public static function Save(Affiliation $dbAffiliation, $newAffiliation, $org_name, Member $CurrentMember)
     $org_name = Convert::raw2sql($org_name);
     // attempt to retrieve Org by the submitted name
     $org = Org::get()->filter('Name', $org_name)->First();
     if (!$org) {
         // no org matched, create a new org of that name and associate it
         $org = new Org();
         $org->Name = $org_name;
     $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
     // Remove any CSS or inline styles
     $config->set('CSS.AllowedProperties', array());
     $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);
     $dbAffiliation->OrganizationID = $org->ID;
     $dbAffiliation->JobTitle = $newAffiliation->JobTitle;
     $dbAffiliation->MemberID = $CurrentMember->ID;
     $dbAffiliation->StartDate = $newAffiliation->StartDate;
     $dbAffiliation->EndDate = !empty($newAffiliation->EndDate) ? $newAffiliation->EndDate : null;
     $dbAffiliation->Current = $newAffiliation->Current == 1 ? true : false;
     if (empty($newAffiliation->EndDate)) {
         $dbAffiliation->Current = true;
 public static function Save(Affiliation $dbAffiliation, $newAffiliation, $org_name, Member $CurrentMember)
     $org_name = Convert::raw2sql($org_name);
     // attempt to retrieve Org by the submitted name
     $org = Org::get()->filter('Name', $org_name)->First();
     if (!$org) {
         // no org matched, create a new org of that name and associate it
         $org = new Org();
         $org->Name = $org_name;
         //register new request
         $new_request = new OrganizationRegistrationRequest();
         $new_request->MemberID = $CurrentMember->ID;
         $new_request->OrganizationID = $org->ID;
     $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
     // Remove any CSS or inline styles
     $config->set('CSS.AllowedProperties', array());
     $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);
     if (!empty($newAffiliation->EndDate) && $newAffiliation->Current == 1) {
         $today = new DateTime($newAffiliation->ClientToday);
         $end_date = new DateTime($newAffiliation->EndDate);
         if ($end_date < $today) {
             throw new Exception('Current Affiliation: End Date must me greater than today!.');
     $dbAffiliation->OrganizationID = $org->ID;
     $dbAffiliation->MemberID = $CurrentMember->ID;
     $dbAffiliation->StartDate = $newAffiliation->StartDate;
     $dbAffiliation->EndDate = !empty($newAffiliation->EndDate) ? $newAffiliation->EndDate : null;
     $dbAffiliation->Current = $newAffiliation->Current == 1 ? true : false;
     if (empty($newAffiliation->EndDate)) {
         $dbAffiliation->Current = true;
     //$dbAffiliation->JobTitle = $purifier->purify($newAffiliation->JobTitle);
     //$dbAffiliation->Role      = $purifier->purify($newAffiliation->Role);
 public function __construct(ISingleValueTemplateQuestion $question, $value = null)
     $children = new FieldList();
     $this->question = $question;
     $current_user = Member::currentUser();
     $current_affiliations = $current_user->getCurrentAffiliations();
     if (!$current_affiliations) {
         $children->add($txt = new TextField($question->name(), $question->label()));
     } else {
         if (intval($current_affiliations->count()) > 1) {
             $source = array();
             foreach ($current_affiliations as $a) {
                 $org = $a->Organization();
                 $source[$org->ID] = $org->Name;
             $source['0'] = "-- New One --";
             $children->add($ddl = new DropdownField($question->name() . 'ID', $question->label(), $source));
             $ddl->setEmptyString('-- Select Your Organization --');
             if (!is_null($value)) {
                 $org = Org::get()->filter('Name', $value)->first();
                 if ($org) {
             $children->add($txt = new TextField($question->name(), ''));
         } else {
             $children->add($txt = new TextField($question->name(), $question->label(), $current_user->getOrgName()));
     $control_css_class = strtolower($this->question->name() . '-composite');
     Requirements::customScript("\n        jQuery(document).ready(function(\$) {\n            \$('.'+'{$control_css_class}').survey_organization_field();\n        });");
Example #4
 * Copyright 2015 OpenStack Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
PublisherSubscriberManager::getInstance()->subscribe('survey_organization_selected', function ($member, $organization_name) {
    //create the affiliation as current
    $organization_name = Convert::raw2sql(trim($organization_name));
    if (!empty($organization_name)) {
        $org = Org::get()->filter(array('Name' => $organization_name))->first();
        if (!$org) {
            $org = new Org();
            $org->Name = $organization_name;
            $org->IsStandardizedOrg = false;
            //register new request
            $new_request = new OrganizationRegistrationRequest();
            $new_request->MemberID = $member->getIdentifier();
            $new_request->OrganizationID = $org->ID;
        // If a new org name was provided for the member, find / create the new org and update the member record
        if (!$member->hasCurrentAffiliation($organization_name)) {
            $newAffiliation = new StdClass();
            $newAffiliation->StartDate = date('Y-m-d');
 public function results()
     if ($query = $this->getSearchQuery()) {
         $query = Convert::raw2xml($query);
         // Search Orgs against the query.
