Example #1
  * @param One_Scheme $scheme
  * @param $idOrAlias
  * DELETE schemename/ID
  * Delete an item
 public static function restDelete(One_Scheme $scheme, $idOrAlias)
     try {
         $model = One_Repository::selectOne($scheme->getName(), $idOrAlias);
         if ($model === null) {
             throw new One_Exception_Rest_404('Cannot locate instance of scheme ' . $scheme->getName() . ' identified by ' . $idOrAlias);
         echo 'OK';
     } catch (One_Exception_Rest_404 $e) {
         // return 404 server error
         echo '{}';
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->slim->response()->header('X-Status-Reason', $e->getMessage());
Example #2
  * Does the id passed have a the relationship of role "rolename" with the current Query
  * @param string $roleName
  * @param mixed $idValue
  * @return boolean
 public function isRelated($roleName, $idValue)
     throw new One_Exception_NotImplemented('One_Query::isRelated() is not properly implemented yet');
     $scheme = $this->getScheme();
     $link = $scheme->getLink($roleName);
     $relatedSchemeName = $link->getTarget();
     $relatedModel = One_Repository::selectOne($relatedSchemeName, $idValue);
     $relatedScheme = $relatedModel->getSchemeName();
     $relId = $relatedScheme->identityColumn();
Example #3
  * Perform weighted search that returns the results according to matching compatibility
  * @return array
 protected function performWeightSearch()
     $session = One_Repository::getSession();
     $allSearchValues = array();
     $results = array('count' => 0, 'all' => array(), 'most' => array(), 'some' => array());
     // Get all used widgets
     $form = One_Form_Factory::createForm($this->scheme, $this->searchform);
     $widgets = $this->getWidgets($form, $this->scheme);
     $idAttr = $this->scheme->getIdentityAttribute()->getName();
     $searchOptions = $this->scheme->get('behaviorOptions.searchable');
     $conditions = 0;
     $weights = array();
     $conditionByModel = array();
     $specificWeights = array();
     foreach ($widgets as $widget) {
         $widgetData = $widget->getWidgetData();
         // Get the widget's name, value and operator
         // Check whether a widget is a specifier or not
         $specifier = false;
         if ($widget->getCfg('specifier')) {
             $specifier = true;
         if (null !== $widgetData['value']) {
             $allSearchValues[$widgetData['name']] = $widgetData['value'];
             if (false !== strpos($widgetData['name'], ':')) {
                 $parts = explode(':', $widgetData['name'], 2);
                 $relation = One_Repository::getRelation($parts[0]);
                 // get the used relation
                 $link = $this->scheme->getLink($parts[1]);
                 $targetScheme = One_Repository::getScheme($link->getTarget());
                 // get the scheme of the related field
                 $tidAttr = $targetScheme->getIdentityAttribute()->getName();
                 $tSearchOptions = $this->scheme->get('behaviorOptions.searchable');
                 $wOptions = null;
                 if (method_exists($widget, 'getOptions')) {
                     $wOptions = $widget->getOptions();
                 // Get the role of the current scheme as seen from the relation from the target's side
                 $otherRole = null;
                 foreach ($relation->getRoles() as $role) {
                     if ($parts[1] != $role->name) {
                         $otherRole = $role;
                 if (null !== $otherRole) {
                     // Dirty trick to enforce the value(s) as an array so they are easier manageable
                     $values = $widgetData['value'];
                     if (!is_array($widgetData['value'])) {
                         $values = array($widgetData['value']);
                     if (null !== $widgetData['operator']) {
                         $tmpValues = array();
                         $op = $widgetData['operator'];
                         $allowed = $op->getAllowed();
                         $opVal = $op->getValue();
                         if (!is_null($opVal)) {
                             if (in_array($opVal, $allowed)) {
                                 $op = $opVal;
                             } else {
                                 $op = $allowed['default'];
                         } else {
                             $op = $allowed['default'];
                         // Perform special operators
                         foreach ($values as $value) {
                             $tQ = One_Repository::selectQuery($targetScheme->getName());
                             $tQ->where($tidAttr, $op, $value);
                             $tmpResults = $tQ->execute(false);
                             foreach ($tmpResults as $tmpResult) {
                                 $tmpValues[$tmpResult->{$tidAttr}] = $tmpResult->{$tidAttr};
                         $values = $tmpValues;
                     // Get all related data // @TODO in the future it could be possible that you don't always get ID's of the related fields, but works for now
                     foreach ($values as $value) {
                         $current = One_Repository::selectOne($targetScheme->getName(), $value);
                         if (!is_null($current)) {
                             if (isset($tSearchOptions['publishField'])) {
                                 $tPubField = $searchOptions['publishField'];
                                 if (0 == $current->{$tPubField}) {
                             $relateds = $current->getRelated($otherRole->name);
                             if (null === $relateds) {
                             if (!is_array($relateds)) {
                                 $relateds = array($relateds);
                             foreach ($relateds as $related) {
                                 if (!isset($weights[$related->{$idAttr}])) {
                                     if (false === $specifier) {
                                         $weights[$related->{$idAttr}] = 0;
                                     $conditionByModel[$related->{$idAttr}] = array();
                                 if (!isset($conditionByModel[$related->{$idAttr}][$widgetData['name']])) {
                                     $conditionByModel[$related->{$idAttr}][$widgetData['name']] = array();
                                 if (isset($wOptions[$value])) {
                                     $conditionByModel[$related->{$idAttr}][$widgetData['name']][] = $wOptions[$value];
