function defaultData()
     $oManager = new OX_Plugin_ComponentGroupManager();
     if (!array_key_exists('testPlugin', $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['pluginGroupComponents'])) {
     $oTestPluginTable = OA_Dal::factoryDO('testplugin_table');
     if (!$oTestPluginTable) {
         OA::debug('Failed to instantiate DataObject for testplugin_table');
         return false;
     $oTestPluginTable->myplugin_desc = 'Hello World';
     $aSettings[0]['data'] = $oTestPluginTable->insert();
     $aSettings[0]['section'] = 'myPlugin';
     $aSettings[0]['key'] = 'english';
     $oTestPluginTable->myplugin_desc = 'Hola Mundo';
     $aSettings[1]['data'] = $oTestPluginTable->insert();
     $aSettings[1]['section'] = 'myPlugin';
     $aSettings[1]['key'] = 'spanish';
     $oTestPluginTable->myplugin_desc = 'Look Simon, you\'re just making it up now';
     $aSettings[2]['data'] = $oTestPluginTable->insert();
     $aSettings[2]['section'] = 'myPlugin';
     $aSettings[2]['key'] = 'russian';
     return true;
Example #2
  * Returns the instance of menu. Subsequent calls return the same object.
  * @return OA_Admin_Menu
 function &singleton()
     $accountType = OA_Permission::getAccountType();
     if (isset($GLOBALS['_MAX']['MENU_OBJECT'][$accountType])) {
         $oMenu =& $GLOBALS['_MAX']['MENU_OBJECT'][$accountType];
     } elseif ($GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['debug']['production'] != 0 && ($oMenu = OA_Admin_Menu::_loadFromCache($accountType))) {
         $GLOBALS['_MAX']['MENU_OBJECT'][$accountType] =& $oMenu;
     } else {
         $oMenu = new OA_Admin_Menu();
         if (empty($oMenu->aAllSections)) {
             include_once MAX_PATH . '/lib/OA/Admin/Menu/config.php';
             $oMenu = _buildNavigation(OA_Permission::getAccountType());
         require_once LIB_PATH . '/Plugin/ComponentGroupManager.php';
         $oPluginManager = new OX_Plugin_ComponentGroupManager();
         $oPluginManager->mergeMenu($oMenu, $accountType);
         $GLOBALS['_MAX']['MENU_OBJECT'][$accountType] =& $oMenu;
     // Filter against user-account-preferences...
     return $oMenu;
 function execute($aParams = array())
     $oManager = new OX_Plugin_ComponentGroupManager();
     $oManager->_logMessage('testPluginPackage 0.0.2 : ' . get_class($this));
     return true;
Example #4
| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         |
| along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software               |
| Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA |
$Id: plugin-index.php 37157 2009-05-28 12:31:10Z andrew.hill $
// Require the initialisation file
require_once '../../init.php';
// Required files
require_once MAX_PATH . '/www/admin/config.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . '/Plugin/PluginManager.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . '/Plugin/ComponentGroupManager.php';
// Security check
$oPluginManager = new OX_PluginManager();
$oComponentGroupManager = new OX_Plugin_ComponentGroupManager();
$action = $_REQUEST['action'];
$plugin = $_REQUEST['package'];
$group = $_REQUEST['group'];
$parent = $_REQUEST['parent'];
if (array_key_exists('install', $_POST)) {
    if (array_key_exists('filename', $_FILES)) {
} else {
    if (array_key_exists('import', $_POST)) {
        if (array_key_exists('filename', $_FILES)) {
    } else {
  * use the parent method to parse the package xml
  * @param boolean $input_file
  * @param boolean $classname
  * @return boolean
 public function parseXML($input_file, $classname = 'OX_ParserPlugin')
     return parent::parseXML($input_file, $classname);
 function test_getComponentGroupSettingsArray()
     $oManager = new OX_Plugin_ComponentGroupManager();
     $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['test'] = array('foo' => 1, 'bar' => 0);
     $aComponentGroups = $oManager->getComponentGroupSettingsArray('test');
     $this->assertIsA($aComponentGroups, 'array');
     $this->assertEqual(count($aComponentGroups), 2);
     $this->assertEqual($aComponentGroups['foo'], 1);
     $this->assertEqual($aComponentGroups['bar'], 0);
     $aComponentGroups = $oManager->getComponentGroupSettingsArray('test');
     $this->assertIsA($aComponentGroups, 'array');
     $this->assertEqual(count($aComponentGroups), 0);
// Required files
require_once MAX_PATH . '/lib/OA/Admin/Option.php';
require_once MAX_PATH . '/lib/OA/Preferences.php';
require_once MAX_PATH . '/lib/max/Plugin/Translation.php';
require_once MAX_PATH . '/www/admin/config.php';
require_once LIB_PATH . '/Plugin/ComponentGroupManager.php';
// Security check
// Load the account's preferences, with additional information, into a specially named array
$GLOBALS['_MAX']['PREF_EXTRA'] = OA_Preferences::loadPreferences(true, true);
// Create a new option object for displaying the setting's page's HTML form
$oOptions = new OA_Admin_Option('preferences');
// Prepare an array for storing error messages
$aErrormessage = array();
$oComponentGroupManager = new OX_Plugin_ComponentGroupManager();
$aGroup = $oComponentGroupManager->_getComponentGroupConfiguration($group);
$enabled = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['pluginGroupComponents'][$group];
$disabled = !$enabled && OA_Permission::getAccountType() != OA_ACCOUNT_ADMIN;
// If the settings page is a submission, deal with the form data
if (isset($_POST['submitok']) && $_POST['submitok'] == 'true') {
    // Prepare an array of the HTML elements to process, and which
    // of the preferences are checkboxes
    $aElements = array();
    foreach ($aGroup['preferences'] as $k => $v) {
