public function procesar_facturas($valores_id, $archivo = FALSE)
     if (!empty($valores_id)) {
         if (ob_get_status()) {
         $pdf_doc = new PDF_MC_Table('P', 'mm', 'letter');
         $pdf_doc->SetTitle('Facturas de Venta');
         $pdf_doc->SetSubject('Facturas de Venta para clientes');
         $pdf_doc->SetCreator('FacturaSctipts V_' . $this->version());
         $this->archivo = $archivo;
         $contador = 0;
         $this->factura = FALSE;
         foreach ($valores_id as $id) {
             $factura = new factura_cliente();
             $this->factura = $factura->get($id);
             if ($this->factura) {
                 $ncf_datos = new ncf_ventas();
                 $valores = $ncf_datos->get_ncf($this->empresa->id, $this->factura->idfactura, $this->factura->codcliente, $this->factura->fecha);
                 $ncf_tipo = new ncf_tipo();
                 $tipo_comprobante = $ncf_tipo->get($valores->tipo_comprobante);
                 $this->factura->ncf = $valores->ncf;
                 $this->factura->ncf_afecta = $valores->ncf_modifica;
                 $this->factura->estado = $valores->estado;
                 $this->factura->tipo_comprobante = $tipo_comprobante->descripcion;
                 if ($this->distrib_transporte) {
                     $transporte = $this->distrib_transporte->get($this->empresa->id, $this->factura->idfactura, $this->factura->codalmacen);
                     $this->idtransporte = isset($transporte[0]->idtransporte) ? str_pad($transporte[0]->idtransporte, 10, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) : false;
                 $cliente = new cliente();
                 $this->cliente = $cliente->get($this->factura->codcliente);
         // Damos salida al archivo PDF
         if ($this->archivo) {
             if (!file_exists('tmp/' . FS_TMP_NAME . 'enviar')) {
                 mkdir('tmp/' . FS_TMP_NAME . 'enviar');
             $pdf_doc->Output('tmp/' . FS_TMP_NAME . 'enviar/' . $archivo, 'F');
         } else {
         if (!$this->factura) {
             $this->new_error_msg("¡Factura de cliente no encontrada!");
Example #2
if ($data["is_employee"] != 'Y' && $data["is_surveyed"] != 'Y') {
    echo '<html>
				<script language="javascript">';
    echo 'alert("Anda diharapkan untuk mengisi survey terlebih dahulu untuk mencetak dokumen No. Bayar");';
    echo 'location.href="../trans/t_survey_kepuasan_pelanggan_pelaporan_pertanyaan.php?payment_key="+"' . $no_bayar . '";';
    echo '</script>
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$query = "select b.vat_code,to_char(a.registration_date,'dd Mon yyyy') as registration_date_2,company_owner,a.* from t_vat_registration a \r\n\t\tleft join p_vat_type_dtl b on a.p_vat_type_dtl_id = b.p_vat_type_dtl_id\r\n\t\twhere t_customer_order_id = " . $t_customer_order_id;
//echo $query;exit;
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while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
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    $whereClause .= " to_char(a.payment_date, 'YYYY-mm-dd') = '" . date("Y-m-d") . "'";
    $whereClause .= " AND a.p_cg_terminal_id = '" . $param_arr['uid'] . "'";
    $query = "SELECT a.receipt_no, b.njop_pbb, to_char(a.payment_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS payment_date,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tb.wp_name, b.wp_address_name, kelurahan.region_name AS kelurahan_name, kecamatan.region_name AS kecamatan_name, b.land_area, b.building_area, b.land_total_price, a.payment_amount    \r\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM t_payment_receipt_bphtb AS a\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN t_bphtb_registration AS b ON a.t_bphtb_registration_id = b.t_bphtb_registration_id\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN p_region AS kelurahan ON b.wp_p_region_id_kel = kelurahan.p_region_id\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN p_region AS kecamatan ON b.wp_p_region_id_kec = kecamatan.p_region_id";
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require '../impresion/mc_table.php';
require_once '../clases/ventas_data.php';
$venta = new Venta();
$producto = new Producto();
$tipoproducto = new Tipoproducto();
$pdf = new PDF_MC_Table();
class PDF extends FPDF
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$pdf->FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4');
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$pdf->Cell(190, 10, 'REPORTE DE VENTA DE PRODUCTOS', 0, 0, 'C');
    $bulan = substr($date, 5, 2);
    // memisahkan format bulan menggunakan substring
    $tgl = substr($date, 8, 2);
    // memisahkan format tanggal menggunakan substring
    $result = $tgl . "/" . $bulan . "/" . $tahun;
    return $result;
//get query dan variabel
$mulai = $_GET['mulai'];
$akhir = $_GET['akhir'];
$gudang = $_GET['gudang'];
$decode_cr = $_GET['cr_txt'];
$getquery = str_replace("+", " ", $_GET[query]);
$getquerykorporate = str_replace("+", " ", $_GET[query_korporate]);
//instansiasi fpdf
$pdf = new PDF_MC_Table('L', 'cm', 'Legal');
$pdf->SetMargins(0.5, 0.7, 0.7);
$sql = "SELECT gudang FROM gl_gudang WHERE id = '{$gudang}' ";
$cekdata = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$row_data = mysql_fetch_array($cekdata);
#tampilkan judul laporan
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', '16');
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, "CIPAGANTI RENTAL CAR & TRAVEL", 0, 1, 'C');
$pdf->Cell(35, 2, "PENERIMAAN HASIL SEWA KENDARAAN", 0, 1, 'C');
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$pdf->Cell(3, 3, "CABANG : " . $row_data['gudang'], 0, 0, 'L');
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//membuat kop tabel
$y = $pdf->GetY();
Example #10

require '../../bootstrap.php';
$unidad = $_POST['unidad'];
require '../../pdf/mc_table.php';
$pdf = new PDF_MC_Table();
$pdf->SetMargins(11, 10, 11);
// Cargamos las fuentes corporativas
$pdf->AddFont('NewsGotT', '', 'NewsGotT.php');
$pdf->AddFont('NewsGotT', 'B', 'NewsGotTb.php');
// En el caso de haber seleccionado una unidad, se muestra el listado de alumnos de dicha unidad,
// en otro caso mostramos el listado de faltas de todas las unidades.
