isset($_GET['lightbox'])) {
         $interface->assign('lightbox', true);
         echo $interface->fetch('EcontentRecord/email.tpl');
     } else {
         $interface->setPageTitle('Email Record');
         $interface->assign('subTemplate', 'email.tpl');
         $interface->display('layout.tpl', 'RecordEmail' . $_GET['id']);
Example #9
 function launch()
     global $configArray;
     global $interface;
     global $user;
     global $timer;
     // Get My Transactions
     if ($this->catalog->status) {
         if ($user->cat_username) {
             $patron = $this->catalog->patronLogin($user->cat_username, $user->cat_password);
             $timer->logTime("Logged in patron to get checked out items.");
             if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($patron)) {
             $patronResult = $this->catalog->getMyProfile($patron);
             if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($patronResult)) {
                 $interface->assign('profile', $patronResult);
             $timer->logTime("Got patron profile to get checked out items.");
             // Define sorting options
             $sortOptions = array('title' => 'Title', 'author' => 'Author', 'dueDate' => 'Due Date', 'format' => 'Format');
             $interface->assign('sortOptions', $sortOptions);
             $selectedSortOption = isset($_REQUEST['sort']) ? $_REQUEST['sort'] : 'dueDate';
             $interface->assign('defaultSortOption', $selectedSortOption);
             $interface->assign('showNotInterested', false);
             require_once ROOT_DIR . '/Drivers/EContentDriver.php';
             $driver = new EContentDriver();
             if (isset($_REQUEST['multiAction']) && $_REQUEST['multiAction'] == 'suspendSelected') {
                 $ids = array();
                 foreach ($_REQUEST['unavailableHold'] as $id => $selected) {
                     $ids[] = $id;
                 $suspendDate = $_REQUEST['suspendDate'];
                 $dateToReactivate = strtotime($suspendDate);
                 $suspendResult = $driver->suspendHolds($ids, $dateToReactivate);
                 //Redirect back to the EContentHolds page
                 header("Location: " . $configArray['Site']['path'] . "/MyResearch/EContentHolds?section=unavailable");
             $result = $driver->getMyHolds($user);
             $interface->assign('holds', $result['holds']);
             $timer->logTime("Loaded econtent from catalog.");
     $hasSeparateTemplates = $interface->template_exists('MyResearch/eContentAvailableHolds.tpl');
     if ($hasSeparateTemplates) {
         $section = isset($_REQUEST['section']) ? $_REQUEST['section'] : 'available';
         $interface->assign('section', $section);
         if ($section == 'available') {
             $interface->setPageTitle('Available eContent');
         } else {
             $interface->setPageTitle('eContent On Hold');
     } else {
         $interface->setPageTitle('On Hold eContent');
 public function authenticate()
     global $user;
     //Check to see if the username and password are provided
     if (!array_key_exists('username', $_REQUEST) && !array_key_exists('password', $_REQUEST)) {
         //If not, check to see if we have a valid user already authenticated
         if ($user) {
             return $user;
     $this->username = $_REQUEST['username'];
     $this->password = $_REQUEST['password'];
     if ($this->username == '' || $this->password == '') {
         $user = new PEAR_Error('authentication_error_blank');
     } else {
         // Connect to Database
         $catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance();
         if ($catalog->status) {
             $patron = $catalog->patronLogin($this->username, $this->password);
             if ($patron && !PEAR_Singleton::isError($patron)) {
                 $user = $this->processILSUser($patron);
                 //Also call getPatronProfile to update extra fields
                 $catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance();
             } else {
                 $user = new PEAR_Error('authentication_error_invalid');
         } else {
             $user = new PEAR_Error('authentication_error_technical');
     return $user;
Example #11
 function launch($msg = null)
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     global $user;
     if (!($user = UserAccount::isLoggedIn())) {
         require_once 'Login.php';
     // Save Data
     if (isset($_REQUEST['tagId'])) {
         //Remove the tag for the user.
