Example #1
 public function act_index()
     $id = $_REQUEST['orderid'];
     $ostatus = $_REQUEST['ostatus'];
     $otype = $_REQUEST['otype'];
     $storeId = 1;
     $where = ' WHERE da.is_delete = 0 AND da.storeId = ' . $storeId . ' AND da.orderStatus = ' . $ostatus;
     if ($otype != '') {
         $where .= ' AND da.orderType	= ' . $otype;
     $where .= ' AND da.id	= ' . $id;
     $StatusMenuAct = new StatusMenuAct();
     $tableName = $StatusMenuAct->act_getOrderNameByStatus($ostatus, $otype);
     $orderlist = OrderindexModel::showSearchOrderList($tableName, $where);
     $data['order'] = $orderlist[$id];
     //var_dump($orderlist); exit;
     /*$price	=	array();
     		$data['order']	=	OrderModifyModel::index($$tableName,$where);
     		foreach($data['order'] as $k => $v){
     			$data['order'][$k]['ordersTime']	=	date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$v['ordersTime']);
     			$data['order'][$k]['paymentTime']	=	date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$v['paymentTime']);
     			if($data['order'][$k]['createdTime'] != ''){
     				$data['order'][$k]['createdTime']	=	date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$v['createdTime']);
     			$goodinfo	=	GoodsModel::getSkuinfo($v['sku']);
     			$data['order'][$k]['price']			=	$goodinfo['goods_cost'];
     		$data['combinePackageMessage']	=	'';
     			case 0:
     				$data['combinePackageMessage']	=	'正常订单(未合并包裹)';
     			case 1:
     				$result	=	OmAvailableModel::getTNameList(' `om_records_combinePackage` ',' * ',' WHERE main_order_id = "'.$data['order'][0]['id'].'"');
     				$data['combinePackageMessage']	.=	'该订单是合并包裹'.$result[0]['main_order_id'].'的一部分';
     			case 2:
     				$result	=	OmAvailableModel::getTNameList(' `om_records_combinePackage` ',' * ',' WHERE split_order_id = "'.$data['order'][0]['id'].'"');
     				$data['combinePackageMessage']	.=	'该订单是合并包裹'.$result[0]['main_order_id'].'的一部分';
     		$data['isSplitMessage']	=	'';
     			case 0:
     				$data['isSplitMessage']	=	'正常订单(未拆分)';
     			case 1:
     				$result	=	OmAvailableModel::getTNameList(' `om_records_splitOrder` ',' * ',' WHERE main_order_id = "'.$data['order'][0]['id'].'"');
     				$data['isSplitMessage']	.=	'该订单拆分成'.count($result).'个订单';
     			case 2:
     				$result	=	OmAvailableModel::getTNameList(' `om_records_combinePackage` ',' * ',' WHERE split_order_id = "'.$data['order'][0]['id'].'"');
     				$result	=	OmAvailableModel::getTNameList(' `om_records_combinePackage` ',' * ',' WHERE main_order_id = "'.$result[0]['main_order_id'].'"');
     				$data['isSplitMessage']	.=	'该订单与'.count($result).'个订单由订单'.$result[0]['main_order_id'].'拆分而来';
     //$data['transport']	=	CommonModel::getCarrierList();
     //$data['materials']	=	GoodsModel::getMaterInfo();
     $data['operationLog'] = OmAvailableModel::getTNameList('`om_order_log`', ' * ', ' WHERE omOrderId = ' . $id);
     if (empty($data['operationLog'])) {
         $data['operationLog'] = array(array('note' => '暂无操作日志', 'createdTime' => ''));
     } else {
         foreach ($data['operationLog'] as $k => $v) {
             $data['operationLog'][$k]['createdTime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $v['createdTime']);
     //$data['currency'] = OmAvailableModel :: getTNameList('om_currency',' * ',' WHERE 1');
     //var_dump($data); exit;
     self::$errCode = OrderindexModel::$errCode;
     self::$errMsg = OrderindexModel::$errMsg;
     return $data;
Example #2
 public function view_exportsToXls3()
