<?php require 'database/model.php'; $obj = ORM::getInstance(); $order_id = $_POST['order_id']; //first delete from table orders $obj->setTable('orders'); $no_row_afected = $obj->delete(array('id' => $order_id)); if ($no_row_afected > 0) { $obj->setTable('order_product'); $no_product_afected = $obj->delete(array('order_id' => $order_id)); } echo $no_row_afected; echo $no_product_afected;
<!-- HTML5 Shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries --> <!-- WARNING: Respond.js doesn't work if you view the page via file:// --> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="https://oss.maxcdn.com/libs/html5shiv/3.7.0/html5shiv.js"></script> <script src="https://oss.maxcdn.com/libs/respond.js/1.3.0/respond.min.js"></script> <![endif]--> </head> <?php session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['userName'])) { header("Location: ../layout/collapsed-sidebar.php"); } require '../../ormProject.php'; require '../../validation.php'; $connection = ORM::getInstance(); $connection->setTable('user'); if ($_POST) { $validation = new Validation(); $rules = array('Email' => 'email|required', 'Password' => 'required'); if ($validation->validate($_POST, $rules) == true) { $Email = $_POST['Email']; $Password = $_POST['Password']; $data = array('password' => md5($Password), 'email' => $Email); $result = $connection->selectRow("*", $data); if ($result) { // session_start(); $_SESSION['userId'] = $result['userId']; $_SESSION['userName'] = $result['userName']; $id = $result['userId']; $_SESSION['admin'] = $result['admin'];
<?php require 'database/model.php'; //get or=der_id from the request $order_id = $_POST['order_id']; //echo $order_id; /** * select query from table order_product to get all products */ $obj_order = ORM::getInstance(); $obj_order->setTable('order_product'); $result = $obj_order->select(array('order_id' => $order_id)); $info = ""; //get all information in string to gend back to javascript //getting the relation between order and product from table order_product //then get from this relation the product_id to get information about each prosuct in the order while ($order = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $obj_product = ORM::getInstance(); $obj_product->setTable('products'); $result_pro = $obj_product->select(array('id' => $order['product_id'])); $result_product = $result_pro->fetch_assoc(); $info .= $result_product['name'] . ";" . $result_product['pic'] . ";" . $order['amount'] . ";" . $order['total_price'] . ","; } echo $info;
</div> <div class="row panel-body"> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="panel panel-heading"> <h2> User: </h2> </div> <select class=" form-control" id="user_name"> <?php /** * get all users name */ $obj_users = ORM::getInstance(); $obj_users->setTable('users'); $all_users = $obj_users->select(array('is_admin' => 0)); if ($all_users->num_rows > 0) { while ($user = $all_users->fetch_assoc()) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $user['name']; ?> "> <?php echo $user['name']; ?> <?php } } else {
<?php include_once "ORM.php"; $db = ORM::getInstance(); $db->setTable('Book'); // if ($_POST['flag'] == '1') { $upfile = "./images/bookimages/" . $_FILES['bookPicture']['name']; $image_name = $_FILES['bookPicture']['name']; $image_path = "./images/bookimages/" . $image_name; $image_error = ""; if ($_FILES['bookPicture']['type'] != 'image/png') { $image_error = '* image is not png'; } if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['bookPicture']['tmp_name'])) { if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['bookPicture']['tmp_name'], $upfile)) { $image_error = '* Could not move image to destination directory'; } } // $mysqli = $db->insert(array('bookName' => $_POST['bookName'], 'bookAuther' => $_POST['bookAuther'], 'bookDescription' => $_POST['bookDescription'], 'bookBody' => $_POST['bookBody'], 'bookPicture' => $image_name, 'categoryId' => $_POST['category'])); header("Location: ./index.php"); } elseif ($_POST['flag'] == '2') { //$imgname=$db->select('categoryPicture',array('product_id'=>$_POST['id'])); $mysqli = $db->delete(array('id' => $_POST['id'])); // unlink('images/categoryimages/'.trim($imgname)); echo '{"id":"add"}'; } elseif ($_POST['flag'] == '3') { $mysqli = $db->select('*', array('id' => $_POST['id'])); echo json_encode(mysqli_fetch_assoc($mysqli)); } else {
