public function handlePDOException(PDOException $e) { trigger_error('PHP PDO Error in ' . $e->getFile() . ' @' . strval($e->getLine()) . ' [' . strval($e->getCode()) . '] :: ' . $e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING); foreach ($e->getTrace() as $a => $b) { foreach ($b as $c => $d) { if ($c == 'args') { foreach ($d as $e => $f) { trigger_error('PHP PDO Error trace: ' . strval($a) . '# args: ' . $e . ': ' . $f . '', E_USER_WARNING); } } else { trigger_error('PHP PDO Error trace: ' . strval($a) . '# ' . $c . ': ' . $d . '', E_USER_WARNING); } } } }
/** * Writes a ditailed error message to the log file, if specified. * * @param \PDOException $e * @param string $strMessage * @param string $strSql * @return void */ private function generateError(\PDOException $e, $strMessage, $strSql = '') { $strError = PHP_EOL . "\t-- " . $strMessage . PHP_EOL . "\t-- PDOException code: " . $e->getCode() . PHP_EOL . "\t-- File: " . $e->getFile() . PHP_EOL . "\t-- Line: " . $e->getLine() . PHP_EOL . "\t-- Message: " . $e->getMessage() . (empty($strSql) ? '' : PHP_EOL . "\t-- SQL: " . $strSql . PHP_EOL) . PHP_EOL . "\t-------------------------------------------------------" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $this->log($strError, true); if (!empty($this->strWriteErrorLogTo)) { if (is_resource($this->resourceErrorLog)) { fwrite($this->resourceErrorLog, $strError); } else { $this->resourceErrorLog = fopen($this->strWriteErrorLogTo, 'a'); if (is_resource($this->resourceErrorLog)) { fwrite($this->resourceErrorLog, $strError); } } } unset($strError); }
/** * 抛出错误信息 * * @param PDOException $e */ private function db_error(PDOException $e) { echo '出错了!!!<br />'; echo '错误文件:', $e->getFile(), '<br />'; echo '错误行号:', $e->getLine(), '<br />'; echo '错误编码:', $e->getCode(), '<br />'; echo '错误详情:', $e->getMessage(), '<br />'; exit('END...'); }
/** * Returns comprehensive information about the given error. * * @param PDOException $e * @return string */ protected function generateError(PDOException $e) { return '<table border = "1">' . '<tr><td>Err code</td><td>' . $e->getCode() . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td>In file </td><td>' . $e->getFile() . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td>In line </td><td>' . $e->getLine() . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td>Details </td><td>' . $e->getMessage() . '</td></tr></table>'; }
/** * display a nice error if it occurs and log everything * * @param PDOException $error * @param bool $showerror if set to false, the error will be logged but we go on */ private static function _showerror($error, $showerror = true) { global $userinfo, $theme, $linker; /** * log to a file, so we can actually ask people for the error * (no one seems to find the stuff in the syslog) */ $sl_dir = makeCorrectDir(FROXLOR_INSTALL_DIR . "/logs/"); if (!file_exists($sl_dir)) { @mkdir($sl_dir, 0755); } $sl_file = makeCorrectFile($sl_dir . "/sql-error.log"); $sqllog = @fopen($sl_file, 'a'); @fwrite($sqllog, date('d.m.Y H:i', time()) . " --- " . str_replace("\n", " ", $error->getMessage()) . "\n"); @fwrite($sqllog, date('d.m.Y H:i', time()) . " --- DEBUG: \n" . $error->getTraceAsString() . "\n"); @fclose($sqllog); /** * log error for reporting */ $errid = substr(md5(microtime()), 5, 5); $err_file = makeCorrectFile($sl_dir . "/" . $errid . "_sql-error.log"); $errlog = @fopen($err_file, 'w'); @fwrite($errlog, "|CODE " . $error->getCode() . "\n"); @fwrite($errlog, "|MSG " . $error->getMessage() . "\n"); @fwrite($errlog, "|FILE " . $error->getFile() . "\n"); @fwrite($errlog, "|LINE " . $error->getLine() . "\n"); @fwrite($errlog, "|TRACE\n" . $error->getTraceAsString() . "\n"); @fclose($errlog); if ($showerror) { // include require FROXLOR_INSTALL_DIR . "/lib/"; // fallback $theme = 'Sparkle'; // le format if (isset($sql['root_user']) && isset($sql['root_password']) && (!isset($sql_root) || !is_array($sql_root))) { $sql_root = array(0 => array('caption' => 'Default', 'host' => $sql['host'], 'socket' => isset($sql['socket']) ? $sql['socket'] : null, 'user' => $sql['root_user'], 'password' => $sql['root_password'])); } // hide username/password in messages $error_message = $error->getMessage(); $error_trace = $error->getTraceAsString(); // error-message $error_message = str_replace($sql['password'], 'DB_UNPRIV_PWD', $error_message); $error_message = str_replace($sql_root[0]['password'], 'DB_ROOT_PWD', $error_message); // error-trace $error_trace = str_replace($sql['password'], 'DB_UNPRIV_PWD', $error_trace); $error_trace = str_replace($sql_root[0]['password'], 'DB_ROOT_PWD', $error_trace); if ($error->getCode() == 2003) { $error_message = "Unable to connect to database. Either the mysql-server is not running or your user/password is wrong."; $error_trace = ""; } // clean up sensitive data unset($sql); unset($sql_root); if (isset($theme) && $theme != '' && !isset($_SERVER['SHELL']) || isset($_SERVER['SHELL']) && $_SERVER['SHELL'] == '') { // if we're not on the shell, output a nice error $_errtpl = dirname($sl_dir) . '/templates/' . $theme . '/misc/dberrornice.tpl'; if (file_exists($_errtpl)) { $err_hint = file_get_contents($_errtpl); // replace values $err_hint = str_replace("<TEXT>", $error_message, $err_hint); $err_hint = str_replace("<DEBUG>", $error_trace, $err_hint); $err_hint = str_replace("<CURRENT_YEAR>", date('Y', time()), $err_hint); $err_report_html = ''; if (is_array($userinfo) && ($userinfo['adminsession'] == '1' && Settings::Get('system.allow_error_report_admin') == '1' || $userinfo['adminsession'] == '0' && Settings::Get('system.allow_error_report_customer') == '1')) { $err_report_html = '<a href="<LINK>" title="Click here to report error">Report error</a>'; $err_report_html = str_replace("<LINK>", $linker->getLink(array('section' => 'index', 'page' => 'send_error_report', 'errorid' => $errid)), $err_report_html); } $err_hint = str_replace("<REPORT>", $err_report_html, $err_hint); // show die($err_hint); } } die("We are sorry, but a MySQL - error occurred. The administrator may find more information in in the sql-error.log in the logs/ directory"); } }
/** * Method for handling thrown exceptions all in the same way. * For time being, simply logs the exception and returns it. * * @author giorgio 31/mag/2013 * * @param PDOException $e the PDOException to be handled * @return PDOException the passed PDOException * * @access private */ private static function handleException(PDOException $e) { /** * Probably log the error somewhere and return it in the connection_object itself */ ADALogger::log_db("[PDOException] : " . $e->getFile() . ":" . $e->getLine() . " - " . $e->getMessage()); return $e; }