$query = "SELECT DISTINCT unidad FROM FALUMNOS where unidad not like '' ";
if ($unidad) {
    $query .= " and unidad='{$unidad}'";
$query .= " order by unidad";
// echo $query;
$unidades = mysqli_query($db_con, $query);
while ($unidad = mysqli_fetch_array($unidades)) {
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    $pdf->AddPage('L', 'A4');
    // Obtenemos la fecha inicial y final de la semana en curso
    list($anio, $mes, $dia, $semana, $sdia) = explode(':', date('Y:m:d:W:w'));
    $inicio = strtotime("{$anio}-{$mes}-{$dia} 12:00am");
    $inicio += (1 - $sdia) * 86400;
    $fin = $inicio + 6 * 86400;
Example #11

require "database.php";
require_once "mc_table.php";
require_once "linegraph.php";
require_once "diagram.php";
require_once "/fpdf/fpdf.php";
//$picture = "D://xampp//htdocs//BroadcastSystem//images//abs_cbn logo.png";
$pdf = new PDF_MC_Table();
$pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", "16");
$pdf->Cell(0, 10, "Broadcast System & Maintenance", 0, 1, "C");
$pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", "12");
$pdf->Cell(0, 10, "Technical Operation Division", 0, 1, "C");
$pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", "14");
$pdf->SetXY(10, 35);
$pdf->SetTextColor(255, 255, 255);
$pdf->SetFillColor(64, 64, 64);
$pdf->Cell(0, 10, "List of All Reports", 0, 1, "C", 1);
$pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
$pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", "12");
$pdf->SetXY(10, 50);
$pdf->Write(5, "Rep#");
$pdf->SetXY(30, 50);
$pdf->Write(5, "Date");
$pdf->SetXY(50, 50);
$pdf->Write(5, "Location");
$pdf->SetXY(75, 50);
$pdf->Write(5, "Machine");
Example #12
 function search_pdf($VAR, $construct, $type)
     # include fpdf class:
     include_once PATH_CORE . '';
     # set the field list for this method:
     $arr = $construct->method["{$type}"];
     # loop through the field list to create the sql queries
     $field_list = '';
     $heading_list = '';
     $width_list = '';
     $i = 0;
     while (list($key, $value) = each($arr)) {
         if ($i == 0) {
             $field_var = $construct->table . '_' . $value;
             $field_list .= $value;
             $heading_list .= strtoupper($value);
             // <- translate
             $width_list .= $construct->field[$value]['pdf_width'];
         } else {
             $field_var = $construct->table . '_' . $value;
             $field_list .= "," . $value;
             $heading_list .= "," . strtoupper($value);
             // <- translate
             $width_list .= "," . $construct->field[$value]['pdf_width'];
     # start the new PDF class...
     $pdf = new PDF_MC_Table();
     # Determine the number of columns and width for each one...
     $SetWidths = explode(",", $width_list);
     # Define the table heading
     $TableHeading = explode(",", $heading_list);
     # Define the Properties for the table heading cells:
     # set the font:
     $pdf->HeadFontFamily = "Arial";
     $pdf->HeadFontStyle = "BI";
     $pdf->HeadFontSize = 8;
     # set the font color:
     $pdf->HeadTextColor1 = 255;
     $pdf->HeadTextColor2 = 255;
     $pdf->HeadTextColor3 = 255;
     # set the bg color:
     $pdf->HeadFillColor1 = 90;
     $pdf->HeadFillColor2 = 90;
     $pdf->HeadFillColor3 = 90;
     # set the hieght
     $pdf->HeadHeight = 6;
