     * Wert für die Ausgabe
    function matchCategory($content, $replaceInTemplate = false)
        global $REX;
        $var = 'REX_CATEGORY';
        $matches = $this->getVarParams($content, $var);
        foreach ($matches as $match) {
            list($param_str, $args) = $match;
            list($category_id, $args) = $this->extractArg('id', $args, 0);
            list($clang, $args) = $this->extractArg('clang', $args, '$REX[\'CUR_CLANG\']');
            list($field, $args) = $this->extractArg('field', $args, '');
            $tpl = '';
            if ($category_id == 0) {
                // REX_CATEGORY[field=name] feld von aktueller kategorie verwenden
                if (OOCategory::hasValue($field)) {
                    // bezeichner wählen, der keine variablen
                    // aus modulen/templates überschreibt
                    // beachte: root-artikel haben keine kategorie
                    $varname_art = '$__rex_art';
                    $varname_cat = '$__rex_cat';
                    $tpl = '<?php
          ' . $varname_art . ' = OOArticle::getArticleById($REX[\'ARTICLE_ID\'], ' . $clang . ');
          ' . $varname_cat . ' = ' . $varname_art . '->getCategory();
          if(' . $varname_cat . ') echo htmlspecialchars(' . $this->handleGlobalVarParamsSerialized($var, $args, $varname_cat . '->getValue(\'' . addslashes($field) . '\')') . ');
            } else {
                if ($category_id > 0) {
                    // REX_CATEGORY[field=name id=5] feld von gegebene category_id verwenden
                    if ($field) {
                        if (OOCategory::hasValue($field)) {
                            // bezeichner wählen, der keine variablen
                            // aus modulen/templates überschreibt
                            $varname = '$__rex_cat';
                            $tpl = '<?php
	          ' . $varname . ' = OOCategory::getCategoryById(' . $category_id . ', ' . $clang . ');
            if(' . $varname . ') echo htmlspecialchars(' . $this->handleGlobalVarParamsSerialized($var, $args, $varname . '->getValue(\'' . addslashes($field) . '\')') . ');	          
            if ($tpl != '') {
                $content = str_replace($var . '[' . $param_str . ']', $tpl, $content);
        return $content;
function navi()
    echo "<ul>";
    // start HTML-List
    $max_depth = 3;
    // max nesting-depth root is depth=0
    $inc_art = true;
    // include articles
    $inc_root_art = false;
    // include root articles
    $inc_start_art = false;
    // include start article
    $config = array($max_depth, $inc_art, $inc_start_art, $inc_root_art);
    // config array
    $items = [];
    // wrapper for subitem sizes
    $count = 0;
    // items per nesting level
    foreach (OOCategory::getRootCategories() as $item) {
        if (!$item->isOnline()) {
        // initalize each root-item
        // print root-item
        echo '<li><a href="' . $item->getUrl() . '" title="' . $item->getName() . '">' . $item->getName() . '</a></li>';
        $d = 0;
        // set nesting-depth for root-item
        getSubItems($item, $d, $config);
        $d = 0;
        // REset nesting-depth for root-item
    // get Root Articles
    if (sizeof(OOArticle::getRootArticles()) >= 1 && $config[3]) {
        foreach (OOArticle::getRootArticles() as $art) {
            if (!$art->isOnline()) {
            echo '<li><a href="' . $art->getUrl() . '" title="' . $art->getName() . '">' . $art->getName() . '</a></li>';
    echo "</ul>";
function rex_a62_metainfo_button($params)
    global $REX, $I18N;
    $s = '';
    $restrictionsCondition = '';
    if (isset($params['id']) && $params['id'] != '') {
        $OOCat = OOCategory::getCategoryById($params['id']);
        // Alle Metafelder des Pfades sind erlaubt
        foreach (explode('|', $OOCat->getPath()) as $pathElement) {
            if ($pathElement != '') {
                $s .= ' OR `p`.`restrictions` LIKE "%|' . $pathElement . '|%"';
        // Auch die Kategorie selbst kann Metafelder haben
        $s .= ' OR `p`.`restrictions` LIKE "%|' . $params['id'] . '|%"';
    $restrictionsCondition = 'AND (`p`.`restrictions` = ""' . $s . ')';
    $fields = _rex_a62_metainfo_sqlfields('cat_', $restrictionsCondition);
    if ($fields->getRows() >= 1) {
        $return = '<p class="rex-button-add"><script type="text/javascript"><!--

    function rex_metainfo_toggle()
        jQuery("#rex-form-structure-category .rex-metainfo-cat").toggle();
        metacat = jQuery("#rex-i-meta-category");

    //--></script><a id="rex-i-meta-category" class="rex-i-generic-open" href="javascript:rex_metainfo_toggle();">' . $I18N->msg('minfo_edit_metadata') . '</a></p>';
        return $params['subject'] . $return;
    return $params['subject'];
 function hasCategoryPerm($category_id, $depricatedSecondParam = null)
     // 1. Volle Rechte auf direkte Kategorie, csw
     // 2. Leserechte, bei Kategorien "zwischen" main und eigener navi, aber nicht sichtbar, csr
     // 3. Volle Rechte, wenn Kategorie unterhalb eine vollen Rechte Kat
     if ($this->isAdmin() || $this->hasPerm('csw[0]') || $this->hasPerm('csw[' . $category_id . ']')) {
         return true;
     if ($c = OOCategory::getCategoryById($category_id)) {
         foreach ($c->getPathAsArray() as $k) {
             if ($this->hasPerm('csw[' . $k . ']')) {
                 return true;
            if( $this->hasPerm('csr[' . $category_id . ']') )
               return TRUE;
       } */
     return false;
Example #5
<div id="rex-linkmap">
    <div class="rex-area-col-2">
        <div class="rex-area-col-a">
            <h3 class="rex-hl2"><?php 
echo $I18N->msg('lmap_categories');
            <div class="rex-area-content">
