public static function getTosRequired(&$ref, &$OPCloader) { include JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'config' . DS . 'onepage.cfg.php'; require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'mini.php'; $userFieldsModel = OPCmini::getModel('Userfields'); // new VirtueMartModelUserfields(); if ($userFieldsModel->getIfRequired('agreed')) { if (!class_exists('VmHtml')) { require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'html.php'; } $tos_required = true; } else { $tos_required = false; } $l = OPCloader::logged($ref->cart); if (!empty($l)) { // logged if (!empty($tos_logged)) { return true; } if (!isset($tos_logged)) { return $tos_required; } else { return !empty($tos_logged); } } else { if (!empty($tos_unlogged)) { return true; } if (!isset($tos_unlogged)) { return $tos_required; } return !empty($tos_unlogged); } return $tos_required; }
public static function removeShopperGroups($arr) { return; if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelShopperGroup')) { if (file_exists(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'shoppergroup.php')) { require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'shoppergroup.php'; } else { return 1; } } if (!method_exists('VirtueMartModelShopperGroup', 'appendShopperGroups')) { return 1; } require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'mini.php'; $shoppergroupmodel = OPCmini::getModel('ShopperGroup'); //new VirtueMartModelShopperGroup(); $session = JFactory::getSession(); $shoppergroup_ids = $session->get('vm_shoppergroups_add', array(), 'vm'); /* foreach ($arr as $id) { if (in_array($id, $shoppergroup_ids)) { } } */ }
public static function getCustomFields($virtuemart_product_id, $cart_key = '', $quantity = 1) { $html = ''; require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'mini.php'; $product_model = OPCmini::getModel('product'); $product = $product_model->getProduct($virtuemart_product_id, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, $quantity, true); $customfieldModel = OPCmini::getModel('Customfields'); if (!method_exists($customfieldModel, 'getproductCustomslist')) { return $html; } $product->customfields = $customfieldModel->getproductCustomslist($virtuemart_product_id); if (empty($product->customfields) and !empty($product->product_parent_id)) { //$product->customfields = $this->productCustomsfieldsClone($product->product_parent_id,true) ; $product->customfields = $customfieldModel->getproductCustomslist($product->product_parent_id, $virtuemart_product_id); $product->customfields_fromParent = TRUE; } $customfieldModel->getProductCustomsField($product); $product->customfields = $customfieldModel->getProductCustomsFieldCart($product); foreach ($product->customfields as $k => $custom) { if (!empty($custom->layout_pos)) { $product->customfieldsSorted[$custom->layout_pos][] = $custom; unset($product->customfields[$k]); } } $product->customfieldsSorted['normal'] = $product->customfields; unset($product->customfields); JHTMLOPC::script('opcattributes.js', 'components/com_onepage/assets/js/'); $html .= ' <form method="post" class="opccartproduct opc-recalculate" action="' . JRoute::_('index.php') . '"> <input name="quantity[0]" class=".quantity-input" type="hidden" value="' . $quantity . '"> <input name="virtuemart_product_id[0]" class="opc_product" type="hidden" value="' . $virtuemart_product_id . '"> <input name="cart_key" value="' . $cart_key . '" type="hidden" /> <input name="cart_virtuemart_product_id" value="' . $cart_key . '" type="hidden" /> <div class="product-fields">'; $custom_title = null; foreach ($product->customfieldsSorted as $positions => $val) { foreach ($val as $field) { if ($field->is_hidden) { //OSP continue; } if ($field->display) { $html .= '<div class="product-field product-field-type-' . $field->field_type . '">'; if ($field->custom_title != $custom_title && $field->show_title) { $html .= '<span class="product-fields-title" >' . JText::_($field->custom_title) . '</span>'; if ($field->custom_tip) { $html .= JHTML::tooltip($field->custom_tip, JText::_($field->custom_title), 'tooltip.png'); } } $display = $field->display; $selected = self::getSelected($cart_key, $field->virtuemart_custom_id); $display = str_replace(JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_PRICE_FREE'), '', $display); $display = str_replace('value="' . $selected . '"', ' checked="checked" selected="selected" value="' . $selected . '" ', $display); $html .= '<div class="product-field-display" style="clear:both;">' . $display . '</div> <span class="product-field-desc">' . jText::_($field->custom_field_desc) . '</span> </div>'; $custom_title = $field->custom_title; } } } $html .= '</div></form>'; return $html; }
public static function getSTHtml(&$cart) { $html = ''; $stId = JRequest::getVar('ship_to_info_id', 0); $stId = (int) $stId; if (!empty($stId)) { $user_id = JFactory::getUser()->get('id'); if (!empty($user_id)) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $q = 'select * from #__virtuemart_userinfos where virtuemart_userinfo_id = ' . $db->escape($stId) . ' limit 0,1'; $db->setQuery($q); $adr1 = $db->loadObject(); if (!empty($adr1)) { if ($adr1->virtuemart_user_id == $user_id) { /* $new_adr1 = new stdClass(); foreach ($adr1 as $key=>$val) { $new_adr1->$key = $val; } */ require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'mini.php'; $umodel = OPCmini::getModel('user'); //new VirtuemartModelUser(); $virtuemart_userinfo_id = 0; $currentUser = JFactory::getUser(); $uid = $currentUser->get('id'); $userDetails = $umodel->getUser(); $virtuemart_userinfo_id = $umodel->getBTuserinfo_id(); $userFields = $umodel->getUserInfoInUserFields('default', 'BT', $virtuemart_userinfo_id); $userFields = $umodel->getUserInfoInUserFields('default', 'ST', $stId); /* */ if (method_exists($cart, 'prepareAddressDataInCart')) { $cart->prepareAddressDataInCart('ST', 1); } if (method_exists($cart, 'prepareAddressFieldsInCart')) { $cart->prepareAddressFieldsInCart(); } if (isset($cart->STaddress['fields'])) { $BTaddress = $cart->STaddress['fields']; } else { $BTaddress = $cart->BTaddress['fields']; } $new_address_link = '#" onclick="return Onepage.op_showEditST();'; require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'loader.php'; $OPCloader = new OPCloader(); $BTaddressNamed = $OPCloader->setCountryAndState($BTaddress); $html = self::renderNamed($BTaddressNamed, $adr1, $cart, $OPCloader, $virtuemart_userinfo_id, true); } } } } return $html; }
function getPaymentMethods(&$order) { if (!class_exists('VmConfig')) { require JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_virtuemart' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'config.php'; VmConfig::loadConfig(); } require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'mini.php'; $sm = OPCmini::getModel('paymentmethod'); $shipments = $sm->getPayments(); return $shipments; }
function getCurrencies() { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $q = 'select vendor_currency, vendor_accepted_currencies from #__virtuemart_vendors where 1'; $db->setQuery($q); $res = $db->loadAssocList(); echo $db->getErrorMsg(); $arr = array(); require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'mini.php'; $cm = OPCmini::getModel('currency'); if (!empty($res)) { foreach ($res as $row) { $a = explode(',', $row['vendor_accepted_currencies']); $vc = $row['vendor_currency']; if (!isset($arr[$vc])) { $arr[$vc] = $cm->getCurrency($vc); } foreach ($a as $c) { $arr[$c] = $cm->getCurrency($c); } } } return $arr; }
/** * This function just gets the post data and put the data if there is any to the cart * * @author Max Milbers * * this is from user model */ function saveToCart($data, $cart = null) { require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'mini.php'; $userFieldsModel = OPCmini::getModel('userfields'); $prepareUserFields = $userFieldsModel->getUserFieldsFor('cart', $data['address_type']); if (!empty($prepareUserFields)) { foreach ($prepareUserFields as $fld) { $name = $fld->name; if ($data['address_type'] == 'BT') { if (isset($cart) && !empty($cart->BT[$name])) { $data[$name] = $cart->BT[$name]; } } if ($data['address_type'] == 'ST') { if (isset($cart) && !empty($cart->ST[$name])) { $data[$name] = $cart->ST[$name]; } } // we need to add empty values for checkboxes and radios if ($data['address_type'] == 'ST') { if (!isset($data['shipto_' . $name])) { $data['shipto_' . $name] = ''; } } if (isset($cart) && empty($cart->BT[$name])) { if ($data['address_type'] == 'BT') { if (!isset($data[$name])) { $data[$name] = ''; } } } } } if (!class_exists('VirtueMartCart')) { require JPATH_VM_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'cart.php'; } if (!isset($cart)) { $cart = VirtueMartCart::getCart(); } if (method_exists($cart, 'prepareCartData')) { $cart->prepareCartData(false); } $type = $data['address_type']; $oldcart = clone $cart; if ($type === 'BT') { $prefix = ''; } else { $prefix = 'shipto_'; } if (defined('VM_VERSION') && VM_VERSION >= 3) { $cart->saveAddressInCart($data, $type, true, $prefix); } else { $cart->saveAddressInCart($data, $type); } //$cart->saveAddressInCart($data, $type ); if (isset($oldcart->{$type})) { foreach ($oldcart->{$type} as $key => $val) { if (empty($cart->{$type}[$key])) { $cart->{$type}[$key] = $val; } } } $sa = JRequest::getVar('sa', ''); if ($sa == 'adresaina') { /* stAn -> this works as well - will update ST for VM3 $ndata = $data; foreach ($data as $key=>$val) { if (substr($key, 0, 7)==='shipto_') { $nk = substr($key, 7); //echo 'subst: '.$nk." ".$val."<br />\n"; $ndata[$nk] = $val; } } */ if (defined('VM_VERSION') && VM_VERSION >= 3) { $cart->saveAddressInCart($data, 'ST', true, 'shipto_'); } else { $cart->saveAddressInCart($data, 'ST'); } if (isset($oldcart->ST)) { foreach ($oldcart->ST as $key => $val) { if (empty($cart->ST[$key])) { $cart->ST[$key] = $val; } } } } else { $cart->STsameAsBT = 1; } $cart->setCartIntoSession(); }
public static function addtocartaslink(&$ref) { $c = get_class($ref->cart); if ($c != 'VirtuemartCart') { $ref->cart = VirtuemartCart::getCart(); } include JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'config' . DS . 'onepage.cfg.php'; $rememberhtml = ''; $rp = JRequest::getVar('randomproduct', 0); if (!empty($rp)) { if (OPCloader::checkOPCSecret()) { $opc_link_type = 1; $q = 'select virtuemart_product_id from #__virtuemart_products where published=1 limit 1'; $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery($q); $temp_id = $db->loadResult(); JRequest::setVar('add_id', $temp_id); } } if (empty($opc_link_type)) { return; } $p_id = JRequest::getVar('add_id', ''); if (empty($p_id)) { return; } if (!isset($ref->cart->order_number)) { $ref->cart->order_number = ''; } if (!empty($p_id)) { $qq = array(); if (is_array($p_id)) { foreach ($p_id as $i => $item) { if (!is_numeric($p_id[$i])) { break; } $q = JRequest::getVar('qadd_' . $p_id[$i], 1); if (!is_numeric($q)) { break; } $rememberhtml .= '<input type="hidden" name="qadd_' . $p_id[$i] . '" value="' . $q . '" />'; $rememberhtml .= '<input type="hidden" name="add_id[' . $i . ']" value="' . $p_id[$i] . '" />'; $q = (double) $q; $qq[$p_id[$i]] = $q; } } else { // you can use /index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.cart&add_id=10&quadd=1; // to add two products (ids: 10 and 11) of two quantity each (quadd_11=2 for product id 11 set quantity 2) // OR /index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.cart&add_id[]=10&quadd_10=2&add_id[]=11&qadd_11=2 $q = JRequest::getVar('qadd_' . $p_id, 1); $rememberhtml .= '<input type="hidden" name="qadd_' . $p_id . '" value="' . $q . '" />'; $rememberhtml .= '<input type="hidden" name="add_id" value="' . $p_id . '" />'; $q = (double) $q; $q2 = JRequest::getVar('qadd', 1); //$rememberhtml .= '<input type="hidden" name="qadd" value="'.