     # Print the Heading:
     # Define the row settings for the rest of the cells...
     # define the font settings
     $pdf->SetFontFamily = "Arial";
     $pdf->SetFontStyle = "";
     $pdf->SetFontSize = "7";
     # set the hieght
     $pdf->RowHeight = 4;
     /************** BEGIN STANDARD EXPORT SEARCH CODE *********************/
     # set the field list for this method:
     $arr = $construct->method["{$type}"];
     # loop through the field list to create the sql queries
     $arr = $construct->method[$type];
     $field_list = '';
     $i = 0;
     while (list($key, $value) = each($arr)) {
         if ($i == 0) {
             $field_var = $construct->table . '_' . $value;
             $field_list .= AGILE_DB_PREFIX . $construct->table . '.' . $value;
             // determine if this record is linked to another table/field
             if ($construct->field[$value]["asso_table"] != "") {
                 $this->linked[] = array('field' => $value, 'link_table' => $construct->field[$value]["asso_table"], 'link_field' => $construct->field[$value]["asso_field"]);
         } else {
             $field_var = $construct->table . '_' . $value;
             $field_list .= "," . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . $construct->table . "." . $value;
             // determine if this record is linked to another table/field
             if ($construct->field[$value]["asso_table"] != "") {
                 $this->linked[] = array('field' => $value, 'link_table' => $construct->field[$value]["asso_table"], 'link_field' => $construct->field[$value]["asso_field"]);
     # get the search details:
     if (isset($VAR['search_id'])) {
         include_once PATH_CORE . '';
         $search = new CORE_search();
     } else {
         echo '<BR> The search terms submitted were invalid!';
     # get the sort order details:
     if (isset($VAR['order_by']) && $VAR['order_by'] != "") {
         $order_by = ' ORDER BY ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . $construct->table . '.' . $VAR['order_by'];
         $smarty_order = $VAR['order_by'];
     } else {
         $order_by = ' ORDER BY ' . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . $construct->table . '.' . $construct->order_by;
         $smarty_order = $search->order_by;
     # format saved search string
     $sql = explode(" WHERE ", $search->sql);
     # generate the full query
     $q = preg_replace("/%%fieldList%%/i", $field_list, $search->sql);
     $q = preg_replace("/%%tableList%%/i", AGILE_DB_PREFIX . $construct->table, $q);
     $q = preg_replace("/%%whereList%%/i", "", $q);
     $q .= " " . AGILE_DB_PREFIX . $construct->table . ".site_id = '" . DEFAULT_SITE . "'";
     $q .= $order_by;
     $db =& DB();
     $result = $db->Execute($q);
     # error reporting
     if ($result === false) {
         global $C_debug;
         $C_debug->error('', 'search_xml', $db->ErrorMsg() . '<br><br>' . $q);
         echo "An SQL error has occured!";
     # put the results into an array
     $i = 0;
     $class_name = TRUE;
     $results = '';
     while (!$result->EOF) {
         $results[$i] = $result->fields;
     # get any linked fields
     if ($i > 0) {
         $this->result = $results;
         $db_join = new CORE_database();
         $this->result = $db_join->join_fields($results, $this->linked);
     } else {
         $this->result = $results;
     /************** END STANDARD EXPORT SEARCH CODE *********************/
     $results = $result->RecordCount();
     $BackAlt = TRUE;
     while (!$result->EOF) {
         # get the data for each cell:
         $CurrRow = '';
         $i = 0;
         while (list($key, $value) = each($arr)) {
             if ($i == 0) {
                 $CurrRow .= $result->fields["{$key}"];
             } else {
                 $CurrRow .= "::" . $result->fields["{$key}"];
         $ThisRow = explode("::", $CurrRow);
         # set the colors & fonts
         if ($BackAlt) {
             # alternating row 1:
             $pdf->SetTextColorVar1 = "50";
             $pdf->SetTextColorVar2 = "50";
             $pdf->SetTextColorVar3 = "50";
             $pdf->SetFillColorVar1 = 255;
             $pdf->SetFillColorVar2 = 255;
             $pdf->SetFillColorVar3 = 255;
             $BackAlt = FALSE;
         } else {
             # alternating row 2:
             $pdf->SetTextColorVar1 = "0";
             $pdf->SetTextColorVar2 = "0";
             $pdf->SetTextColorVar3 = "0";
             $pdf->SetFillColorVar1 = 240;
             $pdf->SetFillColorVar2 = 240;
             $pdf->SetFillColorVar3 = 240;
             $BackAlt = TRUE;
         # check for needed page break
         $nb = 0;
         for ($ii = 0; $ii < count($dataarr); $ii++) {
             $nb = max($nb, $pdf->NbLines($pdf->widths[$ii], $dataarr[$ii]));
         $h = 5 * $nb;
         # Issue a page break first if needed
         if ($pdf->CheckPageBreak($h)) {
             # print the Table Heading again
         # Next record
     # Dispay the output
Example #13

ini_set("memory_limit", "1024M");
require '../../bootstrap.php';
$curso = $_POST['curso'];
require '../../pdf/mc_table.php';
$pdf = new PDF_MC_Table();
$pdf->SetMargins(13, 10, 13);
// Cargamos las fuentes corporativas
$pdf->AddFont('NewsGotT', '', 'NewsGotT.php');
$pdf->AddFont('NewsGotT', 'B', 'NewsGotTb.php');
// En el caso de haber seleccionado una unidad, se muestra el listado de alumnos de dicha unidad,
// en otro caso mostramos el listado de faltas de todas las unidades.