                                 } else {
                                     $conditionByModel[$related->{$idAttr}][$widgetData['name']][] = $value;
                                 // if the current widget is a specifier, maintain the data in a separate array to perform an array_intersect to
                                 if (true == $specifier) {
                                     if (!isset($specificWeights[$related->{$idAttr}])) {
                                         $specificWeights[$related->{$idAttr}] = 0;
             } else {
                 $values = $widgetData['value'];
                 if (!is_array($widgetData['value'])) {
                     $values = array($widgetData['value']);
                 if (null !== $widgetData['operator']) {
                     $op = $widgetData['operator'];
                     $allowed = $op->getAllowed();
                     $opVal = $op->getValue();
                     if (!is_null($opVal)) {
                         if (in_array($opVal, $allowed)) {
                             $op = $opVal;
                         } else {
                             $op = $allowed['default'];
                     } else {
                         $op = $allowed['default'];
                 } else {
                     $op = 'eq';
                 foreach ($values as $value) {
                     if ('' != trim($value)) {
                         $cQ = One_Repository::selectQuery($this->scheme->getName());
                         $cQ->where($widgetData['name'], $op, $value);
                         $tmpResults = $cQ->execute(false);
                         foreach ($tmpResults as $tmpResult) {
                             if (!isset($weights[$tmpResult->{$idAttr}])) {
                                 if (false === $specifier) {
                                     $weights[$tmpResult->{$idAttr}] = 0;
                                 $conditionByModel[$tmpResult->{$idAttr}] = array();
                             if (!isset($conditionByModel[$tmpResult->{$idAttr}][$widgetData['name']])) {
                                 $conditionByModel[$tmpResult->{$idAttr}][$widgetData['name']] = array();
                             $conditionByModel[$tmpResult->{$idAttr}][$widgetData['name']][] = $value;
                             // if the current widget is a specifier, maintain the data in a separate array to perform an array_intersect to
                             if (true == $specifier) {
                                 if (!isset($specificWeights[$tmpResult->{$idAttr}])) {
                                     $specificWeights[$tmpResult->{$idAttr}] = 0;
     $tilt = $this->getSearchTilt($conditions);
     foreach ($weights as $id => $weight) {
         if (0 < count($specificWeights)) {
             if (false === array_key_exists($id, $specificWeights)) {
             } else {
                 $weight += $specificWeights[$id];
         $model = One_Repository::selectOne($this->scheme->getName(), $id);
         // using selectOne as the models needed here are already in cache, a global search by there id would take more resources
         $model->One_Search_Weight = round($weight / $conditions * 100, 2);
         $model->One_Search_Weight_Conditions = $conditions;
         $model->One_Search_Weight_ConditionsMet = $weight;
         $model->One_Search_Weight_ConditionObject = $conditionByModel[$id];
         $type = 'some';
         if ($conditions == $weight) {
             $type = 'all';
         } elseif ($conditions >= $tilt) {
             $type = 'most';
         $results[$type][] = $model;
     foreach (array('all', 'most', 'some') as $type) {
         usort($results[$type], array($this, 'sortResultsByWeight'));
     $session->set('results', $results, 'one_search');
     return $results;
Example #4
     * Render the output of the widget and add it to the DOM
     * @param One_Model $model
     * @param One_Dom $d
    protected function _render($model, One_Dom $d)
        One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript('jquery/js/jquery.tagify.js', 'head', 10);
        if (is_null($this->getCfg('role')) || is_null($this->getCfg('targetAttribute'))) {
            throw new One_Exception('The Multi-tag widget is only allowed for Many-to-many relations');
        $parts = explode(':', $this->getCfg('role'), 2);
        $targetAttr = $this->getCfg('targetAttribute');
        $link = $model->getScheme()->getLink($parts[1]);
        if (is_null($link) || !$link->getAdapterType() instanceof One_Relation_Adapter_Manytomany) {
            throw new One_Exception('The Multi-tag widget is only allowed for Many-to-many relations');
        $tScheme = One_Repository::getScheme($model->getScheme()->getLink($parts[1])->getTarget());
        $tIdAttr = $tScheme->getIdentityAttribute()->getName();
        // set initial values
        $value = array();
        $values = is_null($this->getValue($model)) ? $this->getDefault() : $this->getValue($model);
        foreach ($values as $tId) {
            $tModel = One_Repository::selectOne($tScheme->getName(), $tId);
            if (null !== $tModel) {
                $value[$tModel->{$tIdAttr}] = $tModel->{$targetAttr};
        $data = array('id' => $this->getID(), 'name' => $this->getFormName(), 'events' => $this->getEventsAsString(), 'params' => $this->getParametersAsString(), 'required' => $this->isRequired() ? ' *' : '', 'options' => $this->getOptions(), 'info' => $this->getCfg('info'), 'error' => $this->getCfg('error'), 'class' => $this->getCfg('class'), 'label' => $this->getLabel(), 'lblLast' => $this->getCfg('lblLast'));
        $dom = $this->parse($model, $data);
        //		$dom->add('<script type="text/javascript" href="'.One_Vendor::getInstance()->getSitePath().'/jquery/js/jquery.tagify.js" />'."\n", '_head');
        //		$dom->add('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.One_Vendor::getInstance()->getSitePath().'/jquery/css/tagify-style.css" />'."\n", '_head');
        //One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScript('jquery/js/jquery.tagify.js', 'head', 20);
        One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadStyle('jquery/css/tagify-style.css', 'head', 20);
        // Prepare autocomplete tagfield
        $script = '
		var oneTags' . $this->getID() . ' = jQuery("#' . $this->getID() . '").tagify();
		oneTags' . $this->getID() . '.tagify("inputField").autocomplete({
	        source: function(req, add) {
				req.field = "' . $targetAttr . '";
				req.query = "formtags";

