public function view_getSpuPrefixList() { //调用action层, 获取列表数据 $omAvailableAct = new OmAvailableAct(); $status = $_GET['status'] ? $_GET['status'] : ''; $tName = 'pc_auto_create_spu_prefix'; $select = '*'; $where = 'WHERE 1=1 '; $total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount($tName, $where); $num = 100; //每页显示的个数 $page = new Page($total, $num, '', 'CN'); $where .= "order by id " . $page->limit; $spuPrefixList = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList($tName, $select, $where); if (!empty($_GET['page'])) { if (intval($_GET['page']) <= 1 || intval($_GET['page']) > ceil($total / $num)) { $n = 1; } else { $n = (intval($_GET['page']) - 1) * $num + 1; } } else { $n = 1; } if ($total > $num) { $show_page = $page->fpage(array(0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)); } else { $show_page = $page->fpage(array(0, 2, 3)); } $navlist = array(array('url' => 'index.php?mod=autoCreateSpu&act=getAutoCreatePrefixList', 'title' => 'SPU管理'), array('url' => 'index.php?mod=spu&act=getSpuPrefixList', 'title' => 'SPU自动生成前缀管理')); $this->smarty->assign('navlist', $navlist); $this->smarty->assign('onevar', 2); $this->smarty->assign('twovar', 24); $this->smarty->assign('show_page', $show_page); $this->smarty->assign('title', 'SPU自动生成前缀管理'); $this->smarty->assign('status', $status); $this->smarty->assign('spuPrefixList', empty($spuPrefixList) ? null : $spuPrefixList); $this->smarty->display("spuPrefixList.htm"); }
public function view_modifyOrderList() { global $memc_obj; $sysUserId = $_SESSION['sysUserId']; $modify_showerrorinfo = ''; $OrderModifyAct = new OrderModifyAct(); $OrderindexAct = new OrderindexAct(); $UserCompetenceAct = new UserCompetenceAct(); //var_dump($_GET); exit; if (isset($_GET) && !empty($_GET)) { $orderid = isset($_GET['orderid']) ? $_GET['orderid'] : ''; $ostatus = isset($_GET['edit_ostatus']) ? $_GET['edit_ostatus'] : $_GET['ostatus']; $otype = isset($_GET['edit_otype']) ? $_GET['edit_otype'] : $_GET['otype']; } if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) { //var_dump($_POST); echo "<br>"; exit; $orderid = isset($_POST['orderid']) ? $_POST['orderid'] : ''; $ostatus = isset($_POST['edit_ostatus']) ? $_POST['edit_ostatus'] : $_POST['ostatus']; $otype = isset($_POST['edit_otype']) ? $_POST['edit_otype'] : $_POST['otype']; $update_order = array(); $update_userinfo = array(); $update_tracknumber = array(); //$orderid = $_POST['orderid']; //var_dump($_POST); exit; $updatestatus = false; if ($_POST['action'] == 'addDetail') { //var_dump($_GET); echo "<br>"; exit; $orderid = isset($_GET['orderid']) ? $_GET['orderid'] : ''; $ostatus = isset($_GET['edit_ostatus']) ? $_GET['edit_ostatus'] : $_GET['ostatus']; $otype = isset($_GET['edit_otype']) ? $_GET['edit_otype'] : $_GET['otype']; if ($OrderModifyAct->act_batchAdd($orderid, $_POST)) { $modify_showerrorinfo = "<font color='green'>添加成功</font>"; } else { $modify_showerrorinfo = "<font color='red'>添加失败</font>"; } } else { if ($_POST['action'] == 'addNote') { //var_dump($_GET); echo "<br>"; exit; $orderid = isset($_GET['orderid']) ? $_GET['orderid'] : ''; $ostatus = isset($_GET['edit_ostatus']) ? $_GET['edit_ostatus'] : $_GET['ostatus']; $otype = isset($_GET['edit_otype']) ? $_GET['edit_otype'] : $_GET['otype']; if ($OrderModifyAct->act_addNote($orderid, $_POST)) { $modify_showerrorinfo = "<font color='green'>添加成功</font>"; } else { $modify_showerrorinfo = "<font color='red'>添加失败</font>"; } } else { $visible_movefolder = $UserCompetenceAct->act_getInStatusIds($_POST['otype'], $sysUserId); if (!in_array($_POST['edit_otype'], $visible_movefolder)) { $modify_showerrorinfo = "<font color='red'>您没有改变订单状态的权限</font>"; } else { if ($_POST['username'] != $_POST['edit_username']) { $update_userinfo['username'] = $_POST['edit_username']; } if ($_POST['ostatus'] != $_POST['edit_ostatus']) { $update_order['orderStatus'] = $_POST['edit_ostatus']; } if ($_POST['otype'] != $_POST['edit_otype']) { $update_order['orderType'] = $_POST['edit_otype']; $updatestatus = true; } if ($_POST['street'] != $_POST['edit_street']) { $update_userinfo['street'] = $_POST['edit_street']; } if ($_POST['platformUsername'] != $_POST['edit_platformUsername']) { $update_userinfo['platformUsername'] = $_POST['edit_platformUsername']; } if ($_POST['address2'] != $_POST['edit_address2']) { $update_userinfo['address2'] = $_POST['edit_address2']; } if ($_POST['actualShipping'] != $_POST['edit_actualShipping']) { $update_order['actualShipping'] = $_POST['edit_actualShipping']; } if ($_POST['city'] != $_POST['edit_city']) { $update_userinfo['city'] = $_POST['edit_city']; } if ($_POST['state'] != $_POST['edit_state']) { $update_userinfo['state'] = $_POST['edit_state']; } if ($_POST['countryName'] != $_POST['edit_countryName']) { $update_userinfo['countryName'] = $_POST['edit_countryName']; } if ($_POST['zipCode'] != $_POST['edit_zipCode']) { $update_userinfo['zipCode'] = $_POST['edit_zipCode']; } if ($_POST['landline'] != $_POST['edit_landline']) { $update_userinfo['landline'] = $_POST['edit_landline']; } if ($_POST['phone'] != $_POST['edit_phone']) { $update_userinfo['phone'] = $_POST['edit_phone']; } if ($_POST['transportId'] != $_POST['edit_transportId']) { $update_order['transportId'] = $_POST['edit_transportId']; } if ($_POST['edit_tracknumber']) { $update_tracknumber['omOrderId'] = $orderid; $update_tracknumber['tracknumber'] = $_POST['edit_tracknumber']; $update_tracknumber['addUser'] = $sysUserId; $update_tracknumber['createdTime'] = time(); //var_dump($update_tracknumber); exit; } BaseModel::begin(); //开始事务 if ($update_order) { //$sql = "UPDATE om_unshipped_order set ".array2sql($update_order)." WHERE id = ".$orderid; //$msg = OrderLogModel::orderLog($orderid,$update_order['orderStatus'],$update_order['orderType'],$sql); if (OrderindexModel::updateOrder('om_unshipped_order', $update_order, ' WHERE id = ' . $orderid)) { if ($updatestatus) { $ProductStatus = new ProductStatus(); if (!$ProductStatus->updateSkuStatusByOrderStatus(array($orderid), $batch_ostatus_val, $batch_otype_val)) { BaseModel::rollback(); } } $modify_showerrorinfo = "<font color='green'>更新成功</font>"; } else { $modify_showerrorinfo = "<font color='red'>更新失败</font>"; BaseModel::rollback(); } } if ($update_userinfo) { //var_dump($update_userinfo); if (OrderindexModel::updateOrder('om_unshipped_order_userInfo', $update_userinfo, ' WHERE omOrderId = ' . $orderid)) { $modify_showerrorinfo = "<font color='green'>更新成功</font>"; } else { $modify_showerrorinfo = "<font color='red'>更新失败</font>"; BaseModel::rollback(); } } if ($update_tracknumber) { //echo $msg; if (!OrderAddModel::insertOrderTrackRow($update_tracknumber)) { /*self :: $errCode = "001"; self :: $errMsg = "跟踪号插入失败"; return false;*/ $modify_showerrorinfo = "<font color='red'>跟踪号插入失败</font>"; BaseModel::rollback(); } } BaseModel::commit(); BaseModel::autoCommit(); } } } } $this->smarty->assign('modify_showerrorinfo', $modify_showerrorinfo); $omAvailableAct = new OmAvailableAct(); //平台信息 $platform = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList('om_platform', 'id,platform', 'WHERE is_delete=0'); //var_dump($platform); $platformList = array(); foreach ($platform as $v) { $platformList[$v['id']] = $v['platform']; } $this->smarty->assign('platformList', $platformList); /**导航 start**/ $this->smarty->assign('ostatus', $ostatus); $this->smarty->assign('otype', $otype); //二级目录 $StatusMenuAct = new StatusMenuAct(); $ostatusList = $StatusMenuAct->act_getStatusMenuList('statusCode,statusName', 'WHERE groupId = 0 AND is_delete=0'); //var_dump($ostatusList); $this->smarty->assign('ostatusList', $ostatusList); $otypeList = $StatusMenuAct->act_getStatusMenuList('statusCode,statusName', 'WHERE groupId = "' . $ostatus . '" AND is_delete=0'); //var_dump($otypeList); $this->smarty->assign('otypeList', $otypeList); /*$o_secondlevel = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList('om_status_menu','*','WHERE is_delete=0 and groupId=0 order by sort asc'); $this->smarty->assign('o_secondlevel', $o_secondlevel);*/ $second_count = array(); $second_type = array(); foreach ($ostatusList as $o_secondinfo) { $orderStatus = $o_secondinfo['statusCode']; /*$accountacc = $_SESSION['accountacc']; $oc_where = " where orderStatus='$orderStatus' "; if($accountacc){ $oc_where .