if ($curso) {
    $query .= " WHERE unidad='{$curso}'";
$unidades = mysqli_query($db_con, $query);
while ($unidad = mysqli_fetch_array($unidades)) {
    $grupo = $unidad[0];
    $pdf->AddPage('P', 'A4');
    $pdf->SetFont('NewsGotT', 'B', 12);
    $pdf->Cell(170, 5, "ALUMNOS DEL GRUPO {$grupo}", 0, 1, 'C');
    // Consultamos los alumnos del grupo seleccionado
    $result = mysqli_query($db_con, "SELECT claveal, apellidos, nombre FROM FALUMNOS WHERE unidad='{$grupo}'");
    $i = 1;
    $total = 0;
    if ($data = odbc_fetch_array($result)) {
        $report_id = $data['report_id'];
        $report_date = $data['report_date'];
        $report_location = $data['report_location'];
        $machine = $data['machine'];
        $serial_no = $data['serial_no'];
        $program = $data['program'];
        $problem = $data['problem'];
        $diagnosis = $data['diagnosis'];
        $work_done = $data['work_done'];
        $remarks = $data['remarks'];
        $system_engineer = $data['system_engineer'];
$pdf = new PDF_MC_Table();
$pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", "16");
$pdf->Cell(0, 10, "Broadcast System & Maintenance", 0, 1, "C");
$pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", "12");
$pdf->Cell(0, 10, "Technical Operation Division", 0, 1, "C");
$pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", "14");
$pdf->SetXY(10, 40);
$pdf->Cell(0, 10, "Date: ", 0, 1);
$pdf->SetFont("Arial", "B", "14");
$pdf->SetXY(25, 40);
$pdf->Cell(0, 10, $report_date, 0, 1);
$pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", "14");
$pdf->SetXY(10, 60);
 public function generar_pdf($archivo = FALSE)
     ///// INICIO - Factura Detallada
     /// Creamos el PDF y escribimos sus metadatos
     $pdf_doc = new PDF_MC_Table('P', 'mm', 'A4');
     define('EEURO', chr(128));
     $lineas = $this->factura->get_lineas();
     if ($this->impresion['print_dto']) {
         $this->impresion['print_dto'] = FALSE;
         /// leemos las líneas para ver si de verdad mostramos los descuentos
         foreach ($lineas as $lin) {
             if ($lin->dtopor != 0) {
                 $this->impresion['print_dto'] = TRUE;
     $pdf_doc->SetTitle('Factura: ' . $this->factura->codigo . " " . $this->factura->numero2);
     $pdf_doc->SetSubject('Factura del cliente: ' . $this->factura->nombrecliente);
     $pdf_doc->SetCreator('FacturaSctipts V_' . $this->version());
     $pdf_doc->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 40);
     // Definimos el color de relleno (gris, rojo, verde, azul)
     /// Definimos todos los datos de la cabecera de la factura
     /// Datos de la empresa
     $pdf_doc->fde_nombre = $this->empresa->nombre;
     $pdf_doc->fde_FS_CIFNIF = FS_CIFNIF;
     $pdf_doc->fde_cifnif = $this->empresa->cifnif;
     $pdf_doc->fde_direccion = $this->empresa->direccion;
     $pdf_doc->fde_codpostal = $this->empresa->codpostal;
     $pdf_doc->fde_ciudad = $this->empresa->ciudad;
     $pdf_doc->fde_provincia = $this->empresa->provincia;
     $pdf_doc->fde_telefono = 'Teléfono: ' . $this->empresa->telefono;
     $pdf_doc->fde_fax = 'Fax: ' . $this->empresa->fax;
     $pdf_doc->fde_email = $this->empresa->email;
     $pdf_doc->fde_web = $this->empresa->web;
     $pdf_doc->fde_piefactura = $this->empresa->pie_factura;
     /// Insertamos el Logo y Marca de Agua
     if (file_exists('tmp/' . FS_TMP_NAME . 'logo.png') or file_exists('tmp/' . FS_TMP_NAME . 'logo.jpg')) {
         $pdf_doc->fdf_verlogotipo = '1';
         // 1/0 --> Mostrar Logotipo
         $pdf_doc->fdf_Xlogotipo = '15';
         // Valor X para Logotipo
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         $pdf_doc->fdf_Ymarcaagua = '110';
         // Valor Y para Marca de Agua
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         $pdf_doc->fdf_verlogotipo = '0';
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     // Tipo de Documento
     $pdf_doc->fdf_tipodocumento = 'FACTURA';
     $pdf_doc->fdf_codigo = $this->factura->codigo . " " . $this->factura->numero2;
     // Fecha, Codigo Cliente y observaciones de la factura
     $pdf_doc->fdf_fecha = $this->factura->fecha;
     $pdf_doc->fdf_codcliente = $this->factura->codcliente;
     $pdf_doc->fdf_observaciones = iconv("UTF-8", "CP1252", $this->fix_html($this->factura->observaciones));
     // Datos del Cliente
     $pdf_doc->fdf_nombrecliente = $this->fix_html($this->factura->nombrecliente);
     $pdf_doc->fdf_FS_CIFNIF = FS_CIFNIF;
     $pdf_doc->fdf_cifnif = $this->factura->cifnif;
     $pdf_doc->fdf_direccion = $this->fix_html($this->factura->direccion);
     $pdf_doc->fdf_codpostal = $this->factura->codpostal;