$roots = OOCategory::getRootCategories();
$mountpoints = $REX['USER']->getMountpoints();
if (count($mountpoints) > 0) {
    $roots = array();
    foreach ($mountpoints as $mp) {
        if (OOCategory::getCategoryById($mp)) {
            $roots[] = OOCategory::getCategoryById($mp);
echo rex_linkmap_tree($tree, $category_id, $roots, $GlobalParams);

        <div class="rex-area-col-b">
            <h3 class="rex-hl2"><?php 
echo $I18N->msg('lmap_articles');
            <div class="rex-area-content">
 static function getListValue($params)
     $return = array();
     foreach (explode(',', $params['value']) as $id) {
         if ($cat = OOCategory::getCategoryById($id, (int) $params['params']['field']['clang'])) {
             $return[] = $cat->getName();
     return implode('<br />', $return);
 function &_getCategoryObject($category, $clang = false)
     if (is_object($category)) {
         return $category;
     } elseif (is_int($category)) {
         return OOCategory::getCategoryById($category, $clang);
     } elseif (is_array($category)) {
         $catlist = array();
         foreach ($category as $cat) {
             $catobj = OOCategory::_getCategoryObject($cat, $clang);
             if (is_object($catobj)) {
                 $catlist[] = $catobj;
             } else {
                 return null;
         return $catlist;
     return null;
  * Gibt die URL der Terminkategorie zurück.
  * @global mixed[] $REX Redaxo Variable
  * @var boolean $path_only Gibt an, ob die URL mit Domain oder ohne erstellt
  * werden soll.
  * @return String URL für das Objekt
 function getURL($path_only = FALSE)
     if ($this->url == "") {
         global $REX;
         $pathname = '';
         if (OOAddon::isActivated('seo42')) {
             // Mit SEO42
             require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../seo42/classes/class.seo42_rewrite.inc.php";
             // Dann Redaxo Artikelfolge
             if ($REX['ADDON']['d2u_kurse']['settings']['kurse_artikel'] > 0 && $REX['ADDON']['d2u_kurse']['settings']['kurse_artikel'] != $REX['START_ARTICLE_ID']) {
                 $kategorie = OOCategory::getCategoryById($REX['ADDON']['d2u_kurse']['settings']['kurse_artikel'], $REX['CUR_CLANG']);
                 $hauptkategorien = $kategorie->getPathAsArray();
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($hauptkategorien); $i++) {
                     $hauptkategorie = OOCategory::getCategoryById($hauptkategorien[$i], $REX['CUR_CLANG']);
                     if ($hauptkategorie instanceof OOCategory) {
                         $pathname = seo42_appendToPath($pathname, $hauptkategorie->getName(), $hauptkategorie->getId(), $REX['CUR_CLANG']);
                 if ($kategorie->getName() != "") {
                     $pathname = seo42_appendToPath($pathname, $kategorie->getName(), $kategorie->getId(), $REX['CUR_CLANG']);
                 } else {
                     // Wenn angegebener Artikel keine Kategorie ist, sondern nur Artikelname hat
                     $pathname = seo42_appendToPath($pathname, $kategorie->getValue("name"), $kategorie->getId(), $REX['CUR_CLANG']);
             // Art der Startkachel
             $pathname = seo42_appendToPath($pathname, $REX['ADDON']['d2u_kurse']['settings']['termin_titel'], $REX['ADDON']['d2u_kurse']['settings']['kurse_artikel'], $REX['CUR_CLANG']);
             // Die Elternkategorie
             if ($this->eltern_terminkategorie !== FALSE) {
                 $pathname = seo42_appendToPath($pathname, $this->eltern_terminkategorie->name, $REX['ADDON']['d2u_kurse']['settings']['kurse_artikel'], $REX['CUR_CLANG']);
             // Die Terminkategorie
             $pathname = seo42_appendToPath($pathname, $this->name, $REX['ADDON']['d2u_kurse']['settings']['kurse_artikel'], $REX['CUR_CLANG']);
             $pathname = substr($pathname, 0, -1) . $REX['ADDON']['seo42']['settings']['url_ending'];
         } else {
             // Ohne SEO42
             $parameterArray = array();
             $parameterArray['terminkategorie_id'] = $this->terminkategorie_id;
             $pathname = rex_getUrl($REX['ADDON']['d2u_kurse']['settings']['kurse_artikel'], $REX['CUR_CLANG'], $parameterArray, "&");
         $this->url = $pathname;
     if ($path_only) {
         return $this->url;
     } else {
         return $REX['SERVER'] . $this->url;
 function getCategory()
     return OOCategory::getCategoryById($this->getCategoryId(), $this->getClang());
 function getTemplates($category_id, $ignore_inactive = true)
     global $REX;
     $ignore_inactive = $ignore_inactive ? 1 : 0;
     $templates = array();
     $t_sql = rex_sql::factory();
     $t_sql->setQuery('select id,name,attributes from ' . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'template where active=' . $ignore_inactive . ' order by name');
     if ($category_id < 1) {
         // Alle globalen Templates
         foreach ($t_sql->getArray() as $t) {
             $categories = rex_getAttributes("categories", $t["attributes"]);
             if (!is_array($categories) || $categories["all"] == 1) {
                 $templates[$t["id"]] = $t['name'];
     } else {
         if ($c = OOCategory::getCategoryById($category_id)) {
             $path = $c->getPathAsArray();
             $path[] = $category_id;
             foreach ($t_sql->getArray() as $t) {
                 $categories = rex_getAttributes("categories", $t["attributes"]);
                 // template ist nicht kategoriespezifisch -> includen
                 if (!is_array($categories) || $categories["all"] == 1) {
                     $templates[$t["id"]] = $t['name'];
                 } else {
                     // template ist auf kategorien beschraenkt..
