/** * Create a resource * * @param mixed $data * @return ApiProblem|mixed */ public function create($data) { $result = $this->service->create($data); if ($result == 'error') { return new ApiProblem(405, 'Error processing order'); } return $result; }
/** * CheckoutService constructor. * @param array $config */ public function __construct(array $config) { parent::__construct($config); $orderDetail = new OrderDetailService($config); $orderCustomer = new OrderCustomerService($config); $orderProducts = new OrderProductsService($config); $order = new OrderService($config); $order->setOrderDetail($orderDetail); $order->setOrderCustomer($orderCustomer); $order->setOrderProducts($orderProducts); $this->setOrder($order); }
function action_order() { session_start(); $model = $_SESSION['basket']; $login = $_SESSION["login"]; if (!is_null($_SESSION["login"])) { $account = AccountService::GetByName($login, true); $order = OrderHelper::PopulateOrderFromBasketViewModel($model, $account->account_id); $order = OrderService::Create($order); $products = $model->products; for ($i = 0; $i < count($products); $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < $model->counts[$i]; $j++) { $orderlist = new OrderList(); $orderlist->order_id = $order->order_id; $orderlist->product_id = $products[$i]->Id; OrderListService::Create($orderlist); } } $_SESSION['basket'] = null; EmailService::SendNewOrderMessage($account, $order->order_id, $model->SumPrice()); $data = $order->order_id; $this->view->generate('Order_view.php', 'template_view.php', $data); } else { header('Location: /Account/login'); } }
/** * Fetch all or a subset of resources * * @param array $params * @return ApiProblem|mixed */ public function fetchAll($params = array()) { if (!$this->userService->isSalesMan()) { return new ApiProblem(415, 'Only admin can see all orders.'); } return $this->orderService->fetchAll(); }
public static function getBookingno() { $booking_no = OrderService::createOrderno(); $booking_count = MemberBooking::find()->where(['booking_no' => $booking_no])->count(); if ($booking_count > 0) { return OrderService::getBookingno(); } else { return $booking_no; } }
public function action_NewStatus() { PermissionHelper::Verification('Editor'); $name = $_POST['InputStatus']; $order_id = $_POST['id']; $order = OrderService::GetById($order_id); $oldStatus = $order->statusorder_id; $order->statusorder_id = StatusService::GetByName($name)->statusorder_id; OrderService::Save($order); header("Location: /Order/Item?id=" . $oldStatus); }
public function execute() { $orderId = $this->getParam('order_id'); if (isset($orderId)) { if (!OrderService::singleton()->complete($orderId, $_SESSION['user_id'])) { $this->setError('', $GLOBALS['err']->get_all()); return; } $this->setSuccess(); } }
function action_order() { session_start(); $login = $_SESSION["login"]; if (!is_null($login)) { $model = OrderHelper::PopulateOrderDetailViewModelList(OrderService::GetByAccountId(AccountService::GetByName($login, true)->account_id)); $this->view->generate('/Account/order_view.php', 'template_view.php', $model); } else { header("Location: /Product/"); } }
public function execute() { $orderId = $this->getParam('order_id'); if (isset($orderId)) { if (!OrderService::singleton()->cancel($orderId, $_SESSION['user_id'])) { $this->setError('', $GLOBALS['err']->get_all()); return; } $oneOrderInfo = OrderService::singleton()->getOneOrderInfoById($_SESSION['user_id'], $orderId); $this->setSuccess(array('order' => $oneOrderInfo)); } }
public function actionInfo() { $this->pageTitle = Yii::app()->name . '-' . "我的保证金"; $ID = Yii::app()->request->getParam('id'); $cashinfo = CashdepositService::cashgetcash($ID); if ($cashinfo->Item == '2') { $model = OrderreturnService::nogetreturn($cashinfo->BusinessNO); if (!$model) { $this->redirect(array('index')); } $returnaddress = OrderService::getreturnship($model->ID); $this->render('returninfo', array('data' => $model, 'cashinfo' => $cashinfo, 'returnaddress' => $returnaddress)); } }