         $resource = new Resource();
         if (isset($_REQUEST['resourceId'])) {
             $resource = $resource->staticGet('record_id', $_REQUEST['resourceId']);
             $resource->removeTag($_REQUEST['tagId'], $user, false);
             header('Location: ' . $configArray['Site']['path'] . '/Record/' . $_REQUEST['resourceId']);
         } else {
             $resource->removeTag($_REQUEST['tagId'], $user, true);
             header('Location: ' . $configArray['Site']['path'] . '/MyResearch/Favorites');
     } else {
         //No id provided to delete raise an error?
         PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Tag Id Missing'));
Example #12
  * Process parameters and display the page.
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function launch()
     global $interface;
     // Retrieve the record from the index
     if (!($record = $this->db->getRecord($_GET['id']))) {
         PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Record Does Not Exist'));
     // Send basic information to the template.
     $interface->setPageTitle(isset($record['heading']) ? $record['heading'] : 'Heading unavailable.');
     $interface->assign('record', $record);
     // Load MARC data
     require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/MarcLoader.php';
     $marcRecord = MarcLoader::loadMarcRecordFromRecord($record);
     if (!$marcRecord) {
         PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Cannot Process MARC Record'));
     $xml = trim($marcRecord->toXML());
     // Transform MARCXML
     $style = new DOMDocument();
     $xsl = new XSLTProcessor();
     $doc = new DOMDocument();
     if ($doc->loadXML($xml)) {
         $html = $xsl->transformToXML($doc);
         $interface->assign('details', $html);
     // Assign the ID of the last search so the user can return to it.
     $interface->assign('lastsearch', isset($_SESSION['lastSearchURL']) ? $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] : false);
     // Display Page
Example #13
  * getWikipediaImageURL
  * This method is responsible for obtaining an image URL based on a name.
  * @param   string  $imageName  The image name to look up
  * @return  mixed               URL on success, false on failure
  * @access  private
 private function getWikipediaImageURL($imageName)
     $url = "http://{$this->lang}.wikipedia.org/w/api.php" . '?prop=imageinfo&action=query&iiprop=url&iiurlwidth=150&format=php' . '&titles=Image:' . $imageName;
     $client = new Proxy_Request();
     $result = $client->sendRequest();
     if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
         return false;
     if ($response = $client->getResponseBody()) {
         if ($imageinfo = unserialize($response)) {
             if (isset($imageinfo['query']['pages']['-1']['imageinfo'][0]['url'])) {
                 $imageUrl = $imageinfo['query']['pages']['-1']['imageinfo'][0]['url'];
             // Hack for wikipedia api, just in case we couldn't find it
             //   above look for a http url inside the response.
             if (!isset($imageUrl)) {
                 preg_match('/\\"http:\\/\\/(.*)\\"/', $response, $matches);
                 if (isset($matches[1])) {
                     $imageUrl = 'http://' . substr($matches[1], 0, strpos($matches[1], '"'));
     return isset($imageUrl) ? $imageUrl : false;
Example #14
 private function saveChanges($user)
     global $interface;
     $resource = new Resource();
     $resource->id = $_REQUEST['resourceId'];
     if ($resource->find(true)) {
         $interface->assign('resource', $resource);
     } else {
         PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error("Could not find resource {$_REQUEST['resourceId']}"));
     // Loop through the list of lists on the edit screen:
     foreach ($_POST['lists'] as $listId) {
         // Create a list object for the current list:
         $list = new User_list();
         if ($listId != '') {
             $list->id = $listId;
         } else {
             PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('List ID Missing'));
         // Extract tags from the user input:
         preg_match_all('/"[^"]*"|[^ ]+/', $_POST['tags' . $listId], $tagArray);
         // Save extracted tags and notes:
         $user->addResource($resource, $list, $tagArray[0], $_POST['notes' . $listId]);
Example #15
 function launch()
     global $interface;
     $id = $_GET['id'];
     $interface->assign('id', $id);
     $this->eContentRecord = new EContentRecord();
     $this->eContentRecord->id = $_GET['id'];
     $recordDriver = new EcontentRecordDriver();
     $interface->assign('sourceUrl', $this->eContentRecord->sourceUrl);
     $interface->assign('source', $this->eContentRecord->source);