                     // nachschauen ob eine davon im pfad der aktuellen kategorie liegt
                     foreach ($path as $p) {
                         if (in_array($p, $categories)) {
                             $templates[$t["id"]] = $t['name'];
     return $templates;
            // Zuweisungen für Wiederanzeige
            $REX['MOD_REWRITE'] = $neu_modrewrite === 'TRUE';
            // FŸr die Wiederanzeige Slashes strippen
            $REX['ERROR_EMAIL'] = stripslashes($neu_error_emailaddress);
            $REX['SERVER'] = stripslashes($neu_SERVER);
            $REX['SERVERNAME'] = stripslashes($neu_SERVERNAME);
$sel_template = new rex_select();
$templates = OOCategory::getTemplates(0);
if (empty($templates)) {
    $sel_template->addOption($I18N->msg('option_no_template'), 0);
} else {
$sel_lang = new rex_select();
foreach ($REX['LOCALES'] as $l) {
    $sel_lang->addOption($l, $l);
$sel_mod_rewrite = new rex_select();
 * Bearbeitet einen Artikel
 * @param int   $article_id Id des Artikels der verändert werden soll
 * @param int   $clang      Id der Sprache
 * @param array $data       Array mit den Daten des Artikels
 * @return array Ein Array welches den status sowie eine Fehlermeldung beinhaltet
function rex_editArticle($article_id, $clang, $data)
    global $REX, $I18N;
    $success = false;
    $message = '';
    if (!is_array($data)) {
        trigger_error('Expecting $data to be an array!', E_USER_ERROR);
    $templates = OOCategory::getTemplates($data['category_id']);
    // Wenn Template nicht vorhanden, dann entweder erlaubtes nehmen
    // oder leer setzen.
    if (!isset($templates[$data['template_id']])) {
        $data['template_id'] = 0;
        if (count($templates) > 0) {
            $data['template_id'] = key($templates);
    // Artikel mit alten Daten selektieren
    $thisArt = rex_sql::factory();
    $thisArt->setQuery('select * from ' . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'article where id=' . $article_id . ' and clang=' . $clang);
    if (isset($data['prior'])) {
        if ($data['prior'] <= 0) {
            $data['prior'] = 1;
    $EA = rex_sql::factory();
    $EA->setTable($REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'article');
    $EA->setWhere("id='{$article_id}' and clang={$clang}");
    $EA->setValue('name', $data['name']);
    $EA->setValue('template_id', $data['template_id']);
    $EA->setValue('prior', $data['prior']);
    if ($EA->update()) {
        $message = $I18N->msg('article_updated');
        // ----- PRIOR
        rex_newArtPrio($data['category_id'], $clang, $data['prior'], $thisArt->getValue('prior'));
        rex_deleteCacheArticle($article_id, $clang);
        // ----- EXTENSION POINT
        $message = rex_register_extension_point('ART_UPDATED', $message, array('id' => $article_id, 'article' => clone $EA, 'article_old' => clone $thisArt, 'status' => $thisArt->getValue('status'), 'name' => $data['name'], 'clang' => $clang, 're_id' => $data['category_id'], 'prior' => $data['prior'], 'path' => $data['path'], 'template_id' => $data['template_id'], 'data' => $data));
        $success = true;
    } else {
        $message = $EA->getError();
    return array($success, $message);
Example #13
 function _getNavigation($category_id, $depth = 1)
     if ($category_id < 1) {
         $nav_obj = OOCategory::getRootCategories();
     } else {
         $nav_obj = OOCategory::getChildrenById($category_id);
     $lis = array();
     foreach ($nav_obj as $nav) {
         $li = array();
         $a = array();
         $li['class'] = array();
         $a['class'] = array();
         $a['href'] = array($nav->getUrl());
         if ($this->_checkFilter($nav, $depth) && $this->_checkCallbacks($nav, $depth, $li, $a)) {
             $li['class'][] = 'rex-article-' . $nav->getId();
             // classes abhaengig vom pfad
             if ($nav->getId() == $this->current_category_id) {
                 $li['class'][] = 'rex-current';
                 $a['class'][] = 'rex-current';
             } elseif (in_array($nav->getId(), $this->path)) {
                 $li['class'][] = 'rex-active';
                 $a['class'][] = 'rex-active';
             } else {
                 $li['class'][] = 'rex-normal';
             if (isset($this->linkclasses[$depth - 1])) {
                 $a['class'][] = $this->linkclasses[$depth - 1];
             if (isset($this->classes[$depth - 1])) {
                 $li['class'][] = $this->classes[$depth - 1];
             $li_attr = array();
             foreach ($li as $attr => $v) {
                 $li_attr[] = $attr . '="' . implode(' ', $v) . '"';
             $a_attr = array();
             foreach ($a as $attr => $v) {
                 $a_attr[] = $attr . '="' . implode(' ', $v) . '"';
             $l = '<li ' . implode(' ', $li_attr) . '>';
             $l .= '<a ' . implode(' ', $a_attr) . '>' . htmlspecialchars($nav->getName()) . '</a>';
             if (($this->open || $nav->getId() == $this->current_category_id || in_array($nav->getId(), $this->path)) && ($this->max_depth >= $depth || $this->max_depth < 0)) {
                 $l .= $this->_getNavigation($nav->getId(), $depth);
             $l .= '</li>';
             $lis[] = $l;
     if (count($lis) > 0) {
         return '<ul class="rex-navi' . $depth . ' rex-navi-depth-' . $depth . ' rex-navi-has-' . count($lis) . '-elements">' . implode('', $lis) . '</ul>';
     return '';
 function _getNavigation($category_id, $ignore_offlines = TRUE)
     static $depth = 0;