     $pdf_doc->fdf_ciudad = $this->factura->ciudad;
     $pdf_doc->fdf_provincia = $this->factura->provincia;
     $pdf_doc->fdc_telefono1 = $this->cliente->telefono1;
     $pdf_doc->fdc_telefono2 = $this->cliente->telefono2;
     $pdf_doc->fdc_fax = $this->cliente->fax;
     $pdf_doc->fdc_email = $this->cliente->email;
     $pdf_doc->fdf_epago = $pdf_doc->fdf_divisa = $pdf_doc->fdf_pais = '';
     // Forma de Pago de la Factura
     $pago = new forma_pago();
     $epago = $pago->get($this->factura->codpago);
     if ($epago) {
         $pdf_doc->fdf_epago = $epago->descripcion;
     // Divisa de la Factura
     $divisa = new divisa();
     $edivisa = $divisa->get($this->factura->coddivisa);
     if ($edivisa) {
         $pdf_doc->fdf_divisa = $edivisa->descripcion;
     // Pais de la Factura
     $pais = new pais();
     $epais = $pais->get($this->factura->codpais);
     if ($epais) {
         $pdf_doc->fdf_pais = $epais->nombre;
     // Cabecera Titulos Columnas
     if ($this->impresion['print_dto']) {
         $pdf_doc->Setdatoscab(array('ALB', 'DESCRIPCION', 'CANT', 'PRECIO', 'DTO', FS_IVA, 'IMPORTE'));
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         $pdf_doc->Setdatoscab(array('ALB', 'DESCRIPCION', 'CANT', 'PRECIO', FS_IVA, 'IMPORTE'));
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     /// Definimos todos los datos del PIE de la factura
     /// Lineas de IVA
     $lineas_iva = $this->factura->get_lineas_iva();
     if (count($lineas_iva) > 3) {
         $pdf_doc->fdf_lineasiva = $lineas_iva;
     } else {
         $filaiva = array();
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($lineas_iva as $li) {
             $filaiva[$i][0] = $li->iva ? FS_IVA . $li->iva : '';
             $filaiva[$i][1] = $li->neto ? $this->ckeckEuro($li->neto) : '';
             $filaiva[$i][2] = $li->iva ? $li->iva . "%" : '';
             $filaiva[$i][3] = $li->totaliva ? $this->ckeckEuro($li->totaliva) : '';
             $filaiva[$i][4] = $li->recargo ? $li->recargo . "%" : '';
             $filaiva[$i][5] = $li->totalrecargo ? $this->ckeckEuro($li->totalrecargo) : '';
             $filaiva[$i][6] = '';
             //// POR CREARRRRRR
             $filaiva[$i][7] = '';
             //// POR CREARRRRRR
             $filaiva[$i][8] = $li->totallinea ? $this->ckeckEuro($li->totallinea) : '';
         if ($filaiva) {
             $filaiva[1][6] = $this->factura->irpf . ' %';
             $filaiva[1][7] = $this->ckeckEuro(0 - $this->factura->totalirpf);
         $pdf_doc->fdf_lineasiva = $filaiva;
     // Total factura numerico
     $pdf_doc->fdf_numtotal = $this->ckeckEuro($this->factura->total);
     // Total factura numeros a texto
     $pdf_doc->fdf_textotal = $this->factura->total;
     /// Agregamos la pagina inicial de la factura
     // Lineas de la Factura
     //$lineas = $this->factura->get_lineas();
     if ($lineas) {
         $neto = 0;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($lineas); $i++) {
             $neto += $lineas[$i]->pvptotal;
             $pdf_doc->neto = $this->ckeckEuro($neto);
             $articulo = new articulo();
             $art = $articulo->get($lineas[$i]->referencia);
             if ($art) {
                 $observa = "\n" . utf8_decode($this->fix_html($art->observaciones));
             } else {
                 // $observa = null; // No mostrar mensaje de error
                 $observa = "\n";
             if ($this->impresion['print_dto']) {
                 $lafila = array('0' => utf8_decode($lineas[$i]->albaran_numero()), '1' => utf8_decode(strtoupper($lineas[$i]->descripcion)) . $observa, '2' => utf8_decode($lineas[$i]->cantidad), '3' => $this->ckeckEuro($lineas[$i]->pvpunitario), '4' => utf8_decode($this->show_numero($lineas[$i]->dtopor, 0) . " %"), '5' => utf8_decode($this->show_numero($lineas[$i]->iva, 0) . " %"), '6' => $this->ckeckEuro($lineas[$i]->total_iva()));
             } else {
                 $lafila = array('0' => utf8_decode($lineas[$i]->albaran_numero()), '1' => utf8_decode(strtoupper($lineas[$i]->descripcion)) . $observa, '2' => utf8_decode($lineas[$i]->cantidad), '3' => $this->ckeckEuro($lineas[$i]->pvpunitario), '4' => utf8_decode($this->show_numero($lineas[$i]->iva, 0) . " %"), '5' => $this->ckeckEuro($lineas[$i]->total_iva()));
             $pdf_doc->Row($lafila, '1');
             // Row(array, Descripcion del Articulo -- ultimo valor a imprimir)
         $pdf_doc->piepagina = true;
     // Damos salida al archivo PDF
     if ($archivo) {
         if (!file_exists('tmp/' . FS_TMP_NAME . 'enviar')) {
             mkdir('tmp/' . FS_TMP_NAME . 'enviar');