= ' AND ('.$accountacc.') '; }*/ $s_total = $OrderindexAct->act_showSearchOrderNum($orderStatus); //$s_total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount("om_unshipped_order", $oc_where); $second_count[$o_secondinfo['statusCode']] = $s_total; $s_type = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList("om_status_menu", "*", "WHERE is_delete=0 and groupId='{$orderStatus}' order by sort asc"); $second_type[$o_secondinfo['statusCode']] = $s_type[0]['statusCode']; } //var_dump($second_count); $this->smarty->assign('second_count', $second_count); $this->smarty->assign('second_type', $second_type); //退款数量 $refund_total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount("om_order_refund", " where is_delete=0"); $this->smarty->assign('refund_total', $refund_total); //三级目录 $o_threelevel = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList("om_status_menu", "*", "WHERE is_delete=0 and groupId='{$ostatus}' order by sort asc"); $this->smarty->assign('o_threelevel', $o_threelevel); $three_count = array(); foreach ($o_threelevel as $o_threeinfo) { $orderType = $o_threeinfo['statusCode']; $s_total = $OrderindexAct->act_showSearchOrderNum($ostatus, $orderType); //$s_total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount("om_unshipped_order"," where orderStatus='$ostatus' and orderType='$orderType' and storeId=1 and is_delete=0"); $three_count[$o_threeinfo['statusCode']] = $s_total; } $this->smarty->assign('three_count', $three_count); $toptitle = '订单显示页面'; //头部title $this->smarty->assign('toptitle', $toptitle); $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', 0); $threelevel = '1'; //当前的三级菜单 $this->smarty->assign('threelevel', $threelevel); $statusMenu = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList('om_status_menu', ' * ', 'WHERE is_delete=0 '); $this->smarty->assign('statusMenu', $statusMenu); $value = ''; $where = ''; switch ($searchTransportationType) { case '1': $transportation = CommonModel::getCarrierList(1); //快递 break; case '2': $transportation = CommonModel::getCarrierList(0); //平邮 break; default: $transportation = CommonModel::getCarrierList(); //所有的 break; } //var_dump($transportation); exit; $transportationList = array(); foreach ($transportation as $tranValue) { $transportationList[$tranValue['id']] = $tranValue['carrierNameCn']; } //var_dump($transportationList); exit; $this->smarty->assign('transportation', $transportation); $this->smarty->assign('transportationList', $transportationList); //var_dump($orderid, $ostatus,$otype); $omOrderList = $OrderModifyAct->act_getModifyOrderList($orderid, $ostatus, $otype, $storeId = 1); //var_dump($omOrderList); //$sku = array(); $account_where = ' WHERE is_delete = 0 '; if ($searchPlatformId) { $account_where .= ' AND platformId = ' . $searchPlatformId; } $accountList = $UserCompetenceAct->act_showGlobalUser(); if ($accountList) { $account_where .= ' AND id in ( ' . join(',', $accountList) . ' ) '; } //帐号信息 $accountList = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList('om_account', '*', $account_where); //var_dump($accountList); exit; $account = array(); foreach ($accountList as $v) { $account[$v['id']] = $v['account']; } //包材信息 $pm = GoodsModel::getMaterInfoByList(); //获取系统所有状态 $statusList = copyOrderModel::selectStatusList(); $CurrencyAct = new CurrencyAct(); $currencyList = $CurrencyAct->act_getCurrencyListById(); //echo "<pre>"; print_r($currencyList); exit; $this->smarty->assign('currencyList', $currencyList); $this->smarty->assign('statusList', $statusList); $this->smarty->assign('show_page', $show_page); $this->smarty->assign('account', $account); $this->smarty->assign('accountList', $accountList); $this->smarty->assign('pm', $pm); $this->smarty->assign('omOrderList', $omOrderList); $this->smarty->display('orderModify.htm'); }