     if ($category_id < 1) {
         $nav_obj = OOCategory::getRootCategories($ignore_offlines);
     } else {
         $nav_obj = OOCategory::getChildrenById($category_id, $ignore_offlines);
     $nav_real = array();
     foreach ($nav_obj as $nav) {
         // Filter und Rechte prüfen
         if ($this->_check($nav, $depth)) {
             $nav_real[] = $nav;
     $counter = 0;
     $count = count($nav_real);
     //		$count = 4;
     $return = "";
     if (count($nav_real) > 0) {
         $return .= '<ul class="navi-lev-' . ($depth + 1) . '">';
     foreach ($nav_real as $nav) {
         $liClass = '';
         $linkClass = '';
         if ($counter == 1) {
             $liClass .= ' first';
         if ($counter == $count) {
             $liClass .= ' last';
         // classes abhaengig vom pfad
         if ($nav->getId() == $this->current_category_id) {
             $liClass .= ' current';
             $linkClass .= ' current';
         } elseif (in_array($nav->getId(), $this->path)) {
             $liClass .= ' active';
             $linkClass .= ' active';
         } else {
             $liClass .= ' normal';
         // classes abhaengig vom level
         if (isset($this->classes[$depth])) {
             $liClass .= ' ' . $this->classes[$depth];
         if (isset($this->linkclasses[$depth])) {
             $linkClass .= ' ' . $this->linkclasses[$depth];
         $name = str_replace(' ## ', '<br />', htmlspecialchars($nav->getName()), $str_count);
         if ($str_count >= 1) {
             $linkClass .= ' manbreak';
         $linkClass = $linkClass == '' ? '' : ' class="' . ltrim($linkClass) . '"';
         if (isset($this->wrap_names[$depth]) && $this->wrap_names[$depth] != "") {
             $wrap = explode('|', $this->wrap_names[$depth]);
             $name = $wrap[0] . $name . $wrap[1];
         $link = '<a' . $linkClass . ' href="' . $nav->getUrl() . '">' . $name . '</a>';
         if (isset($this->wrap_links[$depth]) && $this->wrap_links[$depth] != "") {
             $wrap = explode('|', $this->wrap_links[$depth]);
             $link = $wrap[0] . $link . $wrap[1];
         $return .= '<li class="navi-id-' . $nav->getId() . $liClass . '">' . $link;
         if (($this->open || $nav->getId() == $this->current_category_id || in_array($nav->getId(), $this->path)) && ($this->depth > $depth || $this->depth < 0)) {
             $return .= $this->_getNavigation($nav->getId(), $ignore_offlines);
         $return .= '</li>';
     if (count($nav_real) > 0) {
         $return .= '</ul>';
     return $return;
 function getParent()
     return $this->_re_category_id > 0 ? OOCategory::getCategoryById($this->_re_category_id) : null;
 function get()
     $s = '';
     $s_self = '';
     $this->_depth = 0;
     if ($this->root_category === null) {
         $root_nodes = OOCategory::getRootCategories($this->ignore_offlines, $this->clang);
     } else {
         if (is_int($this->root_category) && $this->root_category === 0) {
             $root_nodes = OOArticle::getRootArticles($this->ignore_offlines, $this->clang);
         } else {
             $root_nodes = array();
             $root_category = OOCategory::_getCategoryObject($this->root_category);
             // Rootkategorien selbst nicht anzeigen, nur deren Kind-Elemente
             if (is_array($root_category)) {
                 foreach ($root_category as $root_cat) {
                     $this->_appendChilds($root_cat, $root_nodes);
                     $this->_appendArticles($root_cat, $root_nodes);
             } else {
                 $this->_appendChilds($root_category, $root_nodes);
                 $this->_appendArticles($root_category, $root_nodes);
     if (is_array($root_nodes)) {
         foreach ($root_nodes as $node) {
             $s_self .= $this->_formatNode($node);
         // Parent Tag nur erstellen, wenn auch Childs vorhanden sind
         if ($s_self != '') {
             $s .= '<' . $this->main_tag . $this->main_attr . '>';
             $s .= $s_self;
             $s .= '</' . $this->main_tag . '>';
     return $s;
  else if (isDomIE)
  else if (isDomNN)

var id2treeIndex = new Array()

function initArray()

###################### FILL THE LINKMAP ARRAY #########################################
print "Note(0,-1,'','')\n";
foreach (OOCategory::getRootCategories(true) as $cat) {
    $parent = $cat->getId() * 9999;
    print "Note(" . $parent . ",0,'" . $cat->getName() . "','')\n";
    foreach ($cat->getArticles(false) as $art) {
        print "Note(" . $art->getId() . "," . $parent . ",'" . $art->getName() . "','redaxo://" . $art->getId() . "')\n";
    foreach ($cat->getChildren(true) as $sub1) {
        $parent1 = $sub1->getId() * 9999;
        print "Note(" . $parent1 . "," . $parent . ",'" . $sub1->getName() . "','')\n";
        foreach ($sub1->getArticles(false) as $art) {
            print "Note(" . $art->getId() . "," . $parent1 . ",'" . $art->getName() . "','redaxo://" . $art->getId() . "')\n";
        foreach ($sub1->getChildren(true) as $sub2) {
            $parent2 = $sub2->getId() * 9999;
            print "Note(" . $parent2 . "," . $parent1 . ",'" . $sub2->getName() . "','')\n";
            foreach ($sub2->getArticles(false) as $art) {
Example #18
             echo "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class=grey width=150>" . $I18N->msg("copy_article") . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class=grey>" . $move_a->out() . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class=grey>&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class=grey><input type=submit value='" . $I18N->msg("content_submitcopyarticle") . "' size=8></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>";