				//pass request to server
                jQuery.getJSON("' . One_Config::getInstance()->getSiterootUrl() . One_Config::getInstance()->getAddressOne() . '&scheme=' . $tScheme->getName() . '&task=json", req, function(data) {

              	 	//create array for response objects
                    var suggestions = [];

              		//process response
                    jQuery.each(data, function(i, val) {
						var keyval = { "label": val.' . $targetAttr . ', "value": val.' . $tIdAttr . ' };

	            	//pass array to callback

	        position: { of: oneTags' . $this->getID() . '.tagify("containerDiv") },
			select: function(e, ui) {
				oneTags' . $this->getID() . '.tagify("inputField").val(ui.item.label);
        		oneTags' . $this->getID() . '.tagify("add", ui.item.value, ui.item.label);
				oneTags' . $this->getID() . '.tagify("inputField").val("");
        		return false;
			focus: function(e, ui) {
				oneTags' . $this->getID() . '.tagify("inputField").val(ui.item.label);
				return false;
			change: function(e, ui) {
				oneTags' . $this->getID() . '.tagify("inputField").val("");
				return false;
        foreach ($value as $tId => $tVal) {
            $script .= '
		oneTags' . $this->getID() . '.tagify("add", "' . $tId . '", "' . $tVal . '");';
        //		$dom->add($script, '_onload');
        One_Vendor::getInstance()->loadScriptDeclaration($script, 'onload', 20);
Example #5
 public function countRelated(One_Relation_Adapter $link, One_Model $model, array $options = array())
     $linkName = $link->getName();
     // identify the target scheme
     $source = One_Repository::getScheme($model->getSchemeName());
     // PD 22OCT08
     if ($link->getTarget() == '*') {
         $col = $link->getName() . '_scheme';
         $target = One_Repository::getScheme($model->{$col});
     } else {
         $target = One_Repository::getScheme($link->getTarget());
     // determine the target's identity column
     $column = $this->localFK($link, $target);
     // bind the data using the data
     $localValue = $model[$column];
     // create query and execute
     return One_Repository::selectOne($target->getName(), $localValue) ? 1 : 0;