public static function add_scene(Oedipus_Act $act, $name = NULL) { if ($name == NULL) { $name = Oedipus_DramaHelper::get_next_scene_name_for_act_id($act->get_id()); } // ADD scene TO DATABASE $dbh = DB::m(); $act_id = mysql_real_escape_string($act->get_id(), $dbh); $name = mysql_real_escape_string($name, $dbh); $sql = <<<SQL INSERT INTO \toedipus_scenes SET \tname = '{$name}', \tadded = NOW(), \tact_id = '{$act_id}' SQL; // print_r($sql);exit; $result = mysql_query($sql, $dbh); $scene_id = mysql_insert_id($dbh); $added = date(); $scene = new Oedipus_Scene($scene_id, $scene_name, $added, $act_id); // print_r($scene);exit; return $scene; }
protected function get_act_div(Oedipus_Act $act) { $act_div = new HTMLTags_Div(); $act_div->set_attribute_str('class', 'act'); /* * Show the Drama Toolbar with act * list and share links */ $act_div->append(new Oedipus_DramaToolBarUL($this->get_drama(), $act->get_id())); /* * Get the Scene ID */ if (isset($_GET['scene_id'])) { $scene_id = $_GET['scene_id']; } elseif (isset($_GET['frame_id'])) { $scene_id = Oedipus_DramaHelper::get_scene_id_for_frame_id($_GET['frame_id']); } else { $scene_id = Oedipus_DramaHelper::get_first_scene_id_for_act_id($act->get_id()); } /* *Show the Act Toolbar with scene list */ $act_div->append(new Oedipus_ActToolBarUL($act, $scene_id)); /* *Get the Scene Div */ $act_div->append($this->get_scene_div($act->get_scene($scene_id))); return $act_div; }
public function get_act_by_id($act_id) { $dbh = DB::m(); $query = <<<SQL SELECT \t* \tFROM \t\toedipus_acts \tWHERE \t\tid = {$act_id} SQL; // print_r($query);exit; $result = mysql_query($query, $dbh); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); // print_r($row);exit; $act = new Oedipus_Act($row['id'], $row['name'], $row['added'], $row['drama_id']); // Add the scenes to this Act // Get all scenes for this drama $scenes_query = <<<SQL SELECT \t* \tFROM \t\toedipus_scenes \tWHERE \t\tact_id = {$act_id} SQL; // print_r($scenes_query);exit; $scenes_result = mysql_query($scenes_query, $dbh); // Add the scenes to the drama object // if ($scenes_result) { while ($scene_result = mysql_fetch_array($scenes_result)) { $scene_id = $scene_result['id']; $scene = self::get_scene_by_id($scene_id); $act->add_scene($scene); } } return $act; }
public function add_act(Oedipus_Act $act) { // $this->acts[$act->get_name()] = $act; $this->acts[$act->get_id()] = $act; }