             print '</form>';
         // --------------------------------------------------- ARTIKEL KOPIEREN ENDE
         // --------------------------------------------------- KATEGORIE/STARTARTIKEL VERSCHIEBEN START
         if ($article->getValue("startpage") == 1 && ($REX_USER->isValueOf("rights", "admin[]") || $REX_USER->isValueOf("rights", "moveCategory[]"))) {
             print "<form action=index.php method=get>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=hidden name=page value=content>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=hidden name=article_id value='{$article_id}'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=hidden name=mode value='meta'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=hidden name=clang value={$clang}>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=hidden name=ctype value={$ctype}>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<input type=hidden name=function value=movecategory>";
             $move_a = new select();
             $move_a->add_option("---", 0);
             if ($cats = OOCategory::getRootCategories()) {
                 foreach ($cats as $cat) {
                     add_cat_options($move_a, $cat, $cat_ids, "", "&nbsp;&nbsp;");
             echo "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class=grey width=150>" . $I18N->msg("move_category") . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class=grey>" . $move_a->out() . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t  </tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t  <tr>\n\t\t\t\t\t    <td class=grey>&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<td class=grey><input type=submit value='" . $I18N->msg("content_submitmovecategory") . "' size=8></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>";
             print '</form>';
         // ------------------------------------------------ KATEGROIE/STARTARTIKEL VERSCHIEBEN ENDE
         echo "</table>";
     // ------------------------------------------------------------- SONSTIGES ENDE
     // ------------------------------------------ END: META VIEW
 echo "    </td>\n    \t<td class=lgrey>&nbsp;</td>\n        </tr>\n        </table>";
 // ------------------------------------------ END: AUSGABE
 * Erweitert das Meta-Formular um die neuen Meta-Felder
 * @param string   $prefix       Feldprefix
 * @param string   $params       EP Params
 * @param callback $saveCallback Callback, dass die Daten speichert
function _rex_a62_metainfo_form($prefix, $params, $saveCallback)
    // Beim ADD gibts noch kein activeItem
    $activeItem = null;
    if (isset($params['activeItem'])) {
        $activeItem = $params['activeItem'];
    $restrictionsCondition = '';
    if ($prefix == 'art_') {
        if ($params['id'] != '') {
            $s = '';
            $OOArt = OOArticle::getArticleById($params['id'], $params['clang']);
            // Alle Metafelder des Pfades sind erlaubt
            foreach (explode('|', $OOArt->getPath()) as $pathElement) {
                if ($pathElement != '') {
                    $s .= ' OR `p`.`restrictions` LIKE "%|' . $pathElement . '|%"';
            $restrictionsCondition = 'AND (`p`.`restrictions` = ""' . $s . ')';
    } elseif ($prefix == 'cat_') {
        $s = '';
        if ($params['id'] != '') {
            $OOCat = OOCategory::getCategoryById($params['id'], $params['clang']);
            // Alle Metafelder des Pfades sind erlaubt
            foreach (explode('|', $OOCat->getPath()) as $pathElement) {
                if ($pathElement != '') {
                    $s .= ' OR `p`.`restrictions` LIKE "%|' . $pathElement . '|%"';
            // Auch die Kategorie selbst kann Metafelder haben
            $s .= ' OR `p`.`restrictions` LIKE "%|' . $params['id'] . '|%"';
        $restrictionsCondition = 'AND (`p`.`restrictions` = ""' . $s . ')';
    } elseif ($prefix == 'med_') {
        $catId = rex_session('media[rex_file_category]', 'int');
        if ($activeItem) {
            $catId = $activeItem->getValue('category_id');
        if ($catId !== '') {
            $s = '';
            if ($catId != 0) {
                $OOCat = OOMediaCategory::getCategoryById($catId);
                // Alle Metafelder des Pfades sind erlaubt
                foreach (explode('|', $OOCat->getPath()) as $pathElement) {
                    if ($pathElement != '') {
                        $s .= ' OR `p`.`restrictions` LIKE "%|' . $pathElement . '|%"';
            // Auch die Kategorie selbst kann Metafelder haben
            $s .= ' OR `p`.`restrictions` LIKE "%|' . $catId . '|%"';
            $restrictionsCondition = 'AND (`p`.`restrictions` = ""' . $s . ')';
    $sqlFields = _rex_a62_metainfo_sqlfields($prefix, $restrictionsCondition);
    $params = rex_call_func($saveCallback, array($params, $sqlFields), false);
    return rex_a62_metaFields($sqlFields, $activeItem, 'rex_a62_metainfo_form_item', $params);
Example #20
echo '
<!-- *** OUTPUT CATEGORIES - END *** -->
// --------------------------------------------- ARTIKEL LISTE
echo '
<!-- *** OUTPUT ARTICLES - START *** -->';
// --------------------- READ TEMPLATES
if ($category_id > 0 || $category_id == 0 && !$REX['USER']->hasMountpoints()) {
    $template_select = new rex_select();