     $interface->setPageTitle(translate('Copies') . ': ' . $recordDriver->getBreadcrumb());
     $driver = new EContentDriver();
     $holdings = $driver->getHolding($id);
     $showEContentNotes = false;
     foreach ($holdings as $holding) {
         if (strlen($holding->notes) > 0) {
             $showEContentNotes = true;
     $interface->assign('showEContentNotes', $showEContentNotes);
     $interface->assign('holdings', $holdings);
     //Load status summary
     $result = $driver->getStatusSummary($id, $holdings);
     if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
     $holdingData->holdingsSummary = $result;
     $interface->assign('subTemplate', 'view-holdings.tpl');
     // Display Page
Example #16
function initDatabase()
    global $configArray;
    // Setup Local Database Connection
    $options =& PEAR_Singleton::getStaticProperty('DB_DataObject', 'options');
    $options = $configArray['Database'];
Example #17
 function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['searchId'])) {
         $_SESSION['searchId'] = $_REQUEST['searchId'];
         $interface->assign('searchId', $_SESSION['searchId']);
     } else {
         if (isset($_SESSION['searchId'])) {
             $interface->assign('searchId', $_SESSION['searchId']);
     $interface->assign('overDriveVersion', isset($configArray['OverDrive']['interfaceVersion']) ? $configArray['OverDrive']['interfaceVersion'] : 1);
     $this->id = strip_tags($_REQUEST['id']);
     $interface->assign('id', $this->id);
     $recordDriver = new OverDriveRecordDriver($this->id);
     if (!$recordDriver->isValid()) {
     } else {
         $interface->assign('recordDriver', $recordDriver);
         //Load status summary
         require_once ROOT_DIR . '/Drivers/OverDriveDriverFactory.php';
         $driver = OverDriveDriverFactory::getDriver();
         $holdings = $driver->getHoldings($recordDriver);
         $scopedAvailability = $driver->getScopedAvailability($recordDriver);
         $holdingsSummary = $driver->getStatusSummary($this->id, $scopedAvailability, $holdings);
         if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($holdingsSummary)) {
         $interface->assign('holdingsSummary', $holdingsSummary);
         //Load the citations
         // Retrieve User Search History
         $interface->assign('lastsearch', isset($_SESSION['lastSearchURL']) ? $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] : false);
         //Get Next/Previous Links
         $searchSource = isset($_REQUEST['searchSource']) ? $_REQUEST['searchSource'] : 'local';
         $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject();
         // Set Show in Main Details Section options for templates
         // (needs to be set before moreDetailsOptions)
         global $library;
         foreach ($library->showInMainDetails as $detailoption) {
             $interface->assign($detailoption, true);
         $interface->assign('moreDetailsOptions', $recordDriver->getMoreDetailsOptions());
         // Display Page
         $interface->assign('sidebar', 'OverDrive/full-record-sidebar.tpl');
         $interface->assign('moreDetailsTemplate', 'GroupedWork/moredetails-accordion.tpl');
Example #18
 function launch()
     global $configArray;
     global $interface;
     //Grab the tracking data
     $recordId = $_REQUEST['id'];
     $ipAddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     $field856Index = isset($_REQUEST['index']) ? $_REQUEST['index'] : null;
     // Setup Search Engine Connection
     $class = $configArray['Index']['engine'];
     $url = $configArray['Index']['url'];
     $this->db = new $class($url);
     // Process MARC Data
     require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/MarcLoader.php';
     $marcRecord = MarcLoader::loadMarcRecordByILSId($recordId);
     if ($marcRecord) {
         $this->marcRecord = $marcRecord;
     } else {
         PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error("Failed to load the MAC record for this title."));
     /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field[] $linkFields */
     $linkFields = $marcRecord->getFields('856');
     if ($linkFields) {
         $cur856Index = 0;
         foreach ($linkFields as $marcField) {
             if ($cur856Index == $field856Index) {
                 //Get the link
                 if ($marcField->getSubfield('u')) {
                     $link = $marcField->getSubfield('u')->getData();
                     $externalLink = $link;
     $linkParts = parse_url($externalLink);
     //Insert into the purchaseLinkTracking table
     require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/BotChecker.php';
     if (!BotChecker::isRequestFromBot()) {
         require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/ExternalLinkTracking.php';