public function view_deleteAccountList() { $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? post_check($_GET['id']) : ''; $status = ''; if (intval($id) == 0) { $status = '<font color="red">数据异常,删除失败</font>'; header("location:index.php?mod=omAccount&act=getAccountList&status={$status}"); exit; } $omAvailableAct = new OmAvailableAct(); $tName = 'om_account'; $where = "WHERE is_delete=0 and id='{$id}'"; $count = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount($tName, $where); if (!$count) { $status = '<font color="red">记录不存在,删除失败</font>'; header("location:index.php?mod=omAccount&act=getAccountList&status={$status}"); exit; } $set = "SET is_delete=1 "; $where = "WHERE id='{$id}'"; $affectRow = $omAvailableAct->act_updateTNameRow($tName, $set, $where); if ($affectRow) { $status = '<font color="green">删除成功</font>'; } else { $status = '<font color="red">删除失败</font>'; } header("location:index.php?mod=omAccount&act=getAccountList&status={$status}"); }
public function view_getNewGoodsList() { //调用action层, 获取列表数据 $start1 = getMicrotime(); $sku = $_GET['sku'] ? post_check(trim($_GET['sku'])) : ''; $purchaseId = intval($_GET['purchaseId']) > 0 ? intval($_GET['purchaseId']) : 0; $whId = intval($_GET['whId']) > 0 ? intval($_GET['whId']) : 1; $omAvailableAct = new OmAvailableAct(); $tName = 'pc_goods'; $select = 'spu'; $where = "WHERE is_delete=0 AND isNew=1 AND substring(sku, 1, 1)<>'M' AND substring(sku, 1, 1)<>'Z' and substring(sku, 1, 1)<>'F' "; if (!empty($sku)) { $where .= "AND sku like'{$sku}%' "; } if (!empty($purchaseId)) { $where .= "AND purchaseId='{$purchaseId}' "; } //第一步筛选,选出isNew=1,并且goodsName!=''和'无',sku不已F和Z开头的spu $spuList1 = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList($tName, $select, $where); $spuArr1 = array(); foreach ($spuList1 as $value) { if (!empty($value['spu'])) { $spuArr1[] = $value['spu']; } } //此时 $spuSkuRelationArr1中保存的是spu和sku的关系数组,形如 array('1201'=>array('1201_B','1201_W'),'1202'=>array('1202')); //此时 $spuSkuRelationArr1中保存的是spu和sku的关系数组,形如 array('1201'=>array('1201_B','1201_W'),'1202'=>array('1202')); //第二步,选择出制作表已经存在的数据 $tName = 'pc_products'; $select = 'sku'; $where = "WHERE is_delete=0 "; $skuList2 = OmAvailableModel::getTNameList($tName, $select, $where); $spuArr2 = array(); foreach ($skuList2 as $value) { $tmpArr = explode('_', $value['sku']); if (!empty($tmpArr[0])) { $spu = $tmpArr[0]; $spuArr2["{$spu}"] = $spu; //SPU } } //第三步,找出新品领料单中存在的sku; $tName = 'pc_products_iostore_detail'; $select = 'sku'; $where = "WHERE is_delete=0 AND iostoreTypeId=1 AND useTypeId=1 AND isAudit<3 "; $skuList3 = OmAvailableModel::getTNameList($tName, $select, $where); $spuArr3 = array(); foreach ($skuList3 as $value) { $tmpArr = explode('_', $value['sku']); if (!empty($tmpArr[0])) { $spu = $tmpArr[0]; $spuArr3["{$spu}"] = $spu; //SPU } } $saveSpuArr = array(); //要保留的SPU foreach ($spuArr1 as $value) { if (!in_array($value, $spuArr2, true) && !in_array($value, $spuArr3, true)) { //SPU不在$spuArr2,$spuArr3时保留 $saveSpuArr[] = "'" . $value . "'"; } $saveSpuArr = array(); //要保留的SPU foreach ($spuArr1 as $value) { if (!in_array($value, $spuArr2) && !in_array($value, $spuArr3)) { //SPU不在$spuArr2,$spuArr3时保留 $saveSpuArr[] = "'" . $value . "'"; } } if (empty($saveSpuArr)) { $saveSpuStr = "'0'"; } else { $saveSpuStr = implode(',', $saveSpuArr); } $tName = 'pc_goods'; $select = 'spu,sku,isNew'; $where = "WHERE is_delete=0 AND spu IN({$saveSpuStr})"; $skuList4 = OmAvailableModel::getTNameList($tName, $select, $where); $spuSkuRelationArr1 = array(); $unSaveSpu = ''; } $tName = 'pc_goods'; $select = 'spu,sku,isNew'; $where = "WHERE is_delete=0 AND spu IN({$saveSpuStr})"; $skuList4 = OmAvailableModel::getTNameList($tName, $select, $where); $spuSkuRelationArr1 = array(); $unSaveSpu = ''; foreach ($skuList4 as $value) { if ($value['isNew'] == 0) { //过滤出全是新品的SPU $unSaveSpu = $value['spu']; } if ($unSaveSpu == $value['spu']) { continue; } $spuSkuRelationArr1[$value['spu']][] = $value['sku']; } $skuArr4 = array(); foreach ($skuList4 as $value) { $skuArr4[] = "'" . $value['sku'] . "'"; } if (empty($skuArr4)) { $skuArrStr = "'0'"; } else { $skuArrStr = implode(',', $skuArr4); } $tName = 'pc_goods_whId_location_raletion'; $select = 'sku'; $where = "WHERE location<>'' AND sku In({$skuArrStr}) "; $where .