$q2.'" />'; if (!is_numeric($p_id)) { return; } $qq[$p_id] = $q; $a = array(); $a[$p_id] = $p_id; $p_id = $a; } } else { return; } $post = JRequest::get('default'); /* if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelProduct')) require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'product.php'); */ require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'mini.php'; $productClass = OPCmini::getModel('product'); //new VirtueMartModelProduct(); //$virtuemart_product_ids = JRequest::getVar('virtuemart_product_id', array(), 'default', 'array'); //is sanitized then $newp = array(); $rr2 = array(); foreach ($p_id as $pid) { $newp[$pid] = $pid; $product = $productClass->getProductSingle($pid, true, true, true); $rr = OPCAddToCartAsLink::getProductCustomsFieldCart($product); $rr2[] = $rr; } if ($opc_link_type == 2 || $opc_link_type == 1) { if (!empty($ref->cart->products)) { $p = $ref->cart->products; foreach ($p as $key => $pr) { $id = $pr->virtuemart_product_id; // delete cart content if ($opc_link_type == 1) { if (isset($ref->cart->products[$key])) { $ref->cart->removeProductCart($key); } else { if (isset($ref->cart->product[$id])) { $ref->cart->removeProductCart($id); } } continue; } // do not increment quantity: if ($opc_link_type == 2) { if (in_array($id, $newp)) { return; } } } } } $virtuemart_product_ids = JRequest::setVar('virtuemart_product_id', $newp); //is sanitized then $virtuemart_product_ids = JRequest::setVar('quantity', $qq); //is sanitized then if (!empty($rr2)) { foreach ($rr2 as $rr1) { foreach ($rr1 as $post) { $x = JRequest::getVar($post['name']); if (empty($x)) { $test = array(); if (strpos($post['name'], ']') !== false) { $post['name'] = parse_str($post['name'] . '=' . $post['value'], $test); $firstkey = 0; if (!empty($test)) { foreach ($test as $key => $val) { $firstkey = $key; break; } } $name = $firstkey; $value = $test[$name]; JRequest::setVar($name, $value); } else { JRequest::setVar($post['name'], $post['value']); } } } } } if (!empty($opc_auto_coupon)) { $ref->cart->couponCode = $opc_auto_coupon; } $ref->cart->add(); JRequest::setVar('virtuemart_product_id', ''); JRequest::setVar('add_id', ''); JRequest::setVar('opc_adc', 1); //$quantityPost = (int) $post['quantity'][$p_key]; return $rememberhtml; }
public static function updateHtml($html, &$order, $afterrender = false) { require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'config.php'; $ty_page = OPCconfig::getValue('ty_page', 'ty_page', 0, array()); if (empty($ty_page)) { return; } if (empty($order)) { return; } if (is_array($order)) { if (isset($order['details'])) { $order = $order['details']['BT']; } } //we must reload order here in case any plugin had changed it in meantime: $id = $order->virtuemart_order_id; if (!empty($id)) { require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'mini.php'; $orderModel = OPCmini::getModel('orders'); $order_full = $orderModel->getOrder($id); if (empty($order_full)) { return; } $order = $order_full['details']['BT']; } $status = $order->order_status; if (!is_object($order)) { return; } $payment_id = $order->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id; if (empty($order->order_language)) { $jlang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $cl = $jlang->getTag(); $cl = strtolower(str_replace('-', '_', $cl)); } else { $cl = $order->order_language; } // check conditions: $orightml = $html; $todo = array(); foreach ($ty_page as $k => $ty) { if (!is_object($ty)) { continue; } if ($ty->payment_id != $payment_id) { continue; } if (!empty($ty->language)) { if ($ty->language != $cl) { continue; } } if ($ty->order_status != $status) { continue; } $todo[] = $ty; } if (empty($todo)) { return; } /* COM_ONEPAGE_TY_MODE_0="Prepend to payment generated html" COM_ONEPAGE_TY_MODE_1="Append to payment generated html" COM_ONEPAGE_TY_MODE_2="Replace payment generated html" */ require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'loader.php'; require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'opctracking.php'; $repvals = array(); $order_object = new stdClass(); OPCtrackingHelper::getOrderVars($id, $repvals, $order_object, false); foreach ($todo as $ty2) { $htmla = OPCloader::getArticle($ty2->article_id, $repvals); if (empty($ty2->mode)) { $html = $htmla . '<br />' . $html; } else { if ($ty2->mode == 1) { $html = $html . '<br />' . $htmla; } else { if ($ty->mode == 2) { $html = $htmla; } } } } if (defined('TYMODDONE')) { return $html; } else { define('TYMODDONE', true); } if ($orightml != $html) { if (!$afterrender) { JRequest::setVar('html', $html); } else { $buffer = JResponse::getBody(); $buffer = str_replace($orightml, $html, $buffer); JResponse::setBody($buffer); } } return $html; }
private static function getItems($langs, $shoppergroups) { require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'mini.php'; require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'image.php'; require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'com_virtuemart_helper.php'; $from = JRequest::getInt('from', 0); $to = JRequest::getInt('to', (int) OPCXmlExport::$config->product_count); $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $lang = 'en_gb'; //$q = 'select * from #__virtuemart_products as p inner join #__virtuemart_products_'.$lang.' as l on p.virtuemart_product_id = l.virtuemart_product_id and p.published = 1'; $iter = 400; $rounds = 0; $rounds++; $q = 'select virtuemart_product_id from #__virtuemart_products as p'; // order by virtuemart_product_id asc '; if (!((empty($from) || $from == 1) && $to == OPCXmlExport::$config->product_count)) { $q .= ' limit ' . $from . ', ' . $to; } //$ito =$is+$iter; //$q .= ' limit '.$is.', '.$ito; //echo $q.'<br />'; /* SELECT * FROM `rg6ma_virtuemart_product_prices` WHERE `virtuemart_product_id` = "68" AND ( `virtuemart_shoppergroup_id` ="1" OR `virtuemart_shoppergroup_id` IS NULL OR `virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`="0") AND ( (`product_price_publish_up` IS NULL OR `product_price_publish_up` = "0000-00-00 00:00:00" OR `product_price_publish_up` <= "2014-03-24 15:09:57" ) AND (`product_price_publish_down` IS NULL OR `product_price_publish_down` = "0000-00-00 00:00:00" OR product_price_publish_down >= "2014-03-24 15:09:57" ) ) AND( (`price_quantity_start` IS NULL OR `price_quantity_start`="0" OR `price_quantity_start` <= 1) AND (`price_quantity_end` IS NULL OR `price_quantity_end`="0" OR `price_quantity_end` >= 1) ) */ $db->setQuery($q); //echo '3:'.round(memory_get_usage(FALSE)/1024/1024).'Mb<br />'; //$products = $db->loadObjectList(); //$products = $db->loadResultArray(); $products = $db->loadAssocList(); //echo '4:'.round(memory_get_usage(FALSE)/1024/1024).'Mb<br />'; if (empty($products)) { return true; } foreach ($products as $n => $row) { $product_id = $row['virtuemart_product_id']; //$product_id = $row->virtuemart_product_id; //echo '3:'.round(memory_get_usage(FALSE)/1024/1024).'Mb<br />'; $productModel = OPCmini::getModel('product'); $product = self::getProduct($productModel, $shoppergroups, $langs, $product_id, true, true, false); //echo '4:'.round(memory_get_usage(FALSE)/1024).'Kb<br />'; if (empty($product)) { echo 'x '; continue; } $vm1 = array(); OPCXmlExport::addItem($product, $vm1); } if ($to >= OPCXmlExport::$config->product_count) { return true; } return false; }
public static function hasMissingFields(&$BTaddress) { $ignore = array('delimiter', 'captcha', 'hidden'); $types = array(); foreach ($BTaddress as $key => $val) { //if (in_array($val['name'], $corefields)) continue; if (in_array($val['type'], $ignore)) { continue; } if (empty($val['value'])) { if (!empty($val['required'])) { if ($key == 'virtuemart_state_id') { $c = $BTaddress['virtuemart_country_id']['value']; $stateModel = OPCmini::getModel('state'); //new VirtueMartModelState(); $states = $stateModel->getStates($c, true, true); if (!empty($states)) { return true; } continue; } return true; } } //$types[] = $val['type']; } return false; }
public static function getStateList(&$ref) { /* if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelState')) require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'models'.DS.'state.php'); if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelCountry')) require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'models'.DS.'country.php'); */ $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $q = 'select count(*) as count from #__virtuemart_states where 1'; $db->setQuery($q); $count = $db->loadResult(); $js_filename = 'opc_states_' . VMLANG . '_' . $count . '.js'; $js_file = JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'config' . DS . 'dynamic_scripts' . DS . $js_filename; $js_path = 'components/com_onepage/config/dynamic_scripts/'; $js = ' var OPCStates = { ' . "\n"; require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'mini.php'; $countryModel = OPCmini::getModel('country'); //new VirtueMartModelCountry(); $list = $countryModel->getCountries(true, true, false); $countries = array(); $states = array(); $stateModel = OPCmini::getModel('state'); //new VirtueMartModelState(); // if state is set in BT, let's make it default if (!empty($ref->cart->BT) && !empty($ref->cart->BT['virtuemart_state_id'])) { $cs = $ref->cart->BT['virtuemart_state_id']; } else { $cs = ''; } //$html = '<div style="display: none;">'; $counts = count($list); $ci = 0; foreach ($list as $c) { if (empty($c->published)) { continue; } $ci++; $states[$c->virtuemart_country_id] = $stateModel->getStates($c->virtuemart_country_id, true, true); unset($state); //$html .= '<input type="hidden" name="opc_state_list" id="state_for_'.$c->virtuemart_country_id.'" value="" />'; if (!empty($states[$c->virtuemart_country_id])) { $js .= ' state_for_' . $c->virtuemart_country_id . ': { ' . "\n"; //$html .= '<select id="state_for_'.$c->virtuemart_country_id.'">'; //$html .= '<option value="">'.OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_LIST_EMPTY_OPTION').'</option>'; $counts2 = count($states[$c->virtuemart_country_id]); $ci2 = 0; foreach ($states[$c->virtuemart_country_id] as $state) { if (empty($state->published)) { continue; } $ci2++; //$js .= ' state_for_'.$c->virtuemart_country_id.'['.$state->virtuemart_state_id.']: "'.str_replace('"', '\"', $state->state_name).'",'."\n"; $js .= $state->virtuemart_state_id . ': "' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $state->state_name) . '"'; if ($ci2 != $counts2) { $js .= ', '; } $js .= "\n"; //$html .= '<option '; //if ($state->virtuemart_state_id == $cs) $html .= ' selected="selected" '; //$html .= ' value="'.$state->virtuemart_state_id.'">'.$state->state_name.'</option>'; } $js .= ' }'; if ($ci != $counts) { $js .= ', '; } $js .= "\n"; //$html .= '</select>'; } // debug } $js .= ' }; '; $html = '<div style="display: none;">'; $html .= '<select id="no_states" name="no_states">'; $html .= '<option value="">' . OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_LIST_EMPTY_OPTION') . '</option>'; $html .= '</select>'; $html .= '</div>'; //$html .= '</div>'; //alert(OPCStates.state_for_10[373]); if (!empty($ref->cart->BT) && !empty($ref->cart->BT['virtuemart_state_id'])) { $cs = $ref->cart->BT['virtuemart_state_id']; } else { $cs = ''; } if (!empty($ref->cart->ST) && !empty($ref->cart->ST['virtuemart_state_id'])) { $css = $ref->cart->ST['virtuemart_state_id']; } else { $css = ''; } $html .= '<script type="text/javascript"> var selected_bt_state = \'' . $cs . '\'; var selected_st_state = \'' . $css . '\'; </script>'; //$html = '<script>'.$js.'</script>'; jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); if (JFile::write($js_file, $js) !== false) { JHTMLOPC::script($js_filename, $js_path); } else { $html .= ' <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ ' . $js . ' //]]> </script> '; } return $html; return ''; }
