
include '../Library/OneShopAPI.php';
# TODO: Add your Merchant ID as the First Parameter, and your Merchant Key as Second Parameter.
$API = new OneShopAPI("", "", "https://www.mcssl.com");
$requestBodyXML = new DOMDocument();
# Load the request body into XML and check that the result has been parsed into XML
if ($requestBodyXML->loadXML($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA) == true) {
    $notificationType = $requestBodyXML->documentElement->nodeName;
    $tokenNode = $requestBodyXML->getElementsByTagName('Token')->item(0)->nodeValue;
    switch ($notificationType) {
        case "NewOrder":
            $apiResult = $API->GetOrderById($tokenNode);
            # May have other types of notifications in the future
    $apiResultXML = new DOMDocument();
    if ($apiResultXML->loadXML($apiResult) == true) {
        # Check if the API returned an error
        $apiSuccess = $apiResultXML->getElementsByTagName('Response')->item(0)->getAttribute('success');
        if ($apiSuccess == 'true') {
            # TODO: Do something useful with the XML
        } else {
            # TODO: Do something with the error returned by the API
    } else {
        # TODO: Do something with the xml error to either notify or log that the XML could not be parsed
} else {
 function OneShoppingCart($that)
     if (in_array(strtolower(trim(wlm_arrval($_POST, 'status'))), array('accepted', 'approved', 'authorized', 'pending'))) {
         //accept even PENDING, let checkstatus handle it later
         //				add_filter('rewrite_rules_array',array(&$that,'RewriteRules'));
         //				$GLOBALS['wp_rewrite']->flush_rules();
         if (!trim(wlm_arrval($_POST, 'name'))) {
             $_POST['name'] = 'Firstname Lastname';
         $name = explode(' ', $_POST['name']);
         $_POST['lastname'] = array_pop($name);
         $_POST['firstname'] = implode(' ', $name);
         $_POST['action'] = 'wpm_register';
         $_POST['wpm_id'] = $_POST['sku1'];
         $_POST['username'] = $_POST['email1'];
         $orig_email = $_POST['email'] = $_POST['email1'];
         $_POST['password1'] = $_POST['password2'] = $that->PassGen();
         $address = array();
         $address['company'] = $_POST['shipCompany'];
         $address['address1'] = $_POST['shipAddress1'];
         $address['address2'] = $_POST['shipAddress2'];
         $address['city'] = $_POST['shipCity'];
         $address['state'] = $_POST['shipState'];
         $address['zip'] = $_POST['shipZip'];
         $address['country'] = $_POST['shipCountry'];
         $_POST['sctxnid'] = $_POST['orderID'];
         $_POST['wpm_useraddress'] = $address;
         //cache the order
         $onescmerchantid = trim($that->GetOption('onescmerchantid'));
         $onescapikey = trim($that->GetOption('onescapikey'));
         if ($onescmerchantid && $onescapikey) {
             require_once $that->pluginDir . '/extlib/OneShopAPI.php';
             require_once $that->pluginDir . '/extlib/WLMOneShopAPI.php';
             $api = new WLMOneShopAPI($onescmerchantid, $onescapikey, 'https://www.mcssl.com');
             $order = $api->get_order_by_id($_POST['orderID'], true);
             $that->SaveOption("1scorder_" . $_POST['orderID'], $order);
         // support 1SC upsells
         if (trim($that->GetOption('onesc_include_upsells'))) {
             if (count($order['upsells'])) {
                 $_POST['additional_levels'] = $order['upsells'];
     } else {
         $onescmerchantid = trim($that->GetOption('onescmerchantid'));
         $onescapikey = trim($that->GetOption('onescapikey'));
         if ($onescmerchantid && $onescapikey) {
             $raw_post_data = file_get_contents('php://input');
             require_once $that->pluginDir . '/extlib/OneShopAPI.php';
             $API = new OneShopAPI($that->GetOption('onescmerchantid'), $that->GetOption('onescapikey'), 'https://www.mcssl.com');
             $requestBodyXML = new DOMDocument();
             # Load the request body into XML and check that the result has been parsed into XML
             if ($requestBodyXML->loadXML($raw_post_data) == true) {
                 $notificationType = $requestBodyXML->documentElement->nodeName;
                 $tokenNode = $requestBodyXML->getElementsByTagName('Token')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                 switch ($notificationType) {
                     case "NewOrder":
                         $apiResult = $API->GetOrderById($tokenNode);
                         # May have other types of notifications in the future
                 $apiResultXML = new DOMDocument();
                 if ($apiResultXML->loadXML($apiResult) == true) {
                     # Check if the API returned an error
                     $apiSuccess = $apiResultXML->getElementsByTagName('Response')->item(0)->getAttribute('success');
                     if ($apiSuccess == 'true') {
                         $orderXML =& $apiResultXML;
                         $sku = $orderXML->getElementsByTagName('Sku')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                         $status = strtolower($orderXML->getElementsByTagName('OrderStatusType')->item(0)->nodeValue);
                         $levels = array_keys($that->GetOption('wpm_levels'));
                         $_POST['sctxnid'] = $orderXML->getElementsByTagName('OrderId')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                         if ($status == 'accepted') {
                             // Add hook for Shoppingcart reactivate so that other plugins can hook into this
                             $_POST['sc_type'] = '1ShoppingCart';
                             do_action('wlm_shoppingcart_rebill', $_POST);
                         } else {