     $type = isset($_GET['type']) ? $_GET['type'] : "";
     $order = isset($_GET['order']) ? $_GET['order'] : "";
     //echo typeof();
     if ($type == 1) {
         $arr = explode(",", $order);
         $ostatus = $arr[0];
         $otype = $arr[1];
         $where = "where da.orderStatus='{$ostatus}' and da.orderType='{$otype}' and da.is_delete=0";
     } elseif ($type == 2) {
         $where = "where da.id in({$order})";
     $orderarr = OrderindexModel::showSearchOrderList("om_unshipped_order", $where);
     //echo "<pre>"; print_r($orderarr[98]);exit;
     $exporter = new ExportDataExcel("browser", "xls3" . $date . ".xls");
     // starts streaming data to web browser
     $exporter->addRow(array("SKU编号", "商品中文名称", "商品英文名称", "重量(3位小数)", "报关价格(整数)", "原寄地", "保存至系统SKU"));
     foreach ($orderarr as $id => $order) {
         foreach ($order['orderDetail'] as $key => $value) {
             //$goods = exportsToXlsModel::getGoods($value['orderDetailData']['sku']);
             $goods = GoodsModel::getSkuList($value['orderDetailData']['sku']);
             $exporter->addRow(array($value['orderDetailData']['sku'], $goods['goodsName'], $value['orderDetailExtenData']['itemTitle'], $goods['goodsWeight'], "3", "CN", "1"));
     // writes the footer, flushes remaining data to browser.
Example #3
 public function act_showABOrder($ostatus, $otype, $limit = '', $parameterArr = '', $storeId = 1)
     $where = ' WHERE da.is_delete = 0 AND da.storeId = ' . $storeId;
     $accountList = $_SESSION['accountList'];
     $platformList = $_SESSION['platformList'];
     //echo "<pre>"; print_r($accountList); exit;
     $platformsee = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($platformList); $i++) {
         $platformsee[] = $platformList[$i];
     if ($platformsee) {
         $where .= ' AND platformId in (' . join(",", $platformsee) . ') ';
     } else {
         $where .= " AND 1=2 ";
     $accountsee = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($accountList); $i++) {
         $accountsee[] = $accountList[$i];
     if ($accountsee) {
         $where .= ' AND accountId IN (' . join(",", $accountsee) . ') ';
     } else {
         $where .= " AND 1=2 ";
     $StatusMenuAct = new StatusMenuAct();
     //$tableName = $StatusMenuAct->act_getOrderNameByStatus($ostatus, $otype);
     $tableName = "om_unshipped_order";
     $searchKeywordsType = isset($parameterArr['searchKeywordsType']) ? $parameterArr['searchKeywordsType'] : '';
     $searchKeywords = isset($parameterArr['searchKeywords']) ? $parameterArr['searchKeywords'] : '';
     $AbOrderList = isset($parameterArr['AbOrderList']) ? $parameterArr['AbOrderList'] : '';
     if (!$AbOrderList) {
         if ($ostatus != '') {
             $where .= ' AND da.orderStatus = ' . $ostatus;
         if ($otype != '') {
             $where .= ' AND da.orderType	= ' . $otype;
     if (is_array($AbOrderList)) {
         $where .= ' AND da.id in ("' . join('","', $AbOrderList) . '") AND orderStatus != ' . C('STATEOUTOFSTOCK') . ' AND orderType != ' . C('STATEOUTOFSTOCK_ABNORMAL');
     } else {
         if ($AbOrderList != '') {
             $where .= ' AND da.id="' . $AbOrderList . '" AND orderStatus != ' . C('STATEOUTOFSTOCK') . ' AND orderType != ' . C('STATEOUTOFSTOCK_ABNORMAL');
     //echo $where;
     if ($limit != '') {
         $extenwhere = ' GROUP BY da.id ORDER BY da.paymentTime ' . $limit;
         //$extenwhere = ' ORDER BY da.paymentTime '.$limit;
