Example #1
function gen_items($space, $covariate)
    global $N_ITEMS, $dims, $COVARIATE_NAME;
    # Create an item bank to store the items.
    # Setting the property "sizeHint" increases allocation efficiency
    # It's a bit kludgy, but the php gtk bindings require passing
    # the name of the object to the objects constructor in order to
    # set the construction properties.
    $bank = new OscatsItemBank('OscatsItemBank', array("sizeHint" => $N_ITEMS));
    # Create the items
    for ($i = 0; $i < $N_ITEMS; $i++) {
        # First we create an IRT model container for our item
        # We have to specify which dimensions to be used with the "dims" array
        # (in this case, we use both of the dimensions of the space)
        $model = new OscatsModelL2p('OscatsModelL2p', array("space" => $space, "dims" => $dims, "covariates" => $covariate));
        # Then, set the parameters.  Here there are 4:
        # Discrimination on two dimensions, difficulty, and covariate coef.
        $model->set_param_by_name("Diff", Oscats::rnd_normal(sqrt(3)));
        $model->set_param_by_name("Discr.Cont.1", Oscats::rnd_uniform_range(0, 1));
        $model->set_param_by_name("Discr.Cont.2", Oscats::rnd_uniform_range(0, 2));
        $model->set_param_by_name($COVARIATE_NAME, Oscats::rnd_uniform_range(0.5, 1.5));
        # Create an item based on this model
        # This is equivalent to oscats_item_new(0, model) in C
        $item = new OscatsItem(0, $model);
        # Add the item to the item bank
        # Since php is garbage collected, we don't have to worry about
        # reference counting.
    return $bank;
Example #2
function gen_items($space)
    global $N_ITEMS;
    # Create an item bank to store the items.
    # Setting the property "sizeHint" increases allocation efficiency
    # It's a bit kludgy, but the php gtk bindings require passing
    # the name of the object to the objects constructor in order to
    # set the construction properties.
    $bank = new OscatsItemBank('OscatsItemBank', array("sizeHint" => $N_ITEMS));
    for ($i = 0; $i < $N_ITEMS; $i++) {
        # First we create an IRT model container for our item
        $model = new OscatsModelL1p('OscatsModelL1p', array("space" => $space));
        # Then, set the parameters.  Here there is only one, the difficulty (b).
        $model->set_param_by_index(0, Oscats::rnd_normal(1));
        # Create an item based on this model
        # This is equivalent to oscats_item_new(0, model) in C
        $item = new OscatsItem(0, $model);
        # Add the item to the item bank
        # Since php is garbage collected, we don't have to worry about
        # reference counting.
    return $bank;