public function actionOrderinfo2() { $this->pageTitle = Yii::app()->name . '-' . "退款单详情"; $model = ReturnorderService::getorderinfo(); if (!$model) { $this->redirect(array('index')); } $ID = Yii::app()->request->getParam('ID'); $ReturnNO = PapReturnOrder::model()->findByPk($ID); $reuslt = self::getcomplaininfo($ReturnNO['ReturnNO']); if ($model->Type == 1) { $this->render('orderinfon2', array('data' => $model, 'reuslt' => $reuslt)); } elseif ($model->Type == 2) { $returnaddress = OrderService::getreturnship($ID); $this->render('orderinfo2', array('data' => $model, 'reuslt' => $reuslt, 'returnaddress' => $returnaddress)); } }
public function actionOrderinfo2() { $this->pageTitle = Yii::app()->name . '-' . "退款单详情"; $model = OrderreturnService::papgetreturn(); if (!$model) { $this->redirect(array('index')); } $models = new JpdReceiveAddress(); $organID = Yii::app()->user->getOrganID(); $firstaddress = JpdReceiveAddress::model()->findAll('OrganID=:organID and State=:State order by CreateTime DESC', array(':organID' => $organID, ':State' => '370000')); $address = JpdReceiveAddress::model()->findAll('OrganID=:organID and State!=:State order by CreateTime DESC', array(':organID' => $organID, ':State' => '370000')); $address = array_merge($firstaddress, $address); $ID = Yii::app()->request->getParam('ID'); $ReturnNO = PapReturnOrder::model()->findByPk($ID); $reuslt = self::getcomplaininfo($ReturnNO['ReturnNO']); if ($model->Type == 1) { $this->render('orderinfos2', array('data' => $model, 'reuslt' => $reuslt, 'model' => $models)); } elseif ($model->Type == 2) { $returnaddress = OrderService::getreturnship($ID); $this->render('orderinfo2', array('data' => $model, 'reuslt' => $reuslt, 'address' => $address, 'model' => $models, 'returnaddress' => $returnaddress)); } }
/* * @auther lion * @date 2013-2-4 */ require_once 'class/order_service.class.php'; require_once 'class/order.class.php'; require_once 'class/sub_pages.class.php'; require_once 'class/code_names.class.php'; if (isset($_GET["p"])) { $pageCurrent = $_GET["p"]; } else { $pageCurrent = 1; } //每页显示的条数 $page_size = 10; $order_service = new OrderService(); //总条目数 //每次显示的页数 $sub_pages = 10; $url = "index.php?mod=order&action=ls&p="; if (isset($_GET["keywords"])) { $keywords = trim($_GET["keywords"]); if (!empty($keywords)) { $array_order = $order_service->listAllByKeywords($pageCurrent, $page_size, $keywords); $nums = $order_service->getListRowsByKeywords($keywords); $url = "index.php?mod=order&action=ls&keywords={$keywords}&p="; } else { $array_order = $order_service->listAll($pageCurrent, $page_size); $nums = $order_service->getListRows(); } } else {
require_once 'class/supplier.class.php'; require_once 'class/supplier_service.class.php'; require_once 'class/order_goods.class.php'; require_once 'class/order_service.class.php'; require_once 'class/code_names.class.php'; $supplier_service = new SupplierService(); $array_supplier = $supplier_service->getAll(); $order = unserialize($_SESSION['order']); $id = $order->id; $order_number = $order->order_number; $supplier_id = $order->supplier_id; $status = $order->status; $note = $order->note; unset($_SESSION["order"]); $_SESSION['id'] = $id; $order_service = new OrderService(); $array_order_goods = $order_service->getGoodsByOrderId($id); ?> <h3>修改采购单</h3> <hr class="bs-docs-separator"> <div class="div-form "> <form class="form-horizontal" action="./index.php?mod=order&action=edit_post" method="post"> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="order_number">订单编号</label> <div class="controls"> <input type="text" id="order_number" placeholder="" name="order_number" readonly/> </div> </div> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label" for="supplier_id">供应商</label>
text-align: center; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; background-color: #404040; border: 1px solid #fff; color: #fff; font-size:12px; cursor: pointer; } </style> </head> <body> <?php global $order; $orderId = $_GET["order_id"]; $service = new OrderService(); $sql = "select *, (round(o.order_subtotal + ( o.order_gst * o.order_subtotal /100 ),2)) AS order_grandtotal from `order` o,customer c where o.order_customer_id = c.customer_id and o.order_id='" . $orderId . "'"; $orows = $service->GetRows($sql); if (count($orows) != 0) { $order = $orows[0]; } ?> <div id="content" class="float_r"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td style="width:5px" valign="bottom" class="navigation">