         $data = OrderindexModel::showSearchOrderList($tableName, $where, $extenwhere);
     } else {
         //$extenwhere = ' GROUP BY da.id ORDER BY da.paymentTime ';
         //$extenwhere = ' GROUP BY da.id ';
         $extenwhere = ' ORDER BY da.paymentTime ';
         $data = OrderindexModel::showSearchOrderNum($tableName, $where, $extenwhere);
     self::$errCode = OrderindexModel::$errCode;
     self::$errMsg = OrderindexModel::$errMsg;
     return $data;
 function act_applyEUBTrackNumber()
     global $memc_obj;
     $addUser = $_SESSION['sysUserId'];
     $omData = isset($_POST['omData']) ? $_POST['omData'] : '';
     if (empty($omData)) {
         self::$errCode = '1000';
         self::$errMsg = "订单ID参数为空";
         return false;
     $omOrderId = $omData;
     $tName = 'om_unshipped_order';
     $select = '*';
     $where = "WHERE id='{$omOrderId}'";
     $unShippedOrderList = OmAvailableModel::getTNameList($tName, $select, $where);
     if (empty($unShippedOrderList)) {
         self::$errCode = '0001';
         self::$errMsg = "empty unShippedOrderList";
         return 1;
     $platformId = $unShippedOrderList[0]['platformId'];
     $tName = 'om_platform';
     $select = 'platform';
     $where = "WHERE id='{$platformId}'";
     $platformList = OmAvailableModel::getTNameList($tName, $select, $where);
     if (empty($platformList)) {
         self::$errCode = '0002';
         self::$errMsg = "empty platformList";
         return 2;
     $platform = $platformList[0]['platform'];
     if (strcasecmp(trim($platform), 'ebay') != 0) {
         self::$errCode = '0003';
         self::$errMsg = "is not a ebay order";
         return 3;
     //return 4;
     $accountId = $unShippedOrderList[0]['accountId'];
     $tName = 'om_eub_account';
     $select = '*';
     $where = "WHERE accountId='{$accountId}'";
     $accountList = OmAvailableModel::getTNameList($tName, $select, $where);
     if (empty($accountList)) {
         self::$errCode = '0005';
         self::$errMsg = "orderAccountId is not in EubAccount";
         return 5;
     if (!in_array($accountList[0]['account'], array('eshoppingstar75', 'ishoppingclub68', 'newcandy789', 'mysoulfor', 'estore456'))) {
         self::$errCode = '0006';
         self::$errMsg = "目前只有 eshoppingstar75,ishoppingclub68,newcandy789,mysoulfor,estore456 可以执行线上申请跟踪号";
         return false;
     $APIDevUserID = $accountList[0]['account'];
     $APISellerUserID = $accountList[0]['dev_id'];
     $APIPassword = $accountList[0]['dev_sig'];
     $pname = $accountList[0]['pname'];
     $pcompany = $accountList[0]['pcompany'];
     $pcountry = $accountList[0]['pcountry'];
     $pprovince = $accountList[0]['pprovince'];
     $pcity = $accountList[0]['pcity'];
     $pdis = $accountList[0]['pdis'];
     $pstreet = $accountList[0]['pstreet'];
     $pzip = $accountList[0]['pzip'];
     $ptel = $accountList[0]['ptel'];
     $pte1 = $accountList[0]['pte1'];
     $pemail = $accountList[0]['pemail'];
     $dname = $accountList[0]['dname'];
     $dcompany = $accountList[0]['dcompany'];
     $dcountry = $accountList[0]['dcountry'];
     $dprovince = $accountList[0]['dprovince'];
     $dcity = $accountList[0]['dcity'];
     $ddis = $accountList[0]['ddis'];
     $dstreet = $accountList[0]['dstreet'];
     $dzip = $accountList[0]['dzip'];
     $dtel = $accountList[0]['dtel'];
     $demail = $accountList[0]['demail'];
     $shiptype = $accountList[0]['shiptype'];
     $rname = $accountList[0]['rname'];
     $rcompany = $accountList[0]['rcompany'];
