Example #1
/* Reformatted 12.11.2015 */
// Helper function's and includes
include_once '/var/www/html/Lux/Core/Helper.php';
// Create Database Connection
$DB = new Db("Assets");
$OUTPUT = new Output();
// Get Request Variables
$REQUEST = new Request();
// No privleges needed, Ownership rules apply
$RULES = new Rules(0, "assets");
$OWNERSHIP = new Ownership($RULES);
// Allows user to switch away from a standard collection
$collectionName = Helper::getCollectionName($REQUEST, "Standard", true);
$collection = $DB->selectCollection($collectionName);
// Format Query
$query = Helper::formatQuery($REQUEST);
$query = $OWNERSHIP->adjust($collection, $query);
// Values which are accepted by the Adjustment script
$permitted = array();
// All values accepted
// Format Update and Options
$update = Helper::updatePermitted($REQUEST, $permitted);
$options = Helper::formatOptions($REQUEST);
// Used for Analytics
$LOG = new Logging("Asset.adjust");
$LOG->log($RULES->getId(), 31, $query, 100, "User Modified Asset");
// Find and Modify documents in collection
$documents = $collection->findAndModify($query, $update, $options);
$documents = $OWNERSHIP->check($documents);
// Output
$OUTPUT->success(0, $documents, null);