function getPaymentArrayHtml($cart2, $payment_array, &$shipping_array) { include JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'config' . DS . 'onepage.cfg.php'; if (is_null(OPCloader::$inform_html)) { OPCloader::$inform_html = array(); } $preselected = JRequest::getVar('virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id', JRequest::getVar('shipping_rate_id', '')); $default = array(); $session = JFactory::getSession(); $session->set('fedex_rates', null, 'vm'); // if ($op_show_others) $vendor_freeshipping = 0; // $extHelper = new opExtension(); // $extHelper->runExt('setFreeShipping', '', '', $vars['country'], $vendor_freeshipping); // coupon will get counted again $cart = VirtueMartCart::getCart(); $add = array(); if (!empty($payment_array)) { foreach ($payment_array as &$pay) { if (isset($pay->payment_element)) { if (!empty($pay->split_plugin_path)) { include $pay->split_plugin_path; } } //if (!empty($params)) break; } } if (!empty($add)) { //array_merge($payment_array, $add); foreach ($add as $v) { $payment_array[] = $v; } } $payment_array['zero_payment'] = '<input type="hidden" value="0" name="virtuemart_paymentmethod_id" />'; // again and again we have to do overrides because VM team decides about private functions and properties $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $prices = array(); // renew parameters //For the selection of the shipment method we need the total amount to pay. require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'mini.php'; $shipmentModel = OPCmini::getModel('Shipmentmethod'); //new VirtueMartModelShipmentmethod(); // the configuration is reloaded only when this function is called interanally // getPluginMethods which is called by FEdisplay method $html = ''; self::$totals_html = ''; if (!empty($cart->couponCode)) { self::$totals_html = '<input type="hidden" id="opc_coupon_code_returned" name="opc_coupon_code_returned" value="' . OPCloader::slash($cart->couponCode) . '" />'; } else { self::$totals_html = '<input type="hidden" id="opc_coupon_code_returned" name="opc_coupon_code_returned" value="" />'; } //$opc_calc_cache = true; if (file_exists(JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'overrides' . DS . 'calculationh.php')) { if (!empty($opc_calc_cache)) { require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'overrides' . DS . 'calculationh.php'; if (!class_exists('calculationHelperOPC')) { require JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'overrides' . DS . 'calculationh_override.php'; } } } // from vm 2.0.22 $calc = calculationHelper::getInstance(); if (!empty($opc_calc_cache)) { if (class_exists('calculationHelperOPC')) { $calc = calculationHelperOPC::getInstanceOPC(); } } /* $class = new ReflectionClass('calculationHelper'); $method = $class->getMethod('setShopperGroupIds'); $method->setAccessible(true); $method->invokeArgs($calc, array('6')); */ if (method_exists($calc, 'setCartPrices')) { $vm2015 = true; } else { $vm2015 = false; } /* foreach ($cart->products as &$p) $calc-> */ $mainframe = Jfactory::getApplication(); $virtuemart_currency_id = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest("virtuemart_currency_id", 'virtuemart_currency_id', JRequest::getInt('virtuemart_currency_id')); //$calc->setVendorCurrency($virtuemart_currency_id); if (!empty($virtuemart_currency_id)) { $currencyDisplay = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance($virtuemart_currency_id); } else { $currencyDisplay = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance($cart->paymentCurrency); $virtuemart_currency_id = $cart->paymentCurrency; } $unset_zero = true; if (empty($shipping_array)) { $shipping_array = array(); $cart->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = 0; $unset_zero = false; } $shipping_array['zero_shipment'] = '<input type="hidden" name="virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id" checked="checked" id="shipment_id_0" value="0" />'; $shipping_array['choose_shipping'] = '<input type="radio" value="0" id="shipment_id_0" />'; $payment_a = new stdClass(); $payment_a->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = 0; $payment_array[] = $payment_a; if (!class_exists('CurrencyDisplay')) { require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'currencydisplay.php'; } $currencyDisplay = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance($cart->pricesCurrency); //do_dump($shipping_array); die(); //virtuemart_currency_id foreach ($shipping_array as &$shipping_method) { foreach ($payment_array as &$payment) { if (strpos($shipping_method, 'invalid_country') !== false) { $cart->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = 0; } if (strpos($shipping_method, 'virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id') === false) { $cart->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = 0; } $multishipmentid = array(); if (!empty($shipping_method)) { //check opc multi methods: //multielementgetphp $multishipmentid = OPCTransform::getFT($shipping_method, 'input', 'virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id', 'type', 'radio', '>', 'id'); //example of a multi method with select drop down: /* foreach ($pobocky_options as $ppp) { $pobocky .= '<option '; if ($sind == $ppp->id) $pobocky .= ' selected="selected" '; $pobocky .= ' ismulti="true" multi_id="shipment_id_'.$method->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id.'_'.$ppp->id.'" value="'.$ppp->id.'">'.$ppp->nazev.'</option>'; } */ $real_id = false; $multishipmentid_test = OPCTransform::getFT($shipping_method, 'option', 'ismulti', 'ismulti', 'true', '>', 'multi_id'); if (!empty($multishipmentid_test)) { if (!empty($multishipmentid)) { $real_id = $multishipmentid[0]; } $multishipmentid = $multishipmentid_test; } if (empty($multishipmentid)) { $multishipmentid = OPCTransform::getFT($shipping_method, 'input', 'cpsol_radio', 'type', 'radio', '>', 'id'); } //$idth = 'shipment_id_'.$shipmentid; // $idth = $shipmentid; } else { $idth = 'shipment_id_0'; } if (empty($multishipmentid)) { $idth = 'shipment_id_0'; $multishipmentid[0] = $idth; } foreach ($multishipmentid as $shipmentid) { $idth = $shipmentid; $ida = OPCTransform::getFT($shipping_method, 'input', 'virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id', 'type', 'hidden', '>', 'value'); if (empty($ida)) { $ida = OPCTransform::getFT($shipping_method, 'input', $shipmentid, 'type', 'radio', '>', 'value'); } if (!empty($ida[0])) { $id = $ida[0]; } else { $id = 0; } if (!isset($payment->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id)) { $payment_id = 0; } else { $payment_id = (int) $payment->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id; } $_REQUEST['virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id'] = $id; $cart->automaticSelectedShipment = true; $cart->automaticSelectedPayment = true; $cart->automaticSelectedShipment = true; $cart->automaticSelectedPayment = true; $cart->setPaymentMethod($payment_id); if (method_exists($cart, 'setShipment')) { $cart->setShipment($id); } $cart->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = $id; $cart->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = $payment_id; $payment_id_override = 0; // if (isset($payment->payment_element)) { if (!empty($payment->preparecalculation_path)) { include $payment->preparecalculation_path; } } $htmlsaved = $html; $html = ''; require JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'third_party' . DS . 'third_party_shipping.php'; $md5 = md5($html); OPCloader::$inform_html[$md5] = $html; //self::$totals_html .= $html; $html = $htmlsaved; //$cart = VirtueMartCart::getCart(); //$returnValues = $dispatcher->trigger('calculateSalesPrice',array( &$cart, &$id, &$cart->priceUnformatted )); $cart->setCartIntoSession(); /* if (!class_exists('VirtueMartControllerCartOpc')) require_once(JPATH_SITE.DS.'components'.DS.'com_onepage'.DS.'overrides'.DS.'cartcontroller.php'); $cartcontroller = new VirtueMartControllerCartOpc(); */ // will trigger plugin code for the selected shipment JRequest::setVar('virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id', $id); //OLD: $cartcontroller->setshipment($cart, $id, false, false); $savedp = $cart->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id; $seveds = $cart->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id; if (!empty($id)) { ob_start(); $_dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $_retValues = $_dispatcher->trigger('plgVmOnSelectCheckShipment', array(&$cart)); $x = ob_get_clean(); } $cart->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = $savedp; $cart->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = $seveds; $op_disable_shipping = OPCloader::getShippingEnabled($cart); if (empty($op_disable_shipping)) { if (!$vm2015) { $prices = $calc->calculateShipmentPrice($cart, $id, true); } } else { $cart->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = 0; //if (!$vm2015) //$calc->calculateShipmentPrice($cart, $id, false); //$calc->_cartPrices } if (!$vm2015) { $calc->calculatePaymentPrice($cart, $payment_id, true); } else { //$calc->_cartData = null; //$ref->cart->cartData = null; $calc->setCartPrices(array()); } $prices = array(); $this->getCachedShipping($cart, $prices, $idth, $calc); $cart->pricesUnformatted = $prices; if (empty($subtotal_price_display)) { $subtotal_price_display = 'salesPrice'; } if ($subtotal_price_display != 'diffTotals') { $order_subtotal = $prices[$subtotal_price_display]; /* if (empty($order_subtotal)) { $order_subtotal = $prices['salesPrice']; } */ } if (empty($order_subtotal)) { $order_subtotal = $prices['salesPrice']; $subtotal_price_display = 'salesPrice'; } if ($subtotal_price_display == 'diffTotals') { // difference of billTotal and billTaxAmount $order_subtotal = $prices['billTotal'] - $prices['billTaxAmount']; } $order_subtotal = $currencyDisplay->convertCurrencyTo($virtuemart_currency_id, $order_subtotal, false); $order_total = $prices['billTotal']; $order_total = $currencyDisplay->convertCurrencyTo($virtuemart_currency_id, $order_total, false); $order_tax = 0; if ($coupon_price_display == 'salesWithoutTax') { if (isset($prices['couponTax'])) { $cT = $prices['couponTax']; } else { $cT = 0; } if (isset($prices['salesPriceCoupon'])) { $cS = $prices['salesPriceCoupon']; } else { $cS = 0; } $prices['salesWithoutTax'] = $cS - $cT; } if (empty($coupon_price_display)) { $coupon_price_display = 'discountAmount'; } if (!empty($prices[$coupon_price_display])) { $coupon_discount = $prices[$coupon_price_display]; } else { $coupon_discount = 0; } $coupon_discount = $currencyDisplay->convertCurrencyTo($virtuemart_currency_id, $coupon_discount, false); if (!empty($payment_discount_before)) { $coupon_discount2 = 0; if (empty($other_discount_display)) { $other_discount_display = 'billDiscountAmount'; } switch ($other_discount_display) { case 'billDiscountAmount': $coupon_discount2 = $coupon_discount2 = $prices['billDiscountAmount']; break; case 'discountAmount': $coupon_discount2 = $prices['billDiscountAmount']; break; case 'minus': $billD = abs($prices['billDiscountAmount']); foreach ($prices as $key => $val) { if (!empty($cart->products[$key])) { if (is_array($val)) { $billD -= abs($val['subtotal_discount']); } } } $billD = abs($billD) * -1; $prices_new['billTotal'] = $billD; $coupon_discount2 = $billD; break; case 'sum': $billD = 0; foreach ($prices as $key => $val) { if (!empty($cart->products[$key])) { if (is_array($val)) { $billD += $val['subtotal_discount']; } } } $billD = abs($billD) * -1; $prices_new['billTotal'] = $billD; $coupon_discount2 = $billD; break; } if (!empty($coupon_discount2)) { $coupon_discount2 = $currencyDisplay->convertCurrencyTo($virtuemart_currency_id, $coupon_discount2, false); } /* if (!empty($prices['billDiscountAmount'])) { $coupon_discount2 = $prices['billDiscountAmount']; $coupon_discount2 = $currencyDisplay->convertCurrencyTo( $virtuemart_currency_id, $coupon_discount2,false); } else if (!empty($prices['discountAmount'])) { $coupon_discount2 = $prices['discountAmount']; $coupon_discount2 = $currencyDisplay->convertCurrencyTo( $virtuemart_currency_id, $coupon_discount2,false); } else $coupon_discount2 = 0; */ } else { $coupon_discount2 = 0; } if (!empty($payment_discount_before)) { if (empty($coupon_discount2)) { if (!empty($prices['couponValue'])) { // $coupon_discount2 = $prices['couponValue']; } } } if ($product_price_display == 'basePriceWithTax' || $product_price_display == 'salesPrice') { $shippingpayment_price_display = 'salesPrice'; } else { $shippingpayment_price_display = 'basePrice'; } if (empty($prices['basePriceWithTax'])) { $shippingpayment_price_display = 'basePrice'; } $subtotal_price_display = $product_price_display; if (!isset($prices[$shippingpayment_price_display . 'Shipment'])) { if ($shippingpayment_price_display != 'salesPrice') { $order_shipping = $prices['shipmentValue']; } else { $order_shipping = $prices['salesPriceShipment']; } } else { $order_shipping = $prices[$shippingpayment_price_display . 