         $externalLinkTracking = new ExternalLinkTracking();
         $externalLinkTracking->ipAddress = $ipAddress;
         $externalLinkTracking->recordId = $recordId;
         $externalLinkTracking->linkUrl = $externalLink;
         $externalLinkTracking->linkHost = $linkParts['host'];
         $result = $externalLinkTracking->insert();
     //redirects them to the link they clicked
     if ($externalLink != "") {
         header("Location:" . $externalLink);
     } else {
         PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error("Failed to load link for this record."));
Example #19
 function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     global $library;
     global $locationSingleton;
     global $timer;
     global $user;
     // Include Search Engine Class
     require_once ROOT_DIR . "/sys/{$configArray['Index']['engine']}.php";
     $timer->logTime('Include search engine');
     $interface->assign('showBreadcrumbs', 0);
     if ($user) {
         $catalog = CatalogFactory::getCatalogConnectionInstance();
         $patron = $catalog->patronLogin($user->cat_username, $user->cat_password);
         $profile = $catalog->getMyProfile($patron);
         if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($profile)) {
             $interface->assign('profile', $profile);
     // Load browse categories
     require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/Browse/BrowseCategory.php';
     /** @var BrowseCategory[] $browseCategories */
     $browseCategories = array();
     // Get Location's Browse Categories if Location is set
     $activeLocation = $locationSingleton->getActiveLocation();
     if ($activeLocation != null && $activeLocation->browseCategories) {
         $browseCategories = $this->getBrowseCategories($activeLocation->browseCategories);
     // Get Library's Browse Categories if none were set for Location
     if (isset($library) && empty($browseCategories) && $library->browseCategories) {
         $browseCategories = $this->getBrowseCategories($library->browseCategories);
     // Get All Browse Categories if Location & Library had none set
     if (empty($browseCategories)) {
         $browseCategories = $this->getBrowseCategories();
     $interface->assign('browseCategories', $browseCategories);
     //Get the Browse Results for the first list
     // browse results no longer needed. there is an embedded ajax call in home.tpl. plb 5-4-2015
     //		if (count($browseCategories) > 0){
     //			require_once ROOT_DIR . '/services/Browse/AJAX.php';
     //			$browseAJAX = new Browse_AJAX();
     //			$browseAJAX->setBrowseMode(); // set default browse mode in the case that the user hasn't chosen one.
     ////			$browseResults = $browseAJAX->getBrowseCategoryInfo(reset($browseCategories)->textId);
     ////			$interface->assign('browseResults', $browseResults);
     //		}
     $interface->setPageTitle('Catalog Home');
     $interface->assign('sidebar', 'Search/home-sidebar.tpl');
Example #20
 function launch()
     global $interface;
     $interface->caching = false;
     // Retrieve User Search History
     $interface->assign('lastsearch', isset($_SESSION['lastSearchURL']) ? $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] : false);
     // Initialise from the current search globals
     $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject();
     // TODO : Stats
     $result = $searchObject->processSearch();
     if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
     $interface->assign('sortList', $searchObject->getSortList());
     $interface->assign('lookfor', $searchObject->displayQuery());
     $interface->assign('searchType', $searchObject->getSearchType());
     $interface->assign('searchIndex', $searchObject->getSearchIndex());
     $interface->assign('qtime', round($searchObject->getQuerySpeed(), 2));
     $summary = $searchObject->getResultSummary();
     // Post processing, remember that the REAL results here with regards to
     //   numbers and pagination are the author facet, not the document
     //   results from the solr index. So access '$summary' with care.
     $page = $summary['page'];
     $limit = $summary['perPage'];
     // The search object will have returned an array of author facets that
     // is offset to display the current page of results but which has more
     // than a single page worth of content.  This allows a user to dig deeper
     // and deeper into the result set even though we have no way of finding
     // out the exact count of results without risking a memory overflow or
     // long delay.  We need to use the current page information to adjust the
     // known total count accordingly, and we need to use the page size to
     // crop off extra results when displaying the list to the user.