require_once './order_view_datail.php'; } else { header("Location: ./index.php?mod=order&action=ls"); } } else { header("Location: ./index.php?mod=order&action=ls"); } break; case 'detail_post': $order_id = $_POST['order_id']; if (isset($_POST['goods_id'])) { $goods_id = $_POST['goods_id']; $goods_number = $_POST['goods_number']; print_r($goods_id); print_r($goods_number); require_once './class/order_service.class.php'; $order_service = new OrderService(); foreach ($goods_id as $id => $goods_id) { $order_goods_id = $order_service->addGoodsInOrder($goods_id, $goods_number[$id], 0, $order_id); $log_service->addLog("insert", "订单产品", $order_goods_id); header("Location: ./index.php?mod=order&action=detail&did=" . $order_id); } } else { header("Location: ./index.php?mod=order&action=detail&did=" . $order_id); } default: break; } } else { header("Location: ./index.php?mod=order&action=ls"); }
<script type="text/javascript" > function select_order(value){ window.location.href = "MyOrder.php?orderAction="+value; } </script> </head> <body> <?php global $customer; global $orders; global $order; global $orderItems; global $order_id; $customer = $_SESSION["customer"]; $custId = $customer->CustId; $oService = new OrderService(); $sql = "select o.*,(round(o.order_subtotal + ( o.order_gst * o.order_subtotal /100 ),2)) AS order_grandtotal\n\t\t from `order` o where o.order_customer_id = '" . $custId . "' order by o.order_id desc"; $orders = $oService->GetRows($sql); if (isset($_GET["orderAction"])) { $order_id = $_GET["orderAction"]; } else { if ($orders) { $order_id = $orders[0]["order_id"]; } } if ($order_id) { $itemService = new OrderItemService(); $sql = "select o.*, round((o.item_quantity*o.item_price),2) as item_subtotal,h.hat_title from order_item o,hat h where o.item_hat_id=h.hat_id and item_order_id='" . $order_id . "'"; $orderItems = $itemService->GetRows($sql); } ?>
/** * 改变订单状态 * * @author Garbin * @param int $order_id * @param array $notify_result * @return void */ function _change_order_status($order_id, $notify_result) { /* 响应通知 */ //JporderService::respondNotify($order_id, $notify_result); OrderService::respondNotify($order_id, $notify_result); }
</div> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php //endif; ?> <div class="float_l goods_show" style="height:<?php echo $count > 1 ? $count * 135 + 1 : $count * 135; ?> px;min-height:135px"> <div class="goods_show1 float_l"><div class="price m_top20"> <?php $promo = OrderService::getHuodong($data->ID); if (!empty($promo) && $promo['Amount'] != 0) { ?> <s style="color:#eb7616">¥<?php echo $data->GoodsAmount; ?> </s><br> <span><?php if (!empty($promo['CouponSn'])) { echo "<span class='pt10' style='color:#0164c1;font-size:12px'>(优惠券" . $promo['Amount'] . "元)</span><br>"; } else { if (!empty($promo['PromoID'])) { echo "<span class='pt10' style='color:#0164c1;font-size:12px'>(活动减免" . $promo['Amount'] . "元)</span>"; } } ?>
public static function activedecre($actparam) { $organID = Yii::app()->user->getOrganID(); //判断当前机构是否在活动参与对象范围内 $data = self::activeorgan(); //如果在 if (in_array($organID, $data)) { //获取开启的优惠活动 $act = self::active(); $params = array(); $act_arr = array(); $payment = !empty($actparam['payment']) ? $actparam['payment'] + 1 : '2'; // $in_day=OrderService::is_inday($act['LastTime']); $in_day = OrderService::is_inday(time()); //判断日期是否为当天 支付方式哪一种 则为参与活动 if (!empty($act) && is_array($act) && ($act['Payment'] == $payment || $act['Payment'] == 1) && $in_day == 1) { $params['PromoID'] = intval($act['ID']); $params['TotalAmount'] = $actparam['total']; $params['CouponAmount'] = $actparam['coupon']; $params['Type'] = $act['Type']; switch ($act['Type']) { case 1: //满减送 $act = self::decre($params); break; case 2: //每满减 $act = self::pperdecre($params); break; case 3: //满送优惠券 $act = self::coupondecre($params); break; } } else { $act = array(); } } return $act; }