     $rcountry = $accountList[0]['rcountry'];
     $rprovince = $accountList[0]['rprovince'];
     $rdis = $accountList[0]['rdis'];
     $rstreet = $accountList[0]['rstreet'];
     $rcity = $accountList[0]['rcity'];
     $tName = 'om_unshipped_order_userInfo';
     $select = '*';
     $where = "WHERE omOrderId='{$omOrderId}'";
     $userInfoList = OmAvailableModel::getTNameList($tName, $select, $where);
     if (empty($userInfoList)) {
         self::$errCode = '0006';
         self::$errMsg = "empty userInfoList";
         return 6;
     $tusername = $userInfoList[0]['username'];
     $tstreet = $userInfoList[0]['street'];
     $tcity = $userInfoList[0]['city'];
     $tstate = $userInfoList[0]['state'];
     $tcountry = $userInfoList[0]['countryName'];
     $tcountryCode = $userInfoList[0]['countrySn'];
     $tpostcode = $userInfoList[0]['zipCode'];
     $tphone = $userInfoList[0]['phone'] ? $userInfoList[0]['phone'] : $userInfoList[0]['landline'];
     $temail = $userInfoList[0]['email'];
     $PickUpAddress = array('Contact' => $pname, 'Company' => $pcompany, 'Street' => $pstreet, 'District' => $pdis, 'City' => $pcity, 'Province' => $pprovince, 'Postcode' => $pzip, 'Country' => $pcountry, 'Email' => $pemail, 'Mobile' => $ptel, 'Phone' => $pte1);
     $ShipFromAddress = array("Contact" => $dname, "Company" => $dcompany, "Street" => $dstreet, "District" => $ddis, "City" => $dcity, "Province" => $dprovince, "Postcode" => $dzip, "Country" => $dcountry, "Email" => $demail, "Mobile" => $dtel);
     $ReturnAddress = array('Contact' => $rname, 'Company' => $rcompany, 'Street' => $rstreet, 'District' => $rdis, 'City' => $rcity, 'Province' => $rprovince, 'Postcode' => $pzip, 'Country' => '中国');
     $ShipToAddress = array('Email' => $temail, 'Company' => '', 'Contact' => $tusername, 'Phone' => $tphone, 'Street' => $tstreet, 'City' => $tcity, 'Province' => $tstate, 'Postcode' => $tpostcode, 'Country' => $tcountry, 'CountryCode' => $tcountryCode);
     $omOrderDetailIds = OmEUBTrackNumberModel::getOrderDetailIds($omOrderId);
     if (count($omOrderDetailIds) == 1) {
         $info = $omOrderDetailIds[0]['id'];
     } else {
         $info = array();
         foreach ($omOrderDetailIds as $value) {
             $info[] = $value['id'];
         $info = implode(",", $info);
     $tName = 'om_unshipped_order_detail_extension_ebay';
     $select = '*';
     $where = "WHERE omOrderdetailId in ({$info})";
     $ebayOrderDetailList = OmAvailableModel::getTNameList($tName, $select, $where);
     if (empty($ebayOrderDetailList)) {
         self::$errCode = '0007';
         self::$errMsg = "empty ebayOrderDetailList";
         return 7;
     $tName = 'om_unshipped_order_extension_ebay';
     $select = '*';
     $where = "WHERE omOrderId='{$omOrderId}'";
     $ebayShippedOrderList = OmAvailableModel::getTNameList($tName, $select, $where);
     if (empty($ebayShippedOrderList)) {
         self::$errCode = '0008';
         self::$errMsg = "empty ebayShippedOrderList";
         return 8;
     $tName = 'om_unshipped_order_detail';
     $select = 'count(amount) amount';
     $where = "WHERE omOrderId='{$omOrderId}'";
     $amountList = OmAvailableModel::getTNameList($tName, $select, $where);
     $amounts = $amountList[0]['amount'];
     if (empty($amounts)) {
         self::$errCode = '0009';
         self::$errMsg = "empty amounts";
         return 9;
     $Item = array();
     /*foreach ($ebayOrderDetailList as $ebayOrderDetail) {
     		$EBayItemID = $ebayOrderDetail['itemId']; //API参数,物品号