= "AND whId={$whId} "; $skuList5 = OmAvailableModel::getTNameList($tName, $select, $where); $spuSkuRelationArr2 = array(); foreach ($skuList5 as $value) { $tmpSpuArr = explode('_', $value['sku']); if (!empty($tmpSpuArr[0])) { $spuSkuRelationArr2[$tmpSpuArr[0]][] = $value['sku']; } } $spuLastArr = array(); foreach ($spuSkuRelationArr1 as $spu => $skuArr) { $tmpArray = $spuSkuRelationArr2[$spu]; if (count($skuArr) == count($tmpArray)) { $spuLastArr[] = "'" . $spu . "'"; } } if (empty($spuLastArr)) { $spuLastStr = "'0'"; } else { $spuLastStr = implode(',', $spuLastArr); } $tName = 'pc_goods'; $select = 'spu,sku,goodsName,purchaseId,goodsCreatedTime'; $where = "WHERE is_delete=0 AND spu IN({$spuLastStr})"; $total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount($tName, $where); $num = 1000; //每页显示的个数 $page = new Page($total, $num, '', 'CN'); $where .= "order by sku " . $page->limit; $newGoodsList = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList($tName, $select, $where); $total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount($tName, $where); $num = 1000; //每页显示的个数 $page = new Page($total, $num, '', 'CN'); $where .= "order by sku " . $page->limit; $newGoodsList = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList($tName, $select, $where); if (!empty($_GET['page'])) { if (intval($_GET['page']) <= 1 || intval($_GET['page']) > ceil($total / $num)) { $n = 1; } else { $n = (intval($_GET['page']) - 1) * $num + 1; } } else { $n = 1; } if ($total > $num) { //输出分页显示 $show_page = $page->fpage(array(0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)); } else { $show_page = $page->fpage(array(0, 2, 3)); } $navlist = array(array('url' => 'index.php?mod=products&act=getProductsComfirmList', 'title' => '产品制作'), array('url' => 'index.php?mod=products&act=getProductsComfirmList', 'title' => '新品列表')); $this->smarty->assign('navlist', $navlist); $this->smarty->assign('onevar', 5); $this->smarty->assign('twovar', 55); $this->smarty->assign('show_page', $show_page); $this->smarty->assign('title', '新品列表'); $whInfo = getWhInfo(); $whArr = array(); foreach ($whInfo as $value) { $whArr[$value['id']] = $value['whName']; } if (!empty($newGoodsList)) { $countNewGL = count($newGoodsList); for ($i = 0; $i < $countNewGL; $i++) { $tName = 'pc_goods_whId_location_raletion'; $select = '*'; $where = "WHERE sku='{$newGoodsList[$i]['sku']}' "; $skuInfoList = OmAvailableModel::getTNameList($tName, $select, $where); $newGoodsList[$i]['whId'] = $skuInfoList[0]['whId']; $newGoodsList[$i]['wh'] = $whArr[$skuInfoList[0]['whId']]; $newGoodsList[$i]['location'] = $skuInfoList[0]['location']; $newGoodsList[$i]['storageTime'] = $skuInfoList[0]['storageTime']; } } $end1 = getMicrotime(); //echo $end1-$start1;exit; $this->smarty->assign('newGoodsList', empty($newGoodsList) ? array() : $newGoodsList); $this->smarty->display("newGoodsList.htm"); }
public function view_deletePlatformList() { $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? post_check($_GET['id']) : ''; $status = ''; if (intval($id) == 0) { $status = '数据异常,删除失败'; header("location:index.php?mod=omPlatform&act=getOmPlatformList&status={$status}"); exit; } $omAvailableAct = new OmAvailableAct(); $tName = 'om_platform'; $where = "WHERE is_delete=0 and id='{$id}'"; $count = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount($tName, $where); if (!$count) { $status = '记录不存在,删除失败'; header("location:index.php?mod=omPlatform&act=getOmPlatformList&status={$status}"); exit; } //获取原始平台账号 $platformInfo = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList($tName, 'platform', ' where id=' . $id); $old_platform = $platformInfo[0]['platform']; $set = "SET is_delete=1 "; $where = "WHERE id='{$id}'"; $affectRow = $omAvailableAct->act_updateTNameRow($tName, $set, $where); if ($affectRow) { //更新老系统 $returnInfo = OldsystemModel::erpSyncPlatform($old_platform, 'delete', $old_platform); if ($returnInfo['res_code'] == 200) { $status = '删除成功'; } else { $status = '更新老系统失败'; } } else { $status = '删除失败'; } header("location:index.php?mod=omPlatform&act=getOmPlatformList&status={$status}"); }