'Shipment']; } $order_shipping = $currencyDisplay->convertCurrencyTo($virtuemart_currency_id, $order_shipping, false); if ($shippingpayment_price_display != 'salesPrice') { $ps = $prices['salesPriceShipment']; $ps = $currencyDisplay->convertCurrencyTo($virtuemart_currency_id, $ps, false); $ps = $currencyDisplay->priceDisplay($ps); $os = $currencyDisplay->priceDisplay($order_shipping); $shipping_method = str_replace($ps, $os, $shipping_method); } $order_shipping = (double) $order_shipping; if (empty($order_shipping)) { } // lets select a default shipping method: // first shipping found: // none to be selected by default if nothing is already selected: if (empty($preselected) && (!empty($opc_default_shipping) && $opc_default_shipping == 3)) { $default['id'] = 0; $default['shipmentid'] = 'choose_shipping'; $default['price'] = 0; } else { if (!empty($id)) { if (empty($default)) { $default['id'] = $id; $default['shipmentid'] = $shipmentid; $default['price'] = $order_shipping; } else { // preselected found (from $_REQUEST) if ($preselected == $id) { // if we found the preselected, let's leave it there $default['p'] = true; $default['id'] = $id; if (!empty($real_id)) { $default['shipmentid'] = $real_id; } else { $default['shipmentid'] = $shipmentid; } $default['price'] = $order_shipping; } // check if we already selected: if (empty($default['p'])) { if (!empty($op_default_shipping_search)) { foreach ($op_default_shipping_search as $s) { if ($shipmentid == $s) { $default['id'] = $id; $default['shipmentid'] = $shipmentid; $default['price'] = $order_shipping; $default['p'] = true; break; } } } if (empty($default['p'])) { if (empty($opc_default_shipping) || $opc_default_shipping === 1) { if ($default['price'] > $order_shipping || empty($default['price']) && !empty($order_shipping)) { if ($op_default_shipping_zero && empty($order_shipping)) { $default['id'] = $id; $default['shipmentid'] = $shipmentid; $default['price'] = $order_shipping; } else { if (!$op_default_shipping_zero && !empty($order_shipping)) { $default['id'] = $id; $default['shipmentid'] = $shipmentid; $default['price'] = $order_shipping; } } } } else { if (!empty($opc_default_shipping) && $opc_default_shipping === 2) { // select the most expensive here: if ($default['price'] < $order_shipping || empty($default['price']) && !empty($order_shipping)) { if (!$op_default_shipping_zero && !empty($order_shipping)) { $default['id'] = $id; $default['shipmentid'] = $shipmentid; $default['price'] = $order_shipping; } } } } } } } } } if ($shippingpayment_price_display == 'basePrice') { $paymentPriceType = 'paymentValue'; } else { $paymentPriceType = 'salesPricePayment'; } if (isset($prices[$shippingpayment_price_display . 'Payment'])) { $payment_discount = -1 * $prices[$shippingpayment_price_display . 'Payment']; } else { if (!empty($prices[$paymentPriceType])) { $payment_discount = -1 * $prices[$paymentPriceType]; } else { $payment_discount = -1 * $prices['salesPricePayment']; } } $payment_discount = $currencyDisplay->convertCurrencyTo($virtuemart_currency_id, $payment_discount, false); $tax_id = 0; $taxname = array(); $taxrate = array(); $taxamount = array(); if (!empty($cart->cartData['DBTaxRulesBill'])) { foreach ($cart->cartData['DBTaxRulesBill'] as $rule) { $tax_id = $rule['virtuemart_calc_id']; $taxname[$tax_id] = $rule['calc_name']; $taxrate[$tax_id] = $rule['calc_value']; $tax = $prices[$tax_id . 'Diff']; if (empty($tax)) { $tax = $cart->pricesUnformatted[$tax_id . 'Diff']; } if (!empty($tax)) { $taxamount[$tax_id] = $tax; } } } if (!empty($cart->cartData['taxRulesBill'])) { foreach ($cart->cartData['taxRulesBill'] as $x) { $tax_id = $x['virtuemart_calc_id']; $taxname[$tax_id] = $x['calc_name']; $taxrate[$tax_id] = $x['calc_value']; if (isset($prices[$tax_id . 'Diff'])) { $tax = $prices[$tax_id . 'Diff']; } else { $tax = 0; } if (empty($tax) && isset($cart->pricesUnformatted[$tax_id . 'Diff'])) { $tax = $cart->pricesUnformatted[$tax_id . 'Diff']; } // convert the tax if (!empty($tax)) { $tax = $currencyDisplay->convertCurrencyTo($virtuemart_currency_id, $tax, false); $taxamount[$tax_id] = $tax; } } } // this tax is already included in the subtotal if (!empty($prices)) { foreach ($prices as $k => $x2) { if (isset($x2['Tax']) && is_array($x2['Tax'])) { foreach ($x2['Tax'] as $ind => $r) { $tax_id = $ind; $taxname[$tax_id] = $r[0]; $taxrate[$tax_id] = $r[1]; if (isset($prices[$tax_id . 'Diff'])) { $tax = $prices[$tax_id . 'Diff']; } if (empty($tax)) { if (isset($cart->pricesUnformatted[$tax_id . 'Diff'])) { $tax = $cart->pricesUnformatted[$tax_id . 'Diff']; } } if (!empty($tax)) { $taxamount[$tax_id] = $tax; } } } } } //stAn, 2.0.226: //dynamic lines start if (!empty($opc_dynamic_lines)) { $types = array('DATax', 'VatTax', 'Tax', 'DBTax'); $results = array(); $resultsNames = array(); foreach ($prices as $key => $val) { if (is_array($prices[$key])) { if (!empty($prices[$key]['subtotal_tax_amount'])) { foreach ($types as $ttype) { if (!empty($prices[$key][$ttype])) { foreach ($prices[$key][$ttype] as $id => $calcOp) { if (empty($calcOp)) { continue; } $tax = array(); $tax['calc_name'] = $calcOp[0]; $tax['calc_value'] = $calcOp[1]; $tax['calc_value_mathop'] = $calcOp[2]; $tax['calc_shopper_published'] = $calcOp[3]; $tax['calc_currency'] = $calcOp[4]; $tax['calc_params'] = $calcOp[5]; $tax['virtuemart_vendor_id'] = $calcOp[6]; $tax['virtuemart_calc_id'] = $calcOp[7]; $res = $calc->interpreteMathOp($tax, $prices[$key]['subtotal']); if (!isset($results[$id])) { $results[$id] = 0; } $results[$id] += $res - $prices[$key]['subtotal']; $resultsNames[$id] = JText::_($tax['calc_name']); } } } } } } $billRuls = array(); if (!empty($cart->OPCCartData['DBTaxRulesBill'])) { foreach ($cart->OPCCartData['DBTaxRulesBill'] as $rule) { if (empty($rule)) { continue; } $results[$rule['virtuemart_calc_id']] = $prices[$rule['virtuemart_calc_id'] . 'Diff']; $restulsNamed[$rule['virtuemart_calc_id']] = $rule['calc_name']; $billRuls[$rule['virtuemart_calc_id']] = $rule['virtuemart_calc_id']; } } if (!empty($cart->OPCCartData['taxRulesBill'])) { foreach ($cart->OPCCartData['taxRulesBill'] as $rule) { if (empty($rule)) { continue; } $results[$rule['virtuemart_calc_id']] = $prices[$rule['virtuemart_calc_id'] . 'Diff']; $restulsNamed[$rule['virtuemart_calc_id']] = $rule['calc_name']; $billRuls[$rule['virtuemart_calc_id']] = $rule['virtuemart_calc_id']; } } if (!empty($cart->OPCCartData['DATaxRulesBill'])) { foreach ($cart->OPCCartData['DATaxRulesBill'] as $rule) { if (empty($rule)) { continue; } $results[$rule['virtuemart_calc_id']] = $prices[$rule['virtuemart_calc_id'] . 'Diff']; $restulsNamed[$rule['virtuemart_calc_id']] = $rule['calc_name']; $billRuls[$rule['virtuemart_calc_id']] = $rule['virtuemart_calc_id']; } } //DATaxRulesBill end //shipping fee if (!empty($results)) { reset($results); $first_key = key($results); if (empty($prices['shipment_calc_id'])) { if (!empty($prices['shipmentTax'])) { $results[$first_key] += $prices['shipmentTax']; } } else { if (!is_array($prices['shipment_calc_id'])) { if (!empty($prices['shipmentTax'])) { if (!isset($results[$prices['shipment_calc_id']])) { $results[$prices['shipment_calc_id']] = 0; } $results[(int) $prices['shipment_calc_id']] += $prices['shipmentTax']; } } else { foreach ($prices['shipment_calc_id'] as $calc_id) { if (!isset($results[$calc_id])) { $results[$calc_id] = 0; } $results[$calc_id] += $prices['shipmentTax']; // maybe we should add it just once !!! } } } if (empty($prices['payment_calc_id'])) { if (!empty($prices['paymentTax'])) { $results[$first_key] += $prices['paymentTax']; } } else { if (!is_array($prices['payment_calc_id'])) { if (!empty($prices['paymentTax'])) { if (!isset($results[$prices['payment_calc_id']])) { $results[$prices['payment_calc_id']] = 0; } $results[$prices['payment_calc_id']] += $prices['paymentTax']; } } else { foreach ($prices['payment_calc_id'] as $calc_id) { if (!isset($results[$calc_id])) { $results[$calc_id] = 0; } $results[$calc_id] += $prices['paymentTax']; // maybe we should add it just once !!! } } } } $dynamic = array(); foreach ($results as $key => $val) { //this is for the bill taxes: if (isset($prices[$key . 'Diff'])) { if ($prices[$key . 'Diff'] > $val) { $val = $key . 'Diff'; } } $dynamic[$key]['value'] = $currencyDisplay->convertCurrencyTo($virtuemart_currency_id, $val, false); if (!isset($resultsNames[$key])) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $q = 'select calc_name from #__virtuemart_calcs where virtuemart_calc_id = ' . (int) $key . ' limit 0,1'; $db->setQuery($q); $resultsNames[$key] = $name = $db->loadResult(); } $dynamic[$key]['name'] = $resultsNames[$key]; } //stAn, 2.0.226 end if (!empty($prices)) { foreach ($prices as $k => $x2) { if (strpos($k, 'Diff') !== false) { $k2 = str_replace('Diff', '', $k); if (!empty($results) && !array_key_exists($k2, $results)) { if (is_numeric($k2)) { $k2 = (int) $k2; $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $q = 'select calc_name from #__virtuemart_calcs where virtuemart_calc_id = ' . $k2 . ' limit 0,1'; $db->setQuery($q); $name = $db->loadResult(); // to support multilang $name = JText::_($name); $dynamic[$k2]['name'] = $name; $val = 0; if (isset($cart->OPCCartData['VatTax'])) { if (isset($cart->OPCCartData['VatTax'][$k2])) { if (isset($cart->OPCCartData['VatTax'][$k2]['taxAmount'])) { $val = $cart->OPCCartData['VatTax'][$k2]['taxAmount']; if (isset($prices['shipmentTax'])) { $val += $prices['shipmentTax']; } if (isset($prices['paymentTax'])) { $val += $prices['paymentTax']; } } } } if ($val == 0) { $val = $x2; } $dynamic[$k2]['value'] = $currencyDisplay->convertCurrencyTo($virtuemart_currency_id, $val, false); } } } } } } //dynamic lines end // add shipment tax to it's plugins subtotal if (!empty($prices['shipmentTax'])) { if (isset($prices['shipment_calc_id'])) { if (!is_array($prices['shipment_calc_id'])) { if (!isset($taxamount[$prices['shipment_calc_id']])) { $taxamount[$prices['shipment_calc_id']] = 0; } $taxamount[$prices['shipment_calc_id']] += $prices['shipmentTax']; } else { foreach ($prices['shipment_calc_id'] as $calc_id) { if (!isset($taxamount[$calc_id])) { $taxamount[$calc_id] = 0; } $taxamount[$calc_id] += $prices['shipmentTax']; // maybe we should add it just once !!! // break; } } } } if (!isset($tax)) { $tax = 0; } if (!empty($prices['paymentTax'])) { if (isset($prices['payment_calc_id'])) { if (!is_array($prices['payment_calc_id'])) { if (!isset($taxamount[$prices['payment_calc_id']])) { $taxamount[$prices['payment_calc_id']] = 0; } $taxamount[$prices['payment_calc_id']] += $prices['paymentTax']; } else { foreach ($prices['payment_calc_id'] as $calc_id) { if (!isset($taxamount[$calc_id])) { $taxamount[$calc_id] = 0; } $taxamount[$calc_id] += $prices['paymentTax']; } } } else { if (isset($prices['payment_tax_id'])) { if (!isset($taxamount[$prices['payment_tax_id']])) { $taxamount[$prices['payment_tax_id']] = 0; } $taxamount[$prices['payment_tax_id']] += $prices['paymentTax']; } } } $order_tax = $prices['billTaxAmount']; $order_tax = $currencyDisplay->convertCurrencyTo($virtuemart_currency_id, $order_tax, false); // ok, here we should reprocess the coupon if (!empty($payment_id_override)) { $o = '<input type="hidden" id="payment_id_override_' . $payment_id . '" value="1"/>'; if (!defined('payment_id_override_' . $payment_id)) { self::$totals_html .= $o; define('payment_id_override_' . $payment_id, 1); } $payment_id = $payment_id_override; } self::$totals_html .= '<input type="hidden" id="' . $idth . '_' . $payment_id . '_subtotal" value="' . $order_subtotal . '"/>'; $sum = (double) 0; // this shows if (count($taxname) >= 1 && empty($show_single_tax)) { //if (!defined('.$idth.'_'.$payment_id.'_tax $taxhtml = ''; foreach ($taxname as $id => $name) { $rate = (double) $taxrate[$id] / 100; if (empty($taxamount[$id])) { continue; } $tax = $taxamount[$id]; if (!is_numeric($tax)) { // we have a possible cross compatiblity error here $tax = 0; } $sum += $tax; self::$totals_html .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $idth . '_' . $payment_id . '_tax" value="' . $rate . '|' . $tax . '"/>'; self::$totals_html .