     		$EBayTransactionID = $ebayOrderDetail['transId']; //API参数,交易号,拍卖物品为0
     		$EBayBuyerID = $userInfoList[0]['platformUsername']; //API参数,买家ID
     		$email = $userInfoList[0]['email']; //API参数,买家ID
     		$PostedQTY = $amounts; //寄货数量
     		$currency = $ebayShippedOrderList[0]['currency'];
     		$omOrderdetailId = $ebayOrderDetail['omOrderdetailId'];
     		$tName = 'om_unshipped_order_detail';
     		$select = '*';
     		$where = "WHERE id='$omOrderdetailId'";
     		$omOrderDetailList = OmAvailableModel :: getTNameList($tName, $select, $where);
     		if (empty ($omOrderDetailList)) {
     			self :: $errCode = '0010';
     			self :: $errMsg = "empty omOrderDetailList";
     			return 10;
     		$sku = $omOrderDetailList[0]['sku'];
     		$amount = $omOrderDetailList[0]['amount'];
     		$skuInfo = $memc_obj->get_extral("sku_info_" . $sku);
     		$DeclaredValue = $skuInfo['goods_sbjz'] * $amount ? $skuInfo['goods_sbjz'] * $amount : 1; //申报价值
     		$Weight = $skuInfo['goods_weight'] * $amount ? $skuInfo['goods_weight'] * $amount : 0.01; //重量
     		$CustomsTitleCN = $skuInfo['goods_zysbmc'] ? $skuInfo['goods_zysbmc'] : $sku; //中文申报名称
     		$CustomsTitleEN = $skuInfo['goods_ywsbmc'] ? $skuInfo['goods_ywsbmc'] : $sku; //英文申报名称
     		$OriginCountryCode = 'CN'; //原产地简码
     		//echo "##".$EBayItemID."##";
     		/*if((!in_array($ebay_itemid.'-'.$ebay_tid, $unique_item_tid))){
     			$unique_item_tid[] = $ebay_itemid.'-'.$ebay_tid;
     			$item[$i]		= array(
     			'CurrencyCode' => $ebay_currency,
     			'EBayEmail' => $ebay_usermail,
     			'EBayBuyerID' => $ebay_userid,
     			'EBayItemID' => $ebay_itemid,
     			'EBayItemTitle' => $ebay_itemtitle,
     			'EBayMessage' => $ebay_note,
     			'EBaySiteID' => "0",
     			'EBayTransactionID' => $ebay_tid,  
     			'Note' => $ebay_noteb,  
     			'OrderSalesRecordNumber' => $recordnumber,
     			'PaymentDate' => $ebay_paidtime,
     			'PayPalEmail' => "0",
     			'PayPalMessage' => $ebay_note,
     			'PostedQTY' => $ebay_amount,
     			'ReceivedAmount' => $ebay_total,
     			'SalesRecordNumber' => $recordnumber1,
     			'SoldDate'			=> $ebay_createdtime,
     			'SoldPrice'			=> $ebay_itemprice,
     			'SoldQTY' 			=> $ebay_amount,
     			'SKU'				=>array(
     								'SKUID' => $sku,
     								'Weight' => $weight * $ebay_amount,
     								'CustomsTitleCN' => $goods_zysbmc,
     								'CustomsTitleEN' => $goods_ywsbmc.' '.$sku,
     								'DeclaredValue' => $goods_sbjz*$ebay_amount,
     								'OriginCountryName' => "China",
     								'OriginCountryCode' => "CN",
     $where = "WHERE omOrderId='{$omOrderId}'";
     $orderarr = OrderindexModel::showSearchOrderList("om_unshipped_order", $where);
     $unique_item_tid = array();
     foreach ($orderarr as $key => $order) {
         foreach ($order['orderDetail'] as $k => $detail) {
             $sku = $detail['orderDetailData']['sku'];
             $amount = $detail['orderDetailData']['amount'];
             //$goods = ExportsToXlsModel::getGoods($detail['orderDetailData']['sku']);
             $skus = GoodsModel::get_realskuinfo($detail['orderDetailData']['sku']);
             foreach ($skus as $k => $v) {
                 $goods = GoodsModel::getSkuList($k);
                 if (!in_array($detail['orderDetailExtenData']['itemId'] . '-' . $detail['orderDetailExtenData']['transId'], $unique_item_tid)) {
                     $unique_item_tid[] = $detail['orderDetailExtenData']['itemId'] . '-' . $detail['orderDetailExtenData']['transId'];
