Example #1
  * получение списка точек
  * @param $params
 public static function getDots($params)
     $db = Oracle::init();
     $sql = "\n            select * from " . Oracle::$prefix . "V_WEB_POS_LIST t where 1 = 1\n        ";
     if (!empty($params['group_id'])) {
         //$sql .= ' and not exists (select 1 from '.Oracle::$prefix.'V_POS_GROUPS_ITEMS pg where pg.group_id = '.intval($params['group_id']).')';
     if (!empty($params['POS_ID'])) {
         $sql .= ' and t.POS_ID = ' . intval($params['POS_ID']);
     if (!empty($params['ID_EMITENT'])) {
         $sql .= ' and t.ID_EMITENT = ' . intval($params['ID_EMITENT']);
     if (!empty($params['ID_TO'])) {
         $sql .= " and t.ID_TO like '%" . Oracle::quote($params['ID_TO']) . "%'";
     if (!empty($params['POS_NAME'])) {
         $sql .= " and t.POS_NAME like '%" . Oracle::quote($params['POS_NAME']) . "%'";
     if (!empty($params['OWNER'])) {
         $sql .= " and t.OWNER like '%" . Oracle::quote($params['OWNER']) . "%'";
     if (!empty($params['POS_ADDRESS'])) {
         $sql .= " and t.POS_ADDRESS like '%" . Oracle::quote($params['POS_ADDRESS']) . "%'";
     return $db->pagination($sql, $params);
Example #2
  * получаем данные по клиенту
  * @param $clientId
 public static function getClient($clientId)
     if (empty($clientId)) {
         return false;
     $db = Oracle::init();
     $sql = "select * from " . Oracle::$prefix . "V_WEB_CLIENTS_PROFILE where client_id = " . Oracle::quote($clientId);
     $client = $db->row($sql);
     return $client;
Example #3
  * собираем доступные пользовалю сообщения
  * @param array $params
  * @return array
 public static function getList($params = [])
     if (empty($user)) {
         $user = Auth::instance()->get_user();
     $db = Oracle::init();
     $sql = "select * from " . Oracle::$prefix . "V_WEB_NOTIFICATION where manager_id = " . $user['MANAGER_ID'];
     if (!empty($params['not_read'])) {
         $sql .= " and status = " . self::MESSAGE_STATUS_NOTREAD;
     if (!empty($params['search'])) {
         $search = mb_strtoupper(Oracle::quote($params['search']));
         $sql .= " and (upper(NOTIFICATION_BODY) like '%" . $search . "%' or subject like '%" . $search . "%') ";
     $sql .= ' order by date_time desc';
     if (!empty($params['pagination'])) {
         return $db->pagination($sql, $params);
     return $db->query($sql);
Example #4
  * получаем список доступный клиентов по манагеру
  * @param array $params
  * @return array
 public static function getClientsList($params = [])
     $db = Oracle::init();
     $user = Auth::instance()->get_user();
     if (empty($params['manager_id'])) {
         $managerId = $user['MANAGER_ID'];
     } else {
         $managerId = $params['manager_id'];
     if (empty($params['agent_id'])) {
         $agentId = $user['AGENT_ID'];
     } else {
         $agentId = $params['agent_id'];
     $sql = "select *\n            from " . Oracle::$prefix . "V_WEB_CLIENTS_LIST t \n            where t.agent_id = " . $agentId . "\n            and not exists\n            (\n                select 1 \n                from " . Oracle::$prefix . "V_WEB_MANAGER_CLIENTS vwc \n                where vwc.client_id = t.client_id and vwc.agent_id = t.agent_id and vwc.manager_id = " . $managerId . "\n            )";
     if (!empty($params['search'])) {
         $sql .= " and upper(t.NAME) like '%" . mb_strtoupper(Oracle::quote($params['search'])) . "%'";
     $sql .= " order by t.client_id desc ";
     return $db->query($sql);
Example #5
  * получаем историю операция по карте
  * @param $cardId
  * @param $limit
 public static function getOperationsHistory($cardId, $params = [])
     if (empty($cardId)) {
         return [];
     $db = Oracle::init();
     $card = Model_Card::getCard($cardId);
     $user = Auth::instance()->get_user();
     $where = ["card_id = " . Oracle::quote($cardId), "agent_id = " . $user['AGENT_ID']];
     if (!empty($card['CONTRACT_ID'])) {
         $where[] = "contract_id = " . Oracle::quote($card['CONTRACT_ID']);
     $sql = "\n\t\t\tselect *\n\t\t\tfrom " . Oracle::$prefix . "V_WEB_CRD_HISTORY\n\t\t\twhere " . implode(" and ", $where) . "\n\t\t\torder by HISTORY_DATE desc\n\t\t";
     if (!empty($params['pagination'])) {
         return $db->pagination($sql, $params);
     return $db->query($sql);
Example #6
  * Обороты по договору
  * @param $contractId
 public static function getTurnover($contractId)
     if (empty($contractId)) {
         return [];
     $db = Oracle::init();
     $sql = "\n\t\t\tselect *\n\t\t\tfrom " . Oracle::$prefix . "V_WEB_CTR_BALANCE\n\t\t\twhere 1=1\n\t\t";
     if (!empty($contractId)) {
         $sql .= " and contract_id = '" . Oracle::quote($contractId) . "'";
     $turnover = $db->row($sql);
     return $turnover;
Example #7
  * список поставщиков
  * @param $search
  * @param ids
  * @return array|bool|int
 public static function getSuppliers($search, $ids = [])
     if (empty($search) && empty($ids)) {
         return false;
     $db = Oracle::init();
     $user = Auth::instance()->get_user();
     $sql = "select * from " . Oracle::$prefix . "V_WEB_SUPPLIERS_LIST t where t.agent_id = " . $user['AGENT_ID'];
     if (!empty($search)) {
         $sql .= " and upper(t.SUPPLIER_NAME) like '%" . mb_strtoupper(Oracle::quote($search)) . "%'";
     if (!empty($ids)) {
         $sql .= " and t.ID in (" . implode(',', $ids) . ")";
     return $db->query($db->limit($sql, 0, self::$limit));
Example #8
  * получаем настройки для шаблона отчета
  * @param $reportId
 public static function getReportTemplateSettings($reportId)
     if (empty($reportId)) {
         return false;
     $db = Oracle::init();
     $sql = "select * from " . Oracle::$prefix . "V_WEB_REPORTS_FORM t where t.report_id = " . Oracle::quote($reportId);
     $settings = $db->tree($sql, 'PROPERTY_TYPE');
     return $settings;