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $idth . '_' . $payment_id . '_taxname" value="' . OPCloader::slash($name) . '"/>'; } } self::$totals_html .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $idth . '_' . $payment_id . '_tax_all" id="' . $idth . '_' . $payment_id . '_tax_all" value="|' . $order_tax . '"/>'; if (!empty($dynamic)) { foreach ($dynamic as $key => $val) { if (!empty($dynamic[$key]['value'])) { self::$totals_html .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $idth . '_' . $payment_id . '_dynamic" rel="' . $key . '" id="' . $idth . '_' . $payment_id . '_dynamicvalue_' . $key . '" stringname="' . OPCloader::slash($dynamic[$key]['name']) . '" value="' . $dynamic[$key]['value'] . '"/>'; } } } if (!empty($payment_discount)) { self::$totals_html .= '<input type="hidden" id="' . $idth . '_' . $payment_id . '_payment_discount" value="' . $payment_discount . '"/>'; } else { self::$totals_html .= '<input type="hidden" id="' . $idth . '_' . $payment_id . '_payment_discount" value="0.00"/>'; } if (!empty($coupon_discount)) { self::$totals_html .= '<input type="hidden" id="' . $idth . '_' . $payment_id . '_coupon_discount" value="' . $coupon_discount . '"/>'; } else { self::$totals_html .= '<input type="hidden" id="' . $idth . '_' . $payment_id . '_coupon_discount" value="0.00"/>'; } if (!empty($coupon_discount2)) { self::$totals_html .= '<input type="hidden" id="' . $idth . '_' . $payment_id . '_coupon_discount2" value="' . $coupon_discount2 . '"/>'; } else { self::$totals_html .= '<input type="hidden" id="' . $idth . '_' . $payment_id . '_coupon_discount2" value="0.00"/>'; } if (!empty($order_shipping)) { self::$totals_html .= '<input type="hidden" id="' . $idth . '_' . $payment_id . '_order_shipping" value="' . $order_shipping . '"/>'; } else { self::$totals_html .= '<input type="hidden" id="' . $idth . '_' . $payment_id . '_order_shipping" value="0.00"/>'; } if (!empty($order_shipping_tax)) { self::$totals_html .= '<input type="hidden" id="' . $idth . '_' . $payment_id . '_order_shipping_tax" value="' . $order_shipping_tax . '"/>'; } else { self::$totals_html .= '<input type="hidden" id="' . $idth . '_' . $payment_id . '_order_shipping_tax" value="0.00"/>'; } if (!empty($order_total)) { self::$totals_html .= '<input type="hidden" id="' . $idth . '_' . $payment_id . '_order_total" value="' . $order_total . '"/>'; } else { self::$totals_html .= '<input type="hidden" id="' . $idth . '_' . $payment_id . '_order_total" value="0.00"/>'; } } } } unset($ke); unset($html2); if (!empty($unset_zero)) { unset($shipping_array['zero_shipment']); } unset($payment_array['zero_payment']); if (!empty($shipping_array)) { unset($shipping_array['choose_shipping']); } $wrapper = '<!--shipping_goes_here-->'; $num = 1; if (!empty($shipping_array)) { if (!empty($shipping_inside)) { $num = 0; $ret = OPCTransform::shippingToSelect($shipping_array, $num, $cart); if (!empty($num)) { $html .= $ret; } } } if (!empty($shipping_array)) { if (empty($shipping_inside) || empty($num)) { $htmla = array(); foreach ($shipping_array as $ke => &$html2) { if (strpos($html2, 'virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id') !== false) { $tmp = $tmp2 = $shipping_array[$ke]; //substr($shipping_array[$ke], $x1, $x2); if (!empty($default)) { $shipmentid = (string) $default['shipmentid']; } else { $shipmentid = ''; } if (strpos($tmp, '"' . $shipmentid . '"') !== false) { $tmp = str_replace('checked="checked"', '', $tmp); $tmp = str_replace('checked', '', $tmp); //virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id $tmp = str_replace('name="virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id"', ' autocomplete="off" name="virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id"', $tmp); if (!empty($default)) { $tmp = $this->str_replace_once('"' . $shipmentid . '"', '"' . $shipmentid . '" checked="checked" ', $tmp); } } $tmp = str_replace('name="virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id"', 'name="virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id" onclick="javascript:Onepage.changeTextOnePage3(op_textinclship, op_currency, op_ordertotal);" ', $tmp); //if (strpos($tmp, 'shipment_id_'.$id.'"')!== false) $tmp.' ok sel '; $shipping_array[$ke] = $tmp; //str_replace($shipping_array[$ke], $tmp, $shipping_array[$ke]); $x1 = strpos($shipping_array[$ke], '<input'); $x1a = basketHelper::strposall($shipping_array[$ke], '<input'); if (!empty($x1a)) { foreach ($x1a as $x1) { $x2 = strpos($shipping_array[$ke], '>', $x1 + 1); if ($x2 !== false) { if (substr($shipping_array[$ke], $x2 - 1, 1) != '/') { // fixed a bug in 2.0.87 !! otherwise the shipping method might be rendered incorrectly $a1 = substr($shipping_array[$ke], 0, $x2); $a2 = substr($shipping_array[$ke], $x2); $shipping_array[$ke] = $a1 . '/' . $a2; } } } } } //$html .= $shipping_array[$ke].'<br />'; //echo 'sa:'.$shipping_array[$ke].'endsa'; if (strpos($shipping_array[$ke], '<!--shipping_goes_here-->') === false) { $htmla[] = $shipping_array[$ke] . '<br />'; } else { $wrapper = $shipping_array[$ke] . '<br />'; } } $vars = array('shipping' => $htmla, 'cart' => $cart); if (!class_exists('OPCrenderer')) { require JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'renderer.php'; } $renderer = OPCrenderer::getInstance(); $htmlr = $renderer->fetch($renderer, 'list_shipping_methods.tpl', $vars); if (empty($htmlr)) { $html .= implode('', $htmla); } else { $html .= $htmlr; } // create html: } } $html = str_replace('<!--shipping_goes_here-->', $html, $wrapper); if (strpos($html, 'checked') === false) { $html = $this->str_replace_once('"virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id"', '"virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id" checked="checked"', $html); } include JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'third_party' . DS . 'third_party_clear_shipping.php'; // clear the settings: $cart->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = 0; $cart->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = 0; $cart->automaticSelectedShipment = false; $cart->automaticSelectedPayment = false; $cart->setCartIntoSession(); if (method_exists($calc, 'setCartPrices')) { $calc->setCartPrices(array()); } return $html; }
public function __construct($orderID, $params2, $status, $params, $file = '') { $this->errorMsg = ''; if (empty(OPCtrackingHelper::$config[$status])) { $this->errorMsg .= 'Config not found for status: ' . $status . "<br />\n"; $this->error = true; return; } $this->params = new stdClass(); if (!empty($params)) { $this->params = $params; } //$this->pingUrl = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_onepage&task=ping&nosef=1&format=raw&tmpl=component', false); $this->pingUrl = OPCtrackingHelper::getUrl() . 'index.php?option=com_onepage&task=ping&nosef=1&format=raw&tmpl=component'; if (method_exists('JApplication', 'getHash')) { $hashn = JApplication::getHash('opctracking'); } else { $hashn = JUtility::getHash('opctracking'); } $opchash = JRequest::getVar($hashn, false, 'COOKIE'); $this->cookieHash = $opchash; $this->pingData = 'hash=' . $this->escapeSingle(str_replace('&', '&', $opchash)); require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'mini.php'; $orderModel = OPCmini::getModel('orders'); $this->order = $orderModel->getOrder($orderID); if (empty($this->order)) { $this->errorMsg .= 'Order not found: ' . var_export($config, true) . "<br />\n"; $this->error = true; return; } if (empty($this->order['items']) || !is_array($this->order['items'])) { $this->errorMsg .= 'Order items not found: ' . var_export($config, true) . "<br />\n"; $this->error = true; return; } require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'config.php'; $negative_statuses = OPCconfig::getValue('tracking_negative', 'negative_statuses', 0, array()); if (!empty($negative_statuses)) { $copy_negative_statuses = array(); foreach ($negative_statuses as $key => $ng) { $copy_negative_statuses[$key] = $ng; } $negative_statuses = $copy_negative_statuses; if (is_array($negative_statuses)) { if (isset($this->order['details']['BT'])) { if (in_array($this->order['details']['BT']->order_status, $negative_statuses)) { OPCtrackingHelper::getNegativeOrder($this->order); } } } } if (empty($this->order['details'])) { $this->errorMsg .= 'Order details not found: ' . var_export($config, true) . "<br />\n"; $this->error = true; return; } // check if the tracking was enabled before or after the order was created if (is_array($this->order)) { if (!empty($this->order['details']['BT'])) { $c = $this->order['details']['BT']->created_on; $sql = $c; $date = new JDate($sql); $time = $date->toUnix(); if (!empty(OPCtrackingHelper::$config)) { if (!empty(OPCtrackingHelper::$config[$status])) { // opc update, old codee: $key = 'since' . $file; if (!empty(OPCtrackingHelper::$config[$status]->{$key})) { $since = OPCtrackingHelper::$config[$status]->{$key}; if ($since > $time) { $this->errorMsg .= 'OPC tracking was created AFTER the order was created: ' . var_export(OPCtrackingHelper::$config, true) . 'order created on ' . $c . date(DATE_RFC2822, $time) . ' tracking created on ' . $since . date(DATE_RFC2822, $since) . " <br />\n"; $this->error = true; return; } } $key = $file . '_since'; if (!empty(OPCtrackingHelper::$config[$status]->{$key})) { $since = OPCtrackingHelper::$config[$status]->{$key}; if ($since > $time) { $this->errorMsg .= 'OPC tracking system plugin was set up AFTER the order was created: ' . var_export(OPCtrackingHelper::$config, true) . 'order created on ' . $c . ' ' . date(DATE_RFC2822, $time) . ' tracking created on ' . $since . date(DATE_RFC2822, $since) . " <br />\n"; $this->error = true; return; } } } } } } $this->error = false; $this->pingData .= '&order_status=' . $status; $this->pingData .= '&order_id=' . $orderID; OPCtrackingHelper::getTextFields($this->order); $this->vendor = OPCtrackingHelper::getVendorInfo($this->order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_vendor_id); }
public static function getBasket(&$ref, $OPCloader, $withwrapper = true, &$op_coupon = '', $shipping = '', $payment = '', $isexpress = false) { include JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'config' . DS . 'onepage.cfg.php'; $has_k2 = OPCloader::tableExists('k2mart'); if (!class_exists('ShopFunctions')) { require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'shopfunctions.php'; } if (!method_exists('ShopFunctions', 'convertWeightUnit')) { $opc_show_weight = false; } /* if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelProduct')) require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'product.php'); */ require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'mini.php'; $productClass = OPCmini::getModel('product'); //new VirtueMartModelProduct(); if (!class_exists('CurrencyDisplay')) { require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'currencydisplay.php'; } $currencyDisplay = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance($ref->cart->pricesCurrency); $google_html = ''; $VM_LANG = new op_languageHelper(); $product_rows = array(); $p2 = $ref->cart->products; if (empty($ref->cart)) { $ref->cart = VirtueMartCart::getCart(); } $vm2015 = false; $ref->cart->prices = $ref->cart->pricesUnformatted = OPCloader::getCheckoutPrices($ref->cart, false, $vm2015, 'opc'); $useSSL = VmConfig::get('useSSL', 0); $action_url = $OPCloader->getActionUrl($OPCloader, true); $xi = 0; if (isset($currencyDisplay->_priceConfig)) { $savedConfig = $currencyDisplay->_priceConfig; } if (empty($product_price_display)) { $product_price_display = 'salesPrice'; } //$test_product_price_display = array($product_price_display, 'salesPrice', 'basePrice', 'priceWithoutTax', 'basePriceWithTax', 'priceBeforeTax', 'costPrice'); $test_product_price_display = array($product_price_display, 'salesPrice', 'basePrice', 'priceWithoutTax', 'basePriceWithTax', 'priceBeforeTax'); // check price config $testf = false; foreach ($test_product_price_display as $product_price_display_test) { $test = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv($product_price_display, '', '10', false, false, 1); if (empty($test)) { if (isset($currencyDisplay->_priceConfig)) { if (isset($currencyDisplay->_priceConfig[$product_price_display_test])) { if (empty($currencyDisplay->_priceConfig[$product_price_display_test][0])) { $currencyDisplay->_priceConfig[$product_price_display_test] = array(1, -1, 1); } } } $testf = true; } else { if (!isset($product_price_display_test2)) { $product_price_display_test2 = $product_price_display_test; } } } if (empty($testf)) { $product_price_display = $product_price_display_test2; } $totalw = 0; $to_weight_unit = VmConfig::get('weight_unit_default', 'KG'); foreach ($ref->cart->products as $pkey => $prow) { if ($opc_show_weight) { $totalw += ShopFunctions::convertWeightUnit((double) $prow->product_weight, $prow->product_weight_uom, $to_weight_unit) * (double) $prow->quantity; } $product = array(); $id = $prow->virtuemart_media_id; if (empty($id)) { $imgf = ''; } else { if (is_array($id)) { $id = reset($id); } $imgf = $OPCloader->getImageFile($id); } $product['product_full_image'] = $imgf; if (!empty($opc_only_parent_links)) { if (!empty($prow->product_parent_id)) { $parent = $prow->product_parent_id; $prow->url = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&virtuemart_product_id=' . $parent . '&view=productdetails', true); } } // check if k2 exists: if (!isset($prow->url)) { if (isset($prow->link)) { $prow->url = $prow->link; if (strpos($prow->url, '&') === false) { $prow->url = str_replace('&', '&', $prow->url); } } else { $prow->url = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&virtuemart_product_id=' . $prow->virtuemart_product_id . '&view=productdetails', true); } } if ($has_k2) { $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $q = 'select baseID from #__k2mart where referenceID = ' . (int) $prow->virtuemart_product_id . ' limit 0,1'; $db->setQuery($q); $k2_id = $db->loadResult(); if (!empty($k2_id)) { $prow->url = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_k2&id=' . $k2_id . '&view=item', true); } } $product['product_name'] = JHTML::link($prow->url, $prow->product_name, ' class="opc_product_name" '); if ((!defined('VM_VERSION') || VM_VERSION < 3) && (isset($prow->customfields) && !is_array($prow->customfields))) { if (!empty($opc_editable_attributes)) { $product['product_attributes'] = '<div style="clear:both;">' . OPCrenderer::getCustomFields($prow->virtuemart_product_id, $prow->cart_item_id, $prow->quantity) . '</div>'; } else { $product['product_attributes'] = $prow->customfields; } } else { $product['product_attributes'] = ''; } /* var_dump($prow->customfields); $cart = VirtuemartCart::getCart(); $p = array(); foreach ($cart->products as $k=>$v) { $p[$k] = $v; } unset($cart->products); unset($cart->ST); unset($cart->BT); unset($cart->BTaddress); unset($cart->STaddress); $cart->products = $p; $cart->setCartIntoSession(); var_dump($cart->products); die(); var_dump($cart); JFactory::getApplication()->close(); */ if (defined('VM_VERSION') && VM_VERSION >= 3) { } if (isset($prow->customfields) && is_array($prow->customfields)) { $customfieldsModel = OPCmini::getModel('Customfields'); $product['product_attributes'] = $customfieldsModel->CustomsFieldCartDisplay($prow); } $product['product_sku'] = $prow->product_sku; // end price test if (isset($prow->quantity)) { $product['product_quantity'] = $prow->quantity; } if (isset($prow->min_order_level)) { $product['min_order_level'] = $prow->min_order_level; } if (isset($prow->max_order_level)) { $product['max_order_level'] = $prow->max_order_level; } //$product_model = $OPCloader->getModel('product'); $xi++; if (empty($no_extra_product_info)) { $prowcopy = $productClass->getProduct($prow->virtuemart_product_id, true); } else { $prowcopy = $prow; } $product['info'] = $prowcopy; $product['product'] = $prow; if (isset($ref->cart->prices[$pkey])) { $currentPrice = $ref->cart->prices[$pkey]; } else { if (isset($prow->prices)) { $currentPrice = $prow->prices; } } if ($product_price_display == 'salesPrice') { if (isset($prow->prices)) { $product['product_price'] = $currentPrice['salesPrice']; } else { if (isset($prow->salesPrice)) { $product['product_price'] = $prow->salesPrice; } else { if (isset($prow->basePriceWithTax)) { $product['product_price'] = $prow->basePriceWithTax; } else { if (isset($prow->basePrice)) { $product['product_price'] = $prow->basePrice; } } } } } else { if (isset($prow->prices)) { $product['product_price'] = $currentPrice[$product_price_display]; } else { if (isset($prow->{$product_price_display})) { $product['product_price'] = $prow->{$product_price_display}; } else { if (isset($prow->salesPrice)) { $product['product_price'] = $prow->salesPrice; } } } } if (!isset($product['product_price'])) { $price = $ref->cart->pricesUnformatted[$pkey]; $product['product_price'] = $price[$product_price_display]; } if (empty($product['product_price'])) { $product_price_display = 'salesPrice'; $price = $ref->cart->pricesUnformatted[$pkey]; $product['product_price'] = $price['salesPrice']; } $price_raw = $product['product_price']; // the quantity is not working up to 2.0.4 $product['product_id'] = $prow->virtuemart_product_id; $google_html .= '<input type="hidden" name="prod_id" value="' . $prow->virtuemart_product_id . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="prodsku_' . $prow->virtuemart_product_id . '" id="prodsku_' . $prow->virtuemart_product_id . '" value="' . OPCloader::slash($prow->product_sku, false) . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="prodname_' . $prow->virtuemart_product_id . '" id="prodname_' . $prow->virtuemart_product_id . '" value="' . OPCloader::slash($prow->product_name, false) . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="prodq_' . $prow->virtuemart_product_id . '" id="prodq_' . $prow->virtuemart_product_id . '" value="' . $prow->quantity . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="produprice_' . $prow->virtuemart_product_id . '" id="produprice_' . $prow->virtuemart_product_id . '" value="' . $price_raw . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="prodcat_' . $prow->virtuemart_product_id . '" id="prodcat_' . $prow->virtuemart_product_id . '" value="' . $prow->category_name . '" /> '; if (isset($ref->cart->pricesUnformatted[$pkey])) { $price = $ref->cart->pricesUnformatted[$pkey]; } else { $price = $prow->prices; } $product['prices'] = $price; $product['prices_formatted'] = array(); if ($vm2015) { foreach ($price as $key => $pricev) { //if (!isset($price[$key])) if (!empty($pricev)) { $product['prices_formatted'][$key] = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv($key, '', $price, false, true, 1); } } } $product['product_price'] = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv($product_price_display, '', $price, false, true, 1); /* if (false) if (empty($product['product_price'])) { // ok, we have a wrong type selected here if ($product_price_display == 'salesPrice') $product['product_price'] = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv('basePrice','', $price,false,false, 1); if (empty($product['product_price'])) $product['product_price'] = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv('priceWithoutTax','', $price,false,false, 1); if (empty($product['product_price'])) $product['product_price'] = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv('basePriceWithTax','', $price,false,false, 1); if (empty($product['product_price'])) $product['product_price'] = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv('priceBeforeTax','', $price,false,false, 1); if (empty($product['product_price'])) $product['product_price'] = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv('costPrice','', $price,false,false, 1); } */ $product['product_price'] = str_replace('class="', 'class="opc_price_general opc_', $product['product_price']); if (!isset($prow->cart_item_id)) { $prow->cart_item_id = $pkey; } $v = array('product' => $prow, 'action_url' => $action_url, 'use_ssl' => $useSSL, 'useSSL' => $useSSL); if (!empty($ajaxify_cart)) { $update_form = $OPCloader->fetch($OPCloader, 'update_form_ajax.tpl', $v); $delete_form = $OPCloader->fetch($OPCloader, 'delete_form_ajax.tpl', $v); } else { $update_form = $OPCloader->fetch($OPCloader, 'update_form.tpl', $v); $delete_form = $OPCloader->fetch($OPCloader, 'delete_form.tpl', $v); $op_coupon_ajax = ''; } if (empty($update_form)) { if (!empty($ajaxify_cart)) { $product['update_form'] = '<input type="text" title="' . OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_UPDATE') . '" class="inputbox" size="3" name="quantity" id="quantity_for_' . md5($prow->cart_item_id) . '" value="' . $prow->quantity . '" /><a class="updatebtn" title="' . OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_DELETE') . '" href="#" rel="' . $prow->cart_item_id . '|' . md5($prow->cart_item_id) . '"> </a>'; $product['delete_form'] = '<a class="deletebtn" title="' . OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_DELETE') . '" href="#" rel="' . $prow->cart_item_id . '"> </a>'; } else { $product['update_form'] = '<form action="' . $action_url . '" method="post" style="display: inline;"> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_virtuemart" /> <input type="text" title="' . OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_UPDATE') . '" class="inputbox" size="3" name="quantity" value="' . $prow->quantity . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="view" value="cart" /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="update" /> <input type="hidden" name="cart_virtuemart_product_id" value="' . $prow->cart_item_id . '" /> <input type="submit" class="updatebtn" name="update" title="' . OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_UPDATE') . '" value=" "/> </form>'; if (defined('VM_VERSION') && VM_VERSION >= 3) { $product['delete_form'] = '<a class="deletebtn" title="' . OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_DELETE') . '" href="' . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart&task=delete.' . $prow->cart_item_id . '&cart_virtuemart_product_id=' . $prow->cart_item_id, true, $useSSL) . '"> </a>'; } else { $product['delete_form'] = '<a class="deletebtn" title="' . OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_DELETE') . '" href="' . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart&task=delete&cart_virtuemart_product_id=' . $prow->cart_item_id, true, $useSSL) . '"> </a>'; } } } else { $product['update_form'] = $update_form; $product['delete_form'] = $delete_form; } if (!empty($ajaxify_cart)) { $product['update_form'] = str_replace('href=', 'onclick="return Onepage.updateProduct(this);" href=', $product['update_form']); $product['delete_form'] = str_replace('href=', 'onclick="return Onepage.deleteProduct(this);" href=', $product['delete_form']); } //vm3 update: if (defined('VM_VERSION') && VM_VERSION >= 3) { $product['update_form'] = str_replace('name="quantity"', 'name="quantity[' . $prow->cart_item_id . ']"', $product['update_form']); $product['update_form'] = str_replace('value="update"', 'value="updatecart"', $product['update_form']); } $product['subtotal'] = $prow->quantity * $price_raw; //else //$product['subtotal'] = $prow->subtotal_with_tax; // this is fixed from 2.0.4 and would not be needed if (isset($ref->cart->pricesUnformatted[$pkey])) { $copy = $ref->cart->pricesUnformatted[$pkey]; } else { $copy = $prow->prices; } //$copy['salesPrice'] = $copy['subtotal_with_tax']; $copy[$product_price_display] = $product['subtotal']; $product['subtotal'] = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv($product_price_display, '', $copy, false, true, 1); $product['subtotal'] = str_replace('class="', 'class="opc_', $product['subtotal']); // opc vars $product_rows[] = $product; //break; } //$shipping_inside_basket = false; $shipping_select = $shipping; $payment_select = $payment; if (!empty($ref->cart->prices['salesPriceCoupon'])) { if (empty($coupon_price_display)) { $coupon_price_display = 'salesPriceCoupon'; } $coupon_display = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv($coupon_price_display, '', $ref->cart->prices, false, true, 1); //$ref->cart->prices['salesPriceCoupon']; $coupon_display = str_replace('class="', 'class="opc_', $coupon_display); } else { $coupon_display = ''; } if (!empty($coupon_display)) { $discount_after = true; } else { $discount_after = false; } if (empty($other_discount_display)) { $other_discount_display = 'billDiscountAmount'; } switch ($other_discount_display) { case 'billDiscountAmount': $coupon_display_before = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv('billDiscountAmount', '', $ref->cart->prices, false, false, 1); if (empty($ref->cart->prices['billDiscountAmount'])) { $coupon_display_before = ''; } break; case 'discountAmount': $coupon_display_before = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv('discountAmount', '', $ref->cart->prices, false, false, 1); if (empty($ref->cart->prices['discountAmount'])) { $coupon_display_before = ''; } case 'minus': $billD = abs($ref->cart->prices['billDiscountAmount']); foreach ($ref->cart->prices as $key => $val) { if (!empty($ref->cart->products[$key])) { if (is_array($val)) { $billD -= abs($val['subtotal_discount']); } } } $billD = abs($billD) * -1; $prices_new['billTotal'] = $billD; if (!empty($billD)) { $coupon_display_before = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv('billTotal', '', $prices_new, false, false, 1); } else { $coupon_display_before = ''; } break; case 'sum': $billD = 0; foreach ($ref->cart->prices as $key => $val) { if (!empty($ref->cart->products[$key])) { if (is_array($val)) { $billD += $val['subtotal_discount']; } } } $billD = abs($billD) * -1; $prices_new['billTotal'] = $billD; if (!empty($billD)) { $coupon_display_before = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv('billTotal', '', $prices_new, false, false, 1); } else { $coupon_display_before = ''; } break; } $coupon_display_before = str_replace('class="', 'class="opc_', $coupon_display_before); //else $coupon_display_before = ''; $opc_show_weight_display = ''; if (!empty($opc_show_weight) && !empty($totalw)) { $dec = $currencyDisplay->getDecimalSymbol(); $th = $currencyDisplay->getThousandsSeperator(); $w = VmConfig::get('weight_unit_default', 'KG'); $w = strtoupper($w); if ($w == 'OZ') { $w = 'OUNCE'; } $unit = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_UNIT_SYMBOL_' . $w); if ($unit == 'COM_VIRTUEMART_UNIT_SYMBOL_' . $w) { $unit = $w = VmConfig('weight_unit_default', 'kg'); } $opc_show_weight_display = number_format($totalw, 2, $dec, $th) . ' ' . $unit; } if (!empty($ajaxify_cart)) { $coupon_text = $ref->cart->couponCode ? OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_COUPON_CODE_CHANGE') : OPCLang::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_COUPON_CODE_ENTER'); $vars = array('coupon_text' => $coupon_text, 'coupon_display' => $coupon_display); $op_coupon_ajax = $OPCloader->fetch($OPCloader, 'couponField_ajax', $vars); if (stripos($op_coupon_ajax, 'Onepage.setCouponAjax') === false) { $op_coupon_ajax = str_replace('type="button', 'onclick="return Onepage.setCouponAjax(this);" type="button', $op_coupon_ajax); } } if (empty($subtotal_price_display)) { $subtotal_price_display = 'salesPrice'; } if ($subtotal_price_display != 'diffTotals') { $subtotal_display = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv($subtotal_price_display, '', $ref->cart->prices, false, false, 1); if ($subtotal_price_display == 'basePriceWithTax') { if (stripos($subtotal_display, ' ></span') !== false) { $subtotal_price_display = 'salesPrice'; $subtotal_display = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv($subtotal_price_display, '', $ref->cart->prices, false, false, 1); } } } else { $subtotal = $ref->cart->prices['billTotal'] - $ref->cart->prices['billTaxAmount']; $arr = array('diffTotals' => $subtotal); $subtotal_display = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv($subtotal_price_display, '', $arr, false, false, 1); } //$ref->cart->prices['salesPrice']; $subtotal_display = str_replace('class="', 'class="opc_', $subtotal_display); $prices = $ref->cart->prices; if (!isset($prices[$subtotal_price_display . 'Shipment'])) { if ($subtotal_price_display != 'salesPrice') { $order_shipping = $prices['shipmentValue']; } else { $order_shipping = $prices['salesPriceShipment']; } } else { $order_shipping = $prices[$subtotal_price_display . 'Shipment']; } if (!empty($order_shipping)) { $virtuemart_currency_id = OPCloader::getCurrency($ref->cart); $order_shipping = $currencyDisplay->convertCurrencyTo($virtuemart_currency_id, $order_shipping, false); $test = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv($product_price_display, '', $order_shipping, false, true, 1); if (!empty($test)) { $order_shipping = $test; } $order_shipping = str_replace('class="', 'class="opc_', $order_shipping); } else { $order_shipping = ''; } $continue_link = $OPCloader->getContinueLink($ref); $order_total_display = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv('billTotal', '', $ref->cart->prices, false, false, 1); //$ref->cart->prices['billTotal']; $order_total_display = str_replace('class="', 'class="opc_', $order_total_display); // this will need a little tuning foreach ($ref->cart->cartData['taxRulesBill'] as $rule) { $rulename = $rule['calc_name']; if (!empty($ref->cart->prices[$rule['virtuemart_calc_id'] . 'Diff'])) { $tax_display = $currencyDisplay->createPriceDiv($rule['virtuemart_calc_id'] . 'Diff', '', $ref->cart->prices, false, false, 1); //$ref->cart->prices[$rule['virtuemart_calc_id'].'Diff']; $tax_display = str_replace('class="', 'class="opc_', $tax_display); } else { $tax_display = ''; } } $op_disable_shipping = OPCloader::getShippingEnabled($ref->cart); if (!empty($payment_discount_before) && !empty($coupon_display_before)) { $discount_before = true; } else { $discount_before = false; } $disable_couponns = VmConfig::get('coupons_enable', true); if (empty($disable_couponns)) { $op_coupon = $op_coupon_ajax = ''; } if (!empty($op_coupon_ajax)) { $op_coupon = $op_coupon_ajax; } if ($isexpress) { $payment_inside_basket = false; } if (empty($payment_inside_basket)) { $payment_select = ''; } if (empty($shipping_inside_basket)) { $shipping_select = ''; } if (empty($tax_display)) { $tax_display = ''; } if (empty($op_disable_shipping)) { $op_disable_shipping = false; } $no_shipping = $op_disable_shipping; $vars = array('product_rows' => $product_rows, 'payment_inside_basket' => $payment_inside_basket, 'shipping_select' => $shipping_select, 'payment_select' => $payment_select, 'shipping_inside_basket' => $shipping_inside_basket, 'coupon_display' => $coupon_display, 'subtotal_display' => $subtotal_display, 'no_shipping' => $no_shipping, 'order_total_display' => $order_total_display, 'tax_display' => $tax_display, 'VM_LANG' => $VM_LANG, 'op_coupon_ajax' => $op_coupon_ajax, 'continue_link' => $continue_link, 'coupon_display_before' => $coupon_display_before, 'discount_before' => $discount_before, 'discount_after' => $discount_after, 'order_shipping' => $order_shipping, 'cart' => $ref->cart, 'op_coupon' => $op_coupon, 'opc_show_weight_display' => $opc_show_weight_display); //original cart support: $ref->cart->cartData['shipmentName'] = ''; $ref->cart->cartData['paymentName'] = ''; $totalInPaymentCurrency = $ref->getTotalInPaymentCurrency(); $cd = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance($ref->cart->pricesCurrency); $layoutName = 'default'; $confirm = 'confirm'; $shippingText = ''; $paymentText = ''; $checkout_link_html = ''; $useSSL = VmConfig::get('useSSL', 0); $useXHTML = true; $checkoutAdvertise = ''; if (!class_exists('OPCrenderer')) { require JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'renderer.php'; } $renderer = OPCrenderer::getInstance(); if (method_exists($renderer, 'assignRef')) { $renderer->assignRef('cart', $renderer->cart); $renderer->assignRef('totalInPaymentCurrency', $totalInPaymentCurrency); $renderer->assignRef('layoutName', $layoutName); $renderer->assignRef('select_shipment_text', $shippingText); $renderer->assignRef('checkout_task', $confirm); $renderer->assignRef('currencyDisplay', $cd); $renderer->assignRef('select_payment_text', $paymentText); $renderer->assignRef('checkout_link_html', $checkout_link_html); $renderer->assignRef('useSSL', $useSSL); $renderer->assignRef('useXHTML', $useXHTML); $renderer->assignRef('totalInPaymentCurrency', $totalInPaymentCurrency); $renderer->assignRef('checkoutAdvertise', $checkoutAdvertise); } if (empty($use_original_basket)) { $html = $renderer->fetch($OPCloader, 'basket.html', $vars); } else { $html = $renderer->fetchBasket($OPCloader, 'basket.html', $vars); } if ($withwrapper) { $html = '<div id="opc_basket">' . $html . '</div>'; } if (!empty($op_no_basket)) { $html = '<div style="display: none;">' . $html . '</div>'; } if (isset($currencyDisplay->_priceConfig)) { $currencyDisplay->_priceConfig = $savedConfig; } $ret = $html . $google_html; return $ret; }
/** * Test userdata if valid * * @author Max Milbers * @param String if BT or ST * @param Object If given, an object with data address data that must be formatted to an array * @return redirectMsg, if there is a redirectMsg, the redirect should be executed after */ function validateUserData($type = 'BT', $obj = null, $cart = null) { include JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'config' . DS . 'onepage.cfg.php'; // we disable validation for ST address, because it is still missing at the front-end and shall be added as an optional feature if ($type == 'ST') { return false; } require_once JPATH_OPC . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'loader.php'; require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'mini.php'; $userFieldsModel = OPCmini::getModel('userfields'); if ($type == 'BT') { $fieldtype = 'account'; } else { $fieldtype = 'shipment'; } if ($type == 'BT') { if (empty($bt_fields_from)) { $fieldtype = 'registration'; } else { if ($bt_fields_from === 1) { $fieldtype = 'account'; } else { $fieldtype = 'cart'; } } } $neededFields = $userFieldsModel->getUserFields($fieldtype, array('required' => true, 'delimiters' => true, 'captcha' => true, 'system' => false), array('delimiter_userinfo', 'name', 'username', 'password', 'password2', 'address_type_name', 'address_type', 'user_is_vendor', 'agreed')); $redirectMsg = false; $i = 0; $missing = ''; foreach ($neededFields as $field) { $is_business = JRequest::getVar('opc_is_business', 0); // we need to alter shopper group for business when set to: $is_business = JRequest::getVar('opc_is_business', 0); if (!empty($business_fields)) { if (!$is_business) { // do not check if filled if (in_array($field->name, $business_fields)) { continue; } } } if ($type == 'ST') { if (!empty($shipping_obligatory_fields)) { if (!in_array($field->name, $shipping_obligatory_fields)) { continue; } } } // manage required business fields when not business selected: //foreach ($business_fields as $fn) if ($field->required && empty($cart->{$type}[$field->name]) && $field->name != 'virtuemart_state_id') { $redirectMsg = JText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_MISSING_VALUE_FOR_FIELD', JText::_($field->title)); $i++; //more than four fields missing, this is not a normal error (should be catche by js anyway, so show the address again. if ($i > 2 && $type == 'BT') { $missing .= JText::_($field->title); $redirectMsg = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CHECKOUT_PLEASE_ENTER_ADDRESS'); } } if ($obj !== null && is_array($cart->{$type})) { $cart->{$type}[$field->name] = $obj->{$field->name}; } //This is a special test for the virtuemart_state_id. There is the speciality that the virtuemart_state_id could be 0 but is valid. if ($field->name == 'virtuemart_state_id') { if (!class_exists('VirtueMartModelState')) { require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'state.php'; } if (!empty($cart->{$type}['virtuemart_country_id']) && !empty($cart->{$type}['virtuemart_state_id'])) { if (!($msg = VirtueMartModelState::testStateCountry($cart->{$type}['virtuemart_country_id'], $cart->{$type}['virtuemart_state_id']))) { $redirectMsg = $msg; } } } } if (empty($redirectMsg)) { return false; } $redirectMsg .= ' ' . $missing; return $redirectMsg; }