                     $Item[] = array('EBayBuyerID' => $order['orderUserInfoData']['platformUsername'], 'EBayItemID' => $detail['orderDetailExtenData']['itemId'], 'EBayEmail' => $order['orderUserInfoData']['email'], 'EBayTransactionID' => $detail['orderDetailExtenData']['transId'], 'PostedQTY' => $detail['orderDetailData']['amount'], 'EBaySiteID' => "0", 'PayPalEmail' => "0", 'EBayItemTitle' => $detail['orderDetailExtenData']['itemTitle'], 'OrderSalesRecordNumber' => $order['orderData']['recordNumber'], 'EBayMessage' => $order['orderExtenData']['feedback'], 'CurrencyCode' => $order['orderExtenData']['currency'], 'SoldDate' => date("Y-m-d", $order['orderData']['ordersTime']), 'SoldPrice' => $detail['orderDetailData']['itemPrice'], 'SoldQTY' => $detail['orderDetailData']['amount'], 'ReceivedAmount' => $order['orderData']['actualTotal'], 'PayPalMessage' => $order['orderExtenData']['feedback'], 'PaymentDate' => date("Y-m-d", $order['orderData']['paymentTime']), 'SalesRecordNumber' => $order['orderData']['recordNumber'], 'Note' => isset($order['orderNote'][0]['content']) ? $order['orderNote'][0]['content'] : "", 'SKU' => array('SKUID' => $detail['orderDetailData']['sku'], 'Weight' => $goods['goodsWeight'] * $amount * $v, 'CustomsTitleCN' => $goods['goodsName'], 'CustomsTitleEN' => $sku, 'DeclaredValue' => $detail['orderDetailData']['itemPrice'] * $amount * $v, 'OriginCountryName' => "China", 'OriginCountryCode' => "CN"));
     $url_test = "http://epacketws.pushauction.net/v3/orderservice.asmx?WSDL";
     $url = "http://shippingapi.ebay.cn/production/v3/orderservice.asmx?wsdl";
     $soapclient = new soapclient($url);
     $params = array('Version' => "3.0.0", 'APIDevUserID' => $APIDevUserID, 'APIPassword' => $APIPassword, 'APISellerUserID' => $APISellerUserID, "OrderDetail" => array("PickUpAddress" => $PickUpAddress, "ShipFromAddress" => $ShipFromAddress, "ShipToAddress" => $ShipToAddress, "ItemList" => array("Item" => $Item), "EMSPickUpType" => $shiptype, "ReturnAddress" => $ReturnAddress));
     try {
         $functions = $soapclient->AddAPACShippingPackage(array("AddAPACShippingPackageRequest" => $params));
         //echo "dfg";
         foreach ($functions as $value) {
             $bb = (array) $value;
             $ack = $bb['Ack'];
             if ($ack == 'Success') {
                 $TrackCode = $bb['TrackCode'];
                 $tName = 'om_order_tracknumber';
                 $set = "SET omOrderId='{$omOrderId}',addUser='******',tracknumber='{$TrackCode}',createdTime='" . time() . "'";
                 $affectRow = OmAvailableModel::insertRow($tName, $set);
                 if ($affectRow) {
                     self::$errCode = '200';
                     self::$errMsg = "success";
                     return 200;
                 } else {
                     self::$errCode = '0011';
                     self::$errMsg = "添加跟踪号失败";
                     return 11;
             } else {
                 $tName = 'om_order_notes';
                 $set = "SET omOrderId='{$omOrderId}',content='{$bb['Message']}',userId='{$addUser}',createdTime='" . time() . "'";
                 $affectRow = OmAvailableModel::insertRow($tName, $set);
                 self::$errCode = '0012';
                 self::$errMsg = $bb['Message'];
                 return 12;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         self::$errCode = '0013';
         self::$errMsg = $e->getMessage();
         return 0;