         $pdf_doc->Output('tmp/' . FS_TMP_NAME . 'enviar/' . $archivo, 'F');
     } else {
function print_laporan($param_arr)
    include "../include/fpdf17/mc_table.php";
    $_BORDER = 0;
    $_FONT = 'Times';
    $_FONTSIZE = 10;
    $pdf = new PDF_MC_Table();
    $size = $pdf->_getpagesize('Legal');
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    $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 12);
    $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("LAPORAN PENERIMAAN BPHTB "), array('', ''), 6);
    $pdf->SetWidths(array(40, 200));
    $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("TANGGAL", ": " . dateToString($param_arr['date_start'], true) . " s/d " . dateToString($param_arr['date_end'], true)), array('', ''), 6);
    $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    $whereClause = '';
    $criteria = array();
    if (!empty($param_arr['date_start']) && !empty($param_arr['date_end'])) {
        $criteria[] = " (trunc(a.payment_date) BETWEEN '" . $param_arr['date_start'] . "' AND '" . $param_arr['date_end'] . "') ";
    } else {
        if (!empty($param_arr['date_start']) && empty($param_arr['date_end'])) {
            $criteria[] = " trunc(a.payment_date) >= '" . $param_arr['date_start'] . "' ";
        } else {
            if (empty($param_arr['date_start']) && !empty($param_arr['date_end'])) {
                $criteria[] = " trunc(a.payment_date) <= '" . $param_arr['date_end'] . "' ";
    if (!empty($param_arr['receipt_no'])) {
        $criteria[] = " a.receipt_no ILIKE '%" . $param_arr['receipt_no'] . "%' ";
    if (!empty($param_arr['njop_pbb'])) {
        $criteria[] = " b.njop_pbb = '" . $param_arr['njop_pbb'] . "' ";
    if (!empty($param_arr['wp_name'])) {
        $criteria[] = " b.wp_name ILIKE '%" . $param_arr['wp_name'] . "%' ";
    if (!empty($param_arr['p_region_id_kecamatan'])) {
        $criteria[] = " b.wp_p_region_id_kec = " . $param_arr['p_region_id_kecamatan'];
    if (!empty($param_arr['p_region_id_kelurahan'])) {
        $criteria[] = " b.wp_p_region_id_kel = " . $param_arr['p_region_id_kelurahan'];
    if ($param_arr['p_bphtb_legal_doc_type_id'] != 0) {
        $criteria[] = " b.p_bphtb_legal_doc_type_id = " . $param_arr['p_bphtb_legal_doc_type_id'];
    $whereClause = join(" AND ", $criteria);
    $query = "SELECT a.receipt_no, b.njop_pbb, to_char(a.payment_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS payment_date, to_char(b.creation_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') AS creation_date,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tb.wp_name, b.wp_address_name, kelurahan.region_name AS kelurahan_name, kecamatan.region_name AS kecamatan_name, b.land_area, b.building_area, b.land_total_price, a.payment_amount    \r\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM t_payment_receipt_bphtb AS a\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN t_bphtb_registration AS b ON a.t_bphtb_registration_id = b.t_bphtb_registration_id\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN p_region AS kelurahan ON b.wp_p_region_id_kel = kelurahan.p_region_id\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN p_region AS kecamatan ON b.wp_p_region_id_kec = kecamatan.p_region_id";
    if (!empty($whereClause)) {
        $query .= " WHERE " . $whereClause;
    $query .= " order by trunc(b.creation_date) ASC, upper(b.wp_name) ASC";
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$conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass);
if ($conn) {
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    if (!$open) {
        die("Database tidak dapat dibuka karena " . mysql_error());
} else {
    die("Server MySQL tidak terhubung karena " . mysql_error());
//akhir koneksi
//get query dan variabel
$area = $_GET['area'];
//instansiasi fpdf
$pdf = new PDF_MC_Table('L', 'cm', 'Legal');
$pdf->SetMargins(0.25, 1, 0.7);
#tampilkan judul laporan
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', '16');
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$pdf->Cell(34.5, 2, "STOK KENDARAAN CABANG", 0, 1, 'C');
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', '12');
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$sql = "SELECT area FROM gl_area WHERE id = '{$area}' ";
$cekdata = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$row_data = mysql_fetch_array($cekdata);
$pdf->Cell(8, 3, "Area : " . $row_data['area'], 0, 0, 'L');
//membuat kop tabel
list($namaarea) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select area from gl_area where id='{$area}'"));
Example #21
	(at your option) any later version.