public function act_getPartnerList() { $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? trim($_GET['id']) : ''; $company_name = isset($_GET['company_name']) ? trim($_GET['company_name']) : ''; $username = isset($_GET['user_name']) ? trim($_GET['user_name']) : ''; $type_id = isset($_GET['type_id']) ? trim($_GET['type_id']) : ''; $tel = isset($_GET['tel']) ? trim($_GET['tel']) : ''; $phone = isset($_GET['phone']) ? trim($_GET['phone']) : ''; $e_mail = isset($_GET['e_mail']) ? trim($_GET['e_mail']) : ''; $QQ = isset($_GET['QQ']) ? trim($_GET['QQ']) : ''; $AliIM = isset($_GET['AliIM']) ? trim($_GET['AliIM']) : ''; $status = isset($_GET['status']) ? trim($_GET['status']) : ''; $purchaseuser_id = isset($_GET['purchaseuser_id']) ? trim($_GET['purchaseuser_id']) : ''; $company_id = isset($_GET['company_id']) ? trim($_GET['company_id']) : ''; $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? trim($_GET['page']) : 1; $pageSize = isset($_GET['pageSize']) ? trim($_GET['pageSize']) : 0; $condition = 'WHERE 1 '; if ($id != '') { $condition .= " AND id = '{$id}' "; } if ($company_name != '') { $condition .= " AND company_name = '{$company_name}' "; } if ($username != '') { $condition .= " AND username = '******' "; } if ($type_id != '') { $condition .= " AND type_id = '{$type_id}' "; } if ($tel != '') { $condition .= " AND tel = '{$tel}' "; } if ($phone != '') { $condition .= " AND phone = '{$phone}' "; } if ($e_mail != '') { $condition .= " AND e_mail = '{$e_mail}' "; } if ($QQ != '') { $condition .= " AND QQ = '{$QQ}' "; } if ($AliIM != '') { $condition .= " AND AliIM = '{$AliIM}' "; } if ($status != '') { $condition .= " AND status = '{$status}' "; } if ($purchaseuser_id != '') { $condition .= " AND purchaseuser_id = '{$purchaseuser_id}' "; } if ($company_id != '') { $condition .= " AND company_id = '{$company_id}' "; } $totalrow = OmAvailableAct::act_getTNameCount('ph_partner', $condition); if ($totalrow == 0) { $datalist[0] = 0; $datalist[1] = ''; return json_encode($datalist); } if ($pageSize != 0) { $pageindex = $page; $limit = " limit " . ($pageindex - 1) * $pagesize . ",{$pagesize}"; $condition .= $limit; } $ret = OmAvailableAct::act_getTNameList('ph_partner', '*', $condition); if (empty($ret)) { $datalist[0] = 0; $datalist[1] = ''; return json_encode($datalist); } $datalist[0] = count($ret); $datalist[1] = $ret; return json_encode($datalist); }
public function view_deleteBlackList() { $id = isset($_GET['id']) ? post_check($_GET['id']) : ''; $status = ''; if (intval($id) == 0) { $status = '数据异常,删除失败'; header("location:index.php?mod=omBlackList&act=getOmBlackList&status={$status}"); exit; } $omAvailableAct = new OmAvailableAct(); $tName = 'om_blacklist'; $where = "WHERE is_delete=0 and id='{$id}'"; $count = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount($tName, $where); if (!$count) { $status = '记录不存在,删除失败'; header("location:index.php?mod=omBlackList&act=getOmBlackList&status={$status}"); exit; } $set = "SET is_delete=1 "; $where = "WHERE id='{$id}'"; $affectRow = $omAvailableAct->act_updateTNameRow($tName, $set, $where); if ($affectRow) { $status = '删除成功'; } else { $status = '删除失败'; } header("location:index.php?mod=omBlackList&act=getOmBlackList&status={$status}"); }
