/** * Add a comment menu item in post * * @return void */ function ossn_wall_comment_menu($callback, $type, $params) { $guid = $params['post']->guid; ossn_unregister_menu('comment', 'postextra'); ossn_unregister_menu('commentall', 'postextra'); if (!empty($guid)) { $comment = new OssnComments(); ossn_register_menu_item('postextra', array('name' => 'comment', 'class' => "comment-post", 'href' => "javascript::void(0)", 'data-guid' => $guid, 'text' => ossn_print('comment:comment'))); if ($comment->countComments($guid) > 5) { ossn_register_menu_item('postextra', array('name' => 'commentall', 'href' => ossn_site_url("post/view/{$guid}"), 'text' => ossn_print('comment:view:all'))); } } }
echo ossn_view('system/templates/link', $link); } else { $user_liked = true; $link['onclick'] = "Ossn.EntityUnlike({$object});"; $link['href'] = 'javascript::;'; $link['text'] = ossn_print('ossn:unlike'); echo ossn_view('system/templates/link', $link); } ?> </div> <span class="dot-comments">.</span> <a href="#comment-box-<?php echo $object; ?> ">Comment</a> <?php if ($OssnComments->countComments($object, 'entity') > 5) { ?> <span class="dot-comments">.</span> <a href="#">View all comments</a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } /* Likes and comments don't show for nonlogged in users */ ?> <?php if ($OssnLikes->CountLikes($object, 'entity')) { ?> <div class="like_share">
} else { $user_liked = true; $link['onclick'] = "Ossn.PostUnlike({$object});"; $link['href'] = 'javascript::;'; $link['text'] = ossn_print('ossn:unlike'); echo ossn_view('system/templates/link', $link); } ?> </div> <span class="dot-comments">.</span> <a href="#comment-box-<?php echo $object; ?> ">Comment</a> <?php if ($OssnComments->countComments($object) > 5) { ?> <span class="dot-comments">.</span> <a href="<?php echo ossn_site_url("post/view/{$object}"); ?> ">View all comments</a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } /* Likes and comments don't show for nonlogged in users */ ?>