     // See VUFIND-127 in JIRA for more details.
     $authors = $result['facet_counts']['facet_fields']['authorStr'];
     $cnt = ($page - 1) * $limit + count($authors);
     $interface->assign('recordSet', array_slice($authors, 0, $limit));
     $interface->assign('recordCount', $cnt);
     $interface->assign('recordStart', ($page - 1) * $limit + 1);
     if ($cnt < $limit || $page * $limit > $cnt) {
         $interface->assign('recordEnd', $cnt);
     } else {
         $interface->assign('recordEnd', $page * $limit);
     $link = $searchObject->renderLinkPageTemplate();
     $options = array('totalItems' => $cnt, 'fileName' => $link);
     $pager = new VuFindPager($options);
     $interface->assign('pageLinks', $pager->getLinks());
     $interface->setPageTitle('Author Browse');
Example #21
 public static function login()
     global $configArray;
     // Perform authentication:
     $authN = AuthenticationFactory::initAuthentication($configArray['Authentication']['method']);
     $user = $authN->authenticate();
     // If we authenticated, store the user in the session:
     if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($user)) {
     // Send back the user object (which may be a PEAR error):
     return $user;
Example #22
 function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     global $library;
     global $locationSingleton;
     global $timer;
     global $user;
     // Include Search Engine Class
     require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/' . $configArray['Index']['engine'] . '.php';
     $timer->logTime('Include search engine');
     $interface->assign('showBreadcrumbs', 0);
     if ($user) {
         $catalog = new CatalogConnection($configArray['Catalog']['driver']);
         $patron = $catalog->patronLogin($user->cat_username, $user->cat_password);
         $profile = $catalog->getMyProfile($patron);
         if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($profile)) {
             $interface->assign('profile', $profile);
     //Get the lists to show on the home page
     require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/ListWidget.php';
     $widgetId = 1;
     $activeLocation = $locationSingleton->getActiveLocation();
     if ($activeLocation != null && $activeLocation->homePageWidgetId > 0) {
         $widgetId = $activeLocation->homePageWidgetId;
         $widget = new ListWidget();
         $widget->id = $widgetId;
         if ($widget->find(true)) {
             $interface->assign('widget', $widget);
     } else {
         if (isset($library) && $library->homePageWidgetId > 0) {
             $widgetId = $library->homePageWidgetId;
             $widget = new ListWidget();
             $widget->id = $widgetId;
             if ($widget->find(true)) {
                 $interface->assign('widget', $widget);
     // Cache homepage
     $interface->caching = 0;
     $cacheId = 'homepage|' . $interface->lang;
     //Disable Home page caching for now.
     if (!$interface->is_cached('layout.tpl', $cacheId)) {
         $interface->setPageTitle('Catalog Home');
     $interface->display('layout.tpl', $cacheId);
Example #23
 public function init($lt)
     global $configArray;
     // Set defaults if nothing set in config file.
     self::$path = isset($configArray['Session']['file_save_path']) ? $configArray['Session']['file_save_path'] : '/tmp/vufind_sessions';
     // Die if the session directory does not exist and cannot be created.
     if (!file_exists(self::$path) || !is_dir(self::$path)) {
         if (!@mkdir(self::$path)) {
             PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error("Cannot access session save path: " . self::$path));
     // Call standard session initialization from this point.