<?php require 'database/model.php'; /** * update the statues of order acording to it`s id */ $order_id = $_POST['order_id']; $status = $_POST['status']; $obj_order = ORM::getInstance(); $obj_order->setTable('orders'); $result = $obj_order->update(array('id' => $order_id), array('status' => $status)); echo $result;
$status = "processing"; /** * insert order into database */ $obj_order = ORM::getInstance(); $obj_order->setTable('orders'); $result = $obj_order->insert(array("user_id" => $user_id, "status" => $status, "order_price" => $order_price, "room_id" => $order_room)); /** * select the last order to get order_id */ $obj_order_id = ORM::getInstance(); $obj_order_id->setTable('orders'); $last_order = $obj_order_id->select_last_row(array("user_id" => $user_id)); $order_id = $last_order['id']; /** * insert into table order_product all products of the order */ $notes = $_POST['notes']; $products_array = $_POST['array']; //getting all products separated by comma $products = explode(",", $products_array); //getting information obout each product and insert it into order_product table for ($i = 0; $i < count($products) - 1; $i++) { $product = explode(":", $products[$i]); $obj_order_product = ORM::getInstance(); $obj_order_product->setTable('order_product'); $product_id = $product[0]; $product_amount = $product[1]; $product_price = $product[2]; $obj_order_product->insert(array("order_id" => $order_id, "product_id" => $product_id, "amount" => $product_amount, "total_price" => $product_price, "notes" => $notes)); }
"> <?php ?> <div class="row"> <?php echo "Amount: " . $current_product['amount']; ?> </div> <div class="row"> <?php echo " totalPrice: " . $current_product['total_price']; ?> </div> <?php //get the name of product and all it`s info $obj_product_info = ORM::getInstance(); $obj_product_info->setTable('products'); $product_info_array = $obj_product_info->select(array('id' => $current_product['product_id'])); $product_info = $product_info_array->fetch_assoc(); ?> <div class="row"> <?php echo " Name: " . $product_info['name']; ?> </div> <div class="row"> <img src="<?php echo "images/products/" . $product_info['pic']; ?> " class="img-responsive img-circle" width="120px" height="120px"> </div>
$obj_order_product->setTable('order_product'); $product_id = $product[0]; $product_amount = $product[1]; $product_price = $product[2]; $obj_order_product->insert(array("order_id" => $order_id, "product_id" => $product_id, "amount" => $product_amount, "total_price" => $product_price, "notes" => $notes)); } /** * select all user information */ $obj_user = ORM::getInstance(); $obj_user->setTable('users'); $user_info = $obj_user->select(array("id" => $user_id)); $user = $user_info->fetch_assoc(); /** * select all order_products info */ $order_product = ORM::getInstance(); $order_product->setTable('order_product'); $order_info = $order_product->select(array("order_id" => $order_id)); $products_count = $order_info->num_rows; $string_info = $last_order['id'] . ";" . $last_order['datetime'] . ";" . $user['name'] . ";" . $user['ext'] . ";" . $last_order['room_id'] . ";"; //$i=0; while ($order = $order_info->fetch_assoc()) { $order_product_info_obj = ORM::getInstance(); $order_product_info_obj->setTable('products'); $order_product_info = $order_product_info_obj->select(array("id" => $order['product_id'])); $product = $order_product_info->fetch_assoc(); $string_info .= $product['name'] . "/" . $product['pic'] . "/" . $order['amount'] . "/" . $order['total_price'] . "%"; } $string_info .= ";" . $last_order['order_price']; echo $string_info;