	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
	Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
require_once '../../include/';
define('FPDF_FONTPATH', '../../include/font/');
define('EUR', chr(128));
require_once 'mc_table.php';
$pdf = new PDF_MC_Table();
$pdf->SetFont($PDFFont, '', $PDFFontsize1);
require_once '';
$pdf->SetFont($PDFFont, '', $PDFFontsize2);
$pdf->SetWidths(array(50, 30));
$pdf->SetAligns(array('L', 'R'));
// Total amount
if (isset($CompanyCurrency) && $CompanyCurrency == 'EUR') {
    $Currency = EUR;
} else {
    $bulan = substr($date, 5, 2);
    // memisahkan format bulan menggunakan substring
    $tgl = substr($date, 8, 2);
    // memisahkan format tanggal menggunakan substring
    $result = $tgl . "/" . $bulan . "/" . $tahun;
    return $result;
//get query dan variabel
$mulai = $_GET['mulai'];
$akhir = $_GET['akhir'];
$gudang = $_GET['gudang'];
$decode_cr = $_GET['cr_txt'];
$getquery = str_replace("+", " ", $_GET[query]);
$getquerykorporate = str_replace("+", " ", $_GET[query_korporate]);
//instansiasi fpdf
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#tampilkan judul laporan
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$pdf->Cell(0, 2, "HASIL SEWA KENDARAAN", '0', 1, 'C');
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', '12');
$pdf->Cell(3, 3, "CABANG : " . $gudang, 0, 0, 'L');
$pdf->Cell(25.2, 3, "PERIODE : " . DateToIndo($mulai) . " - " . DateToIndo($akhir), 0, 0, 'R');
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Example #23
require 'mc_table.php';
function GenerateWord()
    //Get a random word
    $nb = rand(3, 10);
    $w = '';
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $nb; $i++) {
        $w .= chr(rand(ord('a'), ord('z')));
    return $w;
function GenerateSentence()
    //Get a random sentence
    $nb = rand(1, 10);
    $s = '';
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $nb; $i++) {
        $s .= GenerateWord() . ' ';
    return substr($s, 0, -1);
$pdf = new PDF_MC_Table();
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 14);
//Table with 20 rows and 4 columns
$pdf->SetWidths(array(30, 50, 30, 40));
srand(microtime() * 1000000);
for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
    $pdf->Row(array(GenerateSentence(), GenerateSentence(), GenerateSentence(), GenerateSentence()));

require '../impresion/mc_table.php';
require_once '../clases/producto_data.php';
$producto = new Producto();
//$tipoproducto = new Tipoproducto;
$pdf = new PDF_MC_Table();
class PDF extends FPDF
    //Pie de página
    function Footer()
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$pdf->FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4');
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 7);
$pdf->Cell(190, 10, 'REPORTE DE STOCK DE PRODUCTOS', 0, 0, 'C');
$pdf->SetWidths(array(30, 30, 100, 20));
Example #25

define('FPDF_FONTPATH', 'fpdf/font/');
require 'mc_table.php';
$pdf = new PDF_MC_Table('P', 'cm', "Legal");
$pdf->SetMargins(1, 1, 1);
$pdf->SetFont('times', 'B', 12);
$pdf->Cell(0, 0.9, 'Laporan Barang', 0, 0, 'C');
$tgl = date('Y-m-d');
$pdf->SetFont('times', 'B', 8);
$pdf->SetFont('times', 'B', 10);
$pdf->SetWidths(array(1, 8, 1.8, 2.1));
$pdf->Row(array("NO", "NAMA", "SATUAN", "STOK"));
$pdf->SetFont('times', '', 10);
$pdf->Row(array("1", "Buku Tulis Matematika Kualitas ABCD Kiki 80 gram 1 Lusin ", "Lusin", "100"));

Example #26
	//Pie de página
	function Footer()
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$pdf = new PDF_MC_Table();
$pdf->FPDF('L', 'mm', 'A4');
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 6);
$numeromanifiesto = $auxiliares->numeromanifiestodiario_nuevo();
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} else {
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$cargo->nuevo_manifiestodiario($numeromanifiesto, $_REQUEST['courier_destino'], $_REQUEST['fecha'], $_REQUEST['fechaf']);
function print_laporan($param_arr)
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    $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("Tanggal", ": " . dateToString($param_arr['date_start']) . " s/d " . dateToString($param_arr['date_end'])), array('', ''), 6);
    $dbConn = new clsDBConnSIKP();
    $query = "select a.*, f_get_wilayah(b.npwd) as kode_wilayah , to_char(b.active_date,'dd-mm-yyyy') as active_date,\r\n\t\t\tb.brand_address_name ||' '|| nvl(b.brand_address_no,'') as alamat_new\r\n\t\t\tfrom sikp.f_laporan_global_wp2(" . $param_arr['p_rqst_type_id'] . ",'" . $param_arr['date_start'] . "', '" . $param_arr['date_end'] . "') a\r\n\t\t\tleft join t_cust_account b on a.npwpd = b.npwd\r\n\t\t\twhere f_get_wilayah_id(b.npwd) = " . $param_arr['kode_wilayah'] . " order by jenis_pajak,TRIM(company_brand)";
    //echo $query;exit;