    $templates = OOCategory::getTemplates($category_id);
    if (count($templates) > 0) {
        foreach ($templates as $t_id => $t_name) {
            $template_select->addOption(rex_translate($t_name, null, false), $t_id);
            $TEMPLATE_NAME[$t_id] = rex_translate($t_name);
    } else {
        $template_select->addOption($I18N->msg('option_no_template'), '0');
        $TEMPLATE_NAME[0] = $I18N->msg('template_default_name');
    // --------------------- ARTIKEL LIST
    $art_add_link = '';
    if ($KATPERM && !$REX['USER']->hasPerm('editContentOnly[]')) {
        $art_add_link = '<a class="rex-i-element rex-i-article-add" href="index.php?page=structure&amp;category_id=' . $category_id . '&amp;function=add_art&amp;clang=' . $clang . '"' . rex_accesskey($I18N->msg('article_add'), $REX['ACKEY']['ADD_2']) . '><span class="rex-i-element-text">' . $I18N->msg('article_add') . '</span></a>';
    $add_head = '';
Example #21
  else if (isDomIE)
  else if (isDomNN)

var id2treeIndex = new Array()

function initArray()

###################### FILL THE LINKMAP ARRAY #########################################
print "Note(0,-1,'','')\n";
foreach (OOCategory::getRootCategories(false) as $cat) {
    $parent = $cat->getId() * 9999;
    $color = $cat->_status != 1 ? "red" : "green";
    print "Note(" . $parent . ",0,'<font color=" . $color . ">" . ereg_replace("\n|\r|\"|'", "", $cat->getName()) . "</font>','')\n";
    foreach ($cat->getArticles(false) as $art) {
        $color = $art->_status != 1 ? "red" : "green";
        print "Note(" . $art->getId() . "," . $parent . ",'<font color=" . $color . ">" . ereg_replace("\n|\r|\"|'", "", $art->getName()) . "</font>','redaxo://" . $art->getId() . "')\n";
    foreach ($cat->getChildren(false) as $sub1) {
        $parent1 = $sub1->getId() * 9999;
        $color = $sub1->_status != 1 ? "red" : "green";
        print "Note(" . $parent1 . "," . $parent . ",'<font color=" . $color . ">" . ereg_replace("\n|\r|\"|'", "", $sub1->getName()) . "</font>','')\n";
        foreach ($sub1->getArticles(false) as $art) {
            $color = $art->_status != 1 ? "red" : "green";
            print "Note(" . $art->getId() . "," . $parent1 . ",'<font color=" . $color . ">" . ereg_replace("\n|\r|\"|'", "", $art->getName()) . "</font>','redaxo://" . $art->getId() . "')\n";
 function rex_category_select($ignore_offlines = false, $clang = false, $check_perms = true, $add_homepage = true)
     $this->ignore_offlines = $ignore_offlines;
     $this->clang = $clang;
     $this->check_perms = $check_perms;
     if ($add_homepage) {
         $this->addOption('Homepage', 0);
     if ($cats = OOCategory::getRootCategories($ignore_offlines, $clang)) {
         foreach ($cats as $cat) {
 * rex_rewriter_generate_pathnames
 * generiert die Pathlist, abhŠngig von Aktion
 * @author markus.staab[at]redaxo[dot]de Markus Staab
 * @package redaxo4.2
function rex_rewriter_generate_pathnames($params)
    global $REX, $REXPATH;
    if (file_exists(FULLNAMES_PATHLIST)) {
        require_once FULLNAMES_PATHLIST;
    if (!isset($REXPATH)) {
        $REXPATH = array();
    if (!isset($params['extension_point'])) {
        $params['extension_point'] = '';
    $where = '';
    switch ($params['extension_point']) {
        // ------- sprachabhängig, einen artikel aktualisieren
        case 'CAT_DELETED':
        case 'ART_DELETED':
        case 'CAT_ADDED':
        case 'CAT_UPDATED':
        case 'ART_ADDED':
        case 'ART_UPDATED':
            $where = '(id=' . $params['id'] . ' AND clang=' . $params['clang'] . ') OR (path LIKE "%|' . $params['id'] . '|%" AND clang=' . $params['clang'] . ')';
            // ------- alles aktualisieren
        // ------- alles aktualisieren
        case 'ALL_GENERATED':
            $where = '1=1';
    if ($where != '') {
        $db = new rex_sql();
        // $db->debugsql=true;
        $db->setQuery('SELECT id,clang,path,startpage FROM ' . $REX['TABLE_PREFIX'] . 'article WHERE ' . $where . ' and revision=0');
        while ($db->hasNext()) {
            $clang = $db->getValue('clang');
            $pathname = '';
            if (count($REX['CLANG']) > 1) {
                $pathname = $REX['CLANG'][$clang] . '/';
            // pfad über kategorien bauen
            $path = trim($db->getValue('path'), '|');
            if ($path != '') {
                $path = explode('|', $path);
                foreach ($path as $p) {
                    $ooc = OOCategory::getCategoryById($p, $clang);
                    $name = $ooc->getName();
                    // speicher freigeben
                    $pathname = rex_rewriter_appendToPath($pathname, $name);
            $ooa = OOArticle::getArticleById($db->getValue('id'), $clang);
            if ($ooa->isStartArticle()) {
                $ooc = $ooa->getCategory();
                $catname = $ooc->getName();
                // speicher freigeben
                $pathname = rex_rewriter_appendToPath($pathname, $catname);
            // eigentlicher artikel anhängen
            $name = $ooa->getName();
            // speicher freigeben
            $pathname = rex_rewriter_appendToPath($pathname, $name);
            $pathname = substr($pathname, 0, strlen($pathname) - 1) . '.html';
            $REXPATH[$db->getValue('id')][$db->getValue('clang')] = $pathname;
    rex_put_file_contents(FULLNAMES_PATHLIST, "<?php\n\$REXPATH = " . var_export($REXPATH, true) . ";\n");
Example #24

<div id="rex-lmp">
  <div class="rex-lmp-cats">
echo $I18N->msg('lmap_categories');