public function view_getInputList() { //调用action层, 获取列表数据 $omAvailableAct = new OmAvailableAct(); $status = $_GET['status'] ? $_GET['status'] : ''; $inputName = $_GET['inputName'] ? post_check(trim($_GET['inputName'])) : ''; $textStatus = $_GET['textStatus'] ? post_check(trim($_GET['textStatus'])) : ''; $pid = $_GET['pid'] ? post_check(trim($_GET['pid'])) : ''; $tName = 'pc_archive_input'; $select = '*'; $where = 'WHERE 1=1 '; if (!empty($inputName)) { $where .= "AND inputName='{$inputName}' "; } if (!empty($textStatus)) { $where .= "AND textStatus='{$textStatus}' "; } if (!empty($pid)) { $where .= "AND categoryPath REGEXP '^{$pid}(-[0-9]+)*\$' "; //$where .= "AND categoryPath='$pid' "; } $total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount($tName, $where); $num = 100; //每页显示的个数 $page = new Page($total, $num, '', 'CN'); $where .= $page->limit; $inputList = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList($tName, $select, $where); if (!empty($_GET['page'])) { if (intval($_GET['page']) <= 1 || intval($_GET['page']) > ceil($total / $num)) { $n = 1; } else { $n = (intval($_GET['page']) - 1) * $num + 1; } } else { $n = 1; } if ($total > $num) { //输出分页显示 $show_page = $page->fpage(array(0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)); } else { $show_page = $page->fpage(array(0, 2, 3)); } $navlist = array(array('url' => 'index.php?mod=category&act=getCategoryList', 'title' => '类别管理'), array('url' => 'index.php?mod=property&act=getInputList', 'title' => '文本属性列表')); $this->smarty->assign('navlist', $navlist); $this->smarty->assign('onevar', 4); $this->smarty->assign('twovar', 43); $this->smarty->assign('show_page', $show_page); $this->smarty->assign('title', '文本属性列表'); $this->smarty->assign('status', $status); //取得搜索类别的记录 $pidArr = explode('-', $pid); $this->smarty->assign('pidArr', $pidArr); $this->smarty->assign('inputList', empty($inputList) ? null : $inputList); $this->smarty->display("inputList.htm"); }
public function view_getNoPassSpuList() { $omAvailableAct = new OmAvailableAct(); $spu = isset($_GET['spu']) ? post_check($_GET['spu']) : ''; $purchaseId = isset($_GET['purchaseId']) ? post_check($_GET['purchaseId']) : ''; $pid = isset($_GET['pid']) ? post_check($_GET['pid']) : ''; $isCounterAudit = isset($_GET['isCounterAudit']) ? post_check($_GET['isCounterAudit']) : ''; $tName = 'pc_spu_archive_no_pass_record'; $select = '*'; $where = 'WHERE 1=1 '; if (!empty($spu)) { $where .= "AND spu='{$spu}' "; } if (!empty($pid)) { $where .= "AND categoryPath REGEXP '^{$pid}(-[0-9]+)*\$' "; } if (intval($purchaseId) != 0) { $where .= "AND purchaseId='{$purchaseId}' "; } if ($isCounterAudit == 1 || $isCounterAudit == 2) { $where .= "AND isCounterAudit='{$isCounterAudit}' "; } $total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount($tName, $where); $num = 100; //每页显示的个数 $page = new Page($total, $num, '', 'CN'); $where .= 'order by id desc '; $where .= $page->limit; $spuNoPassList = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList($tName, $select, $where); if (!empty($spuNoPassList)) { $platformList = getAllPlatformInfo(); $platformArr = array(); $spuStatusArr = displayAllSpuStatus(); foreach ($platformList as $value) { $platformArr[$value['id']] = $value['platform']; } $countSpuNoPass = count($spuNoPassList); for ($i = 0; $i < $countSpuNoPass; $i++) { $spuNoPassList[$i]['platformName'] = $platformArr[$spuNoPassList[$i]['platformId']]; $spuNoPassList[$i]['spuStatusName'] = $spuStatusArr[$spuNoPassList[$i]['spuStatus']]['statusName']; } } if (!empty($_GET['page'])) { if (intval($_GET['page']) <= 1 || intval($_GET['page']) > ceil($total / $num)) { $n = 1; } else { $n = (intval($_GET['page']) - 1) * $num + 1; } } else { $n = 1; } if ($total > $num) { //输出分页显示 $show_page = $page->fpage(array(0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)); } else { $show_page = $page->fpage(array(0, 2, 3)); } $navlist = array(array('url' => 'index.php?mod=autoCreateSpu&act=getAutoCreatePrefixList', 'title' => 'SPU管理'), array('url' => 'index.php?mod=autoCreateSpu&act=getNoPassSpuList', 'title' => 'SPU审核不通过管理')); $this->smarty->assign('navlist', $navlist); $this->smarty->assign('onevar', 2); $this->smarty->assign('twovar', 25); $this->smarty->assign('show_page', $show_page); $this->smarty->assign('title', 'SPU审核不通过管理'); //取得搜索类别的记录 $pidArr = explode('-', $pid); $this->smarty->assign('pidArr', $pidArr); $this->smarty->assign('spuNoPassList', empty($spuNoPassList) ? null : $spuNoPassList); $this->smarty->display("spuNoPassList.htm"); }