        $aElements[] = $group . '_' . $v['name'];
        // Register the HTML element value
        MAX_commonRegisterGlobalsArray(array($group . '_' . $v['name']));
    $aCheckboxes = array();
    // Validation
 function test_DependencyArray()
     $oPluginManager = new OX_Plugin_ComponentGroupManager();
     $oPluginManager->pathPackages = $this->testpathPackages;
     $aConf = array('testPlugin' => 1, 'testDepends' => 0);
     $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['pluginGroupComponents'] = $aConf;
     $oPluginManager->_registerPluginVersion('testPlugin', '0.0.1');
     $oPluginManager->_registerPluginVersion('testDepends', '0.0.1-test');
     $aDepends = $oPluginManager->_buildDependencyArray();
     $this->assertIsA($aDepends, 'array');
     $this->assertEqual(count($aDepends), 2);
     $this->assertEqual($aDepends['testPlugin']['isDependedOnBy'][0], 'testDepends');
     $this->assertEqual($aDepends['testDepends']['dependsOn']['testPlugin'], '0.0.1');
     $aDepends = $oPluginManager->_loadDependencyArray();
     $this->assertIsA($aDepends, 'array');
     $this->assertEqual(count($aDepends), 2);
     $this->assertEqual($aDepends['testPlugin']['isDependedOnBy'][0], 'testDepends');
     $this->assertEqual($aDepends['testDepends']['dependsOn']['testPlugin'], '0.0.1');
     $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['pluginGroupComponents'] = array();
     $aDepends = $oPluginManager->_buildDependencyArray();
     $this->assertIsA($aDepends, 'array');
     $this->assertEqual(count($aDepends), 0);
     $aDepends = $oPluginManager->_loadDependencyArray();
     $this->assertIsA($aDepends, 'array');
     $this->assertEqual(count($aDepends), 0);
// Create a new option object for displaying the setting's page's HTML form
$oOptions = new OA_Admin_Option('preferences');
// Prepare an array for storing error messages
$aErrormessage = array();
$pattern = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\._-]/';
$plugin = preg_replace($pattern, '', $_REQUEST['parent']);
$group = preg_replace($pattern, '', $_REQUEST['group']);
$parent = preg_replace($pattern, '', $_REQUEST['parent']);
if ($plugin) {
    $backURL = "plugin-index.php?action=info&package={$plugin}";
} else {
    $backURL = "plugin-index.php?selection=plugins";
// get the settings for this plugin
$oManager = new OX_Plugin_ComponentGroupManager();
$aConfig = $oManager->_getComponentGroupConfiguration($group);
// If the settings page is a submission, deal with the form data
if (isset($_POST['submitok']) && $_POST['submitok'] == 'true') {
    // Prepare an array of the HTML elements to process, and the
    // location to save the values in the settings configuration
    // file
    $aElements = array();
    foreach ($aConfig['preferences'] as $k => $v) {
        $aElements[] = $group . '_' . $v['key'];
        // Register the HTML element value
        MAX_commonRegisterGlobalsArray(array($group . '_' . $v['key']));
    $aCheckboxes = array();
    $valid = true;
    $validationFile = MAX_PATH . $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['pluginPaths']['packages'] . $group . '/processPreferences.php';
  * caches hooks for enabled plugins only
  * indexed by group name
  * @return boolean
 function cachePreferenceOptions()
     $oComponentGroupManager = new OX_Plugin_ComponentGroupManager();
     $aComponentGroups = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['pluginGroupComponents'] ? $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['pluginGroupComponents'] : array();
     $aOptions = array();
     foreach ($aComponentGroups as $name => $enabled) {
         if ($enabled || OA_Permission::getAccountType() == OA_ACCOUNT_ADMIN) {
             $aConfig[$name] = $oComponentGroupManager->_getComponentGroupConfiguration($name);
             if (count($aConfig[$name]['preferences'])) {
                 $aOptions[$name] = array('name' => $name, 'text' => $aConfig[$name]['option'] ? $aConfig[$name]['option'] : $name, 'value' => 'account-preferences-plugin.php?group=' . $name, 'perm' => array(OA_ACCOUNT_ADMIN, OA_ACCOUNT_MANAGER, OA_ACCOUNT_ADVERTISER, OA_ACCOUNT_TRAFFICKER));
     $oCache = $oComponentGroupManager->_getOA_Cache('Plugins', 'PrefOptions');
     return $oCache->save($aOptions);
// Security check
// Create a new option object for displaying the setting's page's HTML form
$oOptions = new OA_Admin_Option('settings');
// Prepare an array for storing error messages
$aErrormessage = array();
$pattern = '/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\._-]/';
$group = preg_replace($pattern, '', $_REQUEST['group']);
$plugin = preg_replace($pattern, '', $_REQUEST['plugin']);
if ($plugin) {
    $backURL = "plugin-index.php?action=info&package={$plugin}";
} else {
    $backURL = "plugin-index.php?selection=plugins";
// get the settings for this plugin
$oManager = new OX_Plugin_ComponentGroupManager();
$aComponentSettings = $oManager->getComponentGroupSettings($group, true);
// If the settings page is a submission, deal with the form data
if (isset($_POST['submitok']) && $_POST['submitok'] == 'true') {
    // Prepare an array of the HTML elements to process, and the
    // location to save the values in the settings configuration
    // file
    $aElements = array();
    foreach ($aComponentSettings as $k => $v) {
        if (0 == strcmp($v['type'], 'checkbox')) {
            $aItemSettings = array($group => $v['key'], 'bool' => 'true');
        } else {
            $aItemSettings = array($group => $v['key']);
        $aElements += array($group . '_' . $v['key'] => $aItemSettings);
        // Register the HTML element value