$pdf->SetDrawColor(0); //set the outline width (note that only its outer half will be shown) $pdf->SetLineWidth(2); //draw the clipping text $pdf->ClippingText(40, 55, 'CLIPS', true); //fill it with the image $pdf->Image('clips.jpg', 40, 10, 130); //remove the clipping $pdf->UnsetClipping(); //example of clipping rectangle $pdf->ClippingRect(45, 65, 116, 20, true); $pdf->Image('clips.jpg', 40, 10, 130); $pdf->UnsetClipping(); //example of clipping ellipse $pdf->ClippingEllipse(61, 104, 16, 10, true); $pdf->Image('clips.jpg', 40, 10, 130); $pdf->UnsetClipping(); //example of clipping circle $pdf->ClippingCircle(103, 104, 10, true); $pdf->Image('clips.jpg', 40, 10, 130); $pdf->UnsetClipping(); //example of clipping polygon $pdf->ClippingPolygon(array(145, 94, 160, 114, 130, 114), true); $pdf->Image('clips.jpg', 40, 10, 130); $pdf->UnsetClipping(); //example of clipping rounded rectangle $pdf->ClippingRoundedRect(45, 125, 116, 20, 5, true); $pdf->Image('clips.jpg', 40, 100, 130); $pdf->UnsetClipping(); $pdf->Output();