$roots = OOCategory::getRootCategories();
echo rex_linkmap_tree($tree, $category_id, $roots, $GlobalParams);
  <div class="rex-lmp-arts">
echo $I18N->msg('lmap_articles');
$articles = null;
if ($isRoot) {
    $articles = OOArticle::getRootArticles();
} else {
    if ($category) {
Example #25
 protected function _getNavigation($categoryId)
     global $REX;
     static $depth = 0;
     if ($categoryId < 1) {
         $cats = OOCategory::getRootCategories($this->ignoreOfflines);
     } else {
         $cats = OOCategory::getChildrenById($categoryId, $this->ignoreOfflines);
     $return = '';
     $ulIdAttribute = '';
     $ulClassAttribute = '';
     if (count($cats) > 0) {
         if (isset($this->ulId[$depth])) {
             $ulIdAttribute = ' id="' . $this->ulId[$depth] . '"';
         if (isset($this->ulClass[$depth])) {
             $ulClassAttribute = ' class="' . $this->ulClass[$depth] . '"';
         $return .= '<ul' . $ulIdAttribute . $ulClassAttribute . '>';
     foreach ($cats as $cat) {
         if ($this->_checkCallbacks($cat, $depth)) {
             $cssClasses = '';
             $idAttribute = '';
             // default li class
             if ($this->liClass != '') {
                 $cssClasses .= ' ' . $this->liClass;
             // li class
             if (is_array($this->liClassFromCategoryId) && isset($this->liClassFromCategoryId[$cat->getId()])) {
                 $cssClasses .= ' ' . $this->liClassFromCategoryId[$cat->getId()];
             if ($this->liClassFromMetaField != '' && $cat->getValue($this->liClassFromMetaField) != '') {
                 $cssClasses .= ' ' . $cat->getValue($this->liClassFromMetaField);
             // li id
             if (is_array($this->liIdFromCategoryId) && isset($this->liIdFromCategoryId[$cat->getId()])) {
                 $idAttribute = ' id="' . $this->liIdFromCategoryId[$cat->getId()] . '"';
             } elseif ($this->liIdFromMetaField != '' && $cat->getValue($this->liIdFromMetaField) != '') {
                 $idAttribute = ' id="' . $cat->getValue($this->liIdFromMetaField) . '"';
             // selected class
             if ($cat->getId() == $this->current_category_id) {
                 // active menuitem
                 $cssClasses .= ' ' . $this->activeClass;
             } elseif (in_array($cat->getId(), $this->path)) {
                 // current menuitem
                 $cssClasses .= ' ' . $this->selectedClass;
             } else {
                 // do nothing
             $trimmedCssClasses = trim($cssClasses);
             // build class attribute
             if ($trimmedCssClasses != '') {
                 $classAttribute = ' class="' . $trimmedCssClasses . '"';
             } else {
                 $classAttribute = '';
             if ($this->hideWebsiteStartArticle && $cat->getId() == $REX['START_ARTICLE_ID'] || in_array($cat->getId(), $this->hideIds)) {
                 // do nothing
             } else {
                 $urlType = 0;
                 // default
                 $return .= '<li' . $idAttribute . $classAttribute . '>';
                 if ($this->linkFromUserFunc != '') {
                     $defaultLink = call_user_func($this->linkFromUserFunc, $cat, $depth);
                 } else {
                     $defaultLink = '<a href="' . $cat->getUrl() . '">' . htmlspecialchars($cat->getName()) . '</a>';
                 if (!class_exists('seo42')) {
                     // normal behaviour
                     $return .= $defaultLink;
                 } else {
                     // only with seo42 2.0.0+
                     $urlData = seo42::getCustomUrlData($cat);
                     // check if default lang has url clone option (but only if current categoy has no url data set)
                     if (count($REX['CLANG']) > 1 && !isset($urlData['url_type'])) {
                         $defaultLangCat = OOCategory::getCategoryById($cat->getId(), $REX['START_CLANG_ID']);
                         $urlDataDefaultLang = seo42::getCustomUrlData($defaultLangCat);
                         if (isset($urlDataDefaultLang['url_clone']) && $urlDataDefaultLang['url_clone']) {
                             // clone url data from default language to current language
                             $urlData = $urlDataDefaultLang;
                     if (isset($urlData['url_type'])) {
                         switch ($urlData['url_type']) {
                             case 5:
                                 // SEO42_URL_TYPE_NONE
                                 $return .= htmlspecialchars($cat->getName());
                             case 4:
                                 // SEO42_URL_TYPE_LANGSWITCH
                                 $newClangId = $urlData['clang_id'];
                                 $newArticleId = $REX['ARTICLE_ID'];
                                 $catNewLang = OOCategory::getCategoryById($newArticleId, $newClangId);
                                 // if category that should be switched is not online, switch to start article of website
                                 if (OOCategory::isValid($catNewLang) && !$catNewLang->isOnline()) {
                                     $newArticleId = $REX['START_ARTICLE_ID'];
                                 // select li that is current language
                                 if ($REX['CUR_CLANG'] == $newClangId) {
                                     $return = substr($return, 0, strlen($return) - strlen('<li>'));