         $Results = Org::get()->filter('Name:PartialMatch', $query);
         // For AutoComplete
         if (Director::is_ajax() && $Results) {
             $Orgs = $Results->map('ID', 'Name');
             $Suggestions = "";
             foreach ($Orgs as $Org) {
                 $Suggestions = $Suggestions . $Org . '|' . '1' . "\n";
             return $Suggestions;
  * @param $request
  * @return SS_HTTPResponse
 public function searchOrg($request)
     if (!Director::is_ajax()) {
         return $this->forbiddenError();
     $term = $request->getVar('term');
     $term = Convert::raw2sql($term);
     $organizations = Org::get()->filter('Name:PartialMatch', $term)->limit(10);
     if ($organizations) {
         $suggestions = array();
         foreach ($organizations as $org) {
             array_push($suggestions, array('id' => $org->ID, 'label' => $org->Name, 'value' => $org->Name));
         $response = new SS_HTTPResponse();
         $response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
         return $response;
 public function NextStep($data, $form)
     // Save our work
     $survey = $this->GetCurrentSurvey();
     //Update Member if need be
     if (isset($data['Organization'])) {
         $org_data = Convert::raw2sql(trim($data['Organization']));
         if (!empty($org_data)) {
             $org = Org::get()->filter(array('Name' => $org_data))->first();
             if (!$org) {
                 $org = new Org();
                 $org->Name = $org_data;
                 $org->IsStandardizedOrg = false;
                 //register new request
                 $new_request = new OrganizationRegistrationRequest();
                 $new_request->MemberID = Member::currentUserID();
                 $new_request->OrganizationID = $org->ID;
             $survey->OrgID = $org->ID;
             $survey->UpdateDate = SS_Datetime::now()->Rfc2822();
     $newIndex = array_search($this->CurrentStep(), DeploymentSurvey::$steps) + 1;
     if ($form instanceof DeploymentSurveyAboutYouForm) {
         //check if user info has changed
         $current_user = Member::currentUser();
         $current_user->FirstName = $data['FirstName'];
         $current_user->Surname = $data['Surname'];
     if ($form instanceof DeploymentSurveyYourThoughtsForm) {
         if (strpos($survey->OpenStackActivity, 'Write applications that run on OpenStack') !== false || strpos($survey->OpenStackActivity, 'Manage people who write applications that run on OpenStack') !== false || strpos($survey->OpenStackInvolvement, 'Cloud Consumer') !== false) {
             //normal flow - Send them to user-survey/AppDevSurvey as normal
             $newIndex = array_search('AppDevSurvey', DeploymentSurvey::$steps);
         } else {
             //  Send them to user-survey/Deployments
             $newIndex = array_search('Deployments', DeploymentSurvey::$steps);
     if ($newIndex > count(DeploymentSurvey::$steps)) {
         $newIndex = count(DeploymentSurvey::$steps);
     $CurrentStep = DeploymentSurvey::$steps[$newIndex];
     Session::set('CurrentStep', $CurrentStep);
     $survey->CurrentStep = $CurrentStep;
     $DesiredHighestStepIndex = array_search($survey->CurrentStep, DeploymentSurvey::$steps);
     // The index of this step in the list
     $HighestStepAllowedIndex = array_search($survey->HighestStepAllowed, DeploymentSurvey::$steps);
     // The index of the highest allowed step in the list
     if ($DesiredHighestStepIndex > $HighestStepAllowedIndex) {
         $survey->HighestStepAllowed = $CurrentStep;
     $survey->UpdateDate = SS_Datetime::now()->Rfc2822();
     $this->redirect($this->Link() . $CurrentStep);
  * @param string $name
  * @return IOrganization
 public function getByName($name)
     return Org::get()->filter('Name', $name)->First();
 public function suggestOrganization(SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     if (!Director::is_ajax()) {
         return $this->forbiddenError();
     if (!Member::currentUser()) {
         return $this->forbiddenError();
     $term = Convert::raw2sql($request->getVar('term'));
     $orgs = Org::get()->filter('Name:PartialMatch', $term)->sort('Name')->limit(100);
     $items = array();
     foreach ($orgs as $org) {
         $items[] = array('id' => $org->ID, 'label' => $org->Name, 'value' => $org->Name);
     return $this->ok($items);
 public function suggestOrganization(SS_HTTPRequest $request)
     if (!Director::is_ajax()) {
         return $this->httpError(403);
     if (!Member::currentUser()) {
         return $this->httpError(403);
     $term = Convert::raw2sql($request->getVar('term'));
     $orgs = Org::get()->filter('Name:PartialMatch', $term)->sort('Name')->limit(100);
     $items = array();
     foreach ($orgs as $org) {
         $items[] = array('id' => $org->ID, 'label' => $org->Name, 'value' => $org->Name);
     $response = new SS_HTTPResponse();
     $response->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     return $response;