public function view_applyTheLineEUBTrackNumber() { global $memc_obj; $OmEUBTrackNumberAct = new OmEUBTrackNumberAct(); if (isset($_GET) && !empty($_GET)) { $orderid = isset($_GET['orderid']) ? $_GET['orderid'] : ''; $ostatus = isset($_GET['ostatus']) ? $_GET['ostatus'] : ''; $otype = isset($_GET['otype']) ? $_GET['otype'] : ''; } $showerrorinfo = ''; //print_r($_POST); if (isset($_FILES) && !empty($_FILES)) { $info = $OmEUBTrackNumberAct->act_applyTheLineEUBTrackNumber(); if ($info) { $showerrorinfo = "<font color=\"green\">上传成功!<br></font><font color=\"red\">" . $OmEUBTrackNumberAct::$errMsg . "</font>"; } else { $showerrorinfo = "<font color=\"red\">上传成功!<br>" . $OmEUBTrackNumberAct::$errMsg . "</font>"; } } $this->smarty->assign('showerrorinfo', $showerrorinfo); $omAvailableAct = new OmAvailableAct(); //平台信息 $platform = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList('om_platform', 'id,platform', 'WHERE is_delete=0'); //var_dump($platform); $platformList = array(); foreach ($platform as $v) { $platformList[$v['id']] = $v['platform']; } $this->smarty->assign('platformList', $platformList); /**导航 start**/ $this->smarty->assign('ostatus', $ostatus); $this->smarty->assign('otype', $otype); //二级目录 $StatusMenuAct = new StatusMenuAct(); $ostatusList = $StatusMenuAct->act_getStatusMenuList('statusCode,statusName', 'WHERE groupId = 0 AND is_delete=0'); //var_dump($ostatusList); $this->smarty->assign('ostatusList', $ostatusList); $otypeList = $StatusMenuAct->act_getStatusMenuList('statusCode,statusName', 'WHERE groupId = "' . $ostatus . '" AND is_delete=0'); //var_dump($otypeList); $this->smarty->assign('otypeList', $otypeList); /*$o_secondlevel = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList('om_status_menu','*','WHERE is_delete=0 and groupId=0 order by sort asc'); $this->smarty->assign('o_secondlevel', $o_secondlevel);*/ $second_count = array(); $second_type = array(); foreach ($ostatusList as $o_secondinfo) { $orderStatus = $o_secondinfo['statusCode']; $accountacc = $_SESSION['accountacc']; $oc_where = " where orderStatus='{$orderStatus}' and storeId=1 and is_delete=0 "; if ($accountacc) { $oc_where .= ' AND (' . $accountacc . ') '; } $s_total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount("om_unshipped_order", $oc_where); $second_count[$o_secondinfo['statusCode']] = $s_total; $s_type = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList("om_status_menu", "*", "WHERE is_delete=0 and groupId='{$orderStatus}' order by sort asc"); $second_type[$o_secondinfo['statusCode']] = $s_type[0]['statusCode']; } //var_dump($second_count); $this->smarty->assign('second_count', $second_count); $this->smarty->assign('second_type', $second_type); //退款数量 $refund_total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount("om_order_refund", " where is_delete=0"); $this->smarty->assign('refund_total', $refund_total); //三级目录 $o_threelevel = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList("om_status_menu", "*", "WHERE is_delete=0 and groupId='{$ostatus}' order by sort asc"); $this->smarty->assign('o_threelevel', $o_threelevel); $three_count = array(); foreach ($o_threelevel as $o_threeinfo) { $orderType = $o_threeinfo['statusCode']; $s_total = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameCount("om_unshipped_order", " where orderStatus='{$ostatus}' and orderType='{$orderType}' and storeId=1 and is_delete=0"); $three_count[$o_threeinfo['statusCode']] = $s_total; } $this->smarty->assign('three_count', $three_count); $toptitle = '订单显示页面'; //头部title $this->smarty->assign('toptitle', $toptitle); $this->smarty->assign('toplevel', 0); $threelevel = '1'; //当前的三级菜单 $this->smarty->assign('threelevel', $threelevel); $statusMenu = $omAvailableAct->act_getTNameList('om_status_menu', ' * ', 'WHERE is_delete=0 '); $this->smarty->assign('statusMenu', $statusMenu); //var_dump($data); exit; $this->smarty->display('eubTheLineApply.htm'); }