                                     $return .= '<li class="' . $this->selectedClass . '">';
                                 $return .= '<a href="' . rex_getUrl($newArticleId, $newClangId) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($cat->getName()) . '</a>';
                             case 8:
                                 // SEO42_URL_TYPE_CALL_FUNC
                                 $return .= call_user_func($urlData['func'], $cat);
                                 $return .= $defaultLink;
                     } else {
                         $return .= $defaultLink;
                 if (($this->showAll || $cat->getId() == $this->current_category_id || in_array($cat->getId(), $this->path)) && ($this->levelDepth > $depth || $this->levelDepth < 0)) {
                     $return .= $this->_getNavigation($cat->getId());
                 $return .= '</li>';
     if (count($cats) > 0) {
         $return .= '</ul>';
     return $return;
          <col width="40" />
          <col width="315" />
          <col width="153" />
            <th class="rex-icon">' . $add_category . '</th>
            ' . $add_header . '
            <th>' . $I18N->msg('header_category') . '</th>
            <th>' . $I18N->msg('header_priority') . '</th>
            <th>' . $I18N->msg('header_edit_category') . '</th>
            <th>' . $I18N->msg('header_status') . '</th>
if ($category_id != 0 && ($category = OOCategory::getCategoryById($category_id))) {
    echo '<tr>
          <td colspan="' . $data_colspan . '"><a href="index.php?page=structure&category_id=' . $category->getParentId() . '&clang=' . $clang . '">..</a></td>
// --------------------- KATEGORIE ADD FORM
if ($function == 'add_cat' && $KATPERM && !$REX_USER->hasPerm('editContentOnly[]')) {
    $add_td = '';
    if ($REX_USER->hasPerm('advancedMode[]')) {
        $add_td = '<td class="rex-icon">-</td>';
    $add_buttons = rex_register_extension_point('CAT_FORM_BUTTONS', "");
    $add_buttons .= '<input type="submit" class="rex-fsubmit" name="catadd_function" value="' . $I18N->msg('add_category') . '"' . rex_accesskey($I18N->msg('add_category'), $REX['ACKEY']['SAVE']) . ' />';
    echo '
        <tr class="rex-trow-actv">
 function getCategory()
     return OOCategory::getCategoryById($this->_category_id);
					<div class="breadcrumbs"><?php 
print $breadcrumbs;
			<div class="row" data-match-height>
		<div class="container">
			<div class="row" data-match-height>
foreach (OOCategory::getRootCategories(true) as $lev1) {
    print '<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3">';
    print '<div class="footer-box" data-height-watch><a href="' . $lev1->getUrl() . '">' . $lev1->getName() . '</a></div>';
    print '</div>';
	<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
echo seo42::getMediaFile("bootstrap.min.js");
			function(e) {
 function _getNavigation($category_id, $ignore_offlines = TRUE)
     static $depth = 0;
     if ($category_id < 1) {
         $nav_obj = OOCategory::getRootCategories($ignore_offlines);
     } else {
         $nav_obj = OOCategory::getChildrenById($category_id, $ignore_offlines);
     $return = "";
     if (count($nav_obj) > 0) {
         $return .= '<ul class="rex-navi' . ($depth + 1) . '">';
     foreach ($nav_obj as $nav) {
         $liClass = '';
         $linkClass = '';
         // classes abhaengig vom pfad
         if ($nav->getId() == $this->current_category_id) {
             $liClass .= ' rex-current';
             $linkClass .= ' rex-current';
         } elseif (in_array($nav->getId(), $this->path)) {
             $liClass .= ' rex-active';
             $linkClass .= ' rex-active';
         } else {
             $liClass .= ' rex-normal';
         // classes abhaengig vom level
         if (isset($this->classes[$depth])) {
             $liClass .= ' ' . $this->classes[$depth];
         if (isset($this->linkclasses[$depth])) {
             $linkClass .= ' ' . $this->linkclasses[$depth];
         $linkClass = $linkClass == '' ? '' : ' class="' . ltrim($linkClass) . '"';
         $return .= '<li class="rex-article-' . $nav->getId() . $liClass . '">';
         $return .= '<a' . $linkClass . ' href="' . $nav->getUrl() . '">' . htmlspecialchars($nav->getName()) . '</a>';
         if (($this->open || $nav->getId() == $this->current_category_id || in_array($nav->getId(), $this->path)) && ($this->depth > $depth || $this->depth < 0)) {
             $return .= $this->_getNavigation($nav->getId(), $ignore_offlines);
         $return .= '</li>';
     if (count($nav_obj) > 0) {
         $return .= '</ul>';
     return $return;
Example #30
                $parent1 = $sub1->getId();
                print "Note(" . $parent1 . "," . $parent . ",'" . ereg_replace("\n|\r|\"|'", "", $sub1->getName()) . "','')\n";
                // hat artikel ?!?
                $myart = $sub1->getArticles(false);
                if (sizeof($myart) > 0) {
                    foreach ($myart as $art) {
                        print "Note(" . (100000 + $art->getId()) . "," . $parent1 . ",'" . ereg_replace("\n|\r|\"|'", "", $art->getName()) . "','redaxo://" . $art->getId() . "')\n";
                // ist knoten und hat unterartikel ?
                rex_linkFolder($sub1->getChildren(), $parent1, $faktor + 1);
rex_linkFolder(OOCategory::getRootCategories(false), 0, 100);

  treeTyp[0] = 'f'
  treeIsOn[0] = true
  treeWasOn[0] = true

function preOpen()
  var self_url=location.href
  var rexep = /[&?]id=(\d+(,\d+)*)/
  if (rexep.test(self_url))
    var a_id=RegExp.$1.split(',')