    $items = array();
    $pdf->SetFont('helvetica', '', 8);
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    $jumlah = 0;
    $jumlah = 0;
    while ($dbConn->next_record()) {
        $items[] = array('nama_wp' => $dbConn->f("nama_wp"), 'alamat_new' => $dbConn->f("alamat_new"), 'npwpd' => $dbConn->f("npwpd"), 'amount' => $dbConn->f("amount"), 'tot_sspd' => $dbConn->f("tot_sspd"), 'active_date' => $dbConn->f("active_date"), 'kode_wilayah' => $dbConn->f("kode_wilayah"), 'jenis_pajak' => $dbConn->f("jenis_pajak"));
        $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array($no, $dbConn->f("nama_wp"), $dbConn->f("alamat_new"), $dbConn->f("npwpd"), 'Rp. ' . number_format($dbConn->f("amount"), 2, ',', '.'), $dbConn->f("tot_sspd"), $dbConn->f('jenis_pajak'), $dbConn->f("active_date"), $dbConn->f("kode_wilayah")), array('LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LB', 'LBR'), 6);
        $jumlah += $dbConn->f("amount");
        $jumlah_wp += $dbConn->f("tot_sspd");
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    $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array('Jumlah', 'Rp. ' . number_format($jumlah, 2, ',', '.'), number_format($jumlah_wp, 0, ',', '.')), array('LB', 'LB', 'LBR'), 6);
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    $pdf->RowMultiBorderWithHeight(array("", "KEPALA SEKSI VERIFIKASI OTORISASI DAN PEMBUKUAN\n\n\n\n\n(Drs. H. UGAS RAHMANSYAH, SAP, MAP)\n(NIP 19640127 199703 1001)"), array("", ""), 5);
    $pdf->Output("", "I");
    echo 'tes';
Example #28
                    $prezzoPercentuale[$k] = $prezzoImponibile2[$k] * 10 / 100;
        $prezzoSenzaProvvigioni2[$k] = $prezzoSenzaProvvigioni / (($iva + 100) / 100);
        $sku[$k] = $item->getSku();
        $nome[$k] = $item->getName();
        $id_ordine[$k] = $check[$i];
        $totalePrezzoIvato = $totalePrezzoIvato + $prezzoIvato[$k];
        $totalePrezzoPercentuale = $totalePrezzoPercentuale + $prezzoPercentuale[$k];
        $totalePrezzoSenzaProvvigioni = $totalePrezzoSenzaProvvigioni + $prezzoSenzaProvvigioni2[$k];
        $k = $k + 1;
define('EURO', chr(128));
$pdf = new PDF_MC_Table();
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 16);
$pdf->Cell(40, 7, 'NOTA VENDITA', 0, 1);
$pdf->SetWidths(array(22, 40, 30, 40, 30, 30));
srand(microtime() * 1000000);
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10);
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 10);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($sku); $i++) {
    $prodotto = $sku[$i] . "\n" . $nome[$i];
    $pdf->Row(array($id_ordine[$i], $prodotto, number_format($prezzoIvato[$i], 2, ",", "") . " " . EURO, $prezzoImponibile2[$i] . " " . EURO, $percentuale[$i] . " - " . number_format($prezzoPercentuale[$i], 2, ",", "") . " " . EURO, number_format($prezzoSenzaProvvigioni2[$i], 2, ",", "") . " " . EURO));
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 10);
$pdf->Row(array("TOTALE", "", number_format($totalePrezzoIvato, 2, ",", "") . " " . EURO, number_format($totalePrezzoImponibile, 2, ",", "") . " " . EURO, number_format($totalePrezzoPercentuale, 2, ",", "") . " " . EURO, number_format($totalePrezzoSenzaProvvigioni, 2, ",", "") . " " . EURO));
Example #29
require 'mc_table.php';
// Load data
function LoadData($file)
    // Read file lines
    $datas = explode('end', trim($file));
    foreach ($datas as $line) {
        $line = substr($line, 0, -3);
        $line_br = str_replace("<br>", "\r\n", explode('$@$', trim($line)));
        $data[] = str_replace("&nbsp;", " ", $line_br);
    return $data;
$hed = explode('end', $heds);
$line = substr($hed[0], 0, -3);
$header = explode('$@$', $line);
$data = LoadData($bdy);
//$header = array('Bill-To','Ship-To/Ship-To Location','PO #','Order/Quote/Plant','Planned/Est. Arr Shipping','Status');
$pdf = new PDF_MC_Table();
$pdf->SetWidths(array(40, 70, 40, 50, 55, 25));
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', '');
$pdf->Image('../../images/madix-logo300.png', 10, 12, 50, 0, '', '');
foreach ($data as $row) {
header('Content-type: application/pdf');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Order_list.pdf"');
Example #30

require '../impresion/mc_table.php';
require_once "../clases/ventas_data.php";
$venta = new Ventas();
$comprobante = new Comprobante();
$cliente = new Cliente();
$pdf = new PDF_MC_Table();
class PDF extends FPDF
    //Pie de página
    function Footer()
        //Posición: a 1,5 cm del final
        //Arial italic 8
        $this->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 8);
        //Número de página
        $this->Cell(0, 10, 'Page ' . $this->PageNo() . '/{nb}', 0, 0, 'C');
$pdf->FPDF('L', 'mm', 'A4');
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 7);