/** * Check if a minimum purchase value for this order has been set, and if so, if the current * value is equal or hight than that value. * @author Oscar van Eijk * @return An error message when a minimum value was set that was not eached, null otherwise */ public static function checkPurchaseValue($cart) { $s = $cart->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id; $p = $cart->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id; $cart->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = 0; $cart->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = 0; $ret = ''; require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'mini.php'; $vendor = OPCmini::getModel('vendor'); if (empty($vendor)) { return; } $vendor->setId($cart->vendorId); $store = $vendor->getVendor(); if ($store->vendor_min_pov > 0) { $vm2015 = true; $prices = OPCloader::getCheckoutPrices($cart, false, $vm2015, null); if (!empty($prices['couponValue']) || !empty($prices['salesPriceCoupon'])) { $ret = ''; } else { if ($prices['salesPrice'] < $store->vendor_min_pov) { if (!class_exists('CurrencyDisplay')) { require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'currencydisplay.php'; } $currency = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance(); $ret = JText::sprintf('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_MIN_PURCHASE', $currency->priceDisplay($store->vendor_min_pov)); } } } $cart->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = $s; $cart->virtuemart_paymentmethod_id = $p; return $ret; }
/** * Displays the view, collects needed data for the different layouts * * Okey I try now a completly new idea. * We make a function for every tab and the display is getting the right tabs by an own function * putting that in an array and after that we call the preparedataforlayoutBlub * * @author Oscar van Eijk * @author Max Milbers * * Original code from: \components\com_virtuemart\views\user\view.html.php * */ function display($tpl = null) { $useSSL = VmConfig::get('useSSL', 0); $useXHTML = true; $this->assignRef('useSSL', $useSSL); $this->assignRef('useXHTML', $useXHTML); $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $pathway = $mainframe->getPathway(); $layoutName = $this->getLayout(); if (!defined('OPC_IN_REGISTRATION_MODE')) { define('OPC_IN_REGISTRATION_MODE', 1); } require_once JPATH_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_onepage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helpers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'language.php'; OPCLang::loadLang(); $this->loadOPC(); // vmdebug('layout by view '.$layoutName); if (empty($layoutName) or $layoutName == 'default') { $layoutName = JRequest::getWord('layout', 'edit'); if ($layoutName == 'default') { $layoutName = 'edit'; } $this->setLayout($layoutName); } if (empty($this->fTask)) { $ftask = 'saveUser'; $this->assignRef('fTask', $ftask); } if (!class_exists('ShopFunctions')) { require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'shopfunctions.php'; } // vmdebug('my layoutname',$layoutName); if ($layoutName == 'login') { parent::display($tpl); return; } if (!class_exists('VirtuemartModelUser')) { require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'models' . DS . 'user.php'; } $this->_model = new VirtuemartModelUser(); // $this->_model->setCurrent(); //without this, the administrator can edit users in the FE, permission is handled in the usermodel, but maybe unsecure? $editor = JFactory::getEditor(); //the cuid is the id of the current user $this->_currentUser = JFactory::getUser(); $this->_cuid = $this->_lists['current_id'] = $this->_currentUser->get('id'); $this->assignRef('userId', $this->_cuid); $this->_userDetails = $this->_model->getUser(); $this->assignRef('userDetails', $this->_userDetails); $address_type = JRequest::getWord('addrtype', 'BT'); $this->assignRef('address_type', $address_type); //New Address is filled here with the data of the cart (we are in the cart) if (!class_exists('VirtueMartCart')) { require JPATH_VM_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'cart.php'; } $cart = VirtueMartCart::getCart(); $new = false; if (JRequest::getInt('new', '0') == 1) { $new = true; } if ($new) { $virtuemart_userinfo_id = 0; } else { $virtuemart_userinfo_id = JRequest::getString('virtuemart_userinfo_id', '0', ''); if (empty($virtuemart_userinfo_id)) { require_once JPATH_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_onepage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helpers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'mini.php'; $umodel = OPCmini::getModel('user'); //new VirtuemartModelUser(); $uid = JFactory::getUser()->id; $userDetails = $umodel->getUser(); $virtuemart_userinfo_id = $umodel->getBTuserinfo_id(); } } $this->assignRef('virtuemart_userinfo_id', $virtuemart_userinfo_id); $userFields = null; if ((strpos($this->fTask, 'cart') || strpos($this->fTask, 'checkout')) && empty($virtuemart_userinfo_id)) { $fieldtype = $address_type . 'address'; if (method_exists($cart, 'prepareAddressDataInCart')) { $cart->prepareAddressDataInCart($address_type, $new); } if (method_exists($cart, 'prepareAddressFieldsInCart')) { $cart->prepareAddressFieldsInCart(); } $userFields = $cart->{$fieldtype}; $task = JRequest::getWord('task', ''); } else { $userFields = $this->_model->getUserInfoInUserFields($layoutName, $address_type, $virtuemart_userinfo_id); if (!$new && empty($userFields[$virtuemart_userinfo_id])) { $virtuemart_userinfo_id = $this->_model->getBTuserinfo_id(); // vmdebug('Try to get $virtuemart_userinfo_id by type BT', $virtuemart_userinfo_id); } $userFields = $userFields[$virtuemart_userinfo_id]; $task = 'editaddressST'; } require_once JPATH_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_onepage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helpers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'loader.php'; /* if (!class_exists('VirtueMartCart')) require(JPATH_VM_SITE . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'cart.php'); $this->cart = VirtueMartCart::getCart(); */ $OPCloader = new OPCloader(); OPCloader::setRegType(); $action_url = JURI::root(true) . '/index.php?option=com_onepage&view=opc&controller=opc&task=opcregister&nosef=1'; require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'javascript.php'; OPCJavascript::getJavascript($this, $OPCloader, false, $action_url, 'com_onepage', 'opcregister'); $OPCloader->customizeFieldsPerOPCConfig($userFields); OPCloader::loadJavascriptFiles($this); $op_formvars = OPCloader::getFormVars($this); /* foreach ($userFields['fields'] as $key=>$val) { if (isset($val['formcode'])) { $val['formcode'] .= $html; break; } } */ $this->assignRef('userFields', $userFields); if ($layoutName == 'edit') { if ($this->_model->getId() == 0 && $this->_cuid == 0) { $button_lbl = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_REGISTER'); } else { $button_lbl = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_SAVE'); } $this->assignRef('button_lbl', $button_lbl); $this->lUser(); if (JVM_VERSION <= 2) { $this->shopper($userFields); } else { $this->shopper3($userFields); } $this->payment(); $this->lOrderlist(); $this->lVendor(); } $this->_lists['shipTo'] = $this->generateStAddressList($this, $this->_model, $task, $cart); if ($this->_openTab < 0) { $_paneOffset = array(); } else { if (defined('__VM_USER_USE_SLIDERS')) { $_paneOffset = array('startOffset' => $this->_openTab, 'startTransition' => 1, 'allowAllClose' => true); } else { $_paneOffset = array('startOffset' => $this->_openTab); } } // Implement the Joomla panels. If we need a ShipTo tab, make it the active one. // In tmpl/edit.php, this is the 4th tab (0-based, so set to 3 above) jimport('joomla.html.pane'); $pane = OPCPane::getInstance(defined('__VM_USER_USE_SLIDERS') ? 'Sliders' : 'Tabs', $_paneOffset); $this->assignRef('lists', $this->_lists); $this->assignRef('editor', $editor); $this->assignRef('pane', $pane); if ($layoutName == 'mailregisteruser') { $vendorModel = VmModel::getModel('vendor'); // $vendorModel->setId($this->_userDetails->virtuemart_vendor_id); $vendor = $vendorModel->getVendor(); $this->assignRef('vendor', $vendor); } if ($layoutName == 'editaddress') { $layoutName = 'edit_address'; $this->setLayout($layoutName); } if (!$this->userDetails->JUser->get('id')) { $corefield_title = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_CART_INFO_CREATE_ACCOUNT'); } else { $corefield_title = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_YOUR_ACCOUNT_DETAILS'); } if (strpos($this->fTask, 'cart') || strpos($this->fTask, 'checkout')) { $pathway->addItem(JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CART_OVERVIEW'), JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=cart', FALSE)); } else { //$pathway->addItem(JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_YOUR_ACCOUNT_DETAILS'), JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=user&&layout=edit')); } $pathway_text = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_YOUR_ACCOUNT_DETAILS'); if (!$this->userDetails->JUser->get('id')) { if (strpos($this->fTask, 'cart') || strpos($this->fTask, 'checkout')) { if ($address_type == 'BT') { $vmfield_title = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_EDIT_BILLTO_LBL'); } else { $vmfield_title = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_ADD_SHIPTO_LBL'); } } else { if ($address_type == 'BT') { $vmfield_title = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_EDIT_BILLTO_LBL'); $title = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_REGISTER'); } else { $vmfield_title = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_ADD_SHIPTO_LBL'); } } } else { if ($address_type == 'BT') { $vmfield_title = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_BILLTO_LBL'); } else { $vmfield_title = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_USER_FORM_ADD_SHIPTO_LBL'); } } $add_product_link = ""; require_once JPATH_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_onepage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helpers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'mini.php'; if (OPCmini::isSuperVendor()) { $add_product_link = JRoute::_('/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&tmpl=component&view=product&view=product&task=edit&virtuemart_product_id=0'); $add_product_link = $this->linkIcon($add_product_link, 'COM_VIRTUEMART_PRODUCT_ADD_PRODUCT', 'new', false, false, true, true); } $this->assignRef('add_product_link', $add_product_link); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->setTitle($pathway_text); $pathway->additem($pathway_text); $document->setMetaData('robots', 'NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW, NOARCHIVE, NOSNIPPET'); $this->assignRef('page_title', $pathway_text); $this->assignRef('corefield_title', $corefield_title); $this->assignRef('vmfield_title', $vmfield_title); // if ($onlyindex) return JURI::root(true).'/index.php'; shopFunctionsF::setVmTemplate($this, 0, 0, $layoutName); require_once JPATH_SITE . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_onepage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helpers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'removemsgs.php'; OPCremoveMsgs::removeMsgs($cart); $jsvalidator = $OPCloader->getJSValidatorScript($this); $op_userfields = $OPCloader->getBTfields($this); $registration_html = $OPCloader->getRegistrationHhtml($this); require_once JPATH_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_onepage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helpers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'commonhtml.php'; $reg_html = OPCCommonHtml::getFormVarsRegistration($OPCloader); $op_formvars = $reg_html . $jsvalidator; $op_userfields .= $op_formvars; $onsubmit = $op_onclick = $OPCloader->getJSValidator($this); $op_onclick = ' onclick="' . $op_onclick . '" '; ob_start(); //parent::display($tpl); include_once JPATH_OPC . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helpers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'registration_templates.php'; $html = ob_get_clean(); //$html = str_replace('"com_virtuemart"', '"com_onepage"', $html); //$html = str_replace('=com_virtuemart', '=com_onepage', $html); $this->getActions($html); $html = $OPCloader->addListeners($html); echo $html; $extras = $OPCloader->getExtras($this); echo $extras; }