Example #24
 function launch()
     global $configArray;
     global $interface;
     $libraryName = $configArray['Site']['title'];
     //Grab the tracking data
     $store = urldecode(strip_tags($_GET['store']));
     $recordId = $_REQUEST['id'];
     $ipAddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     // Retrieve Full Marc Record
     $eContentRecord = new EContentRecord();
     $eContentRecord->id = $recordId;
     if (!$eContentRecord->find(true)) {
         PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Record Does Not Exist'));
     $title = str_replace("/", "", $eContentRecord->title);
     if ($eContentRecord->purchaseUrl == null) {
         switch ($store) {
             case "Tattered Cover":
                 $purchaseLinkUrl = "http://www.tatteredcover.com/search/apachesolr_search/" . urlencode($title) . "?source=" . urlencode($libraryName);
             case "Barnes and Noble":
                 $purchaseLinkUrl = "http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/?title=" . urlencode($title) . "&source=" . urlencode($libraryName);
             case "Amazon":
                 $purchaseLinkUrl = "http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=" . urlencode($title) . "&source=" . urlencode($libraryName);
     } else {
         // Process MARC Data
         $purchaseLinkUrl = $eContentRecord->purchaseUrl;
     //Do not track purchases from Bots
     require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/BotChecker.php';
     if (!BotChecker::isRequestFromBot()) {
         require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/PurchaseLinkTracking.php';
         $tracking = new PurchaseLinkTracking();
         $tracking->ipAddress = $ipAddress;
         $tracking->recordId = 'econtentRecord' . $recordId;
         $tracking->store = $store;
         $insertResult = $tracking->insert();
     //redirects them to the link they clicked
     if ($purchaseLinkUrl != "") {
         header("Location:" . $purchaseLinkUrl);
     } else {
         PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error("Failed to load link for this title."));
Example #25
 function launch()
     global $interface;
     // Depending on context, we may get the record ID that initiated the "add
     // list" action in a couple of different places -- make sure we check all
     // necessary options before giving up!
     if (!isset($_GET['id']) && isset($_REQUEST['recordId'])) {
         $_GET['id'] = $_REQUEST['recordId'];
     $interface->assign('recordId', isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : false);
     $interface->assign('source', isset($_GET['source']) ? $_GET['source'] : false);
     // Check if user is logged in
     if (!$this->user) {
         if (isset($_GET['lightbox'])) {
             $interface->assign('title', $_GET['message']);
             $interface->assign('message', 'You must be logged in first');
             return $interface->fetch('AJAX/login.tpl');
         } else {
             require_once ROOT_DIR . '/services/MyAccount/Login.php';
             $loginAction = new MyAccount_Login();
     // Display Page
     if (isset($_GET['lightbox'])) {
         $interface->assign('title', translate('Create new list'));
         echo $interface->fetch('MyResearch/list-form.tpl');
     } else {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
             $result = $this->addList();
             if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
                 $interface->assign('listError', $result->getMessage());
             } else {
                 if (!empty($_REQUEST['recordId'])) {
                     $url = '../Record/' . urlencode($_REQUEST['recordId']) . '/Save';
                 } else {
                     $url = 'Home';
                 header('Location: ' . $url);
         $interface->setPageTitle('Create a List');
         $interface->assign('subTemplate', 'list-form.tpl');
 public function init($lt, $rememberMeLifetime)
     global $configArray;
     // Set defaults if nothing set in config file.
     $host = isset($configArray['Session']['memcache_host']) ? $configArray['Session']['memcache_host'] : 'localhost';
     $port = isset($configArray['Session']['memcache_port']) ? $configArray['Session']['memcache_port'] : 11211;
     $timeout = isset($configArray['Session']['memcache_connection_timeout']) ? $configArray['Session']['memcache_connection_timeout'] : 1;
     // Connect to Memcache:
     self::$connection = new Memcache();
     if (!@self::$connection->connect($host, $port, $timeout)) {
         PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error("Could not connect to Memcache (host = {$host}, port = {$port})."));
     // Call standard session initialization from this point.
     parent::init($lt, $rememberMeLifetime);
Example #27
 function launch()
     global $configArray;
     global $interface;
     // Load SOLR Statistics
     $solr = new SolrStats($configArray['Statistics']['solr']);
     if ($configArray['System']['debugSolr']) {
         $solr->debug = true;
     // All Statistics
     $result = $solr->search('*:*', null, null, 0, null, array('field' => array('ipaddress', 'browser')), '', null, null, null, HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_GET);
     if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
         if (isset($result['facet_counts']['facet_fields']['ipaddress'])) {
             $interface->assign('ipList', $result['facet_counts']['facet_fields']['ipaddress']);
         if (isset($result['facet_counts']['facet_fields']['browser'])) {
             $interface->assign('browserList', $result['facet_counts']['facet_fields']['browser']);
     // Search Statistics
     $result = $solr->search('phrase:[* TO *]', null, null, 0, null, array('field' => array('noresults', 'phrase')), '', null, null, null, HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_GET);
     if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
         $interface->assign('searchCount', $result['response']['numFound']);
         // Extract the count of no hit results by finding the "no hit" facet entry
         // set to boolean true.