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDatePicker', array('language' => 'zh_cn', 'name' => 'end', 'options' => array('dateFormat' => 'yy-mm-dd'), 'htmlOptions' => array('style' => 'width:90px;', 'class' => 'input'))); ?> </p> <p align="center"> <input type="button" value="查 询" class="submit m_left" id="searchquotationlistbutton"> </p> </form> </div> <div class="tab-bd-con order" style=" padding-left: 0px;"> <?php $params['OrganID'] = Yii::app()->user->getOrganID(); $params['pageSize'] = 4; $this->widget('widgets.default.WGridView', array('dataProvider' => OrderService::getOrderlist($params), 'columns' => array(array('name' => '序号', 'value' => '$this->grid->dataProvider->pagination->currentPage*$this->grid->dataProvider->pagination->pageSize + $row+1', 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('width' => '30px')), array('name' => '订单编号', 'value' => '$data[OrderSN]', 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('width' => '80px')), array('name' => '卖家名称', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => '$data[SellerName]'), array('name' => '总金额', 'value' => '¥.$data[RealPrice]', 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('width' => '50px')), array('class' => 'CButtonColumn', 'header' => '详情', 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('width' => '30px'), 'template' => '{view}', 'buttons' => array('view' => array('label' => '详情', 'url' => 'Yii::app()->createUrl("/pap/orderreview/detail",array("orderid"=>$data->ID))')))))); ?> <div><a class="more" href="<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl("pap/orderreview/index"); ?> ">查看更多</a></div> </div> </div> </div> <script> //搜索 $("#searchinquirybutton").click(function(){ var startdate=$("#startdate").val(); var enddate=$("#enddate").val();
public function actionChangeOrder() { $ID = Yii::app()->request->getParam('order'); if ($_POST['idArr'] && isset($_POST['amountArr']) && $_POST['ID'] && $_POST['payment']) { $res = OrderService::changeOrder($_POST); echo json_encode($res); exit; } $cond = "((t.Payment=1 and t.Status=1 and ISNULL(t.AlipayTN)) or (t.Payment=2 and t.Status=2))"; $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $organID = Yii::app()->user->getOrganID(); $criteria->condition = "t.BuyerID={$organID} and t.IsDelete=0 and {$cond}"; $model = PapOrder::model()->findByPk($ID, $criteria); if (!$model) { $this->redirect(array('index')); } foreach ($model->goodsinfo as $v) { $v = self::getVersionGoods($v); } //var_dump($model);die; $this->pageTitle = Yii::app()->name . ' - ' . "修改订单"; $this->render('changeorder', array('data' => $model)); }
public function actionUpdateProductCheckInventory() { $this->setauth(); //检查有无权限 $p_db = Yii::app()->p_db; $code = isset($_POST['code']) ? $_POST['code'] : ''; $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : ''; $status = isset($_POST['status']) ? $_POST['status'] : ''; $inventory_old = isset($_POST['inventory_old']) ? $_POST['inventory_old'] : ''; $inventory = isset($_POST['inventory']) ? $_POST['inventory'] : ''; $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); $this_user_name = Yii::app()->user->name; $flag = 0; if ($code != '') { $transaction = $p_db->beginTransaction(); try { $check_code = OrderService::createOrderno(); //新增盘点记录 $sql = "INSERT INTO `vcos_product_check` (check_code,check_time,check_type,check_people) VALUES ('{$check_code}','{$time}','{$status[0]}','{$this_user_name}')"; Yii::app()->p_db->createCommand($sql)->execute(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($code); $i++) { $sql = "INSERT INTO `vcos_product_check_detail` (check_code,product_name,inventory_num,check_num,product_code) VALUES ('{$check_code}','{$name[$i]}','{$inventory_old[$i]}','{$inventory[$i]}','{$code[$i]}')"; Yii::app()->p_db->createCommand($sql)->execute(); $sql = "UPDATE `vcos_product` SET inventory_num='{$inventory[$i]}' WHERE product_code='{$code[$i]}'"; Yii::app()->p_db->createCommand($sql)->execute(); } $transaction->commit(); $flag = 1; } catch (Exception $e) { $transaction->rollBack(); $flag = 0; } } if ($flag == 1) { Helper::show_message(yii::t('vcos', '提交成功。'), Yii::app()->createUrl("Product/product_check")); } else { Helper::show_message(yii::t('vcos', '提交失败。'), Yii::app()->createUrl("Product/product_check")); } }