         $nohitCount = 0;
         $nhFacet =& $result['facet_counts']['facet_fields']['noresults'];
         if (isset($nhFacet) && is_array($nhFacet)) {
             foreach ($nhFacet as $nhRow) {
                 if ($nhRow[0] == 'true') {
                     $nohitCount = $nhRow[1];
         $interface->assign('nohitCount', $nohitCount);
         $interface->assign('termList', $result['facet_counts']['facet_fields']['phrase']);
     // Record View Statistics
     $result = $solr->search('recordId:[* TO *]', null, null, 0, null, array('field' => array('recordId')), '', null, null, null, HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_GET);
     if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
         $interface->assign('recordViews', $result['response']['numFound']);
         $interface->assign('recordList', $result['facet_counts']['facet_fields']['recordId']);
Example #28
 function SaveRecord()
     require_once ROOT_DIR . '/services/Resource/Save.php';
     require_once ROOT_DIR . '/services/MyResearch/lib/User_list.php';
     $result = array();
     if (UserAccount::isLoggedIn()) {
         $saveService = new Save();
         $result = $saveService->saveRecord();
         if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
             $result['result'] = "Done";
         } else {
             $result['result'] = "Error";
     } else {
         $result['result'] = "Unauthorized";
     return json_encode($result);
Example #29
 function loginUser()
     //Login the user.  Must be called via Post parameters.
     global $user;
     global $interface;
     $user = UserAccount::isLoggedIn();
     if (!$user || PEAR_Singleton::isError($user)) {
         $user = UserAccount::login();
         $interface->assign('user', $user);
         if (!$user || PEAR_Singleton::isError($user)) {
             return array('success' => false, 'message' => translate("Sorry that login information was not recognized, please try again."));
     $patronHomeBranch = Location::getUserHomeLocation();
     //Check to see if materials request should be activated
     require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/MaterialsRequest.php';
     return array('success' => true, 'name' => ucwords($user->firstname . ' ' . $user->lastname), 'phone' => $user->phone, 'email' => $user->email, 'homeLocation' => isset($patronHomeBranch) ? $patronHomeBranch->code : '', 'homeLocationId' => isset($patronHomeBranch) ? $patronHomeBranch->locationId : '', 'enableMaterialsRequest' => MaterialsRequest::enableMaterialsRequest(true));
Example #30
 function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     global $library;
     global $locationSingleton;
     global $timer;
     global $user;
     if ($user) {
         $catalog = new CatalogConnection($configArray['Catalog']['driver']);
         $patron = $catalog->patronLogin($user->cat_username, $user->cat_password);
         $profile = $catalog->getMyProfile($patron);
         if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($profile)) {
             $interface->assign('profile', $profile);
         if (!isset($_POST['overDriveId']) || !isset($_POST['overDriveFormatId']) || !isset($_POST['loanPeriod'])) {
             header('Location: /');
         } else {
             require_once ROOT_DIR . '/services/EcontentRecord/AJAX.php';
             $_REQUEST['overDriveId'] = $_POST['overDriveId'];
             $_REQUEST['formatId'] = $_POST['loanPeriod'];
             $_REQUEST['lendingPeriod'] = $_POST['overDriveFormatId'];
             $service = new AJAX();
             $status = json_decode($service->CheckoutOverDriveItem());
             if ($status->result) {
                 $msg = 'Your titles were checked out successfully. You may now download the titles from your Account.';
             } else {
                 $msg = $status->message;
             $interface->assign('message', $msg);
             $interface->assign('result', $msg);
             $interface->setPageTitle('OverDrive Loan Period');
         //Var for the IDCLREADER TEMPLATE
         $interface->assign('ButtonBack', false);
         $interface->assign('ButtonHome', true);
         $interface->assign('MobileTitle', 'OverDrive Loan Period');
     } else {
         header('Location: /');