require_once 'class/supplier_service.class.php'; require_once 'class/order_goods.class.php'; require_once 'class/order_service.class.php'; require_once 'class/code_names.class.php'; $supplier_service = new SupplierService(); $order = unserialize($_SESSION['order']); $id = $order->id; $order_number = $order->order_number; $supplier_id = $order->supplier_id; $supplier = $supplier_service->getSupplierById($supplier_id); $supplier_name = $supplier->supplier_name; $status = $order->status; $note = $order->note; unset($_SESSION["order"]); $_SESSION['id'] = $id; $order_service = new OrderService(); $array_order_goods = $order_service->getGoodsByOrderId($id); ?> <div class="span12" style="margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;"> <h3 style="float:left">采购单信息</h3> <div style="float:right;margin-top:12px"> <a class='btn btn-primary' href='./index.php?mod=order&action=edit_get&eid=<?php echo $id; ?> '>修改</a> <a class="btn" href="javascript:history.go(-1);">返回</a> </div> <table class="table table-bordered table-hover "> <thead > <tr><th colspan="4">基本信息</th>
/** * 创建未付款订单 * $order参数:一维数组,存放订单基本信息, * 包括卖家ID,卖家机构名称,收货地址ID,商品总价,以及订单总金额; * $address参数:一维数组,存放订单收货地址信息, * 包括订单ID,收货人信息,邮编,手机,固话,省,市,区,详细地址和添加时间 * $goodsList参数:二维数组,存放订单商品信息, * 包括商品ID,商品编号,商品OE号,商品名称,标准名称,品牌,单价,促销价,数量以及商品总价。 * @param type $result:eg array("order"=>array(),"address"=>array(),"goodsList"=> array()) */ public static function create($result) { //添加订单基本信息 $model = new PapOrder(); if ($result['order']['BuyerID']) { $result['order']['OrganID'] = $result['order']['BuyerID']; } else { $result['order']['OrganID'] = Yii::app()->user->getOrganID(); } $model->attributes = $result["order"]; $model->save(); $orderId = $model->ID; // $model = PapOrder::model()->findByPk(557); if ($orderId) { $key = $model['Status']; //待付款提醒发给修理厂 if ($key == 1) { $params = array('OrganID' => $result['order']['BuyerID'], 'OrganType' => 3, 'HandleID' => $orderId); $params['type'] = array('name' => 'DD', 'key' => $key); RemindService::sendRemind($params); } //发送待付款、待发货提醒给经销商 $params = array('OrganID' => $result['order']['SellerID'], 'OrganType' => 2, 'HandleID' => $orderId); $params['type'] = array('name' => 'DD', 'key' => $key); RemindService::sendRemind($params); // //生成订单发送邮件 if (Yii::app()->Params['sendEmail']['send']) { self::createSendEmail($result); } //添加订单收货地址 unset($model); $model = new PapOrderAddress(); // $model->OrderID = $orderId; $result['address']['OrderID'] = $orderId; $model->attributes = $result["address"]; Yii::app()->papdb->createCommand()->insert('pap_order_address', $result['address']); // $model->save(); } foreach ($result["goodsList"] as $list) { //添加订单商品信息 $list["OrderID"] = $orderId; unset($model); if (is_array($list)) { //判断商品是否已经添加 $model = PapOrderGoods::model()->findByAttributes(array("OrderID" => $orderId, "GoodsID" => $list["GoodsID"])); //没有添加则添加,有则累加商品(数量、物流费及总价) if (empty($model) && !isset($model)) { $model = new PapOrderGoods(); $b = self::UgoodsSalesByGoodsID($list["GoodsID"], $list["Quantity"]); } else { $list["Quantity"] = $model['Quantity'] + $list["Quantity"]; $list["ShipCost"] = $model['ShipCost'] + $list["ShipCost"]; $list["GoodsAmount"] = $model['ProPrice'] ? $model['ProPrice'] + $list["GoodsAmount"] : $model['Price'] + $list["GoodsAmount"]; // 修改商品表的销售数量 $b = self::UgoodsSalesByGoodsID($list["GoodsID"], $list["Quantity"]); } } else { return false; } $model->attributes = $list; $res = Yii::app()->papdb->createCommand()->insert('pap_order_goods', $list); //$model->save(); } //插入机构活动记录表 // if (!empty($result['order']['PromoID'])) { // $times = self::insert_promotion_times($result); // } if (!empty($result['order']['PromoID'])) { OrderService::insert_active_times(); } //优惠活动添加记录 if (in_array($result['order']['Type'], array(1, 2))) { $promotion_order = array('OrderID' => $orderId, 'PromoID' => $result['order']['PromoID'], 'Amount' => $result['order']['DecrTotal'], 'CreateTime' => time(), 'SellerID' => $result['order']['SellerID']); //插入优惠活动订单表 self::insert_promotion_order($promotion_order); } if (isset($result['order']['UseCouponID']) && !empty($result['order']['UseCouponID'])) { //使用优惠券更新使用状态 self::update_coupon_status($result['order']['UseCouponID']); $promotion_order = array('OrderID' => $orderId, 'CouponID' => $result['order']['UseCouponID'], 'Amount' => $result['order']['DecrTotal'], 'CreateTime' => time(), 'SellerID' => $result['order']['SellerID']); //插入优惠活动订单表 self::insert_promotion_order($promotion_order); } return $orderId; }
<?php } ?> <div style="height:26px; float: right;margin-top:0px;"> <p class="form-row"> <a href="<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl("pap/orderreview/index"); ?> " style="margin: 20px;font-size: 13px;color: #eb4800;">返回订单列表</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php $times = OrderService::is_current_date(); if ($_GET['lottid'] && $_GET['promoid'] && $times['Num'] == 1 && !isset(Yii::app()->session['first'])) { // &&$times['Num']==1 // &&!isset(Yii::app()->session['first']) Yii::app()->session['first'] = 1; echo $this->renderPartial('active', array('promoid' => $promoid)); } //添加收货地址 $this->beginWidget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDialog', array('id' => 'pay', 'options' => array('width' => 480, 'height' => 280, 'autoOpen' => false, 'resizable' => false, 'modal' => true, 'overlay' => array('backgroundColor' => '#000', 'opacity' => '0.5')))); $this->renderPartial('paymessage'); $this->endWidget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDialog'); ?> <script> $('.pod').find("input[type=button]").click(function(){
$res = BuyGoodsService::mycoupon(); $coupon = $res->getData(); if (in_array($organID, $data)) { $act = BuyGoodsService::active(); if (!empty($act) && is_array($act)) { //判断当前日期是否在当天 //$in_day=OrderService::is_inday($act['LastTime']); $current_date = OrderService::is_current_date(); if ($current_date) { $curret_time = $current_date['LastTime']; $num = $current_date['Num'] + 1; } else { $curret_time = time(); $num = 1; } $in_day = OrderService::is_inday($curret_time); //判断当前日期是否在当天 支付方式是哪一种则参与活动 if (($act['Payment'] == $payment || $act['Payment'] == 1) && $in_day == 1) { $params['PromoID'] = intval($act['ID']); $params['TotalAmount'] = $counts; switch ($act['Type']) { case 1: //满多少减多少 $act_res = BuyGoodsService::decre($params); if (!empty($act_res) && is_array($act_res)) { if (!empty($act_res['DecrAmount'])) { echo "<span style='color:#e97816'>参与促销优惠活动:-¥" . $act_res['DecrAmount'] . "<br>(单笔订单满 ¥" . $act_res['MinAmount'] . " 减¥" . $act_res['DecrAmount'] . ")</span>"; } } $order_decr = $act_res['DecrAmount']; break;
public function actionLott() { $organID = Yii::app()->user->getOrganID(); $coupon = BuyGoodsService::get_lott_value(); $promoid = Yii::app()->request->getParam('promoid'); if (!empty($coupon) && is_array($coupon)) { $minamount = $coupon['MinAmount']; $maxamount = $coupon['MaxAmount']; } $prize = mt_rand($minamount, $maxamount); if ($prize) { $organID = Yii::app()->user->getOrganID(); $cou_arr = array('CouponSn' => OrderService::gen_coupon_sn(), 'PromoID' => $promoid, 'OwnerID' => $organID, 'IsUse' => 0, 'CreateTime' => time(), 'Amount' => $prize, 'Valid' => $coupon['Valid']); //插入抽奖获得的优惠券金额信息 BuyGoodsService::insert_coupon_manage($cou_arr); } echo json_encode($prize); }
/** * Get a Worldpay order * @param string $orderCode * @return array Worldpay order response * */ public function getOrder($orderCode = false) { if (empty($orderCode) || !is_string($orderCode)) { Error::throwError('ip', Error::$errors['orderInput']['orderCode']); } $response = OrderService::getOrder($orderCode); if (!isset($response["orderCode"])) { Error::throwError("apierror"); } return $response; }